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Nerve Damage Caused By A Car Accident Compensation Claims

Last Updated 21st January 2025. Suffering nerve damage in a collision on the roads is a potentially painful and debilitating experience. If your nerve damage was caused by a car accident, compensation could be yours. Our guide will explore this process and show how you can work with solicitors to seek the maximum settlement for your injuries.

The types and severity of injuries sustained in these accidents vary. Additionally, not all accidents are caused by road users acting negligently. Other factors, such as weather or road conditions, may be a factor. We will explain the difference in this guide.

For you to have a valid claim, it must be for negligence. This guide will look at examples of negligence on the road to help you understand whether you could seek car accident compensation. We will also look at how claims are valued. While knowing the average payout for never damage in a car accident won’t be of any particular use, there are helpful resources you can use to understand how settlements are calculated.

If you have any questions whilst or after reading, you can get in touch with our team for further help and advice. All you need to do is use any of the following details below:

  • Telephone 0800 073 8804
  • Chat with an advisor using the live chat box for instant help
  • Use our Contact Us form to request a callback

Select A Section

  1. What Is Nerve Damage Caused By A Car Accident?
  2. What Types Of Nerve Damage Can A Car Accident Cause?
  3. Can I Claim For Nerve Damage After A Car Accident?
  4. Do I Need Evidence To Claim For Nerve Damage?
  5. Is There An Average Payout For Nerve Damage After A Car Accident?
  6. Can I Claim For Financial Losses As Well As Nerve Damage?
  7. How Legal Expert Can Help You Claim Compensation 
  8. Start Your Claim For Nerve Damage Caused By A Car Accident
  9. Essential References

What Is Nerve Damage Caused By A Car Accident?

Nerve damage, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is an injury to the peripheral nervous system. According to the NHS, an estimated 1 in 10 people aged 55 or over suffer from peripheral neuropathy in the UK.

There isn’t one single cause, but it is often related to diabetes and other health conditions. It may also be caused by physical trauma, such as a car crash. The following are examples of how you could develop nerve damage in a car accident:

  • Another driver crashes into the back of you when you stop at a junction. They didn’t brake in time because they were looking at their phone. You suffer a pinched nerve in your shoulder.
  • Someone crashes into the side of you after failing to check their mirrors when changing lanes. This resulted in you sustaining whiplash and a trapped nerve in your neck, amongst other injuries.

In both cases, you were owed a duty of care by another road user. They failed to drive with the correct level of care, and you suffered harm as a result. This is negligence, the defining characteristic of a valid claim.

For further information on whether you hold a valid claim, call our team at the number above.

Will the Whiplash Reform Programme affect my claim?

The Whiplash Reform Programme 2021 changes the way that adult drivers and passengers claim for whiplash injuries sustained in a car accident. Claims any injuries worth less than £5,000 must now be made through the government’s online portal.

However, you still have the right to seek legal representation. If you’re unsure how much your claim is worth, you can speak to one of our advisors for a free valuation.

If your injuries are valued at more than £5,000, you still make your claim through a personal injury claim. For more information, please speak to our team using the number at the top of the page.

What Types Of Nerve Damage Can A Car Accident Cause?

The following section explores several nerve damage injuries that can result from a car accident. The examples we include show how negligence works on the road.

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash could manifest as a minor head injury and pulled neck muscle, causing pain and reduced mobility. Sudden impacts usually cause this:

  • A driver doesn’t pay attention and hits you as you stop at a junction.
  • Another driver fails to check their mirrors and crashes into your side as they overtake you.

As we have mentioned already in this guide, the Whiplash Reform Programme could affect the channel you go through to make your claim. For more information, call our team on the number at the top of the page.

Herniated Disc Injuries

A herniated or slipped disc occurs when one of the soft cushions between the bones in your spine moves out of place. This could happen in a high-impact car accident:

  • A HGV driver causes a head-on collision with you by failing to check their blind spot cameras.
  • Another driver travels over the speed limit and cannot stop in time to avoid a dog on the road. They swerve and hit a motorcyclist.

Pinched Nerves

A pinched nerve can occur as a result of a herniated disc injury. It’s usually a result of pressure from the surrounding tissues. This could happen after suffering a spinal injury in a multi-car pile-up caused by dangerous driving on the motorway.

Other Types Of Nerve Injuries

In addition to the above nerve damage injuries, there are others:

  • Muscle weakness and a burning sensation caused by a temporary loss of the nerve’s conductive ability. This is often caused by a traumatic blow to the head, neck, shoulders, or back.
  • Axonotmesis refers to an injury to one of the peripheral nerves in one of the body’s extremities. Symptoms vary.
  • Neurotmesis is a laceration that cuts through the nerve, often because of a forceful impact.

No matter what type of nerve damage you’ve suffered, we understand the impact this kind of injury can have on your quality of life. The presence of chronic pain caused by nerve damage can cause mental health issues like depression, too, and we are here to help.

If you have evidence that someone else’s negligence caused you to suffer nerve damage in a car accident, call our team. They can help you better understand the process of seeking compensation. If your claim has a good chance of success, you could be connected with one of our solicitors.

Can I Claim For Nerve Damage After A Car Accident?

If you’d like to claim compensation for nerve damage after a car accident, there are certain criteria you need to meet:

  1. Another road user endangered you or failed to follow the rules of the road.
  2. Because of this, you suffered a nerve damage injury.

A duty of care is a given if someone is a road user. They take on this duty by just using the road. Proving a breach of that duty can be harder. It’s also necessary to prove that your nerve damage injury was caused by the accident or that it at least contributed to it.

How Long After A Car Accident Can I Claim For Nerve Damage?

