Lidl Accident Compensation Claim Specialists

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  • Specialist solicitors with up to 30 years experience
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How Much Compensation Can i Claim For A Lidl Accident?

It seems strange to think that there are risks to doing your supermarket shopping, but if you regularly frequent one of the top 10 supermarkets in the country, Lidl, or work there, you could be at risk of ending up with injuries, if someone has been negligent in their duties, or perhaps driven unsafely in the car park. If you have sustained injuries because of someone else’s fault, then you may be entitled to claim for compensation.

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A guide to Lidl injury claims



Lidl, once operating solely in Germany, has become, over recent years a big name in UK supermarkets. The chain, operating in a similar way to Aldi, offering groceries and other discounted goods, is becoming more popular across the country as the need for budget-friendly quality food increases. With wide aisles and plenty of light, the premises at Lidl tend to be quite attractive to shoppers, but if you are injured in an accident that could have been prevented in the store or on its premises, then it is likely that this may turn what could have been a pleasant shopping trip into a nightmare. If this has happened to you, either inside the store or in the car park, you could have a valid claim for compensation.

Our guide takes you through the common questions we are asked about Lidl compensation claims, Lidl accidents at work and shows you how to go about making a claim as well as including a compensation calculator table to illustrate the possible compensation figure you could be awarded – this is not solely an accident at work claim calculator, or one that only offers figures for slips, trips or falls. It is based on the injuries suffered. We also give you the Lidl accident claims number for our Lidl Accident helpline.

What is an accident at Lidl?

Simply put, an accident at Lidl is something that has occurred there that was not planned. Lidl claims can take many forms, from a trip over your own feet to a falling piece of stock from a high shelf. The difference between these two examples, however, is who is at fault for the accident, and this is where liability comes into play. If someone else is liable, for example not having ensured the shelves are stacked correctly, resulting in stock falling on you, then you may have a claim for compensation. If, however, you have simply tripped over your own feet, then it is likely you will not have a claim, as no one is really at fault.

It can be difficult for people to understand liability, which is why we are happy to provide anyone who has suffered an accident in Lidl, free advice on whether they could have a valid claim.

What to do if you are involved in an accident at Lidl causing injury

There are many things that may help you if you have been injured in Lidl due to an accident. Our step by step guide lists the things you should consider, whether or not you are considering making a claim for Lidl compensation.

  1. Seeking medical advice – Whatever type of injury you have suffered, it is important to get medical advice. If your injuries are left untreated they could become worse. Therefore, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is important. Your medical professional, be it a nurse or doctor, will be required to take notes about your injuries, which may prove useful should you pursue a claim later on.
  2. Writing down witness contact details – If someone has witnessed your accident, or even been involved in it, such as another driver in the car park, then take their details down for future reference. Vehicle details, personal contact details and any company details should there be a commercial vehicle involved should suffice.
  3. Write down what has happened – Memories can get foggy over time so writing down the events straight away will allow you to remember everything that has happened later down the line. You may have already filled in the Lidl accident book, but you should write notes for your own record too.
  4. Calling someone for free advice – Calling us to explain what has happened to you would be a wise things to do. We can help to provide information on who may be at fault for the accident that has caused your injuries, and we can also give you some no-obligation advice on how to proceed with a claim should you wish to.

How to begin a Lidl accident injury claim

Beginning Lidl accident claims is simple. Once you have put in a call to our team, we will take you through a quick assessment of what has happened to you, asking pertinent questions to draw out the facts surrounding your Lidl accident compensation claims case. Upon assessment, we will then tell you if we think someone else may be liable and if we are willing to take your case on as part of a No Win No Fee service. This means you will not be having to pay any money out upfront, or even at all should your claim not be successful. Once you have reviewed and agreed with the No Win No Fee terms and conditions, all of which will have been clearly explained to you, we can arrange a local medical assessment for you in order to procure a professional report/opinion on your injuries. We will match you up with one of our fantastic in house solicitors who will then take your case on and fight as hard as they can to secure you as much compensation as possible for your injuries.

I had an accident whilst shopping at Lidl can I claim compensation?

Depending on who is liable, or at fault for your accident while shopping at Lidl, you could make a claim for compensation. Here, we offer a few examples of what constitutes an injury that could lead to a claim and what would probably not.

