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Injured Due To No Safety Glasses Or Goggles – Can I Claim?

By Cat Way. Last Updated 26th July 2023. In this guide, we explain how you may be able to claim compensation after an accident at work with no safety goggles that leads to injuries. Whilst you are at work, your employer has a duty of care to keep you safe. Your employer should attempt to minimise or completely remove any risks to your health and safety wherever possible. However, in some workplace situations, this is not possible. Where it is not possible to remove the health and safety risk altogether, your employer should provide you with personal protective equipment or PPE.

This can include safety eye goggles, helmets, boots and face masks, among other things. You may be concerned that if an employee is hurt on the job, there is no worker’s compensation, but if you suffer an injury at work because your employer has not provided suitable PPE, you may be able to claim against them. So for eye injuries in the workplace due to a lack of proper safety, we can help. Please speak to our personal injury lawyers for more information.

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A guide to safety goggles injury claims

If you have suffered an eye injury injured at work, you may be unsure whether or not you are entitled to claim and how to handle a workplace injury. This guide will help you understand your employee rights under workers compensation legislation and what happens if an employer is not complying with work restrictions.

In the following sections, we’ll clarify what constitutes a no safety glasses accident claim, and look at examples of injuries you could potentially claim for. We’ll also explain what legal requirements employers are expected to follow when it comes to making sure that their employees are wearing safety goggles for certain jobs.

You may also be interested to know how much can I get for an eye injury? Details on the average settlement for eye injuries can be found in this guide. Some people may seek a workplace eye injury claim calculator to get an understanding of how much compensation they could receive. However, if you contact Legal Expert, our advisors may be able to provide a more precise estimate based on the details of your case. Legal Expert are here to help you every step of the way with your eye injury at work claim.

What constitutes a no safety goggles accident claim?

Anybody taking part in activities close to a hazardous area should take all steps to minimise the level of risk open to them. If the risks cannot be minimised, the next step is to ensure that anybody who comes into contact with a high-risk area wears personal protective equipment or PPE as laid out in the Personal Protective Equipment at work regulations 1992. Safety goggles are included in the umbrella term of PPE. It is very important that PPE is worn where risk is present without exemption, even if only for a few minutes, as serious damage can occur whilst protective equipment is not being worn, as illustrated by the many health and safety statistics recorded in the area of eye injuries.

Safety googles

Safety goggles

A safety goggles compensation claim can be made where safety goggles we not made available in a hazardous area under the law, and an eye injury occurred. For example, an injured employee who was not provided with PPE could claim personal injury compensation for loss of sight in one eye.

Provision of eye protection

Not only should employers provide protective eyewear where there are risks to health and safety, but the users should also be fully informed as to why the eyewear is required. They should be made aware of the risks. The person responsible should ensure that the user is wearing the equipment properly, and the employer is responsible for maintaining it or repairing it when necessary. The user should be made aware of the PPE limitations, and other methods of reducing risk should also be discussed.

It is not sufficient to hand out an item of PPE. Further information as to how it should be used correctly is essential. Responsible employers should also carry out audits to ensure that all people at risk are using the equipment properly and at all times. If an employer discovers that safety goggles are not being used, they should investigate to find out why not. It may simply be that the user has forgotten. Still, if the employer finds out that the PPE is uncomfortable or the user is struggling to see through eyewear properly, they should carry out a review and seek an alternative model of safety goggles that can be used more comfortably and effectively.

Statistics on lack of safety goggles accidents

In an attempt to identify where the most accidents occur due to lack of PPE, research was conducted, and a data set was built. This recorded all the accidents that happened when PPE should have been used. In total, 24,182 accidents were reported to RIDDOR between 1996 and 2003. The data from these accidents was compiled and entered into the RIDDOR PPE data tool. The study’s conclusion is now used to identify key risks that can be targeted in the future to reduce the incidence of accidents. The baseline also enables researchers to identify future developments and whether targeted improvements are actually making a positive impact.

There are a huge number of accidents relating to PPE reported each year. On average, around 9000 are reported. The highest number of fatalities occurs in the construction industry whilst the manufacturing and service Industries report the most serious injury accidents. Any of these could result in a compensation claim after an accident at work with no safety goggles.

As you can see from this pie chart, 20% or 1 in 5 PPE related injuries are made up of personal injury accidents involving eyes and face.

Does my employer have to provide safety goggles/Glasses?

The legislation governing PPE is very clear about an employers responsibility to provide safety goggles. If employees are exposed to a risk that may impact their health and safety at work, they must be provided with PPE unless the risk can be adequately controlled. If the risk cannot be adequately controlled, the employer must provide safety goggles and offer training on using them properly. The safety goggles they provide need to be readily available and not simply located somewhere in the workplace. An employer must provide this PPE at their own expense. They cannot insist that an employee purchases it themselves.

Does my employer have to pay for safety goggles?

