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Gillingham Medical Negligence Solicitors No Win No Fee

Welcome to this Legal Expert guide about hiring medical negligence solicitors for Gillingham based claims.

Have you experienced medical negligence in Gillingham or the wider area? If you were involved in an incident of medical negligence that made an existing medical condition worse, injured you, or made you will, then you could be entitled to claim tens of thousands of pounds in medical negligence compensation.

If you want to make a medical negligence claim, you can trust Legal Expert to provide you with the best solicitor that covers the Gillingham and Kent area, to represent you in your medical negligence claim. Who are we? We are a well trusted personal injury solicitors firm and many of our solicitors have over 30 years of experience helping medical negligence victims claim the compensation they are entitled to.

A hospital waiting room

Call Legal Expert now on 0800 073 8804 for your free legal consultation. We will let you know how much compensation you could claim for your particular injuries, and if we think you have a legitimate case we will begin to proceed with your claim right away.

How is medical negligence defined?

The definition of medical negligence, also known as clinical negligence standard care towards a patient, at the hands of a medical professional or institution. The patient may be entitled to claim medical negligence compensation if the clinical negligence incident causes them to become harmed, including an injury, transmitting an illness, or the worsening of an existing medical condition. Common examples of medical negligence include medical misdiagnosis, administering the wrong treatment, mistakes, or failing to act.

If you are going to make a successful medical negligence claim, you the claimant need to be able to prove the following about the defendant:

  • That you were owed a binding duty of care as a patient, by the medical practitioner or institution which treated you.
  • That the duty of care you were owed was breached by the Defendant’s negligent action or inactions towards you.
  • Finally, you need evidence to prove that this act of medical negligence caused you harm.

Please read on to learn more about what to look out for if you decide you want to hire a solicitor to support your potential medical negligence claim. We’ll analyse key factors such as reviews given to solicitors and how much the location of a solicitor actually matters. This guide also explains how our own solicitors here at Legal Expert can potentially assist with a variety of different medical negligence claims.

Within this guide, we’ll also take a look at some interesting statistics on NHS claims made in Medway/Kent. We also discuss making a medical negligence claim on a No Win No Fee basis and how this approach can benefit you.

Medical Negligence Solicitors For Gillingham Claims

If you meet the requirements to start a medical negligence claim, then you may choose to hire a solicitor to support such action. You can approach an available solicitor of your choosing and they can then decide whether to support your claim. They should decide based on the information and evidence currently available regarding your case. If your chosen solicitor agrees to support you, then you can sign an agreement with them and then they’ll guide you through the following steps of your claim.

Your chosen medical negligence solicitor will be responsible for gathering evidence in your favour when they represent your claim. Under UK medical negligence law you can also claim medical negligence compensation on behalf of your next of kin if they are a child, are mentally incapacitated or are now deceased.

Is there a medical negligence time limit to claim compensation? In Britain, there is usually a 3-year time limit on making a medical negligence claim for compensation, from the time that you were injured or found out that you had been injured in an incident of medical negligence. If your incident occurred more than 3 years ago, can you still claim? The answer may be yes as there are some exceptions to this rule. If you call Legal Expert, an advisor can help you.

This guide for Gillingham solicitors who specialise in medical negligence has been written with claimants in mind who live in Gillingham and the wider Kent area. If you live elsewhere in Great Britain then we can also find a top medical negligence solicitor for you, who covers your area. Call us today for your free medical negligence claim consultation and we will be happy to help you.

How To Find The Best Medical Negligence Solicitors For Gillingham

Hiring the right clinical negligence solicitor to handle your case can make a big difference as to whether or not your claim for compensation will be successful and the payout amount you might be awarded. So it really does pay to take some time to research the best solicitor who covers the Gillingham area, to handle your case.

Do You Have To Choose A Gillingham Solicitor?

Not at all. When searching for medical negligence solicitors for Gillingham, or anywhere else for that matter, the most important thing is to ensure the solicitor has the right knowledge and experience to handle your claim.

Technological advancements mean face-to-face meetings are no longer necessary. You can receive important correspondence via email, meetings can be held over the phone or via video conferencing software and you and your solicitor can remain in touch throughout the claims process by whichever method is convenient to you. At Legal Expert, we offer our services across the nation, whether you’re local to us or from further afield, our expert solicitors can help you. You can learn more about how our medical negligence lawyers for Gillingham could help you claim by talking to our advisors. The team are available 24 hours a day via the contact information given below.

What Sort Of Clinical Negligence Claims Do We Handle?

Do you need to work with a hospital negligence solicitor to deal with NHS negligence? Or perhaps you’re looking to claim for private hospital negligence or require a dental negligence solicitor to help you claim for a dental negligence incident? Our top personal injury solicitors can also help you claim GP negligence compensation, compensation for cancer medical negligence cases or compensation for childbirth medical malpractice cases.

Hospital Negligence Solicitors For Gillingham

Do you need to claim hospital negligence compensation NHS or private hospital medical negligence? Legal Expert can provide you with a hospital negligence solicitor who covers the Gillingham area. Call us for your free legal consultation today.

