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Wrexham Medical Negligence Solicitors – No Win No Fee

Last updated 7th January 2025. Have you been a victim of clinical negligence in Wrexham, or elsewhere in North Wales? If a case of medical negligence left you with injuries, an illness or worsened a medical condition that you already suffered from (for example if you were misdiagnosed with cancer) then you could be owed tens of thousands of pounds in medical negligence compensation.

Legal Expert can provide you with a top medical negligence solicitor who can represent you in your compensation claim. We offer a free legal consultation to potential medical negligence Claimants; so if you think you have been involved in a case of medical negligence compensation, you have nothing to lose by calling us. Call us today and we will let you know if you can make a legitimate medical negligence compensation claim, give you an estimate of how much you could be awarded in damages and find the right solicitors covering the Wrexham area to handle your case.

Call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 for your free legal consultation.

This guide has been created for Claimants in search of medical negligence solicitors in Wrexham UK, or the North Wales area. If you live in the UK then Legal Expert will be able to provide you with a top medical negligence solicitor, who covers claims in your area.

Two medical professionals looking at an X-ray image of a spine.

What Is Medical Negligence?

There is often some confusion about the meaning of medical negligence amongst claimants. A case of medical negligence, medical malpractice or clinical negligence as it is also known, is when a medical practitioner or institution provides medical care to a patient, which is below the standard that they should expect. This negligence action or inaction could take the form of a medical mistake, surgical mistake, the misdiagnosis or late diagnosis of a medical condition, prescribing the wrong medication, or issuing the wrong medical treatment. If this negligent action results in the patient becoming ill, injured, or it worsens an existing medical condition then the patient may be entitled to claim medical negligence compensation.

So what is medical negligence according to the law? To be able to claim medical negligence compensation you will need to use a medical negligence solicitor to represent you, the Claimant. Your solicitor will have to be able to provide evidence of the following for you to win your medical negligence claim: firstly that the medical practitioner that treated you (i.e. the Defendant) owed you a duty of care, secondly that the negligent actions or inactions of the Defendant breached the duty of care that they owed you and thirdly that the breach of the duty of care caused you, the Claimant, to suffer an injury or illness, or the worsening of an existing medical condition.

What is the medical negligence time limit? There is also a time limit on medical negligence, meaning that in England and Wales you have three years from the moment that the incident of medical negligence occurred, or since you realised that you had been harmed.

Advice For Choosing The Best Medical Negligence Solicitors For Wrexham

Choosing the best medical negligence solicitor to help you claim for compensation clinical negligence can make a big difference to whether or not you win your case and are awarded the correct amount of compensation that you are owed. Therefore, it pays to take some time to research best medical negligence solicitor that covers the Wrexham area, to handle your medical negligence claim. And remember, Legal Expert offers you a no obligation legal consultation, where we can look at the important factors of your case, and provide you with a solicitor who has the right expertise and experience to represent you in your clinical negligence claim.

Do I Have To Work With Medical Negligence Solicitors In Wrexham?

Most people think that if they live in a particular area, they have to use solicitors in that same area to make their claim. When Legal Expert provides you with a medical negligence solicitor, we will prioritise the solicitor’s track record of winning clinical negligence compensation claims, the quality of service provided and whether or not they offer a no win no fee service. With digital communications technology such as mobile phones and email, it is easy to keep in regular contact with a solicitor who is based further afield to you. If we find the right lawyer for you, based elsewhere in the country, communication shouldn’t be a problem. Digital communications like email and mobile phones, mean that it is easy to be in regular communication with a solicitor based elsewhere in the country.

What Types Of Claims Does Our Wrexham Medical Negligence Team Conduct?

Legal Expert provides clinical negligence solicitors to handle all sorts of medical negligence claims, including claims for: GP negligence, hospital negligence, dental negligence, medical negligence at birth, cancer misdiagnosis negligence and medical negligence that took place in a nursing home or care home. If you have suffered a case of medical negligence of any sort, then trust Legal Expert to help you win the compensation you are entitled to.

