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Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Stories – How To Claim Compensation

breast cancer misdiagnosis stories

Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Stories Medical Negligence Claims Specialists

This guide will look at breast cancer misdiagnosis stories with the aim of highlighting when a medical negligence claim could be valid. Cancer is a disease that may get progressively worse over time, and an incorrect diagnosis could lead to a delay in treatment that negatively impacts your health.

This guide will look at the eligibility criteria that apply to claims for unnecessary harm caused by medical negligence. Additionally, we will discuss the time limits you must observe and how a No Win No Fee agreement could benefit you.

Please speak to our team if you have evidence to show your cancer was negligently misdiagnosed. An advisor can provide insight into the merits of your potential claim. Furthermore, our team could put you in touch with one of our medical negligence solicitors if you meet the criteria to claim breast cancer negligence compensation. Call today for a free consultation. To make your enquiry:

  • Contact our helpline on 0800 073 8804
  • Fill in our claim online form
  • Use our Live Support web chat widget to talk to an advisor

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What Is A Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis?

A misdiagnosis of cancer could take two different forms. Either:

  • Your doctor diagnoses you with breast cancer when you don’t have it; or,
  • Your doctor diagnoses you with a different condition when you actually have breast cancer.

Just because a breast cancer misdiagnosis occurs does not automatically mean you’re eligible to claim. You need to show that a medical professional breached their duty of care and, as a result, caused you unnecessary or avoidable harm.

What Is Medical Negligence?

All medical practitioners, including doctors and nurses, owe their patients a duty of care. This means that these professionals must deliver a standard of care to their patients that does not fall below a minimum level.

If they do not do this, a patient could experience harm that the correct level of care could have avoided. A breach of duty of care that causes avoidable harm is known as negligence.

If you’re unsure whether medical negligence played a role in your misdiagnosis, contact our team of advisors for insight.

Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Stories

We have included the below breast cancer misdiagnosis stories to demonstrate how a negligent misdiagnosis could cause avoidable or unnecessary harm.

One woman was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer and afterwards underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy. However, it was later discovered that she received her diagnosis on the basis of misreported biopsy and scan results.

When it was discovered that she had been misdiagnosed with cancer, she described the experience of receiving treatment and undergoing unnecessary surgery as “traumatising”.

Sources: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-49049988

Fatal Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Stories

A woman attended her GP surgery after she discovered a lump in her breast. She was diagnosed with a swollen lymph gland even though the GP did not examine it thoroughly and did not order further diagnostic tests. Nearly a year and a half later, she returned to the GP, having found a second lump.

Not long after the second lump was discovered, this woman was admitted to the hospital for breathing difficulties and coughing up blood. She was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and died after undergoing six rounds of chemotherapy. The GP who initially attended to this woman admitted that they should have performed a breast exam when she reported the first lump.

Sources: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/23039143.newcastle-mum-two-dies-breast-cancer-34/

Why Breast Cancer May Be Misdiagnosed

There are a number of ways that a breast cancer misdiagnosis could occur. For instance, you could be misdiagnosed because:

  • The results of a routine mammogram are inconclusive, but your GP does not refer you for further tests or a second mammogram.
  • You went to your GP with obvious symptoms of breast cancer but they failed to perform a breast exam or send you for diagnostic testing.
  • You are sent for a mammogram but this is performed incorrectly, meaning you are told you have cancer when you don’t.

In each of these examples, a misdiagnosis could mean that your breast cancer is missed in its early stages, or that you’re given unnecessarily harmful treatment for a condition you do not have. Speak to our advisors if you believe that hospital negligence contributed to your misdiagnosis. Our team may be able to put you in touch with a medical negligence solicitor.

How Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Impacts Patients

A medical misdiagnosis could mean that your breast cancer goes untreated, meaning it has time to metastasise and spread. According to Cancer Research UK, breast cancer most commonly spreads to the lungs, brain, lymph nodes and bones. As seen in one of the breast cancer misdiagnosis stories above, a misdiagnosis can also result in death.

Contact one of our advisors for an assessment of the validity of your case.

How Much Could I Claim For A Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis?

