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Grimsby Medical Negligence Solicitors

Welcome to our guide about using medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby claims. Have you experienced medical negligence at a medical facility such as an NHS hospital, a private hospital, a GP or dental practice or in a care home? If so you might be looking for a solicitor in your area, such as solicitors in Grimsby to provide you with the advice and assistance you need to make a compensation claim. You might also be ready to start your claim and get the damages that you could be owed. If this is you, the specialist legal solicitors at Legal Expert can help.

If you or someone close to you has suffered as a result of negligent treatment or care by a healthcare practitioner we can help to claim private or NHS compensation. Claims can be made for both the physical (or mental) symptoms and their effects, such as an injury or illness, as well as financial costs you have directly incurred as a result of suffering malpractice. This could be the cost of medications, additional treatment or income lost through being unable to work.

The clinical negligence team at Legal Expert can help claimants across Lancashire and the rest of the country. Our specialist team will treat your claim on an individual basis and after discussing your claim will provide you with the solicitor best suited to pursue your claim. Contact Legal Expert today by calling 0800 073 8804 to start your medical negligence claim.

solicitors in Grimsby

Grimsby Medical Negligence Solicitors

What is medical negligence?

The terms medical negligence, clinical negligence and medical malpractice are often used interchangeably by people. But what is medical negligence? Put simply these terms all (roughly) can be used to describe some form of medical care which a medical professional has provided to a patient under their care, which has then directly caused the patient harm. This could be through an injury, or through an existing condition being made worse.

Whilst under the care of a medical professional (such as a doctor) or body (such as a hospital) they owe you a duty of care not to cause you any ‘pain or suffering’. If this duty of care is breached, this can be considered negligence. Medical negligence that happened in a hospital, GP surgery or dental practice can be caused in a number of ways. Some of the most common include incorrect treatment, misdiagnosing a condition or surgical errors. If you have experienced any of these, contact us today.

How do you claim compensation?

If you have suffered medical negligence in any way, the first step is always to make sure that you get the medical attention and treatment that you need. Next comes claiming any compensation that you are entitled to claim. The first step in this process is contacting an experienced solicitor as soon as possible. That is assuming you decide that you want legal support for your claim. It is up to you whether you hire a solicitor to help with your potential claim.

Our team can offer claimants free legal advice if they are in Grimsby or other parts of the country. They can help assess the validity of your claim, and whether or not we will be able to secure your compensation. Contacting Legal Expert as soon as possible after the accident has happened is essential. At this point, the details of the incident will still be fresh in your mind, and a medical examination will provide the fullest body of evidence.

If the healthcare provider or practitioner admits their liability for your injuries early in the case our team may be able to secure you an early or interim payment (made in advance of the final settlement) towards any costs you are incurring.

Don’t delay in making your claim

The claims process can vary in length between several months up to several years. At the same time, you need to ensure you start your claim as soon as possible as all claims in England and Wales are subject to a three-year claims period or statute of limitations. After this, a claim cannot be started. The three year claims period will begin at the point you became aware that you had suffered an injury. This could be straight away or sometime after the incident which caused this suffering occurred. Three years may sound like a lot of time in which to make a claim. However, some claims can take almost this length of time to start up properly, depending on how complex the case is. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a specialist legal solicitor as soon as possible to begin your claim.

Through the rest of the guide below, we look at some of the most common types and causes of medical negligence that the solicitors we can provide deal with.

How To Choose The Best Solicitor For Medical Negligence That Happened In Grimsby

Finding the best medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby claims may seem a difficult process. Whilst all solicitors are regulated by the same authority, you may find their level of service, fee structure and even the way in which they work with clients will vary greatly. One of the best options available to you is to use Legal Expert. We will take the hassle out of finding the right solicitor by listening to the details of your claim and providing you with an appropriate solicitor experienced in similar claims.

Should I Go With A Local Solicitor?