  • Items falling off shelves causing injury – Possible claim
  • Trip on your own shoelaces instore causing injury – Probably no claim
  • Trip in pothole in car park – Possible claim
  • Manual handling injury as an employee. – Possible claim
  • Backed out into another car whilst trying to reverse quickly. – Probably no claim

If you are unsure as to whether your accident warrants further investigation, with a view to pursuing a claim, why not call us –we will answer your query honestly and provide helpful advice.

Lidl accident at work claims

Being injured at work can be awful. However the accident happened, if the injuries are bad enough to keep you off work it can be a struggle to make ends meet, especially if you are on reduced wages due to statutory sick pay. The worst part is wondering whether you can bring yourself to make a claim against your employer, if they may be liable for your injuries. After all, you may be hoping to return to work after your injuries have healed, and you do not want to make things awkward.

Luckily, we can help. Having dealt with lots of accidents at work compensation examples just like yours, we are in the best position to advise you on making a claim against your employer. It is essential that you understand that even if you do decide to pursue a claim and it is successful, your employer is legally not allowed to treat you differently because of it. It is also important to know that they have insurance in place to pay for your compensation, so you, or any other employee will not be likely to lose their job because of Lidl compensation payouts.

If you are in the position of having been injured at work, do I get paid is the obvious question. Even if you have been put on sick pay with your employer, if they are found to be at fault, then your loss of income will likely be compensated for in your award. If you would like to know more about accident at work compensation case studies we have dealt with, or need further reassurance surrounding accident at work no win no fee claims, we would be happy to talk it over with you.

Lidl slip, trip or fall claims

A slip in Lidl can cause injuries ranging from minor sprains to broken bones, and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Depending on the park of the body that is injured, when you have slipped in Lidl, compensation can also take into account loss of mobility, in either the short or the long term. Similarly, a fall in Lidl can also cause extensive injury, particularly if you have fallen from height. Depending on the reason for your slip, trip or fall claims in Lidl, whether you have slipped on water in Lidl, or tripped on a pothole outside we may be able to help you claim compensation for the pain and suffering you have experienced, as well as any financial loss you have incurred as a result.

I had a car accident in a Lidl car park – can I claim?

Car accidents in Lidl car parks can take many forms. From the minor bump in a car park pothole causing minor neck pain, to a full head on collision with another car or worse, being run over by a vehicle in the car park, injuries can be many and varied. Whether another driver is at fault for your car park accident or the supermarket itself for not providing adequate lighting or markings, you may be able to submit a compensation claim that will not only cover any medical treatment you need as a result, but also any lost income and pain and suffering you have been subjected to because of your accident. We have dealt with many car park injury claims, and won thousands of cases for previous clients. To benefit from our experience, simply give our team a call.

What can be claimed for after an accident in Lidl causing injury?

In general, your claim should cover the following parts. Not every part will apply to you, but these are the most common types of awards that are given.

  • Damages in general – This is the compensation award you could receive based on the nature of your injuries, their seriousness, your prognosis and your pain and suffering.
  • Medical costs – This is to cover any out of pocket medical costs such as physio bills, prescription costs and the like.
  • Travel costs – Travel to medical appointments and appointments as part of your claim can be compensated here.
  • Care costs – If a person has had to help you around your home after an accident, they could claim care costs.
  • Income losses – Both actual income and expected lost income can be covered by a compensation award.

If you are unsure as to whether your costs could be compensated for, or would like to know how to evidence costs incurred, we can help. Simply call our team and we will answer your queries knowledgeably and honestly.

The most common types of accident that can happen at Lidl

Accidents common at Lidl include those that occur both in the store and outside of it. We list some of the most common here, but if your accident is not covered, then this does not mean you cannot claim.

  • Back injury at work claim from a manual handling incident
  • Shelf injury causing cuts
  • Trip injury over spilled produce
  • Slip injury on wet floor
  • Goods falling from shelves
  • Car park pothole injury
  • Food poisoning from produce
  • Automatic door injury
  • Car park accident – vehicle to pedestrian
  • Car park accident – vehicle to vehicle

Whether your injury is one of the most common or not, calling us can put you in the picture as to whether you could pursue a claim.

How much compensation will I get after an accident at Lidl causing injury?

It would be unfair of us to guarantee you a certain amount of money for your compensation after hearing only a few brief details of your injuries. Therefore, we can only generalise, as two injuries are rarely identical, and neither are two accidents. With this in mind, we provide below a table of common awards for specific injuries, which we feel serves as a compensation payout example.

It is important for you to understand that if your injury is not listed here, it does not mean you cannot claim for it. For us to list every possible injury that could happen in a supermarket would make this a table much too complex to place here. Instead, if you do not see your injury and want to know if you can make a claim, simply call us and we will check and advise.

