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Jaguar Land Rover Accident At Work Claims Guide

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC is headquartered in Coventry. This is a British multinational automotive business. It represents a merger of the Land Rover brand and Jaguar Cars Limited, which happened in 2013. Most recent statistics of production output show 174,560 models for Jaguar in the 2017/18 period, and 439,749 models for Land Rover in the 2017/18 period. At present, there are 40,000 people employed by Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC in the UK. If you have been injured while working for Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC due to the negligence of your employer, you may be considering making a Jaguar Land Rover personal injury claim. This is something that we could help you to do here at Legal Expert if you were to call 0800 073 8804. We have many years of experience. Simply give us a call today to get you case assessed and receive free legal advice.. But first, of course, read on for plenty of helpful information.

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A Guide To Workplace Accidents Working At Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar injury claims processHave you been involved in a workplace accident while working at Jaguar Land Rover? Are you thinking about making a Jaguar Land Rover personal injury claim? Perhaps you suffered an injury due to a defect in a machine that is used in the production area. Maybe you have been diagnosed with repetitive strain injury and think that more could have been done by your employer to reduce the risk? Whatever the scenario may be, read on to discover all you need to know about using Legal Expert for a Jaguar Land Rover personal injury claim.

Examples of the types of injuries and illnesses that could occur within the workplace;

  • Vibration white finger
  • Back injury at work
  • Manual handling accident
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Poor health and safety accidents
  • Industrial deafness
  • Industrial diseases
  • Slips, trips and falls

Accidents could happen anywhere, whether in work, in a restaurant, on the street etc, in order to be able to pursue a claim for damages the accident causing your injuries must have been caused due to error, negligence or omission from a third party that owed you a duty of care.  Perhaps she or he did not carry out proper risk assessments? Maybe they failed to provide protective equipment? The situations could vary call our specialists today and use the free legal consultation to have your case assessed.

In this guide, we will explain the process of making a workplace accident claim for injuries suffered in the workplace through negligence or error. This includes asking questions like: Is there a time limit on personal injury claims? Can I make a claim for an accident at work? Do you have to be injured to sue for negligence? Should I get full pay if injured at work? If you still have queries by the time you finish reading this guide, please do not hesitate to use our contact information to get in touch.

What Is A Workplace Injury At Jaguar Land Rover?

Have you been hurt in a workplace accident while working for Jaguar Land Rover? There are potentially different accidents and injuries that could occur in the workplace, from a slip, trip or fall to a manual handling injury. Not all accidents or illnesses that occur in the workplace will go on to qualify for compensation. In order to pursue a claim the accident which lead to the injury must be the responsibility of your employer and in some circumstances another employee. It must be proven that with the right procedures, processes, health and safety regulations etc your employer could have prevented the situation from occurring.

The first thing you always need to do is determine whether you actually have the basis for a successful workplace personal injury claim. There are three key factors you need to look at to be sure that this is the case. These are as follows:

  • Were you owed a duty of care,
  • Was there a breach in the duty of care,
  • Did the breach in the duty of care cause the harm?

If you are to make a claim, you need to show that your employer is at fault through negligence or error. We also strongly advise seeing a medical expert to have your injuries looked at and documented. Also with most personal injury cases that happen in the UK the time limitation is three years from the accident or diagnosis. There are exceptions of course call our specialists to find out what time limit your case would fit into.

One of the most crucial things you need to do is make sure you inform your safety representative and/or employer about the accident you were involved in. This is because they will need to record it in their accident book – something they are required to have by law.

You could also make an effort to gather evidence to strengthen your case. There are several things you could do. You would need to keep proof of any costs incurred because of your injuries, as you could possible claim for these. In addition to this, try to get the contact details of anyone that witnessed the incident and take photographs of your injuries if applicable.

Accidents And Injuries Which Could Potentially Happen Within The Workplace

In the upcoming section, we are going to take a look at examples of reasons why an accident may occur within a workplace. If you cannot find your particular accident, don’t panic, as these are merely a handful of examples.

How Are Repetitive Strain Or Motion Injuries Caused?

Below we discuss an injury that could be caused in a workplace environment by continually doing the same task over again; repetitive strain injury.

What is repetitive strain injury?

There is only one place to begin and this is by determining what repetitive strain injury is. You will often see this phrase shortened to RSI. It relates to the build up of damage to the tendons, muscle and nerves often caused by doing the same task over again.

