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Banbury Medical Negligence Solicitors – No Win No Fee Claims

On this page, you will find a comprehensive guide to finding your medical negligence solicitors for Banbury claims. It should contain everything you need to know about both private and NHS medical negligence claims. You will learn why you may be eligible to make a claim, who might be liable for your compensation, and how to choose the best legal team to process your claim for you.

First of all, we need to go over what clinical negligence actually is; whenever a patient is harmed through omission, accident, error or lack of diligence, negligence may have taken place. Typical examples of negligence include, but are not limited to:

  • You were prescribed the wrong medication.
  • You were told to take the wrong dose of the right medication.
  • Your medical condition was misdiagnosed.
  • Your medical condition was diagnosed late.
  • You have been harmed due to a surgical accident while on the operating table.
  • You fell victim to an accident such as a slip, trip or fall while staying in a hospital.
  • You were given the wrong medical treatment.
  • You were given the right medical treatment, but it was administered incorrectly.

These are just some of the forms that negligence can take, there are many more. However, simply causing harm to a patient is not the whole of the picture. Consider treatments such as chemotherapy, which cause harm to the patient, but eventually leads to recovery from a serious illness like cancer. In this case, the harm was justified. For negligence to have really taken place, the medical professional involved needs to have failed in their duty of care towards the patient. A better definition of this would be:

Medical negligence solicitors Banbury

Medical negligence solicitors Banbury

“Every medical professional has a duty of care towards their patients, never to do them any harm. When the medical professional fails in this duty of care, and it leads to a patient being harmed, then if the breach of the duty of care could have been avoided in some way, the medical professional has been negligent.”

Whenever a complaint of negligence is made against a medical professional, a board of their peers is convened. This board will investigate the clam, and then rule whether the incident was negligent or not. What this means, is that if the board says no, it wasn’t negligence, then your legal team will need to prove that it was, in order for you to make a successful claim.

As you can see, the negligence claim process is quite complicated. A legal team such as Legal Expert can help you to process your claim, as we are experts in helping claimants get the most compensation possible for these kinds of claims.  You can contact us in the following ways.

How To Find A Specialist Solicitor For Your Medical Negligence Case

Finding the best team of medical negligence solicitors for Banbury cases can help to assist with a successful outcome when pursuing a medical negligence claim. How effective your legal team is at processing your claim, will have a direct correlation to both your chances of winning the claim, and also the level of compensation that you receive. With this in mind, the following three questions will help you to vet any legal firm you are considering using:

  1. Have you worked on, processed, and successfully won a claim similar to my own in the last year?
  2. Can you offer to manage my claim under an agreement whereby your fee is conditional on you being successful?
  3. Is it possible for you to help me prepare evidence for my claim, by arranging for me to have a free local medical examination in Banbury?

Any legal firm that cannot answer yes to all three of these questions, might not be a good choice. Legal Expert can answer yes to them all. Our accident and injury claims service has proven effective in winning our clients significant settlements in negligence claims. Speak to a member of our team on the number at the bottom of this page to find out how we can help you.

How To Make A Medical Negligence Claim

If your health has been negatively affected as a result of inadequate medical care, then you could be entitled to compensation. In order to this, there are a few steps you’ll need to take.

Time Limits

Firstly, it’s important to know that there is a 3-year time limit on medical negligence claims. This means that you have 3 years from the date of your injury to begin your claims. “Beginning your claim” means that you must have issued court proceedings.

However, in some medical negligence claims, you may not be aware of your injury immediately. For example, if you are misdiagnosed by a medical professional, then your health could deteriorate over time as you wouldn’t be receiving the treatment you require.

In these cases, your time limit would begin from the date you become aware of your injury. This date is known as the date of knowledge.

Reporting The Negligence

You should report your injuries that were caused by medical or clinical negligence to whoever is in charge at the medical facility. This could be a GP surgery, hospital, or even a dentist. If they admit liability for your injuries, then a settlement could be reached relatively quickly. However, this is not a guarantee.

Seeking Legal Advice

If those responsible for your injuries deny responsibility, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t entitled to compensation. What this means is that you will have to make an official claim against them.

When making a claim, while there is no legal requirement for you to hire solicitors for medical negligence in Banbury, we do recommend it. This is because the process can be quite confusing. If you have no experience in this field that you could run into a few roadblocks.

Medical negligence solicitors for Banbury claims can assist with things such as gathering evidence to back up your version of events. They can also answer any questions you may have during the entire process.

