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Medical Negligence Solicitors For Bradford – No Win No Fee Claims Guide

By Daniel Bibby. Welcome to our guide on medical negligence solicitors for Bradford. Whether you have been treated by the NHS or a private practitioner, dentist or hospital in the UK, patients can expect to be treated with an extremely high degree of care, with services meeting or exceeding their duty-of-care. However, some patients will find things go wrong. In this guide, we take you through some of the circumstances which can lead to clinical or medical negligence, as well as how patients might be able to legal action against a hospital or other services, such as a dentist or GP surgery. We work with medical solicitors for Bradford, as well as others from Medical Negligence Solicitors Bradfordacross the UK to help claimants recover the compensation that they deserve.

Medical and clinical negligence claims can commonly be caused by a healthcare practitioner acting in a negligent manner. Medical negligence can be caused by a doctor failing to diagnose a condition, provide the wrong diagnosis or failing to catch an illness quickly enough. Negligence also includes mistakes where treatment is carried out wrongly or inappropriately. Medical negligence claims can include not having correctly informed patients what is happening to them.

As a claimant, your solicitor will need to show that you have been treated in a poor or negligent way and that their duty-of-care has been breached. This means that they did not receive acceptable standards of care. To make a successful claim, medical negligence solicitors for Bradford claimants will need to show the following conditions;

1). That the defendant owed the claimant a duty of care.

2). That this duty of care was breached by the defendant.

3). That this breach caused the illness to occur or to worsen it.

Legal Expert work with a panel of specialist solicitors who specialise in medical and clinical negligence from across the country. We offer a guaranteed No Win No Fee service and can provide legal services to those making claims against the NHS or a private health service.

Contact Details

There’s more than one way you can get in touch with us. Don’t hesitate. Medical negligence claims often have a time limit.

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804
  • Write to us about your claim online
  • Use the pop-up window in the corner to chat with us in real-time

How To Find The Best Clinical Negligence Solicitors In Bradford

When making a clinical or medical negligence claim, you need to work with the best medical negligence solicitors for the Bradford area to successfully recover the compensation you deserve. No matter where you live, the panel of personal injury solicitors we work with covering Bradford can help you.

One of the easiest ways to find experienced and reputable solicitors is to talk to friends and family for recommendations. Other common ways to find a solicitor can include reading impartial reviews of services or looking up medical negligence solicitors for Bradford. At Legal expert, we will work hard to provide you with one of our trusted panel of legal solicitors who can process your case.

Reading Reviews Of Medical Negligence Solicitors, Bradford, West Yorkshire

Finding online or offline reviews of personal injury solicitors in your area can help you compare different professional solicitors services. They can be a great way to compare similar competitors services. The web and online listing services have helped to make it easier to evaluate different medical negligence solicitors for Bradford, as well as legal services wherever you live.

Reading reviews can help you to see what types of services are offered, as well as a solicitors level of experience and their track record in getting clients higher levels of compensation. When comparing reviews, look at things such as a solicitors fee structure, and whether or not they offer a comprehensive No Win No Fee service.

Reading reviews can be a great way to start comparing different services. However, they are not a substitute for talking to a solicitor. Speak to the specialists at legal expert today for more information. Calling today to see how we can help you.

Do I Need To Use A Solicitor Near Me?

Today there are a plethora of ways in which you and your solicitor can keep in touch. You can be updated over the phone or through secure email. Professional services, such as a solicitor, can be based anywhere in the country.

What is much more important than location, is that the solicitor you work with, such as our medical negligence solicitors for Bradford that we work with, is their experience, record in securing damages and the relationship you can build with them.

Medical Negligence Compensation Calculator

The amount of compensation that is typically paid out for a specific illness or injury is determined by guidelines produced by the Judicial College. These set a minimum and maximum level of general damages (that paid for the injury itself). Solicitors may have a better history of securing higher general damages awards.

Your claim can be made up of two separate parts, general damages, and special damages. Special damages are additional to general damages. They are designed to compensate a person for financial costs associated with their condition. This could be a loss of earnings suffered, as well as costs such as medical bills or travel costs to appointments.