Who could suffer from repetitive strain injury?

There are many different types of workers that could be impacted by this type of injury. Individuals that sit at a desk and work on a computer all day are some of the most common sufferers. Other workers that could suffer from repetitive strain injury include those that use vibrating tools repeatedly, operate machinery, work out doors in cold temperatures, and are involved in heavy manual lifting as part of their daily tasks.

How do you know if you have a claim for RSI?

In order to possibly make a claim for a repetitive strain injury it must proven that through negligence your employer is responsible for your condition or it worsening, maybe they never risk assessed your work station, or informed you of the risks of the job tasks, maybe they never allowed you to take breaks when necessary or asked you to carry out the task of manual lifting without the required training. If you had your work station assessed as you were suffering with RSI but they failed to implement the recommended changes and your condition continued or got worse you may just have the basis for an RSI workplace claim.

What is the time limit for this type of claim?

The time limit for all personal injury cases is usually three years. This tends to be three years from the date of the incident. However, with repetitive strain injury, it is usually impossible to pinpoint a date of the injury occurring, as it happens over time. Therefore, you have three years for this sort of injury at work from the date of your diagnosis instead.

Slips And Falls On The Same Level Or From A Height

Here at Legal Expert, we have an abundance of experience in workplace accident claims, and we have worked with a lot of people who have been injured while working from a height or because of a slip or trip.

Accidents that could come under the category ”falling from a height” may include the following;

  • Falling down steps
  • Falling through a roof
  • Falling down a flight of stairs
  • Falling from scaffolding
  • Falling from a ladder

Such accidents could take place in a number of work environments, from offices and construction sites to factories and warehouses. However, when it comes to making a claim, the main aspect is establishing responsibility, if it can be proven that through negligence your employer is at fault for your injuries caused in the workplace you may have a valid case for damages.

Work at Height Regulations 2005

All employers are required by law to provide their employees with a safe and healthy working environment. However, there are further regulations in place for incidents whereby employees would be working from a height. This is the Work at Height Regulations 2005.

These regulations state that those working from a height must be trained, appropriate safety and work equipment must be used, equipment must be regularly inspected, risks must be managed, and working from a height must be avoided whenever possible, amongst other requirements. If your employer has failed to adhere to these regulations, please call Legal Expert today to have your case assessed.

What Are Musculoskeletal Injuries And Manual Handling Accidents?

Manual handling injuries may be caused when an employee who is not trained in lifting, carry, pulling or pushing is asked to take part in such tasks and it caused an injury has he/she has not been trained correctly in how to carry out such procedures in a safe manner. The injuries that may be sustained may be musculoskeletal injuries for example a lower back injury. There are many different steps that employers should be taking in order to reduce the risk of a manual handling accident. For example, they could alter the frequency of carry and load weight, or they could eliminate the manual lifting in the task altogether. If you have experienced a manual handling injury while working at Jaguar Land Rover please call our team today to establish if you have a workplace accident case.

I Was Struck By A Moving Or Falling Object Can I Claim Compensation?

People working in a factory or car plant setting could be struck by a moving or falling object, such as a piece of equipment if all risk assessments are not carried out, machinery is not checked for defects or malfunctions, if those working in hazardous areas are not trained on the potential risks. Being injured due to a moving object is the cause of more than 10 per cent of all major injuries that are reported to HSE. Employers must make an effort to minimise this risk. This includes giving careful consideration to the movement of goods, as well as methods of handling and stacking.

What Are Machinery Related Accidents And Injuries?

Have you been hurt as the result of an accident involving heavy machinery in the workplace? All employers have a legal responsibility to ensure they provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment. Keeping employees safe within the workplace is a legal duty, at no time should employees be put at unnecessary risk. Machinery related injuries could occur if a piece of machinery has defects, if it has not been maintained and serviced at it should be, if the machinery is old and not fit for purpose, if the correct instructions are not followed or have not been given, or if the employee has not been trained how to use the machinery correctly.

When making a claim for negligent accidents involving machinery specifically, you can refer to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, commonly shortened to PUWER. These regulations state your employer’s responsibility, including keeping machinery in a safe condition, ensuring everything is regularly inspected, making sure machines have the correct warning markings on them and so on and so forth. If you find that your employer has not abided by the laws of PUWER, you may potentially have the basis for a Jaguar Land Rover personal injury claim.

