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Our Research Into Drink-Driving Offences

The latest data released by the Department for Transport in 2024 revealed that UK drink-driving deaths have hit a 13-year-high.

There were an estimated 300 deaths where at least one driver was over the legal blood-alcohol limit in 2022, the latest year for which official figures are available. This is the highest annual figure since 2009. 

The number is 16 per cent higher than in 2021 and means drink-drive fatalities accounted for about 18 per cent of all deaths, bucking the general long-term trend for safer roads and more responsible driving.

Legal Expert’s Road Traffic Accident Specialist, Tracy Chick says: “It is deeply concerning that drink-drive-related deaths have reached their highest level since 2009. Anyone who drinks and drives is putting the lives of all road users at risk.

“The impact of drink-driving can be devastating not only for victims who have been killed or suffered life-changing injuries but also for the drivers facing serious legal consequences – it is such an avoidable offence and there is no excuse for drinking and getting behind the wheel.

“Throughout my legal career, I have worked with victims and families of drink-driving collisions and the impact is immense. Thankfully, I’ve been able to bring even a small comfort by securing them the compensation they deserve to help to start to rebuild their lives.”

How Legal Expert Can Help

Here at Legal Expert, we specialise in road traffic accident claims and have significant experience in cases involving drunk drivers. If you’d like free advice on your case, get in touch with us today. We provide a consultation where you can get guidance on your situation and your rights.

Drunk young man with a beard with a bottle of beer in his hand behind the wheel of a car. Emergency situation, violation of law, drunk driving

Get Help With Claiming Compensation For Drunk Driving Accidents

If you’ve been involved in a car accident with a drunk driver, then you could claim compensation for any injuries and damage to your property.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on drunk driving accident compensation claims, which you can view here.

You can also contact us for free legal advice by calling us on the number at the top of this page.

How We Conducted Our Research Into Drink Driving Offences

Following an influx of inquiries from victims of drink-driving collisions from across the UK, Legal Expert set out to investigate to the extent of the issue and to find the most prevelant areas for drink-driving offences in the UK.

We sent out Freedom of Information Requests to every UK Police Force asking for the number of drink-driving offences recorded in the last three years (between December 1st – November 31st, 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24).

We also asked of those, how many drivers were charged.

For the last year alone, 2023/24, we also asked for the age and gender of the suspect and the areas in which the offence took place.

See below for the results in your area.

The Results Of Our Research Into Drink-Driving

National Findings

UK's 10 Drink-driving hotspots Infographic

UK’s 10 Drink-driving hotspots

Avon and Somerset Police

Drink_Driving Offences Avon & Somerset Infographic Statistics

Avon & Somerset Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 6,151

No. of charges | 3,400 (55%)

Most Common Age Group | 16-35 (48%)

Gender | Male 82%

Bedfordshire Police

Drink-Driving Offences Bedfordshire Infographic Statistics

Bedfordshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,763

No. of charges | 1,102 (63%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 16-35 48%

Gender | Female (88) | Male (426) 83%

Cambridgeshire Police

Drink-Driving Offences Cambridgeshire Infographic Statistics

Cambridgeshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,881

No. of charges | 1,203 (64%)

Most Common Age Group | 31-40 32%

Gender | Female (288) | Male (1584) 84%

Cheshire Constabulary

Drink-Driving Arrests Cheshire infographic Statistics

Cheshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 3,160

No. of charges | 2,543 (80%)

Most Common Age Group | 26-35 (28%)

Gender | Female (199) | Male (751) 79%

Cheshire Drink-driving hotspots

Cheshire Drink-driving hotspots

Cleveland Police

Drink-Driving Offences Cleveland Infographic Statistics

Cleveland Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,736

No. of charges | 823 (47%)

For 2023/24: 

Most Common Age Group | 31-40 (33%)

Gender | Female (128) | Male (463) 78%

Cleveland Drink-driving hotspots

Cleveland Drink-driving hotspots

Cumbria Constabulary

Drink-Driving Arrests Cumbria infographic Statistics

Cumbria Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,620

No. of charges | 1,214 (75%)

For 2023/24: 

Most Common Age Group | 30-49 (50%)

Gender | Female (126) | Male (395) 76%

Dorset Police

Drink-Driving Offences Dorset Infographic Statistics

Dorset Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,752

No. of charges | 1,494 (75%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 25-34 (21%)

Gender | Female (90) | Male (463) 78%

Dorset Drink-driving hotspots

Dorset Drink-driving hotspots

Durham Constabulary

Drink-Driving Arrests Durham infographic Statistics

Durham Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,951

No. of charges | 1,172 (60%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-39 (47%)

Gender | Female (153) | Male (464) 75%

Essex Police

Drink-Driving Arrests Essex infographic Statistics

Essex Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 4,623

No. of charges | 3,071 (66%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 31-35 (16%)

Gender | Female (295) | Male (1,198) 80%

Essex Drink-driving hotspots

Essex Drink-driving hotspots

Gloucestershire Constabulary

Drink-Driving Arrests Gloucestershire infographic Statistics

Gloucestershire Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 1,604

No. of charges | 1,172

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-49 (49%)

