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Royal Air Force Accident At Work Claims Guide

If you have experienced a Royal Air Force accident at work which was not your fault, you might be thinking about making a claim for compensation. Here at Legal Expert we are specialists for accidents that have happened at work through negligence. If you have been injured at work and you believe that your employer could have done more to prevent this from happening, call us today and we will asses your case. All you need to do is give us a call and we will offer you a free legal consultation. The number is 0800 073 8804. Nevertheless, before you do so, continue reading to discover what you may need to know before making a Royal Air Force accident at work personal injury claim.

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A Guide To Accident At Work Claims At RAF Royal Air Force

Royal Air Force accident at work claims processHave you been injured in a Royal Air Force accident at work? If so, this guide from Legal Expert could answer any questions you may have. This includes details regarding the specific types of military accidents that could potentially occur. This range of potential scenarios covers everything from an RAF engineer death to slip and fall RAF workplace accidents. We will also explain everything you need to know about the personal injury claims process. This includes details regarding the amount of Royal Air Force injury compensation you may receive, as well as information on the sort of damages you could claim for. If you still have any queries by the time you finish reading this guide, all you need to do is give us a call for more details.

What Is An Accidents At Work In The RAF?

There are different types of accidents that could potentially happen while working at the Royal Air Force. These could be accidents and injuries which affect military personnel or possibly also affect civilian personnel and/or contractors. Accidents could happen in military specific workplaces or in civilian places. When determining whether you have the basis for a claim, it is all about showing that you are not to blame for the Royal Air Force accident at work that happened to you. It is usually necessary to show that the RAF made a mistake or that they acted in a negligent manner, and that this resulted in your injuries. Aside from this, it is important that your accident happened within the personal injury claims time limit. You are also advised to see a doctor for your injuries too. If you are yet to do so, this is something your chosen solicitor (which we can provide to you) can arrange for you in your local area, and they will do so free of charge.

Am I Eligible To Claim Compensation For A Work Accident In The RAF?

No matter whether you are currently serving in the RAF or you are a former member, if you have been injured and you feel that the Air Force is at fault through negligence or error, there is potentially a chance that you could be entitled to compensation. There are three key factors that we usually use to consider when determining whether you have the basis for a claim. These are as follows:

  • Who caused the accident at work? – The first thing you need to do is establish responsibility for the incident. It is vital to prove that someone else caused the accident through his or her error or negligence, this person or company will have had to owe you a duty of care. In breaching this duty of care you accident occurred which lead consequently to your injury. You certainly cannot make an RAF accident at work claim if you caused the accident.
  • Date of the accident – The date of the accident is imperative because there is a time limit for personal injury claims. However, different limits can apply depending on the circumstances. If you are unsure what time limit your case fits into please call us today.
  • Have you seen a doctor? –When you see a doctor they will complete a medical form, which may be used as evidence to prove the severity of your injury. If you are yet to see a doctor, don’t panic, though, as this is something your solicitor could be able to arrange for you.

Now you should have a good understanding of whether you could be entitled to compensation or not. The next thing you may need is a bit of advice on hiring a personal injury lawyer. It is often a wise idea to seek a personal injury solicitor that has a good reputation and a considerable amount of experience in the industry. It is also advisable to go for the services of someone that is happy to work to a no win no fee payment agreement, as this means you would only need to pay your solicitors legal fees if your case is a success.

Accidents Which Could Potentially Happen In The Royal Air Force

Examples of accidents that could potentially occur in the Royal Air Force are listed below, this list is not inclusive so don’t panic if you cannot see your accident circumstances here, simply give us a call and we will assess your case. Examples are;

I Had An RAF Training Accident, Can I Claim?

There is only one place to begin, and this is with potential training accidents. People recognise that they need to undergo stringent training when they join the RAF. If you have experienced a RAF training accident due to the correct safety measures not being put in place, not given the correct instructions, not provided with the correct safety wear, call Legal Expert, they have specialist staff who deal with these types of incidents.

I Injured Myself Due To RAF Equipment Being Defective, Can I claim?

