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I Slipped In Sainsbury’s – Can I Claim Compensation?

Sainsbury’s is one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK and is very busy day in, and day out. With the shop being so busy, accidents are naturally more likely to occur. The most common types of accidents that might occur in supermarkets like Sainsbury’s are slip, trip and falls.

It doesn’t matter if you are a member of staff, or member of the public, anyone could potentially slip in Sainsbury’s if the correct health and safety procedures are not put in place or actively being followed.

Sainsbury’s have a legal duty of care to anyone visiting or working on their premises, including outside areas such as the car parks, to provide a safe environment and take all necessary precautions in order to prevent an accident in a supermarket.

If you have slipped on water in Sainsbury’s, or simply had a fall in Sainsbury’s, no matter what the accident, if it was due to negligence then you may entitled to make a Sainsbury’s compensation claim. Due to the complexity of the UK legal system and the process of making a claim, it is advisable to seek legal advice in order to give yourself the best possible chance of your claim being successful. Legal Expert cna provide you with one of our team of specialist personal injury solicitors who have a great deal of experience in supermarket injury claims, and can help you to get the compensation you deserve.

Please read through our guide to give you a better understanding of what making Sainsbury’s slip, trip, fall claims involves.

Sainsburys slip, trip and fall


A guide to slip, trip and fall on water in Sainsbury’s accident claims

As mentioned, anyone, whether it is a member of staff, a store visitor or a customer, can potentially be at risk of slipping over in Sainsbury’s if they are negligent in their duty of care to provide a safe working and shopping environment.

Slip, trip and fall accidents may happen due to a number of different reasons, and cost the UK economy per year, millions of pounds. In fact, they cost employers in the UK £500 million every year!

The chart below shows that slip, trip and fall accidents are the most common accident causing injury. This chart is not statistics from Sainsbury’s.


If you wish to make a shopping slip trip fall claim, or an accident at work claim, do not hesitate to contact us at Legal Expert for help and advice.

What are the most common causes of slip, trip and fall accidents in Sainsbury’s?

There are a number of different reasons as to how someone may slip, trip or fall over in Sainsbury’s, although the most common in supermarkets is slipping over due to water or some sort of spillage being on the floor. However, although a lot of the accidents can be due to negligence of the store, in some cases it isn’t. For example, if you put something down, such as a basket, and then trip over it, the store could not be held liable as it was down to your own doing, but if you were to slip over due to a wet floor (without appropriate warning signs in place), or a spillage that hasn’t been cleared quickly enough, then it’s quite possible that the store could be held accountable and you could claim for compensation for a slip accident in a Sainsburys, providing you could prove they were at fault.

The most common causes of a slip, trip or fall accident in supermarkets like Sainsbury’s are:

  • Wet floors
  • Spillages of liquid, or food either in the shopping aisles or in-store café, on the floor that hasn’t been cleared or signposted with warning signs.
  • Obstructions in the walkways.
  • Uneven flooring or floor surfaces.
  • Poorly installed flooring materials.
  • Lift or escalator accidents.

Any of the above could happen to a member of staff, or a visitor or customer in the Sainsbury’s store. Regardless of whether you are an employee or customer, you have the right to make Sainsbury’s accident claims for an injury caused by accidents in Sainsbury’s that wasn’t your fault.

Common injuries leading to slip, trip and fall Sainsbury’s compensation claims

Many different injuries could occur due to having a slip, trip or fall accident in Sainsbury’s. The most common injuries sustained in slip, trip and fall accident claims are:

  • Minor to severe bruising
  • Cuts and grazes
  • Fractured or broken bones
  • Sprains and strains
  • Concussion

For an elderly person, any of the above injuries could have a more severe impact on their physical and psychological health and the recovery time could be a lot longer than a younger, fitter person.

Liability for slipped on water in Sainsbury’s compensation claims

Just the same as any other supermarkets, shops or public places, in accordance with the Occupiers Liabilty Act 1957 and the Health and Safety at Work ect Act 1974 legislation, Sainsbury’s has a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment by having adequate health and safety practices actively in place to prevent any of their staff, or visitors to their store or premises, from having an accident causing them to be injured.

