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Can You Sue For Prescription Errors By A Pharmacy?

If you are reading this guide, you have likely encountered a situation which has caused you to ask, ‘The pharmacy gave me the wrong medication; can I start a medical negligence claim?’. We are here to help you answer this question. Pharmacists owe you a minimum standard of care when sorting your prescription. If you have suffered an injury due to their failure to meet said standard, you could be eligible to make a claim for compensation. 

Keep reading to learn more about the eligibility criteria and typical prescription errors for these types of claims. We will also outline the legal time limits for medical negligence claims.

Furthermore, We will examine guideline figures for the compensation you could receive for prescription errors by a pharmacy. Finally, we outline how one of our experienced solicitors could help you to move forward with your case.

Medical negligence claims can seem complicated, so why not get in touch with one of our advisors? They can assist you with your queries and help determine whether your claim for compensation is eligible. Their advice is offered to you free of charge, so what do you have to lose? You could be connected to a No Win No Fee solicitor and recover your financial losses:

Select A Section

  1. What Is A Pharmacy Prescription Or Dispensing Error?
  2. What Types Of Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy Could I Claim For?
  3. How Do I Sue For Medication And Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?
  4. What Is The Limitation Period To Claim For Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?
  5. How Much Is The Average Settlement For Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?
  6. Can A No Win No Fee Solicitor Help Me?

What Is A Pharmacy Prescription Or Dispensing Error?

All medical professionals have a duty to provide the correct level of care, including pharmacists. However, if a pharmacist was to provide care that falls below the expected standard this could lead to someone suffering additional or avoidable harm.

For example, the pharmacist might fail to check your details before passing you a prescription that was meant for another patient. As a result, you might take the wrong medication causing you to experience side effects that could have been avoided.

After taking the wrong medication, you could experience both physical and psychological effects. If you have evidence that the harm you sustained was caused by a medical professional breaching their duty of care, you could be eligible to seek compensation.

For more information about making a pharmacy compensation claim, call our team. Alternatively, read on for more information about the different types of prescription errors in a pharmacy that could potentially occur.

What Types Of Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy Could I Claim For?

There are potentially various types of prescription errors in a pharmacy that could occur.

However, it’s important to note that not all prescription errors are a result of medical negligence. For instance, a doctor may have done everything they reasonably could to provide you with the right treatment based on the symptoms you exhibited.

The following are examples of where a pharmacist may have acted negligently:

  • A pharmacist might have failed to check your prescription correctly and packaged the wrong dosage of medication when sorting your prescription. As a result, you might receive the wrong dosage causing you avoidable harm. If you receive a dose that’s too high, you could experience symptoms of an overdose. If you receive a dose that’s too low, you might find the medication hasn’t been effective.
  • A pharmacist may have failed to follow the correct procedures and given you medication that wasn’t prescribed to you. If you took this medication under the assumption that it was part of your treatment, you may have experienced additional harm that could have been avoided.

Can You Claim For Fatal Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?

If you or someone you love has experienced a fatal incident of medical negligence, a claim could be made to seek compensation.

However, the process of fatal accident claims may differ. For more information, please get in touch with our team on the number above.

How Do I Sue For Medication And Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?

A lot of people wanting to know what to do if a pharmacy gives the wrong medication in the UK will need to know how to prepare for a possible legal case. There are a few steps you can take, including the below:

  • Keeping hold of the medication you received. Prescription errors in a pharmacy could be proved by physical evidence like the label on a pill bottle or its packaging.
  • Asking your healthcare provider to give you a copy of your medical history. You have a legal right to request your medical records. Copies of notes or test results could offer proof of your symptoms and suffering.
  • Talking to witnesses. Whether it’s someone who you went to the pharmacy with, someone who was there or even a member of staff, collecting contact details means they could be called upon for a statement supporting your claim.