All medical negligence solicitors for Bradford will have a different record in securing compensation for clients. Look at both the differences in fee structures, as well as their record in getting higher amounts. Consider this as a factor when choosing your solicitor to work with.

NHS Medical Negligence Statistics

Each year. the NHS publishes an annual report detailing the medical negligence claims made against them. The figures for 2020/21 show that the NHS had to spend over £2,209 million. It’s not only hospitals included in these figures. It is any NHS facility, including GP surgeries and dentists.

Medical negligence solicitors Bradford statistics graph

Medical negligence solicitors Bradford statistics graph

These figures do not take into account how much was awarded to those injured in private healthcare facilities. This doesn’t mean you’d be ineligible to make a claim, however.

What Claims Can Medical Negligence Solicitors Bradford Help Clients With?

The specialist clinical malpractice solicitors we work within the Bradford area, as well as across the country, have a wide range of experience in helping patients to claim after suffering medical negligence. Below are some of the most common forms of medical negligence claims we help people with.

Dental Negligence

Dental negligence deals with cases where some form of harm has been done to a claimant by their dentist or dental practitioner. Dental negligence can be caused by a dentist performing a procedure in the wrong way, not diagnosing a condition which then worsened or general incompetence. Common dental negligence claims could include, removing the wrong tooth, not spotting tooth decay or even damaging or severing a nerve.

GP Negligence

For most people, the GP surgery and your family doctor are the first points of contact with the NHS or private health services. They are often a crucial step in diagnosing a condition and recommending appropriate treatment, testing or referral to a specialist.

Negligence to spot a symptom or failure to recommend the correct course of action can lead to a patient getting worse. Subsequently, you may be able to make a negligence claim against the individual doctor, or the practice as a whole. Talk to Legal Expert for more information on GP negligence claims.

Hospital Negligence Solicitors Bradford

Hospital negligence claims may include some of the most serious medical negligence claims cases and outcomes. Hospital negligence claims can range from misdiagnosis, surgical errors, test mixups and in some cases they can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Legal Expert can help patients who have been treated in a negligent way at the Bradford Royal Infirmary and St Luke’s Hospital, as well as those who have been treated in hospitals across the country.

Medical Negligence Compensation Calculator

In the table below, we have collated information produced by the NHSLA fact-sheet. This shows the number of incidents and claims made against hospitals in Bradford. We have also noted the total amount paid out in these claims

Healthcare Provider Claims Recieved 2015/ 16 Number of Incident 2015/ 16 Payments Made
Bradford District Care Trust * * 100,000
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 80 7 2,873,249

Talk to our experts today to learn what your claim may be worth.

Cancer Medical Negligence Claims

Medical negligence claims surrounding cancer can include doctors failing to diagnose the condition in time, as well as misdiagnosing cases or even the failure of a doctor to spot symptoms. Cancer claims cases can be very serious, dealing with serious and life-changing consequences for a claimant.

In these cases, it is crucial to use medical negligence solicitors for Bradford that you can rely on. Claims may be brought against oncologists, radiographers or surgeons who have worked on your case.

Birth Injury Compensation Claims

Birth injury compensation claims can be brought against medical practitioners such as a doctor, midwives or other nurses. They can also be leveraged against hospitals and healthcare trusts. Claims be made for birth injuries that occur during the pregnancy, the actual birth and after the child is born.

Claims can be brought for injuries to the child or mother and common injuries can include brain damage or cerebral palsy. For more information, talk to the No Win No Fee legal specialists at Legal Expert today.

How Much Could My Claim Be Worth?

There may be some medical negligence solicitors in Bradford that tell you they can give you an accurate valuation of your claim right there and then. This is very unlikely to be the case. The reason for this is that every claim is unique. So, there is no specific figure that can be given to you as an estimate without you supplying more information regarding the circumstances of your injury.

We know that there are many intricacies to every claim that’s made. Because of that, we can’t give you an estimate in this section. This is because it will not be accurate for everyone reading this article.

What we can do is explain to you how your settlement is calculated. We will do so in the sections just below, starting with what a general damages payment is.

General Damages

This is the figure that is awarded to the injured party for the physical and psychological damage caused by their injuries. The sum is calculated by legal professionals, with the assistance of a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG).

