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Welwyn Garden City Medical Negligence Solicitors No Win No Fee

Before you choose a local team of solicitors in Welwyn Garden City to deal with a medical negligence compensation claim, you should read this page which gives plenty of great info on how to find medical negligence solicitors for Welwyn Garden City.

A hospital corridor with a gurney that has a patient's arm hanging over it. First, a proper definition of what medical negligence is will be useful. First of all, not every accident or mistake that a person falls victim to is actually classed as negligence. In order to qualify as a negligent act, the event would need to fulfil the following three parameters:

1) It was caused by a medical professional who was responsible for caring for the health of the patient.

2) The event signified a failure in this responsibility, and it directly lead to harm to the patient.

3) The event itself which caused harm to the patient could have been avoided.

Only if all these three statements are true is an event causing harm to a patient seen as negligence.

Negligent events can happen for a number of reasons, including error, accident, insufficient care, and oversight. They can cause physical damage in the form of an injury, they can cause a negative effect on the patient’s health through the contracting of a medical condition, or worsening of an existing one, and they can also cause psychological damage due to trauma, stress, etc.

If you have suffered at the hands of a medical professional, Legal Expert can assist you in claiming the compensation you will be eligible for. We have a track record spanning more than 30-years of winning compensation for our clients in complex clinical negligence cases.

Legal Expert offers its national medical negligence claims service to residents of Welwyn Garden City and the rest of the UK.

What You Should Think About When Choosing a Solicitor

If you take a look at some NHS compensation stories, one thing you would notice is the victims who seem to win the most compensation have all used established, experienced legal firms. A small firm of high street solicitors might be fine for using for house conveyancing or getting an affidavit signed, they might not be so hot at going head to head with large organisations such as the NHS. A good medical negligence solicitor will be able to:

  • Take on your claim under a No Win No Fee agreement.
  • Arrange local services, such as getting you an expert medical opinion from a local specialist.
  • Have a track record of winning similar cases recently.

A far simpler and quicker way to track down a good negligence solicitor in the Welwyn Garden City area is to give us a call here at Legal Expert. We will offer you some free legal advice as part of our claims service, which will put you in touch with the best legal team for your claim.

Do I Have to Use a Solicitor in My Local Area?

In our modern, Internet-connected world, there is no longer any advantage at all in selecting a local legal firm to make your claim. The experience and capabilities of your solicitor are much more important than their location. You can always use email or VOIP to keep in touch with your legal team anywhere in the country.

Right Solicitor Reviews

If you can find the right solicitor review site, with plenty of reviews of legal firms in the Welwyn Garden City area, this is a great place to find some initial info. Take the info you find and use it to make a short list of potential solicitors to make your claim for you. Once you have this list, check with friends, family and work colleagues to see if they have dealt with any of the legal firms on it. If they have, ask what the experience was like. Facebook and Twitter are good platforms to reaching out to your circle of acquaintances for this.

Compensation Claims Our Medical Negligence Team Can Handle

When it comes to paying compensation for clinical negligence NHS hospitals will do everything they can to prevent them having to pay a claim. It doesn’t matter how minor the case, or how major, such as claims for medical negligence after death. The NHS as a business needs to minimise the amount of damages it is liable to pay at all times.

So you need a good, experienced team of solicitors like Legal Expert, which has plenty of experience of going toe to toe with the NHS and winning significant compensation pay-outs.

Below you will find a description of many of the most common types of negligence claims we handle for our clients. Give us a call to discuss your specific case if none of these seems to fit.

Birth Negligence Cases

A settlement reached in birth negligence case could be due to the mother being harmed, the baby being harmed, or even both. Of the two, the mother usually suffers the least harmful consequences of birth negligence. She might suffer from cuts, bruises and perineal tears. She could also have more serious injuries such as damaged pelvic floor muscles or even a fractured pelvis. The baby is at the most risk. Even a mild case of birth trauma can lead to one or more broken bones. In the most tragic cases, the baby suffers from some form of permanent brain damage, potentially ruining their whole life.

Legal Expert offers its national claims service to residents of the UK, to help them claim for negligence that happened during the birth of a baby.

