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Laser Skin Resurfacing Negligence Compensation Claims Guide

Have you recently experienced an injury such as a laser skin burn due to laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation negligence? If you have been injured due to laser skin resurfacing negligence or laser skin rejuvenation negligence you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Let Legal Expert’s laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation lawyers handle your claim for compensation. We have plenty of experience handling all sorts of clinical negligence and medical negligence claims, so if you have experienced an injury due to negligent laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation treatment, we would love to help you claim compensation.

Legal Expert are a well respected personal injury solicitor’s firm, who have an excellent track record of helping clients win their laser skin rejuvenation compensation claims. We offer a free legal consultation to all of our potential clients, where we will offer you free legal advice about laser skin surgery litigation. Call us today and after assessing whether or not you have legitimate grounds to claim compensation, we will estimate how much your claim could be worth and find the right personal injury solicitor to handle your claim. Your compensation claim could be worth tens of thousands of pounds, so laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation negligence claims are always worth pursuing.

Call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 today to start your claim today. If you have queries about receiving laser skin rejuvenation compensation, you can also contact us through our website or use the Live chat bubble now on your screen. Please read on to learn more about claiming for laser skin resurfacing negligence.

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A Guide To Laser Skin Resurfacing Or Rejuvenation Negligence

laser skin resurfacing claims

laser skin resurfacing claims

Welcome to our guide to making laser skin resurfacing claims as a result of experiencing laser skin resurfacing negligence.

What is laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation? Laser skin resurfacing and laser skin rejuvenation are essentially two names for the same treatment. The treatment involves a laser, or intense pulsed light targeting problem areas of the patient’s skin, such as acne, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, scarring or wrinkles, or other skin problems that affect the surface or deeper layers of the skin. The laser evaporates the damaged skin cells and stimulates new, healthy skin cell growth at the same time. Some results are immediate; however, improvement will happen over 3 – 6 months, as the skin creates new collagen as a result of the treatment. Unfortunately there are inherent risks to this treatment and if the clients experience’s laser skin rejuvenation negligence they can suffer from a laser skin burn injury, sometimes resulting in permanent scarring.

In this laser skin resurfacing claims guide we are going to look in depth into what laser skin resurfacing is and the types of negligence that can occur and the injuries they can result in. We will also look at how to make a laser skin rejuvenation compensation claim if you were burnt by a skin rejuvenation treatment due to negligence and explain how laser skin surgery litigation works. Remember, if you have experienced laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation negligence which resulted in you becoming injured, Legal Expert could help you claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today for your free consultation and to see how much you could claim.

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing Or Rejuvenation?

If you’re wanting to make laser skin resurfacing claims, it will first help to get a proper understanding of what laser skin resurfacing negligence looks like.

In the UK in 2015, the government reported that £3.6 billion was spent on cosmetic medical procedures that year. 1 in 10 of these procedures is a non-surgical procedure, such as laser skin resurfacing. These statistics are the latest provided by The Department of Health in relation to this. As we have explained, laser skin rejuvenation treatment works by vapourising layers of problem areas of the skin, and encouraging healthier skin regrowth and collagen replenishment over time.

Whilst most procedures are trouble free and most customers are pleased with the results of their treatment, if the laser skin resurfacing treatment is not carried out properly it can result in damage such as laser skin burn injuries, blistering, scarring and infections.

If you have experienced laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation which has resulted in you becoming injured, you may be able to get compensation for your injuries by making laser skin resurfacing claims. To successfully receive laser skin rejuvenation compensation, you need to prove that your injuries were the result of medical negligence. We will go into this in more detail below.

What Should You Expect During And After Laser Facial Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation treatments should only be carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. To prepare, you may be prescribed vitamin E supplements prior to your treatment, and a course of antibiotics to ward off infections. Laser facial resurfacing is an outpatient treatment, meaning that the patient will not have to stay in hospital overnight. If you only wish to target small specific problem areas of the skin then the treatment may take as little as half an hour. A full-face treatment will usually take two hours.

People considering laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenating treatment often wonder “is laser skin resurfacing painful?”. Patients are given a local anaesthetic during treatment so that they do not feel any pain. After the treatment has been completed the skin will be bandaged to protect it. Laser facial resurfacing involves treating the skin to prevent infections and applying a high SPF broad-spectrum sunblock to protect the skin from sun damage in its more vulnerable state.