These guidelines are made up mostly of a list of injuries that can be caused by negligence. Alongside the description of each injury/illness is a range of monetary figures that related to how much you could be awarded in compensation. Certain factors like the length of your recovery period and how severe the injury is tend to affect how much your claim could be worth.

To demonstrate, we have included some example injuries and their relevant figures in the table below. These figures have been taken from the most recent version of the JCG, which was last updated in 2019.


Injury Description Amount
Mental anguish When the injured party thought they were going to die, or have their life expectancy reduced £4,380
Female reproductive system (e) Where a sterilisation procedure has failed, with an unwanted pregnancy occurring as a result. No serious psychological impact as a result In the region of £9,570
Arm (b) Loss of one arm – (ii) Amputation above the elbow £102,890 to £122,860
Chest/Lungs (h) When a pre-existing chest issue is aggravated, but it is resolved within just a few months £2,070 to £5,000
Female reproductive system (f) When the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is delayed, but fertility is not affected £3,180 to £19,170
Spleen (a) Where the organ is lost and the risk of internal infection is ongoing £19,510 to £24,860
Post-traumatic stress disorder (c) The injured party will have largely recovered, with any lasting symptoms not being grossly disabling £7,680 to £21,730


Special Damages

There are also other figures that can be included in your final settlement amount. For example, there are certain costs that could arise as a direct result of your injuries. You deserve to be compensated for these, as they wouldn’t have taken place if not for the medical negligence you endured.

These figures are known as special damages. They can relate to a number of things. Bascially, if you have had additional outgoings or lost out financially as a result of your injuries then it’s possible you could have them reimbursed as part of your claim.

Here are some examples:

  • Adaptations to your home – if your injuries have affected your mobility then you may need to have things like ramps or stairlifts fitted in your home. These things can be expensive so you deserve to be compensated for them.
  • Medical costs – whilst you can receive a wide range of treatments for free on the NHS, there are instances where you may require specialist care at private facilities. You may also have prescription costs to cover.
  • Loss of earnings – your injuries may cause you to lose out on wages due to an ability to attend your job. You could have these lost earnings awarded to you as part of your settlement.

It’s very important that you have evidence to prove that these costs are legitimate and that they relate to your injuries. If you have no proof, then you’re much less likely to have these costs reimbursed.

Get in touch for more information on special damages.

No Win No Fee Clinical Negligence Solicitors In Bradford

Legal Expert work with specialist medical and clinical negligence solicitors, including the best medical malpractice solicitors who cover Bradford. They are able to work with you on a No Win No Fee basis. No Win No Fee means that our medical negligence solicitors for Bradford work with offer clients a conditional fee agreement.

This type of contract sets out the work solicitors will do for the claimant. It also sets out what the claimants fees will be and how they should be paid. The agreement sets out expected charges the claimant will need to pay in the eventuality of both a successful and unsuccessful claim. The contract also protects claimants by removing any upfront or ongoing fees. The contract should state that if the claim is unsuccessful, the claimant will not be liable for any charges.

Legal Expert works with No Win No Fee solicitors across the country. We always offer you a guaranteed No Win No Fee service. Where other solicitors may include hidden fees and charges, we ensure our fees are always transparent.

Our panel of expert solicitors offers you a 100% No Win No Fee service. Our experts will talk you through the contract offered, ensuring that you fully understand the contract before you sign it. Visit our medical negligence compensation calculator to see what we could recover for you.

Making Medical Negligence Claims In Bradford

The first step to making a successful medical negligence claim is finding the best solicitors covering Bradford to work with. Whether you need advice, information or just to chat about our services, contact the legal specialist solicitors we work with at Legal Expert. We are on hand seven days a week to take your call. Phone us today on 0800 073 8804.

Helpful Links In Bradford

Bradford Royal Infirmary
Duckworth Ln,
Tel: 01274 542200
Web: www.uhnm.nhs.uk/Pages/Home.aspx

St Luke’s Hospital
Little Horton Ln,
Tel: 01274 734744
Web: https://www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk/our-hospitals-2/st-lukes-hospital/

Further Medical Negligence Articles

Thank you for reading our guide on medical negligence solicitors for Bradford.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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