Am I Limited To Using Medical Negligence Solicitors In Bradbury?

Many people wrongly think that there are laws in place on this matter. In other words, they think that their medical negligence solicitors for Banbury claims need to be local to the area. This is wrong; you are under no legal obligation to use a local firm at all. You can use any solicitor that you want to, where they are located doesn’t matter.

Especially since modern communication methods such as the phone, email and webchat, help you keep in touch with your legal team quickly and easily, no matter where they happen to be in the UK.

Now that you know this, you have the option of using the services of specialist medical negligence solicitors for Banbury claims, no matter where they are. Where they happen to be located need not be a consideration. A specialist legal team may have a better chance of processing your claim successfully, and getting you the maximum amount of compensation possible than someone who is based locally.

For example, here at Legal Expert we operate on a national level, and can help residents of Banbury and across Great Britain to claim the compensation they are entitled to, using our simple and effective claims service. As part of this service, we can arrange for you to be examined by a doctor in the Banbury, and the results of this free medical examination would be submitted as evidence in support of your claim. The following doctor in the Banbury area, would be able to do this for you:

Shams Tabraiz
Mercure Whately Hall Hotel
17-19 Horsefair
OX16 0AN

Rated And Reviewed Solicitors

One of the best ways to cut down on the amount of work needed to find a good solicitor, is to try and find a website that has solicitors reviews. These reviews can be used to generate a shortlist of possible legal firms to use. When reading the reviews, consider facts such as:

  • Is the review quite new, say less than a year old?
  • Is the claim the review covers similar to your type of claim?
  • Did the solicitor work under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA)?
  • If the solicitor did work under a CFA, what percentage of the compensation received did they charge as their fee?
  • Did the reviewer have a good experience overall? Did they recommend the legal firm?

Facts like these can be compared across different reviews, and help you to create a list of suitable medical negligence solicitors for Banbury. It will still take some time to do this though, so if you simply don’t have the free time to go through this process, Legal Expert can help. Speak to one of our team on the number at the end of the page, and explain your situation to them. They will then inform you of the legal options that are open to you, and offer you a simple way to move your claim forward.

Medical Negligence Claims Our Expert Team Can Conduct

Legal Expert is a specialist injury and accident lawyer; we focus solely on this aspect of the law. We have proven time and time again we have what it takes to take on large organisations such as the NHS, and win significant compensation payments for our clients.

Some types of claims are much more common. In the next few sections of this guide, we will go over some of these common claim types. However, no matter how you have come to harm at the hands of a medical professional, we are sure that we can help. Speak to one of our team on the number at the end of the page, and they will go over your claim with you, and offer you some free legal advice on what to do next.

Medical Negligence Statistics

The National Health Service (NHS) maintains a detailed record of claims made against them for medical negligence. Each year, they release the figures in their Annual Resolution Report.

This report contains a detailed overview and breakdown of the kinds of claims that are made against the NHS over the course of the year. As you can see from the graph below, in 2020/21, claims made against the NHS cost them a total of £2,209 million.

This figure is only for medical negligence committed by the NHS. The numbers for private healthcare are not included in this report. So, whilst it gives a good idea of the value of claims across the country, it does not give a complete picture.

Medical negligence solicitors Banbury statistics graph

Medical negligence solicitors Banbury statistics graph

Cancer Negligence And Misdiagnosis Claims

The majority of cancer medical negligence claims, come about due to some problem in the diagnosis stage, either a misdiagnosis or a late diagnosis. Any delay in cancer diagnoses can have a potentially life-threatening result for the patient.

Legal Expert can help you to claim for diagnosis mistakes that led to your cancer going untreated for some time. Speak to our team on the number at the end of this page to learn how. You may also like to read this guide:

A guide to claiming for cancer diagnosis mistakes

Childbirth Negligence And Trauma Claims

Consider for a moment, the fact that 1 out of every 10 first time mothers will suffer some kind of birth injury. Not all of this injures will be caused by clinical negligence at birth, but a percentage of them will. The baby itself is also prone to some quite serious injuries. Ranging from simple cuts, through fractured bones, to permanent brain damage and other serious conditions.

If you or your newly born baby have come to harm at the hands of a medical professional, Legal Expert can help you claim for it. Call us on the number at the bottom of the page to proceed. You can also check this guide:

A guide to claiming for midwife negligence

GP (General Practice) Medical Negligence Claims

When you visit your GP, you have to trust that they will make all of the right decisions about your health. Of course, your GP is only human, and sometimes makes mistakes. In many cases, these mistakes are minor and cause no harm once rectified. However, some mistakes can be much more serious. For example, if your GP fails to diagnose a case of cancer soon enough.

