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Chatham Medical Negligence Solicitors No Win No Fee

Welcome to this guide about hiring medical negligence solicitors for Chatham personal injury claims.

Before you go ahead and engage a team of medical negligence solicitors for Chatham compensation claims on your behalf, it would be beneficial to read the contents of this page first. It gives plenty of information on how to find a good legal team capable of winning NHS compensation payouts or payouts from private healthcare providers.

This guide includes an explanation of how medical negligence can be defined. We’ll also discuss circumstances that may allow you to start a personal injury claim for medical negligence in Chatham or other areas. This guide also discusses the things to look out for if you choose to hire a solicitor for your potential claim. We’ll also explain how our own solicitors could potentially support your clinical negligence claim.

Also in this guide, we’ll talk you through the different types of medical negligence claims which could be made. We also explain how our own solicitors can help out with each type of claim. We’ll also look at some statistics related to medical negligence claims made against the NHS. We’ll also explain how you could make a claim on a No Win No Fee basis and what benefits that can bring.

Looking for more information and assistance on making a medical negligence claim in the Chatham area? If so, feel free to contact us now online through our claim form or live chat. You can also phone us on 0800 073 8804

Medical Negligence Solicitors in Chatham

Medical negligence can cause the worsening of a medical condition you already have or the development of new ones. It can also cause physical injuries and psychological damage. Every successful claim for compensation following negligence has these three common aspects:

1). The person who caused harm to a patient in some way was actually responsible for caring for their health.

2). Failing to meet the responsibility of caring for the patient’s health directly resulted in harm being caused.

3). The failure to meet the responsibility of caring for the patient’s health was entirely avoidable.

Medical negligence can be due to many things, and happens in many ways, the most common being:

  • Allowing a patient to come to harm by not providing enough care and supervision.
  • Erroneously prescribed drugs and medication.
  • Errors and accidents whilst operating on a patient.
  • Badly administered treatment.
  • Causing avoidable delays in providing critically needed treatment.

Although there are more ways that clinical negligence can happen, these are the basic causes. Legal Expert has a 30-year track history of winning substantial compensation awards in these types of scenarios.

Legal Expert operates a national claims service that’s available to Chatham residents and around the UK. All you need to do is give us a call on the number at the bottom of the page and we can take it from there.

How to Find a Solicitor in the UK

If you want the best chance of winning your compensation claim for medical negligence, then you need to find the best legal team you can. If you are trying to find medical negligence solicitors for Chatham claims, ask any that you are considering the following three questions:

1). Can you take on my claim under a No Win No Fee agreement?

2). Will you organise for a local medical examination and medical opinion?

3). Have you won a similar case in the last 12 months?

A much easier way for people in Chatham to find a good solicitor is to use the national claims service offered by us here at Legal Expert. We can hook you up with the best legal talent in your area to make your claim.

Why You Don’t Need a Local Solicitor

Medical negligence solicitors Chatham

Chatham Medical Negligence Solicitors

In the modern, Internet-enabled world, we have access to free communications technologies such as VOIP, email, etc. Any good legal firm is going to be able to use these channels to keep in touch with you no matter where you happen to be.

Legal Expert can send one of our clinical negligence solicitors to make a home visit if you wish it.

Reviews of Different Solicitors

If you can find a good website with plenty of reviews of medical negligence solicitors for Chatham claims, then this is a good source of info from which to make a shortlist. Double check this shortlist with your friends, family and even co-workers to find out if they have dealt with any solicitors on the list, and what the experience was like.

Claims Our Medical Negligence Team Covering Chatham Handles

Our legal team covering Chatham has plenty of experience in claiming compensation across a broad range of negligence cases. Below, you’ll find typical cases of clinical negligence explained. If none of the outlines knits with your own case, call us to discuss the matter further.

Making a Medical Negligence Claim for Cancer

Some forms of cancer negligence are far more common than others, for example, breast cancer medical negligence. When a mistake in diagnosis causes an avoidable delay in getting an advanced cancer patient getting the treatment they need to save their life soon enough, then a viable claim for compensation could exist.

Legal Expert can help the dependents of the victims of cancer negligence to claim the maximum amount of compensation possible, anywhere in the UK. Just give us a call.

Making Negligence Claims for a Birth Injury

When clinical negligence happens during the birthing process it can cause serious injury to the mother and tragic injuries to the baby. The mother could be the victim of mild injuries such as cuts and bruises, all the way up to a broken pelvis. When it comes to the baby and medical negligence birth trauma is the single most common cause of harm to a newborn. Birth trauma is a term used to describe any physical damage to the baby whilst it is being drawn out of the mother using implements such as forceps. Birth trauma can cause cuts and bruises, which may lead to permanent scarring. It also frequently leads to broken bones, with the collarbone being the most commonly fractured bone in the baby through birth trauma.

