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Medical Negligence Solicitors For Ipswich

This is our guide to medical negligence solicitors for the Ipswich area. Whether accessing private or NHS healthcare in the UK, patients should always expect the highest level of care to be provided. However this is not always the case, and for some patients, the level of service provision will be much lower than expected. Negligence or malpractice by a medical professional can lead to a plethora of injuries or illnesses. It could exacerbate an existing condition, create a new condition, or otherwise affect a patient. If you have been harmed in some way by a clinical professional, talk to our medical negligence solicitors for the Ipswich area.

Medical negligence solicitors Ipswich

Medical negligence solicitors Ipswich

Have you, a member of your family or your next of kin suffered due to the way you were treated in hospitals, such as Ipswich Hospital? When you need clinical negligence solicitors in Ipswich, Suffolk our team can help you. The solicitors we can provide you with could help you to reclaim hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Ipswich medical negligence team can assist claimants who live in the town itself, as well as surrounding areas of Suffolk.

  • Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to organise your free consultation.
  • Contact us regarding your claim online.
  • Use the pop-up window in the corner.

Our team can then assess whether or not your claim is valid as well as assessing how much compensation that you could be owed. They will also be able to provide you with a solicitor covering your local area, all at no extra cost to you.

Claimants need to work with medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich for a variety of reasons. Clinical negligence and malpractice are commonly defined as the provision of substandard care to the patient by a clinical professional. Substandard care can lead to the patient being harmed, suffering an injury or their existing condition being made worse.

These types of claims may also include having been administered the wrong treatment, mistakes made during treatment, or even misdiagnosis of the issue. Any and all of these can lead to devastating consequences for the patient. Under UK law, patients who suffer negligent medical negligent treatment, whether as an outpatient or inpatient, are entitled to make a compensation claim both for the injury suffered and any financial costs incurred.

The solicitor in Ipswich you work with will need to be able to demonstrate the following criteria to ensure your claim is successful.

  • That the practitioner or institution (identified as the defendant) owed you (identified as the claimant) a duty of care as a patient.
  • That the defendant in some way breached their duty of care. This could be through both an action, or an inaction on their part.
  • That the negligent care leads to a condition or accident which otherwise could have been avoided. This could be the illness being made much worse.

If the claimant is deceased, either as a consequence of the negligent care, or due to unrelated circumstances, a family member, next of kin, or otherwise designated person can bring the claim on their behalf. People are also able to make claims on behalf of another person where they are deemed to be mentally unable to do so themselves. An example of this could be a care home resident who has some form of dementia.

Finally, you should be aware that all personal injury and medical negligence claims made in the UK are subject to a three-year time limit. To comply with this, the claim must be brought within three years of the incident taking place, or the claimant is diagnosed with the affliction. If you have suffered negligent treatment by a GP, dentist, NHS hospital, or private practitioner in the Ipswich area, talk to Legal Expert today. We can provide you with the best solicitors to assist with your case.

How To Find The Best Clinical Negligence Solicitors In Ipswich

In most towns and cities across the country, there will be several firms of solicitors, as well as national companies who can help claimants in your area. This is the same for the Ipswich area. So, how do you find the best medical solicitor in Ipswich?

Finding the right solicitor to represent your claim is one of the most important steps you take on the path to getting the settlement you deserve. It is important that the medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich that you choose to work with have the right experience to be able to handle your case.

Reviews For Medical Negligence Lawyers In Ipswich

Finding the right solicitor who can help with claims which occurred in, or where the claimant lives in a given area is highly important. One of the first steps people often take when searching for a solicitor is reading online reviews. People may use search terms such as ‘best medical solicitor in Ipswich’ to find reviews. Reviews can be important in providing you with impartial feedback. People often also ask people they know for recommendations and reviews.

A better option is to contact our Ipswich medical negligence team. They can provide you with help and advice, and even provide you with a solicitor.

Do I Need To Use Medical Negligence Solicitors In Ipswich?

You may be under the impression that if you were injured in Ipswich, then you need to use medical negligence solicitors in Ipswich. However, this isn’t true.

There is no legal requirement to use local solicitors. Our solicitors can work for you from anywhere in the country. What’s more important is the law firm’s track record and how successful they are at winning cases for their clients. Our medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich have worked with many clients in the area despite not actually being physically based nearby.

