Claiming For Injuries When Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work

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How To Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work

In this guide, we discuss when you may be able to make an accident at work claim if you have been hit by heavy boxes at work. Your employer owes you a duty of care with regard to your health, safety and well-being. If they breach this duty, leading to a workplace accident in which you suffer harm, you might be able to seek compensation provided you meet the eligibility criteria. We discuss this criteria, as well as the duty of care your employer owes you, in more detail throughout our guide.

hit by heavy boxes at work

How To Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work

Additionally, we provide examples of how an accident involving heavy boxes could occur in the workplace and the subsequent injuries that could be sustained. 

Injuries suffered in an accident at work can vary in severity and type. They can impact your life in different ways, including physically, psychologically, and/or financially. If you are eligible to make a claim and succeed, you could receive a personal injury compensation payout which aims to address the different ways you have been affected by your injuries. Later in our guide, we discuss how settlements are calculated and what they could include.

Furthermore, we explain the evidence you could gather to support your case and how our No Win No Fee solicitors can help you.

If you have any other questions, please contact an advisor for free advice. They are available 24/7 and can offer further guidance on accident at work claims. You can get in touch using the contact details provided below:

Jump To A Section

  1. How To Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work
  2. How Could You Be Injured If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work?
  3. Evidence For Proving Employer Liability
  4. What Could You Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work?
  5. Begin A No Win No Fee Claim For An Accident At Work
  6. Learn More About Claims For Workplace Accidents

How To Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work

It is an employer’s duty of care to take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure their employees’ safety within the workplace, as set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.  Examples of the steps they could take to uphold their duty include:

  • Regularly conduct maintenance checks on all equipment and facilities and implement any measures to reduce the risk of injury posed by any known hazards.
  • Provide any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) necessary to reduce the risk of injury, where this cannot be removed. 
  • Provide adequate training so workplace tasks are carried out safely. This can include manual handling training, such as how to correctly move and store heavy stock.

If your employer didn’t uphold this duty of care, and you experienced an injury as a result, you might wonder whether it’s possible for you to seek compensation. However, in order to begin a personal injury claim after you were hit by heavy boxes at work, you need to prove the following:

  1. A duty of care was owed to you while you were working. 
  2. Your employer breached this duty of care. 
  3. You suffered harm as a result of this breach.

For more information on the eligibility criteria for accident at work claims, please contact an advisor on the number above. They can assess your case for free and determine whether you’re eligible to pursue compensation for your injuries.

How Could You Be Injured If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work?

Below, we have provided examples of how you could be hit by heavy boxes at work and the injuries you could suffer as a result:

  • No risk assessments: You work in a retail shop and are asked to lift heavy boxes of stock up to the stockroom. However, your employer has failed to fix the loose carpet that is on the stairs despite being aware of the trip hazard. Consequently, you trip over the carpet, the boxes fall onto you, and you fall down the stairs causing you to sustain a spinal cord injury.
  • Poor maintenance: An employee in a warehouse has been asked to use a faulty forklift truck to move some heavy boxes. The forks on the truck turn out to be defective. Therefore, as your colleague is lifting the objects, the objects fall suddenly. They land on you, leading to you suffering from a broken leg and crush injuries to the chest.
  • Inadequate training: You are given no manual handling training as a supermarket employee. As a result, you use the wrong lifting techniques when moving stock and sustain a moderate back injury.

To discuss your specific circumstances, please contact an advisor. They can assess your particular case and help you understand whether you’re eligible to seek accident at work compensation.

Evidence For Proving Employer Liability

In order to prove an accident at work claim, you must gather evidence to show your employer failed to uphold their duty of care, and you sustained an injury as a result. As such, you could benefit from collecting the following:

  • CCTV footage that shows the accident happening.
  • A copy of your accident report from the workplace accident book.
  • A personal diary where you have noted the physical and psychological impact of your injuries.
  • Copies of your medical records. For example, a copy of an X-ray that shows a broken bone, or doctor notes detailing the treatment you have received. 
  • Contact information from possible witnesses to your accident. 