You can also call us or speak to an advisor online for dedicated advice. Our advisors have spoken to many people who have asked, “A pharmacy gave me the wrong medication, what can I do?” and they’re always able to offer useful guidance.

If you have a valid claim, you can instruct a solicitor to help with things like collecting evidence or arranging expert testimony, which can be pivotal in a medical negligence claim.

Learn more by calling or using our live chat service today.

What Is The Limitation Period To Claim For Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?

When prescription errors in a pharmacy occur and you are wanting to make a claim for compensation, there are time limits to be aware of.

Generally, when making a prescription error claim you would have three years to seek compensation. This might start either from the date the incident occurred or the date you became aware that the medical professional’s negligence caused or contributed to your harm.

In certain circumstances, there are sometimes exceptions. For instance, the time limit will vary if someone is under the age of 18. Additionally, similar exceptions might apply for those who lack the mental capacity to claim.

For more information on the time limits to claiming for harm sustained following prescription errors in a pharmacy, call our team on the number above.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Payout?

The time it takes for your claim to settle may vary depending on different circumstances. For instance, the following factors may affect the length of a claim:

  • Whether liability has been admitted
  • If your claim needs to go to court
  • If further evidence is needed to support your claim.

How Much Is The Average Settlement For Prescription Errors In A Pharmacy?

It’s difficult to give a definitive value of compensation for a prescription error without assessing your claim. Each medical negligence claim would be calculated independently.

Your claim might consist of the following:

  1. General damages: These would compensate you for any physical and psychological injuries due to medical negligence.
  2. Special Damages: These would compensate you for any financial loss caused by the incident. For example, you may have incurred a loss of earnings due to being unable to work while recovering. Other costs might include medical bills or travel expenses. However, you must provide evidence of these losses. You could use prescriptions, payslips or bank statements to provide details of the monetary losses you faced.

Those figuring out the value of your harm might look at medical evidence and Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) figures. The JCG is a document that includes guideline compensation figures for a variety of injuries.

The table below features brackets taken from the JCG. Only the top line isn’t from the document. Please remember that the table is just for general guidance. It acts like a medical negligence compensation calculator, which gives you a rough estimate of what your claim might be worth.

Alternatively, if you cannot see your injuries in the table above, one of our advisors could value your claim for free. Call the number above to discuss how compensation following prescription errors in a pharmacy is calculated.

InjuryAddition DetailsCompensation
Multiple Severe Illnesses Or Injuries And Significant Monetary LossesSerious Harm And LossUp to £500,000+
Injuries Affecting SightComplete Blindness (Both Eyes)In the region of £327,940
KidneyLoss Or Permanent Damage£206,730 to £256,780
Reproductive System: FemaleInfertility With Sexual Dysfunction And Mental Harm£140,210 to £207,260
BowelsComplete Loss of Natural FunctionUp to £183,190
Reproductive System: MaleTotal Impotence, Sterility and Lost Sexual Function£140,220 to £181,020
Impairment of Taste and SmellLoss of Smell£30,500 to £40,150
BladderSome Fairly Long-Term Interference With Function£28,570 to £38,210
SpleenLoss of Spleen and Associated Risk of Internal Infection£25,380 to £32,090

Can A No Win No Fee Solicitor Help Me?

You could work with our solicitors who offer No Win No Fee services, such as a Conditional Fee Agreement. This means you have no upfront or running solicitor fees to pay while your claim proceeds.

If your case were to win, you would pay a success fee. The solicitor takes a legally capped percentage out of the compensation award. However, if your claim fails, you don’t pay the solicitor for their work.

For more information on how you could work with one of our solicitors, get in touch on the details below:

Supporting Resources

Below, we have included some additional guides and external resources.

A solicitor looks at evidence of prescription errors in a pharmacy to help with a medical negligence claim.

We hope this guide on claiming for harm sustained as a result of negligent prescription errors in a pharmacy has helped. However, if you need more information, call our team on the number above.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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