Hospital Negligence

We trust hospitals to care for us when we are suffering from a serious illness, injury or at critical times like childbirth. When we find that the care that hospitals provide falls short, we are entitled to be compensated for the hospital negligence we experienced, whether it was NHS medical negligence or private hospital medical negligence. Trust Legal Expert to provide you with a hospital negligence solicitor to handle your claim for medical negligence compensation.

GP Negligence

GPs are responsible for issuing medication, being the first port of call if a patient is ill, and referring patients to a hospital department if they have a more serious condition that needs specialist care. If your GP has acted negligently, causing you avoidable harm, you could be entitled to claim medical negligence compensation. Let a clinical negligence solicitor who covers the UK, see that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to.

Care Home Medical Negligence

Because nursing homes and care homes look after residents who are unable to look after themselves, they need to provide high standards of care. If you or a mentally incapacitated next of kin have been involved in an incident of care home or nursing home negligence, which caused avoidable harm, you may be able to claim for medical negligence compensation. Trust Legal Expert to provide you with a specialist solicitor to represent you in your claim for compensation.

Cancer Medical Negligence

Cancer is a time-bound disease, the later that a cancer is diagnosed and treated the less likely the patient will be able to survive the disease. In some cases, a cancer misdiagnosis or late diagnosis can make the difference between a patient surviving the disease or not. If you have experienced a late diagnosis or misdiagnosis of cancer, which caused avoidable harm, or your next of kin died because their cancer wasn’t properly diagnosed on time then we can help. Trust Legal Expert to provide you with an expert solicitor who can represent you in your claim for cancer misdiagnosis compensation.

Medical Negligence At Birth

Have you or your child been affected by an incident of medical negligence at birth, which resulted in one of you becoming injured? Whether you experienced medical negligence at birth in an NHS hospital or a private hospital in Wrexham, you may be entitled to claim tens of thousands of pounds in compensation on your behalf, or on behalf of your child. Trust Legal Expert to provide you with the right clinical negligence solicitor covering the Wrexham area, to win your birth injury compensation claim.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors For Wrexham

If you are eligible to claim compensation, one of our medical negligence solicitors for Wrexham could help you. Our solicitors can offer many services to their clients, such as:

  • Help with collecting evidence. 
  • Corresponding on their behalf with the defendant. 
  • Ensuring that the compensation is fairly valued. 
  • Ensuring the time limit is adhered to.
  • Explaining any complex legal jargon. 
  • Updating you on any progressions with the case. 

Our medical negligence lawyers for Wrexham can also offer the above services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is an agreement on a No Win No Fee basis. 

This means that if you are offered to be represented under a CFA, you will not have to pay for your solicitor’s services:

  • Before the case starts. 
  • During the entire case process. 
  • If the claim is unsuccessful. 

As such, if the claim is successful, your solicitor will keep a small percentage of the compensation. This is otherwise known as the success fee, which is capped by the law to ensure that the majority of the compensation always goes to the client.

Speak to Legal Expert Today

Legal Expert is a well respected clinical personal injury solicitors firm that specialises in medical negligence. Meaning we can provide you with a top medical negligence solicitor  if you have been involved in a case of medical negligence. You’re bound to be in good hands, as some of our negligence solicitors have over 30 years of experience helping Claimants like yourself claim medical compensation. Call us Legal Expert for your free consultation or complete our online claims form; and if we think you have a valid claim, we will proceed with your case. Contact us today, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Useful Links

The NHS Constitution of England
An NHS guide to patient’s rights

Medical facilities in this area

NHS Hospital

Wrexham Maelor Hospital
Croesnewydd Road
LL13 7TD
Tel: 01978 291100
Web: www.wales.nhs.uk

Private Hospital

Spire Yale Hospital
Wrexham Technology Park
Croesnewydd Road
LL13 7YP
Tel: 01978 880284
Web: www.spirehealthcare.com/spire-yale-hospital

GP Surgery

St Georges Crescent Surgery
40 St. George’s Crescent
LL13 8DB
Tel: 01978 290708
Web: www.stgeorgescrescentsurgery.co.uk

Dental Practice

Ruabon Road Dental Practice, Wrexham
96 Ruabon Rd,
LL13 7PH
Tel: 01978 364390
Web: www.wrexhamdentist.co.uk

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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