Cancer Negligence Compensation

Some forms of cancer, such as prostate cancer, are high-risk conditions when it comes to the likelihood of mistakes in treatment being made. This is because prostate cancer has very similar symptoms to much more minor illnesses such as some form of urinary disorder. When a misdiagnosis is made like this, it causes a delay in the patient receiving treatment for the prostate cancer, which in some cases can be lethal.

If you have lost a loved one due to prostate cancer, and you believe the death could have been prevented, then Legal Expert can help you claim compensation for prostate cancer medical negligence.

Negligence Cases Against Hospitals

Successfully pursuing negligence cases against hospitals can be a complex challenge. As mention above, large organisations such as the NHS and also private healthcare services, will do everything they can to avoid paying damages.

There are many ways a patient can come to harm whilst staying in an NHS hospital such as New QEII Hospital in Welwyn Garden City, from simple cases of being prescribed the wrong medication causing a minor allergic reaction, to serious cases such as an accident during surgery killing the patient on the operating table.

Legal Expert can help residents of Welwyn Garden City to prove that the hospital is liable to pay damages, and then claim compensation on your behalf.

Dental Negligence Cases

If you were to make a review of dental negligence, you would find that many of them share a common trait. This being the fact that many dental negligence cases involve a provision for claiming compensation for psychological damage. An accident or mistake during a dental procedure can leave the patient with cosmetic damage to the face or teeth. Living with this disfigurement, even if just for a short time, can cause stress, trauma and additional conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Legal Expert is experienced in claiming for the less tangible effects of an injury, such as having to deal with facial disfigurement due to an accident at a dental clinic.

GP Negligence Cases

Legal Expert has an experienced team of GP negligence solicitors available for the Welwyn Garden City area, ready to help you claim for compensation against your doctor if they have made a mistake.

Your GP is responsible for diagnosing your medical condition, and where required, refer you on to a suitable specialist or clinic. When a mistake happens with this diagnosis, the consequences can be serious. Imagine what would happen to your health if you visited your GP and he diagnosed you with an upset stomach when you actually had a far more serious condition such as Chron’s disease which shares many of the symptoms?

Nursing Home Negligence Cases

Nursing home negligence settlements are one of the most common types of damages we claim for our clients due to negligence. It is an unfortunate fact that many nursing homes are underfunded, short staffed, and provide only the bare minimum training for care staff. This is a recipe for negligence. Many residents of a care home are frail or infirm and require close supervision. When this supervision is lacking, accidents such as slips, trips or falls can be the result. Almost all general care staff have no medical training at all. This means that if a resident contracts a serious illness, it could go entirely unnoticed.

These are just two of the common ways that negligence occurs in a nursing home. Legal Expert can help the family of a resident in a care home claim for negligence compensation up to 2 years after the event.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors For Welwyn Garden City

Our medical negligence solicitors for Welwyn Garden City can offer their services on a strictly No Win No Fee basis. The type of contract offered by our solicitors is called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) and gives the claimant some key advantages.

With a CFA, you will not pay any fees:

  • For the solicitor to begin working on your claim,
  • The work done during claims itself and,
  • If the claim should fail, there will be no fees to pay for your solicitor’s work.

If your claim succeeds, a success fee will be deducted from your compensation by the solicitor. As this success fee is subject to a legally binding cap, you will keep the majority of any compensation awarded.

How to Proceed

If you would like to know how Legal Expert can help you claim for compensation due to medical negligence, then call us right now on 0800 073 8804. We will capture the facts of your claim before giving you some free legal advice on how to proceed.

Helpful Links

Blood transfusion compensation claims

At the above link, you will find our guide to claiming for medical negligence due to harm caused during a blood transfusion.

NHS information on blood transfusions

At the above link, you will find detailed info from the NHS about blood transfusions, including the risks.

Consent for transfusion

At the link above you will find the legal framework for getting consent form a patient to make a blood transfusion.

Further Helpful Guides From Our Site

Local Welwyn Garden City Medical Centres

The New QEII Hospital


Welwyn Garden City



Tel: 01438 314 333

Web: https://www.newqeii.info/

Garden City Practice

11 Guessens Rd

Welwyn Garden City



Tel: 01707 321 500

Web: http://www.gardencitypractice.nhs.uk/

Church Road Dental

4A Church Road

Welwyn Garden City



Tel: 01707 334444

Web: http://www.churchroaddental.co.uk/

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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