After having read the previous breast cancer misdiagnosis stories, you may be wondering how much your own negligent misdiagnosis could be worth.

If your medical negligence claim for a cancer misdiagnosis is successful, you could receive a payout made up of up to two heads of claim. The first is a general damages payment, intended to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity you’ve experienced due to medical negligence.

We have created a table showing figures based on the 16th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a publication that medical negligence solicitors may turn to when assessing how much a claim could be worth.

Injury Type Compensation Award Severity Notes
Brain and Head Injury £219,070 to £282,010 Moderately Severe Claimant is very seriously disabled. Requires constant care. Award considers factors such as life expectancy and ability to communicate.
Brain and Head Injury £150,110 to £219,070 Moderate (i) Individual experiences severe to moderate intellectual deficit in addition to an effect on the senses, personality change, and other factors.
Lung Disease £100,670 to £135,920 Serious Disability Young individual who experiences disability that is serious and where it is probable their condition will worsen, leading to premature death.
Lung Disease £70,030 to £97,330 Lung Cancer Typically an older individual who experiences severe pain and impaired quality of life due to lung cancer.
Psychological Damage Generally £54,830 to £115,730 Severe There are marked problems in relation to ability to cope with work, education, and interpersonal relationships. Very poor prognosis.
Psychological Damage Generally £19,070 to £54,830 Moderately Severe There are significant problems in relation to the individual’s ability to cope with education, interpersonal relationships, and work. More optimistic prognosis than found in severe cases.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £59,860 to £100,670 Severe The injury causes permanent effects which prevent them functioning or working as before. Affects all aspects of life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £23,150 to £59,860 Moderately Severe The claimant will have a better prognosis for recovery with professional help, though the effects are still likely to cause a disability for the known future.
Scarring (Other Body Parts) £7,830 to £22,730 Disfiguring Scar Award can be made for a single disfiguring scar to the chest or a number of less noticeable scars.

In addition, you may receive a special damages payment. This head of a claim is intended to cover the costs of any out-of-pocket expenses you experienced due to medical negligence. For instance, this could include the cost of travelling to and from hospital appointments, paying for hospital parking, and the cost of buying prescription medications.

The payment you receive will depend on your individual circumstances. Please feel free to call our team, and an advisor can provide a more personalised estimate of your compensation.

Why Choose Us For Medical Negligence Claims?

If your circumstances are similar to any of the breast cancer misdiagnosis stories that we have mentioned in this guide, then you could be entitled to claim. You can get in touch with our team for a free consultation.

If our advisors determine that you meet the eligibility requirements to begin a claim, they may be able to put you in touch with a solicitor. They can help you prepare your case and represent you during your claim.

Our solicitors generally work under a particular kind of No Win No Fee agreement known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). When using this kind of arrangement, you wouldn’t have to pay for the solicitor’s services while the medical negligence claims process is ongoing. Also, you typically wouldn’t have to pay their service fees if the claim ends up failing.

Instead, if your claim succeeds and you are awarded compensation, your solicitor will deduct a small success fee from this award. This fee is capped by law.

To learn more about the merits of your potential claim, contact our team of advisors. They can tell you whether your case is strong enough to prove medical negligence occurred. If your circumstances resemble the breast cancer misdiagnosis stories told above, please contact us today to learn more about the process of claiming:

  • Call our helpline on 0800 073 8804
  • Fill in our claim online form
  • Use our Live Support web chat widget to talk to an advisor

More Cancer Medical Negligence Stories

Other guides about cancer misdiagnosis claims:

£486,000 Compensation For Mesothelioma Claim Paid to Cancer Victim

When Could You Claim For Brain Cancer Misdiagnosis?

Making A Compensation Claim After A Lung Cancer Misdiagnosis

Informative resources from third parties:

General Medical Council (GMC) – Concerns About Doctors

NHS – Breast Cancer Diagnosis

UK Government – NHS Constitution For England

Thank you for reading these breast cancer misdiagnosis stories. To learn more about the medical negligence claims process, speak to our team using the provided details.

Written by Chelache

Edited by Stocks/Finlay

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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