Some claimants may think that they need to work with a solicitor who is based in the same town or city as them. That is assuming that they will need to have face-to-face meetings with a solicitor. Whilst this was the case in the past, with the advent of high-speed digital communication and the web, your solicitor has a very wide range of different ways in which to keep in contact with you.

The only part of your claim which may need to be carried out in your local area could be a medical examination of your illness or injury. This can be organised in your local area and if necessary a home visit can also be organised for clients. Ultimately though, your search for medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby personal injury claims can include options outside the local area. Contact us now online or by phone to speak to Legal Expert about using our solicitors to assist your claim.

Grimsby Medical Negligence Solicitor Reviews

Since there are many different solicitors and legal firms available for medical negligence claims in Grimsby, choosing between them may feel difficult. One of the most popular ways in which people often choose between different professional services is to read reviews.

Solicitor reviews can be a helpful way to see how other clients feel that they have been treated by a solicitor. Were they happy with the service they received and the settlement that was reached? Solicitor reviews can also be useful in establishing a solicitors track record in settling claims, securing higher levels of compensation or customer satisfaction. After completing your claim, why not leave a review to help future claimants.

Claims The Clinical Negligence Team Can Conduct In Lincolnshire

The clinical negligence team at Legal Expert can assist claimants and provide solicitors for private and NHS compensation claims made against practices and providers across Lincolnshire and the rest of the country.

The solicitors we provide can help with the types and causes of medical negligence claims listed below, as well as a plethora of other types of medical negligence consequences. If your circumstances are not covered below, simply contact our team today to find out how we can help you.

Claim For Birth Negligence Compensation

Giving birth and going through the process of labour and delivery can be an emotional and even stressful time in the best of cases. Mother and baby are put under a lot of stress and prospective parents need to be able to trust in the medical practitioners who are caring for them.

If there is a breach of this duty of care and either the mother or child is injured in some way, our team can provide you with a solicitor experienced in birth negligence compensation claims.

Claim For Cancer Negligence Compensation

These claims deal with cases where people have suffered as a result of the way in which their cancer treatment has been provided. Cancer is one of the most serious diseases that a person can develop and is what is often called a time-bound condition. This means that the disease needs to be treated within a certain amount of time and that the earlier it is treated, the better the patients chance of recovery.

We can provide medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby cases including those regarding breast or prostate cancer negligence. You can find out more about making these claims by talking to our team today.

Claim For Hospital Negligence Compensation

As a patient ourselves, or close to someone who is, we always need to trust in both a hospital and the staff working within it. Hospital negligence compensation claims cover claims made against a hospital, clinical commissioning group or the NHS Trust responsible for the provision of care at the hospital in question.

These claims deals with circumstances where their duty of care to the patient has been breached and that the patient has experienced some form of harm. People who have been harmed as a result of the care they received at a hospital can use an experienced solicitor to claim compensation.

Claim For Dental Negligence Compensation

If you have experienced some form of harm as a result of the way in which your dentist treated you, you may be able to claim compensation. Dental negligence awards may be paid out for pain and suffering experienced as a direct result of a dentist’s negligent behaviour which occurred when they owed you a duty of care. This negligence could include mistakes made by the dentist, or potentially their assistant. It could also include dental surgery errors and errors by other staff at a dental practice.

The medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby we can provide are able to assist in getting the highest possible dental negligence awards for clients.

Claim For GP Negligence Compensation

Your family doctor, commonly known as a General Practitioner or ‘GP’ as well as the other healthcare practitioners at your local doctors’ surgery are often the first people you seek treatment from when you are sick or have a non-urgent injury.

We always expect and trust that the GP and their staff are able to correctly diagnose our condition and provide us with the appropriate treatment, referrals or other steps necessary to get better or get the treatment that we need. When this doesn’t happen, there can be very serious consequences and as a patient, you deserve to be compensated for this.

Claim For Nursing Home Negligence Compensation

As with any other personal injury or medical negligence claim, the nursing home negligence statute of limitations is within three years of the injury, illness, or sadly even death occurring. We always expect the level of care provided to us or our loved ones in a nursing home or care home facility to be excellent as they will often be dealing with very vulnerable people.