The RAF mission is to defend the Skies of Britain and keeping the UK safe. It is vital that all the equipment that they are provided with is safe and secure to use so that they are not put at anymore risk other than required by the job. If you have been injured through defective RAF equipment please call us today and we can tell you what your next steps could be.

I Slipped While In The RAF Could I Claim?

Slip, trip and fall accidents are one of the most common accidents to take place. If a slip incident occurs at work causing an injury and it could have been prevented through health and safety procedures then the basis for a compensation claim could exist. With military personnel who have been deployed such situation are not always so clear. So please call us today and speak to an experienced advisor.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus

Some people have a tendency to associate hearing loss with getting older. Nonetheless, your age is irrespective when it comes to industrial deafness. It does not matter how old or young you may be, excessive noise in the workplace could result in hearing loss for anyone if proper precautions are not taken to protect them. This is obviously an extremely upsetting and worrying injury to sustain.

Hearing loss could occur in a number of different workplaces. Wherever there is loud and continuous noise, there is the chance of hearing loss occurring. For some people, hearing loss tends to come on gradually. It’s the little things – not hearing what your friends are saying, having to constantly higher the TV up and not hearing the phone ring.

Those who work in places where noise is a particular issue could also be affected by tinnitus. This is a continual ringing sound in your ears. It’s an extremely aggravating condition and can impact sufferers every hour of every day.

If you are suffering hearing loss or Tinnitus due to working in the RAF and you feel that such conditions could have been prevented by more appropriate safety measures or safety equipment call Legal Expert and one of our specialist will advise you what steps you may be able to take next. After all, it is your employer’s duty to make sure they provide a safe working environment. If your workplace is loud, they should supply the necessary protective equipment, like ear defenders.

Air Accidents At Work

The Royal Air Force use military aircraft’s all the time as part of their job. It is vital that such aircraft’s are maintained to the highest standard to prevent air accidents from taking place.

RAF Workplace Welfare And Duty Of Care

All employers owe their employees a duty of care in order to prevent harm and injury. When it comes to the Armed Forces this duty of care is not always so easy to apply especially when military personnel are deployed in to battle. If you are unsure whether the accident you was involved in, which caused you an injury while being a member of the RAF was due to the result of a breach in the duty of care you are owed please call one of our specialist today who can advise you further.

Could I Claim Damages Through The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme?

There are different schemes in which military personnel may be able to claim through if they are injured while serving in the Armed Forces. The scheme which apples will depend on when and and where the individual served. These include:

  • Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS)
  • War Pension Scheme (WPS)
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation (Overseas) scheme

If you are unsure as to whether you can claim damages through The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, don’t worry. Just call us and we will explain which one may apply to you.

Personal Injury Compensation Calculator

We are sure you might want to know much compensation you could get. You may have considered using a personal injury claims calculator but this is not provided here. Instead, we have taken information from the Judicial Courts Guidelines about specific injuries, which you may be able to claim for with the help of a  military accident claim solicitor. We have supplied this information below. If you cannot see the injury you’ve suffered, just give us a call.

Injury Type Amounts in Damages Injury Information
Brain Damage – Moderately Severe Brain Damage £192,090 to £247,280 Very severely disabled, the need for constant professional care. Disabilities present will be physical such as limb paralysis and also mental impairment. The level of the award will reflect on physical limitations, future deterioration, ability to communicate, dependence in others, behavioural problems, and future risk of further development of other illnesses.
Moderate Brain Damage £37,760 to £192,090 Brackets will start at how concentration, memory and ability to work are affected, intellectual deficit, some risk of epilepsy to a personality change, affect on senses but the dependence on others is lower than the above category.
Severe Neck Injury £39,870 to £130,060 Injuries starting with soft tissue damage, fractures and dislocations, ruptured tendons leading to chronic conditions, damage to discs in the cervical spine, which give rise to disabilities, substantial loss of movement in the neck and loss of function in a limb to neck injury associated with incomplete paraplegia or resulting in permanent spastic quadriparesis.
Moderate Neck Injury £6,920 to £33,750 The bracket starts off with moderate soft tissue damage, permanent recurring pain, stiffness, discomfort, possible need for further surgery, serious limitation in movement of the neck to fractures and dislocation causing immediate pain. chronic conditions, severe soft tissue damage.
Moderate Back Injury £10,970 to £34,000 Disturbance of ligaments and muscles, prolapsed discs, possible exacerbation of previous condition. The figure will reflect severity of the injury, degree of pain, extent of treatment.
Loss of One Arm No Less Than £120,270 Amputated at the shoulder.
Total or Effective Loss Of One Hand £83,310 to £96,150 Crushed hand that needed surgically removing, or fingers and most of the palm have been traumatically removed.
Amputation of One Leg £91,910 to £120,530 Amputation of one leg above the knee. Amount will be associated in regards to phantom pain, the use of prosthetic and any side effects.
Amputation of One Foot, £73,620 to £96,150 Amputation of one foot including loss of ankle joint.
Facial Scarring Very Severe £26,120 to £85,340 Cosmetically very disfiguring and affects on psychological reaction being severe.
Less Significant Scarring £3,460 to £12,050 One scar or smaller scares that could be covered up.
Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £52,490 to £88,270 Permanent effects which prevent sufferers from continuing with normal life activities and functions.
Moderate Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £20,290 to £52,490 Significant disability for the foreseeable future.

