A Guide To A Paramedic Negligence Claim

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How To Make A Paramedic Negligence Claim

Last Updated 14th June 2024. This guide discusses when you could be eligible to make a paramedic negligence claim. We start by outlining the eligibility criteria you must satisfy to claim paramedic negligence compensation, including the duty of care owed by healthcare professionals. This guide explores a healthcare professional’s duty of care to their patients and looks at how if this duty is breached avoidable harm can be suffered. 

We look at the evidence that could be submitted that provides proof of paramedic negligence as well as the harm this caused. This entails outlining the usefulness of evidence and what you could use. Also, we look at how a legal professional could work out how much your case could be worth and what might be included in your settlement if successful.

To conclude, this guide addresses the benefits of appointing a No Win No Fee solicitor and how you can access their services without paying anything upfront. To uncover the eligibility of your case and see if you can work with one of our specialist negligence solicitors, contact our advisors today.

You can get in touch with one of the advisors from our team now by:

  • Calling us on 0800 073 8804
  • Filling in our Claim Online form to begin your enquiry
  • Speaking with us using live chat on our website

ambulances outside of a hospital

Select A Section

  1. Can I Make A Paramedic Negligence Claim?
  2. How Could Paramedics Be Negligent?
  3. How Can I Prove Paramedic Negligence?
  4. How Much Compensation Could I Claim For Paramedic Negligence?
  5. Could I Bring A No Win No Fee Paramedic Negligence Claim?
  6. Related Ambulance And Paramedic Negligence Claims

Can I Make A Paramedic Negligence Claim?

To make a paramedic negligence claim, you must satisfy the eligibility criteria and adhere to the time limits. The requirements you must meet can be found in the three points below, which form the basis of negligence in tort law. If you can show that these points are present in your case, you might be able to obtain negligence compensation.

  • A duty of care must have been owed to you
  • There must have been a breach of the duty you were owed
  •  This breach must have resulted in you suffering unnecessary harm

In addition to the above criteria, you must adhere to the time limits to claim paramedic negligence compensation. Generally, under the Limitation Act 1980, you have three years to begin your case from the incident date. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

All healthcare professionals, including paramedics, owe their patients a duty of care to provide the correct standard of care. If a paramedic fails to provide you with the minimum standard of care expected from them, you could suffer avoidable harm. 

For more information on the time limit exceptions or to discover the validity of your case, contact our advisors now. If your case is deemed eligible, you may be able to work with one of our specialist solicitors on a No Win No Fee basis. 

How Could Paramedics Be Negligent?

As part of the eligibility criteria, you must have suffered avoidable harm to make a paramedic negligence claim. Below, we discuss the types of errors paramedics could make that may cause you harm.

  • A paramedic may provide you with the wrong medication, making you sick and worsening your condition
  • You could experience a delay in treatment when a paramedic fails to spot your stroke symptoms due to a medical misdiagnosis, leading to brain damage
  • Whilst receiving medical attention, a paramedic could mishandle you, leading to you suffering an injury

The above list is not exhaustive, so contact our advisors now to discover if the treatment you received from a negligent paramedic qualifies you to make a paramedic negligence claim. They will provide a free case assessment to uncover the validity of your case.

How Can I Prove Paramedic Negligence?

A key part of your paramedic negligence claim will be collecting supporting evidence. In addition to showing how the paramedic’s breach of duty resulted in you experiencing avoidable harm, this evidence will also demonstrate the impact this harm had on you.

We have provided some examples of evidence you could use to demonstrate paramedic negligence here:

  • It is always advisable to seek proper medical treatment after experiencing medical negligence. As well as prioritising your health, the medical records generated by this treatment will be very useful in showing what avoidable harm was caused by the paramedic. 
  • Photographs of your injuries and the harm caused by the paramedic’s substandard care can also be useful.
  • Details of any medication given to you by the paramedic.
  • Someone who was with you at the scene or in the ambulance could provide a witness statement. Be sure to take down their contact information so they can give their statement during the claims process.

