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Newton Abbot Medical Negligence No Win No Fee

Many of us have reason to visit doctor’s surgeries, hospitals, dentists or even receive care in care homes for a time. We do so usually feeling that we are being taken care of properly, but sometimes, things may, unfortunately, go wrong. Issues that occur while receiving healthcare may be due to negligence.

Medical negligence solicitor Newton Abbot

Newton Abbot Medical Negligence Solicitors

Providers of care, including those working for both the NHS and private practices, owe patients a duty to care. In summary, this duty of care requires healthcare providers to deliver high standards when treating patients. Taking reasonable steps to identify and address foreseeable issues makes up a key part of maintaining these standards. However, should the standard of care not be up to scratch, and we suffer illness (physical and/or mental), injury or worse, then a claim for compensation may be possible in Newton Abbot with medical negligence solicitors.

Whether you are looking for more information on NHS compensation, or have suffered substandard care in a private practice, or need information about No Win No Fee negligence solicitors we offer all the information you need to find the right course of action for you here.

Clinical and Medical Negligence Solicitors Newton Abbot

In this guide, we’ll advise on what to look out for if you want to hire a solicitor for a medical negligence claim. We’ll explain how our own advisors and panel of solicitors can assist with your potential claim. We’ll also explain why you don’t need to look exclusively for solicitors in your local area to start a claim.

This guide also addresses many of the different types of medical negligence claims which we can help out with. It also explains what it means when a solicitor works under a No Win No Fee agreement. We’ll go through the benefits such an agreement can bring to a claimant.

How Do You Find the Best No Win No Fee Solicitor?

Finding medical negligence solicitors for Newton Abbot claims may prove a confusing search for some. For those not familiar with the law already, terms on websites might be confusing and there may be a lot of technical information you need to digest.

The best solicitors will explain any legal jargon in simple, easy to digest forms, allowing you to truly understand the course of action you are taking. But how do you find someone like that? Some people opt for a simple internet search and look to work with solicitors Newton Abbot that appear at the top of the search results, but with such an important decision to make, it is vital that you do at least a little research before opting for a particular one.

Here at Legal Expert, our medical negligence team have a wealth of data on the solicitors we can provide you with. This allows you to have all the information you need to hand before opting for a solicitor for your case.

Should I go With a Local Lawyer?

Previous to the internet and the advances in modern technology, people would always choose a lawyer they could get to for their legal needs but there are no longer restrictions on locality when looking for a solicitor to take on your case. You can complete a lot of the important things electronically or by post, so there is absolutely no restriction on using someone in London if you are based in Manchester for example. Legal Expert are able to provide you with a team covering Newton Abbot – just call us and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information on this.

Reviews for Medical Negligence Solicitors in Newton Abbot

When it comes to the selection of medical negligence solicitors for Newton Abbot claims, some may ask family members or friends about the ones they have used, if indeed they have ever made a claim. However, there is always the option to read reviews left from previous clients of any solicitor you are considering using.

Be careful to read more than one review of the solicitors you are looking at, and see what details of the claims are relevant to your case. For example, a personal injury solicitor may have worked on many cases involving car crash victims or slip, trip and fall claims. However, they may not have experienced the complexities of a medical negligence case before. Experience is key to maximising your compensation award.

Cases Our Newton Abbot Medical Negligence Team Conducts

With a wealth of experience in the claims process, the medical negligence team at Legal Expert have worked with clients with a wide range of different medical negligence claims. Here, we provide more information on the most common types of claims we encounter, along with more information on how we can help.

Hospital Compensation

NHS compensation claims are often made against hospitals, and for a variety of different reasons. Some of the most common reasons are listed below:

  • Hygiene substandard leading to infection or poor infection control
  • Misdiagnosis/Missed Diagnosis/Late Diagnosis
  • Surgical issues
  • Medicine issues – Wrong medicine given/Incorrect dosage/Drug interactions
  • Blood transfusion problems

We can help with claims concerning all the above and more in the Newton Abbot area, including the hospitals listed below, both for NHS and private hospitals.

Dental Negligence

Dentists also have a duty to provide us with a certain level of care, and should they fail to do so and we suffer because of it, we will be able to advise you on what to do next. Common problems with dentistry can include:

  • Poorly performed procedures leading to injury
  • Failure to diagnose oral health problems, including decay and cancer
  • Negligence leading to infection

Whatever the reason for your claim, we will be able to guide you in the right direction as to how to take your case forward.

GP/Doctor Negligence

The initial call to a GP for minor health problems, symptoms of potential illnesses or injuries is one many people make. However, GPs can get things wrong sometimes, leading to complications, and worsening health. There are a wealth of different types of claims that are made against GPs, and whether you have used an NHS GP or have a private doctor, if they have been negligent in their care of you, we can help you claim.

Common GP negligence claims can involve, but are not limited to:

Late diagnoses – Sometimes a late diagnosis does not have a marked effect on a patient but sometimes it can make a difference to the treatment and the prognosis of a patient, especially if it is a dangerous disease such as cancer.