Since evidence is important in helping to strengthen a personal injury claim, you might find it beneficial to instruct a solicitor to assist you. Our experienced solicitors can help you build your case and ensure it is submitted within the relevant time limit. If you get in touch with an advisor, they may connect you with one of our solicitors if they find you have a valid claim. 

What Could You Claim If Hit By Heavy Boxes At Work?

If you make a successful personal injury claim after being hit by heavy boxes at work, you could receive a payout consisting of up of two heads of loss. The primary head of loss – general damages – compensates for the physical and psychological pain and suffering you have experienced due to your injuries.

General damages can be calculated using findings from an independent medical assessment which can be arranged for you as part of the claims process. It will give an in-depth insight into the way your injuries will affect you in the future.  This report can be used alongside the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG sets out a list of guideline compensation brackets for varying types of injuries. 

Injuries Table

A selection of figures from the JCG have been included in the table below. Please only use these as a guide, however, as each payout will vary depending on the unique circumstances of each claim.

Injury Severity Award Brackets – Guideline Notes
Brain Moderately Severe £219,070 to £282,010 A very serious disability causing the need for constant or professional care.
Moderate £150,110 to £219,070 Senses and personality are affected and there is an intellectual deficit of a moderate to severe nature.
Back Severe (i) £91,090 to £160,980 Severe injury involving nerve root and spinal cord damage, leading to severe disability and pain.
Severe (iii) £38,780 to £69,730 Injuries to the soft tissues causing chronic conditions, such as severe pain and discomfort, that remain despite treatment.
Leg Severe (ii) £96,250 to £135,920 Very serious injuries that lead to permanent issues with mobility.
Less Serious (i) £17,960 to £27,760 Incomplete recovery from fractures or serious damage to soft tissues.
Neck Severe (ii) £65,740 to £130,930 Disabilities of a considerable severity from damage to discs in the cervical spine.
Moderate (ii) £13,740 to £24,990 The acceleration and/or exacerbation of a pre-existing condition, usually over a period of 5 years.
Chest Continuing Disability £31,310 to £54,830 Chest and lung damage resulting in ongoing disability.
Foot Serious £24,990 to £39,200 Injuries leading to continuing pain as a result of traumatic arthritis.

Examples Of Other Forms Of Compensation

The secondary head of loss – special damages – compensates for the expenses you have incurred due to your injuries. For example:

  • Loss of earnings. For example, if you have had to take time off work due to your injuries, and you lose income, you could seek reimbursement of this loss under special damages.
  • Medical costs, such as fees for prescriptions.
  • Travel costs, such as taxis to and from medical appointments. 

You must provide evidence of any financial losses, such as payslips, invoices, bank statements, and receipts. 

For further guidance on accident at work compensation payouts, including how they are calculated and what they could include to address the effects of your injuries, please call an advisor on the number above.

Begin A No Win No Fee Claim For An Accident At Work

If you have been hit by heavy boxes at work, and are eligible to begin a personal injury claim, you might wish to seek legal representation. If so, you could benefit from working with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors who could offer their helpful services under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This typically means you do not have to pay any fees for the solicitor’s work before or during your case. Additionally, you do not have to pay any fees for their work if your claim is unsuccessful. 

If your claim is successful, your solicitor can take a success fee from your compensation. The maximum percentage they can take is capped by law to ensure you get the majority of the compensation you’re awarded. 

Contact Us

If you would like further guidance on seeking compensation after being hit by heavy boxes at work with a solicitor offering No Win No Fee terms, please contact an advisor. After assessing your initial case, and finding you have valid grounds to proceed, they can connect you with one of our expert accident at work solicitors to represent you and begin working on your case. 

For more information, you can: 

  • Call on 0800 073 8804
  • Enter your details in our ‘Claim Online‘ form. 
  • Use our live chat box to message an advisor. 

Learn More About Claims For Workplace Accidents

Please find more of our guides relating to accident at work claims below:

Additionally, you can find some external resources below:

We hope this guide on how to claim personal injury compensation if you have been hit by heavy boxes at work has helped. If you have any other questions, please contact an advisor using the number above.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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