Communication with your lawyer never actually needs to take place on a face-to-face basis. Although, this can be arranged if it makes you more comfortable. Things like emails and video calls have made almost every process possible to carry out remotely.

The only thing that needs to actually be carried out in person is the independent medical assessment that’s carried out to evaluate your injuries. However, we work with medical professionals up and down the country. As a result, we can arrange for this to take place locally to you so that travel is kept to a minimum.

NHS Medical Negligence Statistics

The NHS have claims made against them for medical negligence every year. The figures regarding these claims and the total value of the settlements feature in the NHS annual resolution report for 2020/21.

As you can see in the graph below, the NHS had to spend £2,209 million over this period in fees caused by medical negligence. These figures do not include claims made against privately owned healthcare facilities. However, you can claim against them if you have experienced medical negligence whilst receiving treatment.

The breakdown below is also made up of sums from around across the country, not just Ipswich.

Medical negligence solicitors Ipswich

Medical negligence solicitors Ipswich

How Do I Make A Medical Negligence Claim?

There are a number of steps that you’ll have to take during the process of making a claim for medical negligence. Solicitors for Ipswich can help you in all of these. We’ve made an abridged list below of some of the more important ones that you’ll need to carry out.

There are more things you’ll likely need to do to stand yourself in the best stead whilst making your claim. Some will be legally required, some are just strongly advised.

Make A Complaint

You can do this regardless of if you’ve received private healthcare or if you were treatment was provided by the NHS. The main difference is that for private healthcare facilities there will be n owner to approach. But, you could still possibly complain to the manager.

In the NHS, there are no individual owners, so you’d have to file your complaint with the manager or someone of a similarly senior standing within the facility.

You should tell them of the medical negligence you have experienced and how it has affected your health. Include both physical and psychological symptoms as you can be compensated for both. Inform them that as a result, your intent to make a claim for compensation.

At this point, it’s possible that they could admit liability and even offer you a settlement amount. However, this is not guaranteed to happen. Even if they do, any initial offer could be quite low. We highly recommend that you seek the advice of medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich before accepting any offer of compensation. Otherwise, you could be missing out on the maximum amount of money you could receive for your injuries.

If those you believe to be responsible deny liability for your injuries, then you can make a claim against them.

Gather Evidence

The more proof you have regarding the circumstances of your claim, the better chance you have of being successful. You need to be able to back up your version of events with quality pieces of evidence.

There are a number of things you can present during your case that can count as evidence. For example, your medical records. Written witness statements of those with you at the time of treatment, and photographs of your injuries are also good examples.

For more information on what can be used as proof whilst making your claim, get in touch with us today.

Seeking Legal Advice

This is not legally required. However, it is highly recommended. If you are unfamiliar with the process of making a medical negligence claim then things can get confusing. Having a legal professional by your side is a very helpful thing to have.

Get in touch today and we may be able to connect you with an expert lawyer.

What Claims Do Our Medical Negligence Solicitors For Ipswich Handle?

At Legal Expert, our local medical negligence teams can handle a wide range of different types of personal injury, and medical negligence claims. In the sections below we look at some of the most common circumstances which can involve medical negligence, as well as their consequences. If your injury or illness, or the circumstances which lead to them are not listed below, don’t worry. Our team can still help with your case.

Hospital Negligence Compensation

Hospital negligence compensation can refer to treatment that has or has not been provided, activities carried out or anything provided by the hospital which leads to the patient suffering in some way. Suffering can be an existing illness or injury being made worse, the contraction of a new condition, or the provision of the wrong medication.

Negligent treatment in a hospital may also simply refer to the claimant not being treated in time, or simply being neglected. All of these circumstances can be considered a breach of the hospitals’ duty of care. No matter whether you have used a private or NHS hospital, you are entitled to expect a certain standard of service provision. When this is not delivered, you could have a case for making a claim. Speak to our team today to find out more.

Dental Negligence Solicitors

Dental negligence claims deal with the negligent treatment provided by a dentist, or other dental practitioners, such as a nurse, anaesthetist or dental surgeon. As with hospital claims, they can involve negligent treatment which has been provided, the failure to provide treatment, or the provision of treatment that is inappropriate to the patient’s condition. The damage caused can lead to severe and lasting consequences for the claimant involved.