It is the employer’s responsibility to pay for safety goggles. The employer is also responsible for ensuring that employees who require prescription glasses can carry out their work without affecting their vision. This involves allowing them to wear goggles which include a prescription or goggles that fit over regular spectacles. Without a doubt, employers have a responsibility to pay for non-prescription PPE. Still, they may also be liable for providing prescription eyewear inserts and lenses for respirators that cover the whole face, goggles and face shields.

The risks of not wearing PPE

The wearing of personal protective equipment is essential if employees experience exposure to health and safety risks. If employees don’t wear PPE, they could have exposure to the following risks:

  • Injury from the impact of falling debris or objects
  • Injury due to collisions and impacts of vehicles or machinery
  • Air contamination by chemicals and pollutants
  • Lacerations and eye punctures
  • Bodily burns from chemicals
  • Shocks from electrical currents
  • Damage to the ears from excessive noise
  • Injury from excessive vibrations
  • Liquid chemicals splashing in the eyes.

There are some grounds on which employees can refuse to wear the set of PPE. If this is on medical or religious grounds, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide an alternative that meets their requirements. Examples of this include Sikhs who wear turbans and are unable to wear helmets, discomfort due to an allergic reaction to the materials that the PPE uses or badly-fitting equipment that leads to injury.

However, if an employee is refusing to wear PPE on the grounds of stubbornness or ignorance and is choosing to gamble with their own safety, then this is unacceptable, and the employee can be subject to dismissal or disciplinary. Some conditions caused by workplace hazards can take a long time to develop. Risks are not always immediate, and therefore it is important to wear PPE daily to minimise the risks of serious medical conditions developing in the future.

Health and safety eyewear regulations

Employees must provide PPE such as safety goggles within the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. This regulation dictates that workers must wear at work to protect against any risks to health and safety. It states that it is the employer’s duty to provide suitable PPE except where the risk is under adequate control by other effective means. The legislation also places a responsibility on the employer to maintain the PPE and ensure that it is inefficient working order and good repair.

Eye injury from lack of goggles when working with chemicals – can I claim?

If you do not wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, you are vulnerable to eye injuries. The most common eye injury resulting from chemicals is a chemical burn from either liquid or powder chemicals. Alkali chemicals are particularly dangerous to the delicate eye area. Injuries usually occur when a chemical splashes onto an employees face or an employee rubs their eyes after touching chemicals. If you suffer an eye injury caused by chemicals, then the best thing you can do is to rinse it out as quickly as possible before receiving first aid treatment. Chemical eye injuries can cause anything from redness and irritation right through to permanent blindness.

If you suffer an injury in this way because your employer doesn’t provide you with suitable eye protection or doesn’t train you on the proper way to use the PPE, then you may be eligible to claim compensation for your injury. Please speak to us if you have an accident at work with no safety goggles.

Injury from no goggles when working in a workshop – Would I have a claim?

In a workshop, environment employees are often vulnerable to injury from flying particles or fragments. When there are manual or machinery tools carrying out the woodwork, sawing drilling, chiselling, sanding and grinding, there is a danger of small chips flying into your eyes. Even though these particles are small, they can cause serious injury, including punctures, lacerations and abrasions of the eye. In a workshop environment, we recommend goggles with side shields.

If you’re a victim of an injury in a workshop and your employer doesn’t provide appropriate eye protection for you or train you on the need for eye protection or how to use it properly, you can claim them. If you have any further questions on this or are perhaps wondering how long an employee has to report an injury, please contact our Legal Expert team, who can advise you on this and much more.

Safety Glasses Accident – What Is The Claim Time Limit?

If you have been provided insufficient or no PPE, meaning you didn’t wear any goggles, and have been injured in an accident at work as a result, you could make a claim. However, when making a claim for the injury you have suffered due to no safety goggles, in an accident, you must ensure that your claim is made within the correct time limit. The time limitation for personal injury claims can be found in the Limitation Act 1980. Generally, you will have 3 years to start a claim from the date of your injury. There are certain exceptions to this time limit, such as:

  • If a child was injured in an accident at work due to not wearing any safety goggles, as they weren’t provided PPE, they will have 3 years to make a claim once they turn 18. Before this point, a litigation friend could make a claim on their behalf.
  • For someone who lacks the mental capacity to make a claim for themself, they will have 3 years to start a claim if they regain this mental capacity. Alternatively, a litigation friend could claim on their behalf.

Contact our advisors today if you have any questions about making a personal injury claim due to a lack of PPE. Our advisors could offer you free legal advice regarding your claim and could connect you with one of our solicitors if they think you may be eligible for compensation.

What are the most common eye injuries in the workplace due to a lack of safety goggles/glasses?

Your eyes are a very delicate and vulnerable part of your body, so it is essential to ensure that you protect them. Eye injuries at work can be due to:

  • splashes from liquid chemicals or acids
  • dust
  • harmful vapours and chemical gases
  • projectiles
  • molten metal

All of the above can cause immediate and serious injury to the eye, resulting in blindness.