If you experience laser skin resurfacing negligence and suffer as a result, you could be able to claim compensation by making laser skin resurfacing claims.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation And Resurfacing Burn Injuries

One of the most common types of injury from laser skin rejuvenation or resurfacing are burn injuries. If these injuries are sustained as a result of laser skin resurfacing negligence, you could be able to make laser skin resurfacing claims for compensation.

During any type of laser skin treatment it is normal for the skin being treated to feel hotter. However, as soon as the treatment ends it should quickly cool back down. Depending on your treatment, how long it lasted, and the type of equipment used, the time for it to cool down could vary. The technician treating you will be able to tell you how long it should take for it to cool down. If your skin is not cooling back down, you should tell the clinician straight away. They can then stop the treatment and take any immediate preventative steps to prevent burns from happening or to reduce their severity after happening. You should then seek medical attention for any burn injuries from your laser skin resurfacing.

Non-surgical laser skin treatments such as rejuvenation and resurfacing are not fully regulated in the UK. This means that people will often be treated by someone who is not fully qualified to do so. There currently is no registration scheme for the people or salons offering the treatment. In previous cases, people have suffered laser skin resurfacing burn injuries leaving them with permanent damage, such as burns penetrating through the skin to damage the glands beneath it.

If laser skin resurfacing negligence is to blame for your suffering, you could be entitled to make laser skin resurfacing claims. Please read on to learn more or get in touch with us today.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Side Effects

Some common laser skin resurfacing side effects include swelling, crusting or weeping of the skin in the first week. This is perfectly normal and will usually be gone within two weeks of the procedure. Skin redness may last between 2 and 6 months and are perfectly normal. You cannot claim clinical negligence or cosmetic negligence compensation for these side effects.

However, you may be able to claim laser skin resurfacing negligence compensation if you have evidence showing that your injuries were caused by third-party negligence. Evidence that you may need includes a medical report assessing your injuries and photographs of your injury.

The Risks Of Laser Skin Resurfacing Negligence

Unfortunately, should complications arise, which could be caused by clinical negligence, there are some risks to having laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation treatment.

For example, if you have suffered herpes or cold sore problems in the past, laser skin resurfacing treatment can reactivate it. Your doctor can prescribe medication beforehand to help reduce the risk of this happening. If the doctor or clinic staff failed to ask your medical history or prescribe you the correct preventative medication when you told them about your previous herpes or cold sore, then suffered cold sores or herpes as a result of your treatment, you could be entitled to make a laser treatment claim for compensation.

Other injuries that can result in damage from complications during laser facial resurfacing include; changes in the skin’s pigmentation, including unwanted lightening or darkening of the skin, blisters, reactivating previous herpes or cold sore problems, burns from the heat of the laser and scarring. The results of these in some cases can be permanent.

If these results were a result of laser skin resurfacing negligence, you could be entitled to make laser skin resurfacing claims.

What actions by a laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation practitioner would be seen as negligent? Laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation negligence could be counted as the following:

  • Not properly assessing the patient’s medical history to ensure that they are suitable for the treatment
  • Overuse or inappropriate use of the laser, for example, holding the laser too close to the skin or using the laser for too long an amount of time
  • Use of poorly maintained or unregulated equipment
  • Not following health and safety procedures correctly.

If laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation has caused you to suffer an injury or contributed to you being burnt by skin rejuvenation treatment, you could be entitled to make a laser skin rejuvenation compensation claim. Call Legal Expert today, to see if you have legitimate grounds to make laser skin resurfacing claims.

The Law And Laser Facial Resurfacing

Medical sources strongly recommend that laser skin resurfacing treatment is carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist, and reputable clinics will only employ qualified practitioners, the law does not actually require anyone with suitable qualifications to carry out laser skin rejuvenation or resurfacing treatment. By law, laser facial surface resurfacing practitioners are seen as beauty therapists, not doctors. As you can imagine, there is legitimate debate to be had about whether or not this should be the case. Practitioners are required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and ensure they use the correct equipment but are not subject to any sorts of medical regulations.

However, as beauty therapists, laser facial resurfacing practitioners are bound by health and safety regulations towards their customers such as the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, which means that they have a duty of care towards their clients. Therefore they are legally required to provide clients with a safe and hygienic environment and service, which includes taking steps to avoid any health and safety standards.