You must start your nerve damage claim within a certain time limit. As per the Limitation Act 1980, this will generally be set at three years from the date of your accident.

Minors are not subject to this time limit, as they cannot start a claim for themselves. Once they turn 18, they have three years to start their claim. A litigation friend can be appointed to manage a claim on their behalf before their 18th birthday.

A similar exception can be made for people who lack the mental capacity to represent themselves in a claim. A litigation friend could start a claim on their behalf. If they regain and prove they have the mental capacity to take legal action, they will have three years from that point to start their claim.

You can contact one of our advisers for more information on how to claim compensation for nerve damage caused by a car accident.

Do I Need Evidence To Claim For Nerve Damage?

If you are eligible to claim compensation for nerve damage caused by a car accident, you will need evidence to support your claim. Sufficient evidence could prove that someone else was liable for the accident. Furthermore, it could prove the type and severity of the injuries you sustained.

Some examples of evidence you could collect to support your claim include:

  • Video footage of the car accident, such as CCTV or dashcam footage.
  • Photographs of the accident scene and your injuries.
  • Contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident.
  • Your medical records state the injuries you sustained and the treatment you needed.
  • Evidence of financial expense or loss caused by your injuries, such as payslips, receipts and bank statements.

You can contact our advisors to discuss the evidence you might need to claim for nerve damage. Our car accident compensation advisors could assess your case to see if one of our solicitors could help you with your claim.

Is There An Average Payout For Nerve Damage After A Car Accident?

Knowing the average payout for nerve damage after a car accident likely won’t be very useful for you. The term ‘average compensation’ implies that all car accident claims are dealt with in some routine way, whereas each case differs and as a result, the settlement will differ for each claimant. Compensation usually comprises general and special damages.

General damages are for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries. They also consider how severe the injuries are, the impact they’ve had on your quality of life, and the long-term impact they may have.

In order to accurately value your injuries, you will require medical evidence. This can include medical reports from your doctor or a specialist who is treating you.

Alongside any evidence, the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) are usually used value claims. We have used the JCG to create a guideline compensation table for nerve damage injuries. We’ve also provided two tariffs from the Whiplash Injury Regulations at the bottom of the table. Please note that the top figure is neither from the JCG or Whiplsah Injury Regulations. You can also use our compensation calculator to value your claim.

As each claim is valued using unique medical evidence, final settlement figures may differ from those in the table. You should only use these figures as a guide.

If your injury isn’t listed or you have any questions about how your car accident compensation may be calculated, call our team. They can provide an estimate of how much compensation you could receive.

InjurySeverity Guideline Compensation
Multiple Injuries Plus Special DamagesVery SevereUp to £250,000 or more
BackSevere (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Severe (ii)£90,510 to £107,910
Moderate (i)£33,880 to £47,320
LegLess Serious (i) Fractures From Which an Incomplete Recovery is Made or Serious Soft Tissue Injuries£21,920 to £33,880
FaceFractures of Nose or Nasal Complex (i)£12,990 to £28,220
HandSerious Injury to the Thumb£15,370 to £20,460
Moderate Injuries to the Thumb£11,800 to £15,370
Whiplash18-24 months£4,215
15-18 months£3,005

Can I Claim For Financial Losses As Well As Nerve Damage?

As part of your personal injury claim, you have the right to seek special damages, which is compensation for your financial losses. This may include any past and future monetary losses that you’ve incurred as a direct result of your injuries.

For example, if you were unable to work or required extra care while recovering, you could claim the loss of earnings or care costs as part of your compensation.

Other examples of special damages might include:

  • Loss of pension.
  • Loss of attendance bonus at work.
  • Missed promotion.
  • Care costs for someone dependent on you, e.g. a child or elderly parent.
  • Travel expenses, e.g. getting to and from medical appointments.
  • Medical expenses, e.g. walking aids, physiotherapy, or counselling.

You must have evidence of your losses. This could be in the form of receipts, invoices, or payslips for work.

If you have any questions regarding what you can claim after sustaining nerve damage in a car accident, get in touch with our team.

How Legal Expert Can Help You Claim Compensation

You can seek legal representation under a No Win No Fee agreement. This means you only pay for your solicitor’s services if you succeed. If they are successful, your solicitor will deduct a success fee from any compensation. This percentage is set out before you start your claim and capped by law.

All of our expert solicitors operate on this basis and have experience handling similar cases. If you hold a valid claim, an advisor can connect you with a solicitor to get started as soon as possible.

Start Your Claim For Nerve Damage Caused By A Car Accident

No matter whether you need further clarification or you’re ready to submit your claim, our team is available to help by:

  • Assessing whether you hold a valid claim.
  • Providing an estimate of what your car accident compensation is worth.
  • Using their expert knowledge of personal injury claims to answer your questions.
  • Connecting you with a solicitor to work on your case.

Why not get in touch on the following to get one step closer to seeking the compensation you deserve? You can get in touch by:

  • Telephone – 0800 073 8804
  • Chatting with an advisor using the live chat box for instant advice
  • Filling out the contact form, and an advisor will get back to you

Essential References

  • See the government website for more road accidents and safety resources.
  • Visit the NHS resource, which provides further information on nerve damage.
  • For more information on road safety laws, see Think.
  • Our guide explores the process of claiming compensation for a road traffic accident injury.
  • If someone else’s careless driving killed your loved one, our guide could help you understand your rights to seek compensation on their behalf.
  • For guidance on making a pedestrian accident claim, see our guide.

We also have some other guides on car accident claims that you may find useful:

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on claiming compensation after suffering nerve damage in a car accident.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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