Gender | Female (106) | Male (519) 80%

Gwent Police

Drink-Driving Arrests Gwent infographic Statistics

Gwent Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,008

No. of charges | 1,225 (61%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 26-35 (33%)

Gender | Female (69) | Male (545) 84%

Gwent Drink-driving hotspots

Gwent Drink-driving hotspots

Hertfordshire Police

Hertfordshire Police

Hertfordshire Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,621

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 25-34 (32%)

Gender | Female (115) | Male (478) 81%

Hertfordshire Drink-driving hotspots

Hertfordshire Drink-driving hotspots

Lancashire Constabulary

Lancashire Police

Lancashire Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 4,948

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 31-40 (32%)

Gender | Female (985) | Male (3937) 80%

Lancashire Drink-driving hotspots

Lancashire Drink-driving hotspots

Lincolnshire Police

Lincolnshire Police

Lincolnshire Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,488

No. of charges | 1,878 (75%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 46-55 (42%)

Gender | Female (133) | Male (638) 81%

Lincolnshire Drink-driving hotspots

Lincolnshire Drink-driving hotspots

Norfolk Police

Norfolk Police

Norfolk Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,835

No. of charges | 1,752 (62%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 26-35 (30%)

Gender | Female (178) | Male (680) 79%

Northern Ireland (PSNI)

Drink-Driving Arrests Northern Ireland infographic Statistics

Northern Ireland PSNI

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 9,413

No. of charges | 7,805 (83%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-49 (55%)

Gender | Female (494) | Male (2080) 81%

Northern Ireland Drink-driving hotspots

Northern Ireland Drink-driving hotspots

Northamptonshire Police

Northamptonshire Police

Northamptonshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 2,936

No. of charges | 2,221 (76%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 26-35

Gender | Female (135) | Male (786) 85%

Northamptonshire Drink-driving hotspots

Northamptonshire Drink-driving hotspots

Northumbria Police

Drink-Driving Offences Northumbria Infographic Statistics

Northumbria Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 1,237

No. of charges | 505 (41%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 26-30 (14%)

Gender | Female (34) | Male (160) 82%

Northumbria Drink-driving hotspots

Northumbria Drink-driving hotspots

North Wales Police

North Wales Police

North Wales Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,766

No. of charges | 645 (23%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 36-45 (37%)

Gender | Female (166) | Male (595) 78%

North Wales Drink-driving hotspots

North Wales Drink-driving hotspots

North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire Police

North Yorkshire Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 2,474

No. of charges | 1,687 (76%)

Most Common Age Group | 18-34 (47%)

Gender | Female (495) | Male (1,950) 79%

North Yorkshire Drink-driving hotspots

North Yorkshire Drink-driving hotspots

Police Scotland

Police Scotland

Police Scotland

No. of drink/drug-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 16,273

Most Common Age Group | 35-44 (29%)

Gender | Female (1,042) | Male (4,002) 79%

South Wales Police

South Wales Police

South Wales Police

No. of drink-driving offences (between 2021-2024) | 3,333

No. of charges | 2,597 (78%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 25-34 (31%)

Gender | Female (244) | Male (743) 75%

South Wales Drink-driving hotspots

South Wales Drink-driving hotspots

South Yorkshire Police

South Yorkshire Police

South Yorkshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 3,201

No. of charges | 2,440 (76%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 31-60 (67%)

Gender | Female (199) | Male (863) 81%

Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 2,379

No. of charges | 1,615 (68%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-49 (50%)

Gender | Female (141) | Male (660) 82%

Staffordshire Drink-driving hotspots

Staffordshire Drink-driving hotspots

Suffolk Police

Suffolk Police

Suffolk Police

Surrey Police

Surrey Police

Surrey Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 3,007

No. of charges | 2,244 (75%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-34 (15%)

Gender | Female (140) | Male (568) 80%

Sussex Police

Sussex Police

Sussex Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 2,887

No. of charges | 1,875 (64%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 31-40 (26%)

Gender | Female (123) | Male (473) 79%

Thames Valley Police

Thames Valley Police

Thames Valley Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2023-2024) | 2,150

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 30-39 (31%)

Gender | Female (325) | Male (1819) 85%

West Midlands

West Midlands Police

West Midlands Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 7,270

No. of charges | 4,303 (59%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 20-29 (35%)

Gender | Female (275) | Male (1998) 85%

West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire Police

West Yorkshire Police

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 7,254

No. of charges | 5,685 (78%)

For 2023/24:

Most Common Age Group | 18-34 (43%)

Gender | Female (419) | Male (1751) 80%

West Yorkshire Drink-driving hotspots

West Yorkshire Drink-driving hotspots

Wiltshire Police

Wiltshire Drink-driving hotspots

Wiltshire Drink-driving hotspots

No. of drink-driving arrests (between 2021-2024) | 1,903

For 2023/24:

Gender | Female (103) | Male (471) 82%

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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