GP Negligence Claims

GP negligence claims can be brought by claimants against any GP surgery in Ipswich or the surrounding area where a patient has suffered negligent treatment in some way. If the GP has breached their duty of care to the patient, the resulting consequences can range from mild to severe, with even life-changing results.

Common types of negligence by a GP may include the failure of a GP to review treatment options and medication provided, providing the wrong prescription or not monitoring the patient’s illness adequate.

Cancer Negligence Compensation

Cases of cancer treatment involving negligence can lead to extremely serious consequences. As with any serious and life-threatening illness, the earlier cancer is diagnosed and treatment has begun, the better the survival rate. The misdiagnosis or failure the provide the right treatment in cancer cases can ultimately be the difference between recovery and death.

If you have been treated in a negligent way, were not treated in the right way, or otherwise receive substandard care from a medical practitioner at an Ipswich hospital during your cancer treatment, speak to the team at Legal Expert today.

Nursing Home Compensation Claims

Daycare, residential and nursing homes have a duty of care to care for those who may be the most vulnerable in society. Service users may often be elderly, vulnerable or disabled. You can make a claim for compensation against a service provider if their negligent care has caused harm to you, or a person you are legally responsible for.

You can also claim on behalf of someone who has passed away since the incident as a result of this, or due to other (unrelated) circumstances. Legal Expert can provide you with an experienced solicitor to help in these cases.

Birth Injuries Medical Negligence

Childbirth medical negligence claims can be brought for injury or illness suffered by either the mother or child. They can be made during the pregnancy, birth or in the immediate aftercare. Common injuries of illness which can be considered as medical negligence in these cases, or which can be claimed for might include hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), the contraction of an infection, and even fractures or broken bones.

If you, your child or a relative have suffered negligent care whilst giving birth and have suffered as a result, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Talk to Legal Expert today to find out how our team can help.

Clinical Negligence Compensation Calculator

Within the NHS, hospitals, GP surgeries and dental practices (as well as the people who work at them) can come under NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups. These authorities may ultimately bear responsibility for a patient’s treatment and be the body responsible for paying the compensation settlement.

Healthcare Provider Claims Recieved 2015/ 16 Number of Incident 2015/ 16 Payments Made
Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust (The) 45 * 5,121,017
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust 9 9 217,039
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust 21 * 5,168,641

In the table above, we have included data for the total volume and value of claims made against health authorities in the Ipswich area in the year 2015/16 for medical negligence which happened in Ipswich.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors For Ipswich

No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitors help claimants through what is called a conditional fee agreement.  These are a special type of agreement or contract between a claimant and solicitor which are designed to help those who may not otherwise be able to afford the costs associated with taking legal action. The agreement will set out the work the medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich will carry out on behalf of the claimant, and their terms of service (such as payments).

The contract will detail under what circumstances, and how they should be paid by the claimant. It should also say that if the case is not resolved with a settlement, there should not be a charge for the solicitor’s fees. This removal of financial burdens and risks has enabled people across the country to successfully make a compensation claim. This means in the event of a claim not being awarded a settlement, the claimant is not left with a big bill to pay.

Before you sign your No Win No Fee agreement, the solicitor we provide you with will take you through what the contract contains, explaining everything in a clear, easy to understand way. This way you can be sure you understand what you are signing up for.

Contact Legal Expert Today

You can start your compensation claim, or find out more about whether you have a valid case by talking to the team at Legal Expert. We are on hand and ready to handle your call seven days a week. Contact us today by phone, or email our team at info@legalexpert.co.uk.

  • Call on 0800 073 8804 to organise your free consultation.
  • Contact us regarding your claim online.
  • Use the pop-up window in the corner.

Helpful Links

Medical Negligence Claims

If you have suffered medical negligence, find out more information on the best way to claim compensation with our explanatory guide.

Further Helpful Guides

Ipswich Hospital
Heath Road,
Web: www.ipswichhospital.nhs.uk

Nuffield Health Ipswich Hospital
Foxhall Road,
Web: www.nuffieldhealth.com/hospitals/ipswich

Orchard Medical Practice
Orchard Street Medical Centre,
Orchard Street,
Web: www.orchardmedicalpractice.nhs.uk

Spring Road Suffolk Dental Practice
417 Spring Road,
Web: www.ipswichdentist.co.uk

Thank you for reading our guide to medical negligence solicitors for Ipswich.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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