If they fail to do so and commit an action that could be seen as cosmetic or clinical negligence, and this leads to the customer becoming injured, they could be held liable for laser skin resurfacing negligence as part of laser skin resurfacing claims made by the sufferer.

Negligence is a result of a third party having a duty of care and breaching this duty through their actions, causing you to suffer an injury. It’s only by you proving their negligence that you would be able to receive laser skin rejuvenation compensation.

Establishing Liability For Laser Skin Resurfacing Negligence Claims

If you wish to make laser skin resurfacing claims for your laser burn injury or other injuries caused by laser facial resurfacing, your laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation lawyers will have to be able to provide evidence that your injuries were caused by negligence on the part of the practitioner or clinic.

You cannot sue for laser skin resurfacing side effects or an injury that is the inherent risk of the treatment unless you were not warned by the practitioner or business about these possible side effects or inherent risks. This is because these potential injuries would be considered an accepted and understandable risk of the procedure.

You can sue for injuries arising from complications, if you have evidence that the complications were the result of laser skin resurfacing negligence. If you have legitimate grounds to make a laser skin resurfacing claim, your laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation lawyer will gather all the evidence that is required to prove that the clinic or practitioner is responsible for your injuries.

Case Study: Burnt By Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

This case study is an example of recent laser skin resurfacing claims.

The incident involved Mrs K who had a laser skin resurfacing treatment using a Co2 fractional ablative laser on her face, to reduce the appearance of her freckles. Prior to treatment, her skin was assessed by a dermatologist who stated that this treatment would be safe for her skin.

During her third treatment, Mrs K complained that she could feel stinging on her chin. The practitioner did not respond. Later it was found out that the practitioner was holding the laser too close to Miss K’s skin, and had not protected the epidermis layer of her skin with the required cooling system.

As a result, Mrs K was left with a permanent scar on her chin. As well as pain from her laser skin burn, Miss K also suffered from psychological effects such as depression and agoraphobia, as a result of the traumatic nature of her injuries and the harm she felt it did to her appearance.

After some time Mrs K decided to seek laser skin resurfacing negligence compensation for her laser skin burn injuries. Using evidence from the medical report Mrs K had received from her doctor after her injuries, her personal injury solicitor was able to make laser skin resurfacing claims, which she won successfully. As a result the clinic’s parent company admitted partial liability for her injuries and Mrs K was awarded £4,500 in compensation.

To see if you could receive laser skin rejuvenation compensation, please contact us at a time that works for you using the above details. We can tell you if you’re eligible to claim and can even put you in touch with a specialised solicitor who could help you receive compensation.

What Can I Include In A Laser Burn Injury Claim?

If you have experienced laser skin resurfacing negligence and manage to make successful laser skin resurfacing claims, your compensation will be awarded in two parts.

Firstly, you will receive general damages. General damages will compensate you for your physical and psychological pain and suffering. You could also receive a settlement known as your special damages, which would be to compensate you for any financial losses you have endured as a result of your injuries.

What can you claim as special damages?

  • Medical expenses: This includes counselling for psychological damage, medical treatment or medicine as a result from your injuries.
  • Travel expenses: This includes the cost of taxis, petrol use or public transport used to travel to and from hospital, hospital outpatient appointments or doctor’s appointments.
  • Care expenses: If a friend or family member cared for you unpaid when you were injured, you can claim compensation for them.
  • Loss of earnings: If you had to take time off work as a result of your injuries, you can claim for loss of income. You can also claim for loss of future income if you missed pension payments, or if you feel your injuries could harm your future career prospects.

Laser Skin Surgery Litigation Settlements

If you pursue laser skin resurfacing claims, you are likely to be concerned about the amount of compensation you could get. Please consult our personal injury claims calculator to see how much laser treatment claims for injuries such as yours are worth.