Gillingham Dental Negligence Solicitors

Have you experienced dental negligence at a practice covering Gillingham? Legal Expert can provide you with a top dental negligence solicitor who specialises in medical negligence claims and who can help you claim dental negligence compensation in this or the wider Kent area.

GP Negligence Claims For Gillingham

Have you experienced GP negligence in one of the many practices which cover patients around Gillingham? Did your GP let you down by failing to spot a serious illness, or administer the wrong treatment? Trust Legal Expert to provide you with the right GP negligence claims solicitor to represent you in the claim you are entitled to.

Cancer Medical Negligence Cases For Gillingham

The cancer medical negligence cases are a very serious form of clinical negligence. If cancer is caught early, it’s easier to treat. The misdiagnosis of cancer can delay the treatment the patient needs and in some cases, can mean the patient does not survive the disease. If you have experienced a cancer negligence case in this area then you can call Legal Expert. We can provide you with a medical claims lawyer to help you win your claim for cancer medical negligence or cancer misdiagnosis compensation.

Nursing Home And Care Home Negligence

Have you or your next of kin been involved in an incident of medical negligence in a care home or do you have a serious clinical negligence complaint to make about a nursing home? Common forms of medical negligence in care or nursing homes can include abuse, neglect, slips trips and falls or administering the wrong care. If you have experienced care home negligence, call Legal Expert or contact us online today to find the right clinical negligence solicitor to handle your claim.

Childbirth Medical Malpractice Cases

Childbirth medical malpractice can lead to both the mother and baby becoming injured. Some birth injuries can leave the child with lifelong disabilities or medical conditions, so special care must be taken to avoid these injuries. If you have experienced a legitimate childbirth medical malpractice case in your town, or the wider Kent area, then Legal Expert can provide you with a solicitor to help you claim the compensation that you are entitled to.

If you have been involved in any of these incidents of medical negligence above in the Gillingham area, or across the UK, speak to Legal Expert. We can provide you with the right clinical negligence solicitors for Gillingham cases.

Claims Against The Medway Healthcare NHS Trust

Provided that you have evidence that shows that the defendant acted negligently and breached a duty of care they owed you, you may be entitled to make a medical negligence claim against an NHS health service within Gillingham. When someone makes an NHS medical negligence in the Gillingham area, the Medway NHS Trust will usually represent the defendant.

Data published by the NHS reveals the number of claims which different NHS trusts dealt with during the 2019/20 period. It also shows how much the trusts spent dealing with claims during this time period. According to the 2019/20 data, the following was recorded for Medway NHS Foundation Trust:

  • The Trust received 64 compensation claims during the covered time period.
  • The Trust also spent a total of £20,705,939 towards resolving claims made against its service providers.
  • Among the total money spent by the Trust towards resolving claims, £17,433,899 was spent towards paying damages to claimants. The Trust also spent £795,279 on legal costs alone.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Gillingham Solicitors

Many Claimants who experience medical negligence choose to work with a No Win No Fee solicitor to represent their compensation claim. For many, it is the more affordable and less stressful option.

There is no upfront fee to pay as a No Win No Fee negligence solicitor will offer you a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA). A Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA) means that you will only pay your solicitor’s fee if you win your clinical negligence compensation claim. Call Legal Expert today to learn more about what a No Win No Fee solicitor who covers the Gillingham area can do for you.

Call Legal Expert To Find The Right Medical Negligence Gillingham Solicitor

If you are looking for a clinical negligence solicitor for Gillingham personal injury claims, then call Legal Expert for your free legal consultation. We can also assist with medical negligence claims and other types of personal injury claims in many areas of Britain that are outside of Gillingham.

One of our friendly advisors will judge whether or not you can make a legitimate medical negligence claim. They’ll also estimate how much compensation you could receive and then we will find the right medical negligence solicitor to advise you in your claim. Call Legal Expert now, or fill out our online claims form to start your claim. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

A client asks about medical negligence solicitors for Gillingham

Useful Links:

The NHS Constitution of England

This Government page outlines the NHS Constitution for England, which covers the principles and values which NHS services in the country are expected to provide.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims?

In this guide, we advise on what legal action you can take if a negligent healthcare provider misdiagnoses a cancer condition that you have.

Cosmetic Surgery Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Negligence?

This guide explains in what scenarios you may be entitled to claim compensation if something goes wrong with a cosmetic surgery procedure.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Hospital Infection?

In this guide, we talk about how you may be affected by a hospital infection due to negligent behaviour by your healthcare providers. We’ll also explain how you could potentially claim compensation for such an issue.

Medical Negligence Claims

Popular medical practices in Gillingham

NHS Hospitals
Medway Maritime Hospital
Windmill Road
Tel: 01634 830000
Web: www.medway.nhs.uk

Private Hospital
Spire Alexandra Hospital
Impton Lane
Tel: 0163 493 4298

GP Surgery
Gillingham Medical Practice
The Barn Surgery
Tel: 01747 824201

Dentist Surgery
Nelson Road Dental Practice
193 Nelson Road
Tel: 01634 851317

We hope that this guide about hiring medical negligence solicitors for Gillingham has been useful for you.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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