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Could I Claim For A Broken Ankle At Work?

By Jade Smith. Last Updated 12th June 2024. A broken ankle can be very painful and debilitating. They can stop you from doing your everyday tasks, such as driving and working. You could also potentially suffer permanent damage. So, if you have sustained a broken ankle at work, this guide is for you.

First, we tell you what eligibility criteria you will need to meet in order to pursue a claim for broken ankle at work compensation. We also look at examples of how a broken ankle could be sustained at work due to your employer being negligent. We then tell you how you can prove that your employer is liable for your workplace injury.

Furthermore, we look at how compensation is calculated for accident at work claims and how our expert solicitors can help make the claims process as easy for you as possible.

For a chance to be appointed a No Win No Fee solicitor for your potential broken ankle at work claim, please get in touch with us. We can give you a free evaluation of your case at a time that suits you. Here are our contact options:

An ankle wrapped in plaster and bandages

Browse Our Guide

  1. Can I Claim For A Broken Ankle At Work?
  2. What Could Cause A Broken Ankle At Work?
  3. What Evidence Could Help You Bring A Successful Claim?
  4. What Is The Average Compensation For A Broken Ankle At Work?
  5. What Are The Advantages Of Claiming With No Win No Fee Solicitors?
  6. Read More About Claiming For An Injury At Work

Can I Claim For A Broken Ankle At Work?

All employers have a responsibility, as legislated in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, to adhere to their duty of care, which they owe to all of their employees. Their duty of care requires taking reasonable steps to ensure safety at work. 

Reasonable steps that employers are expected to take include:

  • Carrying out regular risk assessments and maintenance checks on the workplace’s facilities, equipment, and environment. 
  • Giving employees the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and adequate training they need in order to do their job properly and safely.
  • Implementing health and safety procedures. 

An employer may be found liable for any workplace injuries if they did not carry out the above reasonable steps.

To be eligible to make a personal injury claim following a fractured ankle at work, you would need to meet these criteria:

  1. That you were owed a duty of care from your employer. 
  2. Your employer did not adhere to their duty of care. 
  3. This breach of duty of care caused you to be injured at work. 

We can assess your circumstances for free to confirm your claim eligibility, so contact us today. We tell you what evidence you need to prove the eligibility criteria further down this guide.

How Much Time Do I Have To Claim?

As legislated in the Limitation Act 1980, there is a 3-year time limit to initiate an accident at work claim. When do these 3 years begin? From the date, you were injured at work.

There are only a few exceptions to this limitation period. To find out more about what these are, just ask us. 

What Could Cause A Broken Ankle At Work?

Here are some examples of how you could suffer a broken ankle at work because your employer breached their duty of care:

  • They provide you with no manual handling training. You are a supermarket employee who is asked to lift a heavy box of stock. Since you have received no training, you do not know how to lift the box safely, leading to you dropping the box on your leg, and causing a fractured ankle. 
  • Your employer is aware that there are exposed cables on the floor of your office but makes no effort to reduce the hazard or at least provide warning signs to warn employees. As a result, you trip and fall over the wires landing on your ankle.
  • You are not given any steel-toe boots by your employer while working on a construction site. When there is falling debris, your ankle becomes broken from the impact that you otherwise would have been protected from. 

Give us a call and tell us how your broken ankle at work happened. We will be able to tell you whether your employer has at least some partial liability, therefore making you eligible to make an accident at work claim. The next section discusses how to prove your claim.

What Evidence Could Help You Bring A Successful Claim?

These types of evidence can help you bring a successful accident at work claim:

  • CCTV footage of the accident. 
  • Photographs of the immediate scene of the accident, the cause of the accident, or the injury.
  • The report log of the accident.
  • A diary with recordings of your well-being, treatment, and symptoms. 
  • Any report copies from the medical care you have received because of your injury. For example, a copy of an X-ray scan that shows where your ankle is broken.
  • If there were any witnesses to your accident (presumably any co-workers), collect their contact details.

Wondering how our No Win No Fee solicitors can help you? If you are appointed one, they will assist you in collecting the evidence you need. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today for support.

What Is The Average Compensation For A Broken Ankle At Work?

If you have a successful accident at work claim for a broken ankle, how much compensation you will receive will depend on the extent of your injury’s impacts. These impacts are categorised under general and special damages.

Successful claimants always receive a general damages payout for the physical and psychological impacts. Such impacts are:

  • The length of your recovery. 
  • Quality of life changes.
  • Your physical pain’s severity.

When your general damages value is being decided, your independent medical report will be looked at along with the guidelines from the Judicial College (JCG). The JCG provides different guideline compensation brackets for a multitude of injuries. 

Injuries Table

There is no set average compensation for a broken ankle at work. However, the table below provides some guideline figure brackets depending on the severity of the fracture. 

InjurySeverityCompensation bracket
Multiple injuries that are severe plus financial losses. SeriousUp to £150,000+
AnkleVery severe (a)£61,090 to £85,070
Severe (b)£38,210 to £61,090
Moderate (c)£16,770 to £32,450
Modest (d)Up to £16,770
Achilles tendonMost serious (a)In the region of £46,900
Serious (b)£30,500 to £36,720
Moderate (c)£15,370 to £25,710
Minor (d)£8,870 to £15,370

Get Compensation For Lost Income And Related Expenses

Successful claimants sometimes receive a special damages payout, which reimburses the financial impacts following the injury. Such losses are:

Evidence in the form of invoices, payslips, receipts, and bank statements must be given to prove what finances you have lost due to your injury. Otherwise, you may not be able to claim special damages. 

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the potential compensation you could receive for suffering a broken ankle at work. 

What Are The Advantages Of Claiming With No Win No Fee Solicitors?

Making a broken ankle at work claim may seem complex and stressful. However, if you decide to work with a personal injury solicitor on your case, they can take on all the work needed for the claims process. Solicitors have spent years in education and training and have built up experience through their years of handling cases, so can ensure that your case can reach its maximum potential. 

All of our solicitors work on a No Win No basis for all accident at work claims they take on. They do this with a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) in place. A CFA acts as a No Win No Fee agreement and means that: 

  • When you instruct the solicitor to work on your case there are no upfront fees needed.
  • While the solicitor is working on your case, you do not need to pay any fees.
  • When a claim is not successful under a CFA, you do not need to pay for the work the solicitor has done on your case.

If your accident at work claim is successful you will be awarded personal injury compensation. The solicitor can take a percentage from this compensation as their success fee. What is important to note is that under The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, the percentage that the solicitor can take is legally capped. This means you always get to keep the majority of the settlement.

a solicitor discussing with their client a broken ankle at work claim.

Talk To Our Team

If you have suffered a broken ankle at work, starting a workplace injury claim can seem scary and daunting. This is why we offer our services to help you as much as we can. Our solicitors can use their years of experience to assist you throughout the whole claims process. So, to see whether you are able to receive this help, please get in touch with us.

Here are our contact options:

Read More About Claiming For An Injury At Work

Thank you for reading our accident at work claims guide on how to claim compensation if you have sustained a broken ankle at work. By browsing the resources below, you can find similar information that has been offered in this guide:

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We hope this guide has helped you today. Please don’t forget that our contact methods are free to use and are live 24/7.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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