Working with one of our highly experienced medical negligence solicitors could prove very useful when collecting evidence. As well as helping you to gather a thorough body of supporting evidence, a trained legal professional can also ensure your paramedic negligence case is made within the relevant time limit.

For a free assessment of your eligibility to claim, talk to our advisors today using the contact information given below.

How Much Compensation Could I Claim For Paramedic Negligence?

You may wonder how much compensation you could receive if your case is successful. Settlements awarded in successful paramedic negligence claims can include up to two heads of claim.

The first compensates you for the mental suffering and physical injury you’ve experienced due to the breach of duty and is known as general damages. Several factors are considered in the determination of the level of compensation you’re awarded, including:

  • How your quality of life has been affected by the avoidable harm you’ve suffered
  • The severity of the unnecessary harm you’ve endured
  • Your recovery time

Additionally, a legal professional could utilise a document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help assign your case a value. This document supplies guideline valuation brackets for different harm after analysing figures previously awarded in cases that have gone to court. Also, a medical report can be obtained as part of the process to help more definitively value your case.

Due to the unique nature of each case, we cannot guarantee the compensation you could receive. However, below is a table of guidance figures taken from the JCG for different types of harm.

Compensation Table

Please take note that the figures given in this table are for guidance only. The top entry was not taken from the JCG.

Multiple Instances of Very Serious Harm as well as Serious Financial LossesVery SeriousUp to 500,000+
Brain DamageModerately Severe (b)£267,340 to £344,150
Moderate (c) (i)£183,190 to £267,340
Digestive SystemNon-traumatic Injury (b)(i)£46,900 to £64,070
Non-traumatic injury (b)(ii)£11,640 to £23,430
WristSignificant Permanent Disability£24,500 to £39,170
Less Severe£12,590 to £24,500
BackModerate (b)(ii)£15,260 to £33,880
Minor (c)(i)£9,630 to £15,260
AnkleModerate (c)£16,770 to £32,450

Can I Claim Back The Money I Lost Because Of My Injuries?

Your settlement could also include compensation that seeks to address financial losses you’ve incurred due to paramedic negligence. This head of claim is known as special damages. You should consider gathering evidence of these losses to ensure you’re compensated fully for them.

Potential evidence you could supply to prove these losses includes:

  • Payslips that outline the earnings you’ve lost due to being unable to work
  • Medical invoices that show the expenses you’ve incurred to recover
  • Travel receipts that highlight the costs you’ve incurred due to being unable to drive

You will only be compensated for the harm you suffered that was avoidable. You will not receive compensation for the original ailment. As part of their service, a solicitor could help you gather evidence if your paramedic negligence claim is eligible. For a free consultation, contact our team of advisors today.

Could I Bring A No Win No Fee Paramedic Negligence Claim?

If you have an eligible paramedic negligence claim, consider instructing a solicitor on a No Win No Fee basis to provide expert advice. On such a basis, you could appoint a solicitor under a Conditional Fee Agreement to ensure:

  • When you appoint a solicitor, you don’t have to pay any upfront fees for their service
  • As the case progresses, you won’t have to pay any fees 
  • If your case doesn’t win, you won’t have to pay your solicitor for their service
  • If your case succeeds, your solicitor will take a legally capped percentage of your compensation, which is only small and known as a success fee

A Conditional Fee Agreement is offered by our medical negligence solicitors who have a wealth of experience and only agree to work with cases that have a good chance of success. This should give you confidence, knowing that your time will be used effectively if they agree to your instruction. Contact our team of advisors now to find out if you can appoint a solicitor.

Speak To Our Experts Today

You can arrange a call with our team of advisors or get in touch online today by:

  • Calling us on 0800 073 8804
  • Filling in our Claim Online form to begin your enquiry
  • Speaking with us using live chat on our website

Related Ambulance And Medical Negligence Claims

We hope this guide has informed you about paramedic negligence claims. If you would like to read more of our helpful guides, please look below:

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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