Legal Expert is able to help you with all GP negligence claims. You can speak to one of our team on the number at the end of the page to get your claim started. You can also take a look at this guide:

A guide to claiming for GP negligence

Nursing Home Negligence Claims

People often fail to realise that the staff in a care home are considered to be medical professionals. They, therefore, have a duty of care towards the residents. Indeed, there are whole bodies of legislation designed to ensure that care homes always provide a decent level of care to all residents. When these levels of care do drop, residents can be harmed.

If you or a loved one has been harmed due to negligence in a care home, Legal Expert can help. One of our team will be able to get your claim started. If you call them on the number at this bottom of the page. This guide may also be useful:

A guide to claiming for care home negligence

Dentist Malpractice And Negligence Claims

Your dentist and all of the people who work at the dental practice, have a duty of care towards you just as any other medical professional. If your dentist or any of the dental nurses do something that causes you harm, a reason to claim could exist.

Legal Expert are experienced dental negligence lawyers, and we can help with your claim. Talk to one of our team on the number at the end of this page to learn how. You can also check out this guide, here:

A guide to claiming for dental negligence

Hospital Negligence Claims

The majority of the clinical negligence claims we help people with here at Legal Expert, are hospital negligence cases. Simply due to the volume of patients that hospitals deal with compare to other healthcare facilities. Attending a busy hospital puts you at risk of negligence, more so than say, visiting your local GP.

No matter how you have been harmed at a hospital, we can help. One of our team will be happy to explain how, if you speak to them on the number at the end of this guide.

Figures For Medical Negligence Claims Against Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

The table below shows statistics regarding newline, for the NHS trust that covers the Banbury area.

NHS Trust 2016 # of claims 2016 # of incidents 2016 Payments
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust 11 * 626039

No Win No Fee Clinical Malpractice Claims

Our medical negligence solicitors for Banbury all work on a No Win No Fee basis. If you are unsure as to what this means, let us explain.

During the process of making a claim for medical negligence, certain legal costs start to accumulate. One of these costs is your medical negligence solicitors in Banbury needing to be paid for their services. If you work with a lawyer on a No Win No Fee basis, then you won’t be required to cover your solicitor’s legal fees unless they are successful in helping you win your claim.

This payment will then be made to your lawyer in the form of a small percentage that is taken from your settlement. This is all arranged and discussed and arranged beforehand. There are no hidden costs. If you are unsuccessful in your medical negligence claim, then you won’t be required to pay your lawyer anything.

If you make a claim without a No Win No Fee claim in place, then you may be required to pay expensive costs even in the event of an unsuccessful claim. Without a settlement to help you with these, it’s possible that you could end up in financial distress. No Win No Fee deals exists so that the risk of this happening is kept to a minimum.

Talk To Our Team Today

As we have mentioned, if you require the services of medical negligence solicitors in Banbury, then firms local to the area aren’t your only option. Modern technology allows for all aspects of making a claim to be carried out remotely. Phone calls, emails, and more mean that you can choose any law firm you use in the country.

There is no legal requirement to ever meet with a legal professional face-to-face. So, always make your judgement based on the success of the firm. Here at Legal Expert, we are here and ready to help, wherever you are across Great Britain. Our medical negligence solicitors for Banbury have handled many cases in the past, so the experience is no issue.

Reach out to us today. The more information you can supply us with, the more accurately we will be able to assist you.

Helpful Local Medical Services And Resources

Horton General Hospital
Oxford Road
OX16 9AL
Tel: 0300 304 7777
Web: www.ouh.nhs.uk/hospitals/horton
Opening hours: 24 hours.

The Foscote Hospital
2 Foscote Rise
OX16 9XP
Tel: 01295 252 281
Web: www.thefoscotehospital.co.uk
Opening hours: 24 hours.

Banbury Road Medical Centre
172 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 7BT
Tel: 01865 515731
Web: www.banburyroadmc.nhs.uk
Opening hours: Weekdays, 8am to 5pm.

Banbury Dental Practice
35 High St
OX16 5ER
Tel: 01295 251555
Web: www.banburydental.co.uk
Opening hours: Weekdays, 9am to 5pm.

Further Helpful Guides

Thank you for reading our guide on medical negligence solicitors for Banbury.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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