Misdiagnoses – If a patient is misdiagnosed, they may receive treatment that has little or no effect on their health, or it may cause harm to them.

Incorrect Medication prescribed – Whether a drug prescribed interacts with medication you are already taking, or the wrong dosage was given, leading to problems with your health, we can help with this type of claim.

Minor procedure negligence leading to injury – GPs are undertaking minor procedures all the time, but if negligence has led to an injury during these procedures, you should have a claim.

Cancer Negligence

One of the most worrying things about cancer that many of us have read is that it can spread quickly in some cases. This is why the earliest diagnosis gives us the best chance of beating this frightening disease. When opportunities for diagnoses are missed and late diagnoses are made, it can have a huge effect on the disease, its advancement and the prognosis. Add to this the issues with surgical procedures to treat cancer and chemotherapy issues, there are a wide range of things that can go wrong in some cases, and if they do, due to the fault of someone trusted with your care, then you will likely be able to make a claim.

We here at Legal Expert are experienced in helping people with cancer negligence cases and have the knowledge needed to help you with your case.

Nursing Home Compensation

Trusting others with the care for our loved ones is a scary thing, whether it is a hospice or a nursing or care home. If your nursing home has not been providing the proper standard of care to your loved one, and this has led to new or worsening health problems or injury, you could help your loved one be compensated for the problems that have occurred. Common claims include:

  • Failing to care for a primary need
  • Poor hygiene leading to infection
  • Injury occurring due to negligent care

If your reason is not listed above, it is essential you still pursue your options, as there are many other types of nursing home compensation claims we can help with.

Childbirth Injuries

Injuries during the process of childbirth are common, but if they have occurred due to the negligence of those charged with the care of mother and/or baby they should be fully investigated and compensation awarded to the persons affected. Here at Legal Expert, we can help with claims for birth injuries that affect the mother, child or both. Some common types of claims include:

  • Bone fractures
  • Spinal injuries
  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy
  • Hypoxia
  • Partial or full paralysis

Whether you give birth in a private or NHS hospital, if the care you have received is negligent, and has led to physical or mental issues, then we can help.

Medical Negligence Claims Against Torbay And South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

Claims against the NHS occur all over the country. Data provided by NHS Resolution reveals the number of claims which different NHS Trusts received during the 2019/20 period. The data also shows how much money different Trusts spent in order to resolve claims.

This data covers Torbay And South Devon NHS Foundation Trust. This particular Trust oversees multiple hospitals, including Newton Abbot Community Hospital. Statistics from the NHS data include the following:

  • Torbay And South Devon NHS Foundation Trust received 34 claims during the 2019/20 period.
  • In the same period, the Trust spent a total of £11,455,606 towards resolving claims made against it.
  • Out of all the money the Trust spent on resolving claims, £9,162,634 was handed out to compensate claimants for damages. The Trust also spent £633,547 on its own legal costs.

No Win No Fee Newton Abbot Medical Negligence Solicitors

When pursuing a claim, your initial thoughts are likely to be focused on its costs. However, this is not something you need to worry so much about if you claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Claiming with the help of a No Win No Fee solicitor influences how the payment of their legal fees works. If your claim is not successful, then you don’t need to pay your solicitor’s legal fees. Instead, your solicitor will take a small, legally-capped percentage of your compensation to cover their legal fees if your case succeeds. We very much prefer our clients to be fully informed about this process. So, if you have any queries or concerns about how this works, please do call us.

What to do next

If you are looking for medical negligence solicitors for Newton Abbot claims, then you can start by calling us on 0800 073 8804. Or you can fill in our claim form online. We also have an online live chat service available 24/7.

We can answer queries you may have, listen to what has happened to you and offer advice on whether you have a valid claim, or provide you with a solicitor covering the area that will take your case through to a conclusion.

Useful Links

Claiming for negligence in a clinical setting
For further advice on making clinical negligence claims, why not read the above guide.

Hospital infection claims explained

You can read this guide if you would like to learn more about claiming compensation for a hospital infection.

Laser hair removal negligence claims

This particular guide can be read by those looking for information on claiming for negligence during a laser hair removal procedure.

How to submit a complaint to the NHS

If you’re looking to start a complaint against an NHS health service, then you can use this guide they’ve provided to understand what to do.

Evidence on Birth Injury – NHS
This provides the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s (NICE’s) information on Birth Injury Evidence.

Further Resources

Local Newton Abbot Clinical Service Links

NHS Hospital

Newton Abbot Community Hospital
West Golds Road
Jetty Marsh
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2TS
Tel: 01626 324500
Web: www.torbayandsouthdevon.nhs.uk

Private Hospital

Mount Stuart Hospital
St Vincent’s Road
Tel: 01803 313 881


Albany Surgery
Grace House
Scott Close
Newton Abbot
TQ12 1GJ
Tel: 01626 334411


St. Pauls Dental Practice Ltd
4 St. Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP
Tel: 01626 365896

Thank you for reading our guide about making claims in Newton Abbot with medical negligence solicitors.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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