Compensation Reason Typical Award Amount Explanation
Anticipated loss of your earnings £10,000 – £400,000 Your salary and potential salary will be considered when calculating this sum.
Loss of income (actual) £5,000 – £500,000 Based on your actual loss of income due to your injuries.
Suffering and Pain £1,000 – £200,000 The level of suffering and the level of pain you have had to endure will be assessed and an amount awarded based on how much you are deemed to have suffered.
Nasal complex or nose fractures £1,300 – £17,575 Simple fractures are usually at the lower end of the scale, with those that are more complex with long lasting issues remaining at the top end.
Cheekbone fracture £1,775 – £12,000 Higher amounts are for complex fractures that might cause permanent damage with simple ones at the bottom end.
Jaw fracture £4,900 – £34,600 Lower awards for simple fractures with good recovery prospects. Complex and permanent damage is at the top end.
Knee injury – Minor £4,750 – £19,600 Claimants will be expected to make a good recovery – level of pain, medication required and loss of mobility will be assessed when this is awarded.
Knee injury – Moderate £22,250 – £33,200 Damage and pain assessed to be more than minor, with some long term loss of mobility.
Knee injury – Severe £39,700 – £72,970 Permanent effect on mobility and long term pain and damage.
Wrist injury £2,550 – £44,500 Higher end is for total loss of mobility and function, whereas the lower end will have a good chance of full recovery.
Elbow injury £3,100 – £42,250 Permanent disability lies at the top end, with an injury that has the possibility for a full recovery at the lower end.
Shoulder injury £350 – £30,750 Arms may be left numb of with some loss of mobility at the higher end. Lower end cases are where there is much less restriction of movement.
Minor injuries £1,050 – £1,860 Recovery in no more than three months
Minor injuries £525 – £1,050 Recovery in no more than 28 days.
Minor injuries A Few hundred pounds – £525 Recovery in no more than 7 days.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims

No Win No Fee is a term you have likely heard about, but not many people really understand how much it benefits those people who have been made worse off by way of an accident that was not their fault. When you suffer injuries, it is likely that you will have to take some time off work to recover. When you do this, often you will be on reduced pay, especially if your injuries are severe enough to keep you off for any length of time.

We do not believe that pursuing a claim that is meant to compensate you for loss of income should put you in a worse position financially. Our No Win No Fee service means you do not have to pay out of pocket to begin your claim, nor will you pay if your claim is not successful. Our No Win No Fee claims service starts with an agreement between you and us that we will explain fully to you so you know exactly what it is that happens with regards to legal fees. For more information on this, or any part of our service, do feel free to call us and we will be happy to explain.

Why choose us as your claims service for a personal injury claim?

It is not for us to say that we are the best claims service around, but many of our previous clients do say this, and we are proud to gain a lot of our business from word of mouth recommendations. We feel this is because we always put our clients first. You will never be just a number, or a client, or an injury to us – we will, and do put you first every step of the way. We know a swift resolution to your claim is what you need, especially at a time when other parts of your life are made more difficult, and our experienced solicitors are well versed in fighting for the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries sustained as the result of an accident that was not your fault. We have experience in every aspect of personal injury law, whether you have been injured at work, whilst in a supermarket car park, and whether the fault is of another driver, another shopper or the supermarket themselves. We have helped thousands of people just like you secure compensation that will help ease the financial pain of an accident, and we would like to do the same for you.

Call for free advice and to start a claim

Whether it is free advice you’re looking for or you want to begin a claim, a simple phone call is all it takes. Simply dial 0800 073 8804 and you will connect with one of our friendly and experienced team, who will listen to your story and advise you on the best course of action. Whether it is information on a Lidl accident at work claim time limit, assessment of who may be liable for your injuries, or to begin the claims process, we will be happy to answer questions, provide honest advice and not put you under any pressure to go ahead with a claim should you not be ready to.

If you have suffered injuries in Lidl because of an accident that was not your fault, we are simply here to help.

Helpful links

HSE retailers guide

A guide for retailers from HSE, detailing the responsibilities they have to clients and employees and providing advice on acting responsibly

NHS health conditions and treatments

The NHS hub provides advice and guidance on many different types of injury. You should be able to find your injury here.

Keeping supermarket floors safe

Supermarket floors cause many accidents, and HSE have provided advice on how to counteract this problem here.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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