Workplace Vehicle Accidents

Working within the car industry may mean that from time to time you may be responsible for moving vehicles, may be loading them on to transport trucks, taking people for test drives, storing them in the show room and so on and so forth. If an accident happens when moving a vehicle or if you have been hit by a moving vehicle on your work premises, if it can be proven to be the responsibility of your employer or another employee through negligence or error we would like to hear from you, we can assess your case with no obligation at all.

Jaguar Land Rovers’ Duty Of Care

Jaguar Land Rover has a duty of care to all employees, no matter in what capacity they work for the company. It is up to the company to put a Jaguar Land Rover health and safety policy in place, such rules and regulations regarding health and safety must be adhered to in order to provide a safe working environment. All potential tasks that need to be carried out by employees must be risk assessed and any hazards must be identified. Those who may be at any risk should be notified and provided with protective safety wear.

Personal Injury Calculator

Before making a personal injury claim for an accident at work you may be wondering how much you may receive in terms of damages. In the table below, we have presented details for the guideline payouts relating to injuries. This is an alternative to a personal injury claims calculator.

Accident Type Amounts Injury Information
Moderately Severe Psychiatric Injury £16,720 to £48,080 Significant issues with a person being able to cope with life, work and education, possible future issues. Cases of work related stress that results in long term or permanent disability preventing a return to work.
Less Severe Psychiatric Injury £1,350 to £5,130 The length of the disability is key here and how much daily life and sleep is disturbed. Cases falling specifically short of a diagnosis.
Moderate PTSD £7,170 to £20,290 The brackets include a person who will largely recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and any lasting effects will not be particularly disabling.
Less Severe PTSD £3,460 to £7,170 Only minor symptoms persist and a full recovery will be made in one to two years.
Minor Neck Injuries Up to £2,150 All symptoms will recover within three months.
Minor Back Injury £6,920 to £10,970 A full recovery or a recover with nuisance symptoms without surgery will take place in two to five years.
Less Severe Arm Injury. £16,830 to £34,340 A significant degree of disability is present but a large amount of recovery is achievable.
Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders £7,580 to £9,430 Injuries such as carpal tunnel, constriction with the nerves in the wrist and issues with surrounding tissue that makes a full recovery within three years.
Minor Hip Issues Up to £3,460 Minor soft tissue injuries with a full recovery expected.
Leg Fractures Up to £10,380 Simple fractures to the tibia and fibula or possibly soft tissue injuries.
Moderate Achilles Tendon Injury £11,040 to £18,480 Partial rupture or significant damage to the tendon. The different levels will be awarded in regards to disability, length of injury, function and ongoing pain.

What Can I Claim If Injured In The Automotive Industry?

Here at Legal Expert we have handle many cases of accidents at work every day, our specialists have the knowledge that has been collected over 30 years of being within the personal injury industry to be able to provide a successful outcome. We have experts that deal with different types of personal injury,

Compensation is designed to help with your recovery. It is calculated based on the severity of your injuries and the impact they are going to have on your day-to-day life. This is why it is so advisable to see a doctor if you have been involved in an accident because they will provide a report that documents the true extent of your injuries.

You may also receive a payout for any costs that you have had to fund yourself because of the incident you were involved in. This could be anything from loss of earnings due to missing work, to paying for your prescriptions, to childcare that has been necessary while you recover. You would likely need to have proof of such expenses, so make sure you don’t put your receipts in the bin.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims Against Jaguar Land Rover

Here at Legal Expert, we have plenty of experience when it comes workplace accident claims. The only thing you need to do is give us a call and we could handle the rest for you. We understand that you are probably going through a distressing and worrying period as it is, and we would not add to this. In fact, we aim to secure compensation over the phone whenever possible.

One reason so many people choose our service is that all of our personal injury solicitors work to a no win no fee agreement. This basically comes down to the fact that you would only be required to pay our legal fees if your solicitor manages to successfully secure a compensation payment for you. Not only does this minimise financial risk, but it offers many other benefits as well. For instance, you can be confident of a much better service, and this is due to the fact that the personal injury lawyer’s pay working on your case may be impacted by the outcome.

Contact Legal Expert Today

If you are ready to go ahead and claim, all you need to do is give us a call on 0800 073 8804. You will then speak to a friendly and experienced advisor from our team. Alternatively, you can use our live chat feature, or fill in your details and we will call you back about your personal injury claim.

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Edited By Melissa.

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