Workplace Accident Claims – How Are They Calculated?

There are two kinds of compensation that you could claim if your employer knowingly gave you inadequate PPE to wear. Safety goggles are very important in some situations, and if a lack of PPE caused you to suffer an eye injury, then you may be wondering what you could claim.

The first head that you could pursue is general damages. This head of claim addresses your injuries, their severity, and how they’ll affect your life going forward. When legal professionals such as lawyers and solicitors assess this head of your accident at work claim, they often use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) as a reference. This offers guideline compensation amounts for different injuries. In the table below, we have listed some of the amounts stated in the 16th edition of the JCG.

Injury Type Any Further Information Amount
Total Blindness The person is completely blind in both eyes. In the region of £268,720
Loss of Sight In One Eye With Reduced Vision In The Remaining Eye (i) The remaining eye suffers a serious risk of further deterioration. £95,990 to £179,770
Loss of Sight In One Eye With Reduced Vision In The Remaining Eye (ii) The remaining eye suffers with reduced vision or other sight problems such as double vision. £63,950 to £105,990
Total Loss of One Eye How much is awarded will depend on the person’s age, the cosmetic effect and any psychiatric consequences. £54,830 to £65,710
Complete Loss of Sight In One Eye (e) Some risk of sympathetic ophthalmia, with potential scarring in the eye region. £49,270 to £54,830
Complete Loss of Sight In One Eye (f) One eye suffers an incomplete loss of vision. However, the remaining eye doesn’t suffer a significant risk of reduced vision. £23,680 to £39,340
Complete Loss of Sight In One Eye (g) Both eyes suffer a minor but permanent impairment of vision and the eyes may be sensitive to bright light. £9,110 to £20,980
Minor Eye Injuries Injuries include being struck in the eye, being splashed by liquids or being exposed to fumes which will temporarily interfere with vision. £3,950 to £8,730
Transient Eye Injuries Complete recovery from these injuries usually occurs within a few weeks. £2,200 to £3,950

Please note that this table is for illustrative purposes only.

The second head that you could pursue is special damages. This head of your workplace accident claim is aimed towards the financial losses you suffer as a result of your injuries. For example, if you lose an eye, you may need to pay for a prosthetic or other cosmetic procedures. In this case, these costs could be covered under special damages.

This head of claim can also help cover the cost of:

  • Prescriptions.
  • Travel.
  • Home help with cooking and cleaning.
  • Professional nursing care.
  • Childcare.

To learn more about claiming compensation for injuries caused by a lack of or inaccurate safety goggles, contact our team today.

Gathering Evidence For Employer Negligence Relating To Safety Goggles

If you suffered an injury due to not wearing safety goggles, as your employer did not provide them, you might be eligible to make a personal injury claim. However, you will need to prove that you suffered your injury due to employer negligence.

Collecting a sufficient amount of evidence could help support your claim, as it could help prove who was liable for the accident and the severity of your injuries.

Examples of evidence that could support your claim could include:

  • Medical records that confirm the injuries you’ve suffered and the treatment you’ve received for them.
  • Photographs of the accident scene and your injuries.
  • Any video footage (such as CCTV footage) of the accident that caused your injuries.
  • The contact details of any witnesses that saw the accident that injured you.
  • A copy of the report in the accident book.

You can contact our advisors today to discuss your potential claim. Additionally, they could connect you with one of our solicitors who could help you gather evidence.

No Win No Fee No safety goggles Injury Claims

If you suffer an eye injury and wish to claim, you may worry about the financial burden. If you have small finances, then we have good news. As well as free, no-obligation legal advice, Legal Expert also offer No Win No Fee injury claims. This means that you don’t have to pay a penny up-front. If you are successful in your claim, then our fee will come out of your final payout. If your claim is unsuccessful, then there will be no cost to you, the claimant.

Why call us for guidance on no safety goggles injury claims?

For years of experience from specialists in the field of workplace injury claims, look no further than Legal Expert. Our friendly and approachable team of experts take the burden from you and help you through your claim.

Beginning a no safety goggles injury claim.

Call us today to discuss your claim and help us begin your journey to claiming the compensation you are entitled to. Our telephone number for a free, no-obligation chat is 0800 073 8804, or contact us using our contact form.

Helpful links

PPE – More information

This useful link helps you to understand what is under the umbrella term of personal protective equipment. It explains your employer’s obligations to provide it, maintain it and replace it when necessary.

Prescription goggles?

This case explores the rules with regards to employees or visitors who require PPE but need prescription eyewear. It may help you to understand the rather complicated rules.

Below, you can find a list of guides which may tell you more about accident at work claims:

If you still have any questions about claiming compensation after an accident at work with no safety goggles, you can contact Legal Expert for advice. You can speak to our advisors using the contact details included within this guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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