Have you or a loved one suffered as a result of the way in which you were cared for? If so, you can contact Legal Expert as soon as possible for advice on making a potential compensation claim in response.

Statistics For Medical Negligence Claims Against Northern Lincolnshire And Goole NHS Foundation Trust

The NHS has published data for the 2019/20 period regarding medical negligence claims which have been made against its various trusts across the nation. This includes data on the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (which runs several hospitals, including one in Grimsby). Among the data, the following is revealed for the 2019/20 period:

  • 77 compensation claims were made against the Trust during the covered time period.
  • The Trust spent a total of £14,376,482 towards resolving claims made against it.
  • Out of all the money which the Trust spent on resolving claims, £9,578,734 were put towards paying damages. The Trust also spent £842,683 on legal costs alone.

Statistics For Nationwide NHS Medical Negligence Claims

Statistics published by NHS Resolution provide us with insight into just how many claims are made against the NHS year-by-year on a nationwide scale. NHS Resolution is a department that focuses on resolving claims for the health service.

According to a report for the 2020/21 period by NHS Resolution:

  • A total of 12,629 claims for medical negligence or reported incidents were received by the NHS during this time period. That is 7.5% more than how many claims were sent in the 2019/20 period. Back then, there were 11,678 claims.
  • NHS Resolution resolved 15,674 claims during the same time period.
  • 11,704 (or 74.7%) of the resolved claims were settled before any formal court proceedings took place.
  • 3,914 claims (or 25%) of the resolved claims included some court proceedings but no trial.
  • 56 claims (or 0.3%) of the claims resolved required a court trial.

No Win No Fee Solicitors For Negligence Claims

We offer clients services under a No Win No Fee agreement for a wide variety of different claims types. No Win No Fee agreements are also commonly known as conditional fee agreements or arrangements. They are a special type of contract which allows a claimant to make a compensation claim without exposing themselves to any financial risk. It also means that the claimant will not have to make any upfront payments to start their claim or pay ongoing fees.

In the event of a successful case, the solicitor will charge a ‘success fee’ and the total charges can then be deducted from the settlement, meaning that you will never be out of pocket for using a solicitor. If your claim is not successful, the solicitor has assumed all the risk and you won’t be left with a large legal bill to fund out of your own pocket.

Taking The Next Steps

Whether you need free legal advice in Grimsby or are ready to start your claim elsewhere, the next step is to talk to the specialist team at Legal Expert. We can provide medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby personal injury claims and claims across other parts of the country.

We will take care of everything for you and our team will always ensure that you are fully informed before you make any decisions. Talk to Legal Expert today by calling us on the number above, or set out your claim in an email to info@legalexpert.co.uk.

Helpful Links

A guide to No Win No Fee solicitors
What are No Win No Fee solicitors and how do these claims work? Find out in our No Win No Fee claims guide.

A guide to Cerebral Palsy Claims
If you need to make a medical negligence claim for cerebral palsy, view our guide to making a successful claim.

Cosmetic Surgery Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Negligence?

In this guide, we explain how medical negligence may occur while undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure. We also talk you through your legal options if you are affected by such negligence.

Further Medical Negligence

Local Grimsby medical facilities

Diana Princess of Wales Hospital
Scartho Road
North East Lancashire
DN33 2BA
Tel: 01472 874111
Web: www.nlg.nhs.uk/hospitals/grimsby

Private Hospital

St Hugh’s Hospital
Peaks Lane,
DN32 9RP
Tel: 01472 251100

Quayside Medical Centre
76B Cleethorpe Road,
New Clee,
DN31 3EF
Tel: 01472 344608

Harris Family Dental Practice
27 Dudley Street,
DN31 2AW
Tel: 01472 320775

Thanks for reading through our guide on hiring medical negligence solicitors for Grimsby personal injury claims.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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