Additional Damages You Could Claim For An RAF Workplace Accident

It is likely that you will have had to fund a number of different things because of your injury. For example, you may have experienced a loss of income because of your inability to work. Maybe you have had to fund seeing a therapist to help you come to terms with what has happened? Or, have you found yourself needing to pay for travel to and from the hospital, as well as parking expenses? No matter what sort of costs you have faced, if they are directly associated with your accident, you could be able to claim for these. These are known as special damages, i.e. losses that can be quantified. You could potentially also make a military aircraft accident claim for losses that cannot be quantified, which are known as general damages. This relates to the likes of physical and psychological injuries that may have been caused due to no fault of your own. It is impossible to put a monetary figure on this. However, usually by taking your medical report into account, the courts will determine your compensation award.

No Win No Fee Claims For RAF Workplace Accidents

You will be pleased to know that if you make a claim using our service, you will automatically be able to do so using the no win no fee payment structure if we feel you have a valid case. This means that no funds would be required to start your accident at work claim and that you would only need to pay for our service if we manage to secure compensation successfully for you. A lot of people may worry about making a claim because they fear that they are going to be left out of pocket with nothing to show for the money they have invested in a solicitor. When you make a claim with us, through a no win no fee services we are exactly what we say we are.

How We Could Help You Make A Royal Air Force Accident At Work Claim

Unfortunately, injuries happen on a daily basis. From workplace incidents to road traffic accidents, the scenarios could vary. However, what does not change is the fact that you could be entitled to compensation if the accident was not your fault, if it was due to negligence of a third party that owed you a duty of care. Legal Expert could assist you with making a no win no fee claim. Read on to discover why we feel we are a great company for you. 


We have an exceptional amount of experience in the industry. We were established many years ago, and since then we have helped personal injury victims to get the injury compensation they are entitled to. Because of this, you can be sure that we will have handled cases similar to yours time and time before, no matter how unique the circumstances seem to be.

Impeccable Reputation

We have a great reputation in the industry. This is built on foundations of trust, reliability, honesty, and success. You can read some of the reviews that have been left by our previous clients by browsing the web.

No Win No Fee

All of our solicitors work on a no win no fee basis. This is extremely beneficial to you for a whole host of different reasons. Firstly, you will not need any money to begin your Royal Air Force accident at work claim. Aside from this, financial risk is reduced, as you would pay in relation to the outcome of your case. This ensures you benefit from a fantastic service. Moreover, we won’t waste your time. A Legal Expert accident solicitor will only take on your case if they believe you have a good chance of getting compensation.

Contact Us To Make An RAF Accident Claim

If you want to make a claim for an accident that has happened while working for the RAF, all you need to do is give us a call on 0800 073 8804. We will answer all of your queries and assist you in any manner that we can. If you would prefer, you can enter your contact information and we will call you back. Or, why not use the live chat feature on our website?

Additional Guide Articles

  1. Armed Forces Claims – Further guidance on making armed forces claims.
  2. RAF Claimants – Further information for people injured in the RAF.

Other Guides That May Help

Edited By Melissa.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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