If you are a family coming to terms with living with the aftermath of birth negligence, then Legal Expert can help you claim the compensation you are entitled to without adding to the stress of the situation.

Making Medical Negligence Claims Against a GP

As your GP is the first person you go to when are sick, if they make a mistake, it can have serious consequences for your health. For example, let’s say you go to the doctor with stomach cramps, nausea and a fever. Your GP diagnosis you with an upset stomach. But what happens if you are actually suffering from Chron’s disease? A much more serious condition with the same symptoms.

Legal Expert can help residents of Chatham to claim compensation for GP negligence by arranging for a local medical examination and expert opinion.

Making Medical Negligence Claims Against a Care Home

There are two main reasons why residents often claim compensation for care home negligence. Firstly, when care levels drop, leaving the residents unsupervised, they can come to harm through accidents such as slips, trips or fall. Secondly, when care staff are overworked, they can overlook a resident’s health taking a negative turn.

If a family member of yours is staying at a care home, and you believe they’ve been hurt through negligence, Legal Expert can help you to make a compensation claim on their behalf.

Making Medical Negligence Claims Against a Dentist

When your dentist makes a mistake, or there is some kind of surgical accident during a dental procedure, it is very common for the damage to the teeth, gums or face to result in cuts, bruises and potentially long-term or even permanent scarring.

The dental negligence team that Legal Expert operates for the Chatham area, understands that when claiming for dental negligence they will often need to claim not only for the pain and suffering of the initial injury but also the psychological damage of living with a disfigurement.

Making Medical Negligence Claims Against a Hospital

A hospital negligence definition could be that hospital any time one of the medical team at the hospital causes harm to a patient through oversight, error or accident, then a valid claim will exist. This negligence can occur in general treatment, or during a surgical procedure. When it comes to medical negligence hip replacement surgery in elderly people is a common scenario where a simple mistake can harm an elderly person severely.

If you have suffered through negligence at Medway Maritime Hospital in Chatham, then the Legal Expert No Win No Fee hospital negligence can help you claim.

Statistics For NHS Medical Negligence Claims

It’s possible you may be intending to make a medical negligence claim against an NHS healthcare provider. This is something we can assist you with if you have evidence that shows that an NHS healthcare provider has acted negligently and this has harmed you.

Claims are made against the NHS for medical negligence every year. Just how common are they though? To help answer this, we can take a look at statistics published by NHS Resolution. This is a department within the NHS that is responsible for handling compensation claims on behalf of the health service.

According to the NHS Resolution Annual Report for 2020/21, the NHS received a total of 12,629 medical negligence claims and reported incidents within the covered timed period. That marked a 7.5% increase in claims when compared to the report for the 2019/20 period. Back then, the NHS received 11,678 claims.

The 2020/21 report also reveals that the NHS settled 15,674 clinical and non-clinical claims. Among these settled claims, 11,704 (74.7%) of them were settled without the involvement of any court proceedings.

Damages You Could Claim With Medical Negligence Lawyers Through Chatham Claims

If you are able to start a personal injury claim for medical negligence, then there are two main kinds of damages that you may receive compensation for:

General Damages – Compensation for general damages may be provided for the physical and mental injuries you’ve suffered as a direct result of negligent behaviour by another party.

Special Damages – Normally with personal injury claims, if you are eligible to receive any compensation for general damages, then you may be able to receive additional compensation for special damages. Special damages cover financial losses which can be directly linked to the harm you’ve experienced due to negligence from another party.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claims

Legal Expert offers our No Win No Fee medical negligence team covering the Chatham area as a simple, risk-free way to make a compensation claim.

Under a No Win No Fee agreement you pay nothing at all to have your claim actioned, and you only pay our fee when you actually receive a compensation payment.

How to Get Your Claim Underway

When you are ready to start your claim for medical negligence call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804

We’ll offer you some advice on the actions to take next once we have taken all the details of your case.

Helpful Links

Claiming for negligent tummy tuck compensation

Above, you will find our guide to claiming compensation due to medical negligence during a tummy tuck procedure.

How to choose a cosmetic surgeon

Above is some NHS information on how to choose a good cosmetic surgeon to lower the risk of negligence.

NHS information on cosmetic procedures

Above, you will find general information published by the NHS on cosmetic procedures.

Further Helpful Guides

Local Chatham Medical Centres

Medway Maritime Hospital

Windmill Road




Tel: 01634 830000

Web: www.medway.nhs.uk

Spire Alexandra Hospital

Impton Lane





Tel: 0163 493 4245

Bryant Street Medical Centre

29 Bryant Street




Tel: 01634 848911

Web: www.bryantstreetmedicalcentre.nhs.uk

Chatham Dental Surgery

131a High Street



Tel: 01634 406776

Thank you for looking through our guide about using medical negligence solicitors for Chatham personal injury claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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