The majority of slip and fall accidents in supermarkets are due to water or food and drink spillages on the floor. Although health and safety policies in Sainsbury’s will instruct that they are cleared up immediately, it needs to be taken into consideration that staff do need a reasonable amount of time to firstly identify and then rectify the problem. In order to make a successful compensation claim against Sainsbury’s, you need to be able to prove that they were at fault which resulted in you becoming injured, for example, if you had slipped in Sainsbury’s on some spilt liquid, you would need to show that the staff had more than enough time to have either cleared it or signposted it with warning signs to avoid the area until they could clean it, but hadn’t due to negligence.

Proving liability can be tricky, but can most certainly be helped by taking a few simple steps such as:

  • Recording your accident in the Sainsbury’s accident report book.
  • Taking photos of the accident scene
  • Get witness’s contact details if possible

By gathering as much information and evidence as possible will certainly help in proving your case and giving you a better chance of success.

How much compensation can I claim if I slipped on water in Sainsbury’s?

Unfortunately, we cannot give an exact figure as there are many different variables which will have an effect on the overall compensation amount awarded. Every case is different and there are more things to consider than just the severity of an injury when making a claim such as the financial impact it may have had due to loss of earnings or medical and travel expenses. The award will also depend on the expected recovery time and treatment being received and any psychological damage that may be present such as loss of confidence or in severe cases, PTSD compensation (post-traumatic stress disorder) if the accident was very severe.

However, we have put together a compensation table that simply shows you average previous award amounts given in relation to particular injuries.

Reason for Compensation Average Amount Awarded Comments
Neck Injuries – Minor -Severe £1,950 – £118,240 Injuries could range from slight muscular strains and soft tissue damage, to permanent muscular damage and possible fractured or broken bones causing loss of function and possibly paralysis.
Back Injuries – Minor – Severe £1,950 – £128,320 From minor disk and soft tissue damage, to severe damage limiting movement or causing possible paralysis with ongoing chronic pain.
Leg Injury – Minor -Severe £7,270 – £108,370 Simple breaks or fractures with full recovery given time, to severe injuries resulting in one or both legs being amputated.
Knee Injury – Minor – Severe £10,960 – £76,690 Slight bruising and minor sprains on the knee, to permanent loss of use of one or both knees.
Shoulder Injury – Minor – Severe £1,950 – £38,280 Slight soft tissue damage with temporary pain, to damage to the brachial plexus and / or fractures or full breaks that result in on going pain and a permanent disability.
Head Injury – Minor – Severe £1,760 – £322,060 Slight temporary damage to the brain such as concussion, to sever brain damage leaving the victim in a non- responsive and vegetative state.

Please contact Legal Expert if you require more help and guidance with this matter.

How to make a No Win No Fee Sainsbury’s compensation claim for slips on water

All of the personal injury claim solicitors at Legal Expert offer a No Win No Fee service, otherwise known as a Conditional Fee Agreement. Basically, an agreement is drawn up between the solicitor and yourself and details the service we will provide and our fees and expenses that we require payment for should we win your case. It will quite clearly show that if we are not successful and do not win your claim, then you aren’t required to pay us anything. However, if we are successful in claiming your Sainsbury’s compensation, the agreement shows how our payment is collected. We simply take a small percentage from your award amount. We are legally only allowed to take a maximum of 25% and this will be included as an expense in your claim.

With Legal Expert’s No Win No Fee, there are no upfront or hidden costs and no financial gamble for our clients.

How to make a fall in Sainsbury’s compensation claim

If you have slipped in Sainsbury’s and sustained an injury as a result and believe that you are entitled to make a Sainsbury’s accident claim, then contact us at Legal Expert to start you compensation claim today.

When we receive your call, you will be offered a free consultancy session with one of our specialist personal injury claim solicitors where you can ask any questions you may have regarding the claiming process, and we can gather as much information from you as we can to ensure you have a valid claim. Once we are certain your claim is valid, with your permission, we will then begin making your claim on your behalf.

In order to make a start on your claim today, contact us on Freephone 0800 073 8804 to have a chat with one of our personal injury claim solicitors. Alternatively, you can contact us here.

Useful Links

NHS – Falls from slips

NHS guide on how a fall may take place and how to prevent it from happening.

Health & Safety Executive

Advice, guidance and tips on slips and trips in the retail sector.

Wet Floor Accident Compensation Claims
Find out if you can I claim compensation? Find out with our guide to wet floor accident claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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