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Pregabalin Wrong Medication Claims Guide

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 23rd February 2024. If you are given Pregabalin as wrong medication, negligence may have been the cause. This guide will explain when a claim could be possible in such circumstances. We look at how pharmaceutical mistakes are made, what happens if you take too much of a medication, what the Pregabalin side effects could be, and other factors.

Pregabalin wrong medication claims

Pregabalin wrong medication claims

Read on to learn more about how Pregabalin wrong medication negligence is defined. The requirements for claiming compensation for a prescription error will also be explained. We’ll also discuss what kinds of damages you may be able to claim for and potential payouts for illnesses caused by a prescription error.

If you are looking to start a claim for a medication error, then you can choose to contact a solicitor who can help you. We’ll also talk about the benefits of claiming with a No Win No Fee solicitor within this guide.

If you would like to speak to an advisor about claiming for a medication error involving Pregabalin Milpharm, you can speak to the Legal Expert team. Our advisors can be called on 0800 073 8804. You can also reach them online by using either our contact form or our live chat service.

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What Is A Prescription Error?

Prescription errors are a specific type of clinical negligence that is based on mistakes made when disbanding prescription medication. You might state that:

  • You have taken the wrong amount of medication because the instructions on the bottle were wrong.
  • I have taken too many tablets because there was no clear indication of how many I should take on the packaging.
  • The wrong dosage of medication has been taken because I was given the wrong dosage tablets.

There are many more shapes that clinical negligence involving prescription medication can take, and these include:

  • Being given medication that was meant for another pharmacy customer.
  • Your GP prescribing medication that you have a known allergy to.
  • Being prescribed medication that has a known interaction with another drug you are taking.
  • A pharmacist giving you the wrong medication because it was picked incorrectly by the pharmacy staff.

Potential Issues When Prescribed Pregabalin And How To Claim For Them

Pregabalin is a medication that should only be taken if you’re prescribed it because it’s medically needed. The NHS explains that Pregabalin may be prescribed to treat epilepsy, anxiety or nerve pain.

If you are prescribed this medication by mistake or the pharmacy mixes up your medication or the dosage, it could cause ill health. This is especially true if you are allergic to the ingredients found in Pregabalin.

To make a successful claim if you are affected by a Pregabalin prescription error, negligence must be proven. Also, you must have suffered harm as a consequence.

Could I Make A Pregabalin As Wrong Medication Negligence Claim?

To make a valid claim you will need to prove that the medical professional has failed to meet their duty of care towards you. This can be summed up as:

  1. The medical professional had a duty of care towards you.
  2. This duty of care was breached, and this indirectly or directly lead to the harm you suffered.
  3. If the medical professional had taken alternative action, you would not have been harmed.

Put simply, if a medical professional does something to harm you that was avoidable, then you could be in a position to make a compensation claim. However, suffering side effects from Pregabalin is not a reason to make a compensation claim if the medication was correctly prescribed for you. If you are confused about this, and whether you might have a valid claim, please do feel free to talk to one of our expert advisors for some clarification.

Prescription Mistake Compensation Payouts

The table below uses generic terms to try and show how different severities of illnesses could attract different amounts of compensation. Although the symptoms might not fit your illness exactly, you should be able to make a comparative selection and look up the level of damages you might receive. This table is based on data that is published by the Judicial College in England, as part of its guidelines.

Health Issue Compensation Notes
Illness (i) £38,430 to £52,500 This would be some form of severe illness, that will require the victim to be hospitalised to treat. Symptoms such as a high fever, dehydration, severe abdominal cramps, etc. would last for some time.
Illness (ii) £9,540 to £19,200 This would be some form of serious illness, with painful and dilapidating symptoms. The victim may require hospitalisation to deal with the medical condition.
Illness (iii) £3,950 to £9,540 This would be some form of moderate illness, food poisoning for example, that would have symptoms such as fatigue, moderate fever, sickness, diarrhoea, etc. The main symptoms would clear up in weeks, with some lingering for a year or two.
Illness (iv) £910 to £3,950 This would be some form of minor illness, with symptoms such as cramps, sickness, impaired bowel function, etc. that would clear up within a few weeks.

You could also try using an online personal injury claims calculator tool to get a rough idea of how much you might be able to claim. These tools and the table above only take in to account one part of the claim. Alternatively, talk to our team to start arranging for a solicitor to value your claim.

Special Damages For Injury Or Illness Caused By Prescription Errors

When you make a successful medical negligence claim, you will either be awarded a settlement in court or offered one out of court, that will be made up of possibly several different types of damages. Firstly, there are general damages, paid to you to make up for all the pain and suffering you had to face. Examples of general damages can be found in the table above. This would include the pain of the illness itself, any trauma caused by treatment, and long-lasting medical conditions that will affect your life. As examples:

  • If you will suffer a long-term impairment.
  • For the pain and suffering your symptoms caused.
  • To make up for the trauma of invasive treatment.
  • New psychological issues such as anxiety or depression.

The flips side of general damages is special damages. These are all paid for non-physical reasons. You may wish to claim for monetary loss. if you do you need to back up your claim with evidence of this loss. Special damages might be claimed for:

  • Loss of lifetime income potential.
  • Loss of wages or salary, partially or in full.
  • The cost of private medical care.
  • Ad-hoc, out of pocket payments.
  • To pay for hiring a nurse or professional carer.

If you talk to one of our team members, they will be able to give you a rough idea of the types of damages you might be able to pursue.

No Win No Fee Pregabalin Wrong Medication Negligence Compensation Claims

If you have strong grounds to make a wrong medication negligence, there are certain ways we could potentially support your claim. We could potentially provide you with an expert medical negligence solicitor to make your clinical negligence claim. Our solicitors work under No Win No Fee agreements. The benefits of this include no fee upfront to pay your solicitor. They will also not expect you to pay them any fees during the time it takes them to process the claim. And if the claim is not successful, and you receive no compensation, then the solicitor usually won’t ask you to pay their legal fees.

If the solicitor does win your claim, a percentage will be taken from the compensation. The fee is limited. If you have any more questions about this legal service, all you have to do is reach out to one of our claim experts on the number below.

Contact Us To Start Your Wrong Prescription Claim Today

Have you been given Pregabalin as wrong medication due to negligence? Did this pharmaceutical mistake lead to you suffering some form of physical harm? In some circumstances, we could be able to provide you with an expert negligence solicitor to process your claim for you. Please contact our claims team on 0800 073 8804. One of our advisors will talk through your possible claim with you and then provide you with some free advice about your legal options.

Pharmaceutical And Medical Claims Resources

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Medical References

These external links have information that you might find to be useful:

Please note, we’re not medical professionals, nor do we advertise or promote that we are medically qualified in any way. Always see the guidance of a qualified medical professional with regard to your health. The information in the guide is not to be taken as medical advice.

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