Injury type and severity Settlement band Further notes:
Hair loss (b) £3,710 to £6,890 As a result of hair being pulled out leaving bald patches, including stress-induced alopecia.
Hair loss (a) £6,890 to £10,340 As a result of dermatitis, eczema or burning of the scalp.
Very significant facial disfigurement £27,940 to £91,350 Where there is significant scarring and psychological damage.
Less severe facial disfigurement £16,860 to £45,440 Substantial injuries, but less severe mental anguish.
Less significant facial disfigurement £3,710 to £12,900 One scar that can be hidden.
Trivial scarring £1,600 to £3,310 Minor impacts.
Skin damage (c) £1,600 to £3,710 Itching, irritation, or rash on the skin.
Skin damage (b) £8,110 to £10,710 Dermatitis continuing for a long period of time but settling with treatment.
Skin damage (a) £12,900 to £18,020 Dermatitis with cracking and soreness, with some psychological consequences.

Above is a list of injuries and compensation brackets that have been provided by the Judicial College. Please bear in mind that these figures only provide an indication of the laser skin rejuvenation compensation you could receive.

For a compensation quote that relates more specifically to your injuries, call Legal Expert today. If you have legitimate grounds to make laser skin resurfacing claims after experiencing laser skin resurfacing negligence, we will be able to give you a personalised estimate of how much compensation you could claim, based on your individual circumstances. Call today to see how much your laser skin surgery litigation settlement could be worth.

No Win No Fee Laser Treatment Negligence Claims

If you wish to make laser skin resurfacing claims for injuries you sustained as a result of laser skin resurfacing negligence, trust Legal Expert to handle your claim.

We will offer you the chance to make a no win no fee claim. This means that you will only have to pay your solicitor’s fee if and when you win your compensation claim. This means that for many clients it is not only more affordable, but there is also no financial risk. To enquire about making a no win no fee claim, call Legal Expert today to talk about your options.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Claims FAQs

Can laser treatment damage your skin?

If properly carried out, laser treatments should not damage your skin. This is providing that any potential issues are identified prior to receiving any such treatment so to ensure that it is a proper match for your skin type. If checks like this are not performed and you suffer an injury due to this, you may be able to claim for laser skin resurfacing negligence.

Is laser skin resurfacing safe?

When carried out by a board-certified dermatologist, laser skin resurfacing cosmetic procedures are safe.

Do I have grounds to make a claim?

Providing that your laser technician demonstrated negligence surrounding your procedure, you could be able to make a claim against them for their failing.

How can negligence be determined?

Negligence can usually be established using the following criteria:

  1. The laser technician owed you a duty of care
  2. Which they failed to maintain
  3. And you suffered as a result

How long do I have to make a claim?

Personal injury claims have a typical time limit of 3 years, beginning from the date of the incident or the date you realised you were negatively impacted by it.

How can a No Win No Fee agreement help?

No Win No Fee agreements help eradicate the financial risks involved in the claims process. This is because they have no upfront or hidden costs to pay and a solicitor working on this basis will only charge you if they win your case, meaning you’ll never have to pay out of pocket.

Do I need a solicitor?

Although there is no legal requirement to have a solicitor in order to make a claim, they can significantly boost your chances of securing compensation.

How can I contact Legal Expert?

Please see the section below for some options on how you can get in touch.

Talk To Our Specialist Claims Team Today

If you have experienced laser skin resurfacing negligence which resulted in you becoming injured, you may be able to make laser skin resurfacing claims.

laser skin resurfacing claims

laser skin resurfacing claims

Trust Legal Expert to provide you with the right personal injury solicitor to handle your claim. Our personal injury lawyers have up to three decades of experience handling cosmetic negligence claims and will fight to win you the maximum amount of personal injury compensation you are owed. Remember, we offer a free legal consultation to anyone looking to make a laser skin skin resurfacing claim, so call us today and if you have legitimate grounds for compensation, we will proceed with your claim right away.

You can call us on 0800 073 8804, contact us through our website or by using the chat window on your screen. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Useful Links

How Much Compensation For a Burn Injury?

Find out how much you could claim for a burn injury claim.

NHS Skin Care

The NHS on skin care and advice.

Cosmetic Surgery Claims, How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Negligence?
Find out how to make a claim for cosmetic surgery gone wrong and how much compensation you could be awarded.

How Much Compensation For A Botox Injury Or Negligence?
If you have suffered an injury due to the negligent application of botox find out how much compensation you could be entitled to.

Laser Hair Removal Burn Compensation Claims Guide
If your laser hair removal procedure went wrong or was carried out negligently you could be entitled to claim compensation.

Thanks for reading our guide to making laser skin resurfacing claims as a result of experiencing laser skin resurfacing negligence.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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