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How Much Can I Claim For Surgical Fat Transfer Negligence?

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 28th October 2024. This guide can offer advice to people who have suffered as a result of surgical fat transfer negligence. It covers what you should do if you have suffered injuries or an illness from cosmetic surgery due to negligence by the provider. It also covers how to begin a claim for compensation and provides an indication of how much you might receive in compensation. We’ll also talk about claiming with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Injuries due to negligence during plastic surgery could be associated with issues such as incorrectly performed surgical procedures or by inexperienced and unqualified practitioners making mistakes. If you have grounds to claim for surgical fat transfer negligence, then keep in mind that there’s normally a 3-year time limit to start a claim for this type of medical negligence. The time limit starts from the date you were harmed by negligence or became aware that you had suffered harm due to medical negligence.

If you’d like a free consultation about your case with one of our specialist advisors, please contact them using one of the following:

Select a section:

  1. Evidence That Can Support Surgical Negligence Claims
  2. Severe Scarring Claims Following A Surgical Fat Transfer
  3. Claiming For An Infection After Surgical Fat Transfer Negligence
  4. Claiming For Psychological Injuries Due To Botched Fat Transfer Surgery
  5. Can I Claim For A Severe Haematoma?
  6. Examples Of Problems That Could Occur After Surgical Fat Transfer
  7. Compensation Payouts For Surgical Fat Transfer Negligence
  8. No Win No Fee Botched Plastic Surgery Claims
  9. Call For Free Advice And To Start A Claim

Evidence That Can Support Surgical Negligence Claims

Though fat surgeons should be medically trained, mistakes can still occur. If you’re concerned you’ve been harmed by a surgical fat transfer gone wrong, we recommend you seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

A female patient having marks drawn on their face by a plastic surgeon

Generally, surgical negligence claims require evidence of the injury, the negligence and the effects of the injury.

To support your claim, you could gather evidence such as:

  • Photos of the outcome of the surgery – if the surgery had led to an unexpected cosmetic disfigurement
  • Medical records of the injury you have suffered and any psychological impact

This can help prove your injury and possibly negligence on the part of your medical providers. You could then be able to request compensation for how the injury has financially affected you. You could potentially collect:

  • Receipts
  • Payslips
  • Bank statements
  • Invoices

lease speak to an adviser for more information about surgical negligence claims. They could potentially connect you with one of our solicitors who can help you gather evidence.

Severe Scarring Claims Following A Surgical Fat Transfer

Yes, if you have been permanently scarred or disfigured due to a badly performed fat transfer procedure, you will have grounds for making a compensation claim. Be sure to take photos of the bad plastic surgery before and after, as these bad plastic surgery photos will be critical evidence in your case to pursue compensation for a botched fat transfer process.

Scarring can also cause mental trauma and any other psychological injury, such as loss of confidence, social anxiety and depression. If you suffer from any of these conditions due to a badly performed cosmetic surgery procedure which causes scarring, you can also claim compensation.

Claiming For An Infection After Surgical Fat Transfer Negligence

One of the most common bad plastic surgery stories that we hear, is when a patient has had successful cosmetic surgery, only for the wounds caused by the surgery to become infected afterwards.

In these cases of bad plastic surgery gone bad, it can be very difficult to prove who is at fault for the infection. Was it the clinic that performed the fat transfer, or did the patient fail to keep their wounds clean afterwards?

If you have suffered a serious infection following a fat transfer procedure, then use the contact details at the bottom of this page to get in touch with us. We will advise you on whether we think you have grounds for making a compensation claim due to the infection.

Claiming For Psychological Injuries Due To Botched Fat Transfer Surgery

After suffering harm from a fat transfer cosmetic surgery, you may experience symptoms of a psychological injury. This type of injury involves harm or suffering to your mental health. For example, if you have a fat transfer to the face and it has gone wrong, you might feel anxious about your appearance.

Another psychological injury you might endure from a botched fat transfer surgery could be post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you were to suffer a botched fat grafting to the face, you could begin to experience PTSD from the trauma of the procedure.

If you have suffered mental health harm as a result of clinical medical negligence, you will need to provide proof of your psychological injuries and that they were caused by a breach of duty of care. You should consider speaking to a doctor or a medical professional, as their diagnosis can offer proof of any mental harm.

Our medical negligence solicitors could help arrange for you to see a medical professional and have your injuries assessed. Get in touch for more information.

Can I Claim For A Severe Haematoma?

Yes, you can, as a haematoma is an avoidable complication of the fat transfer procedure. Cosmetic surgery negligence claims are often instigated due to a cosmetic surgeon failing to do something, rather than doing something wrong. And in the case of a haematoma, the cosmetic surgeon has failed to ensure that all blood vessels are sealed before closing the incision that the fat was either extracted from or inserted into.

We can arrange a local medical examination if you believe you may have grounds to seek compensation due to a haematoma that has been caused by a badly carried out fat transfer procedure. Contact us using the info at the bottom of this page to find out how we can arrange this, and how we can assist you in claiming compensation for your condition.

Examples Of Problems That Could Occur After Surgical Fat Transfer

Although there are many causes of cosmetic surgery compensation claims, when it comes to fat transfers, there are a number of causes that are far more common than others, and these are:

  • Haematoma – blood pooling in the area of the fat transfer beneath the skin.
  • Fat necrosis – when the fat that has been injected fails to take and dies.
  • Fat embolism – when the fat transfer procedure causes a blockage in a blood vessel.
  • Pneumothorax – when air leaks into the space between the lungs and the wall of the chest.
  • Excessive internal bleeding – when the fat loss procedure causes significant haemorrhaging that does not stop.
  • Infection – failing to clean the incisions or allowing bacteria to enter the incisions can lead to infection after a fat transfer procedure.
  • Allergic reaction – either to the medication administered or the anaesthetic used during the fat transfer procedure.

These are some of the most common causes that people who have undergone a fat transfer procedure will cite as a reason to claim compensation, there are others.

Compensation Payouts For Surgical Fat Transfer Negligence

If you have been injured after a surgical fat reduction, you might be interested in knowing how much personal injury compensation you can get for specific injuries. To give you an idea, we have taken compensation amounts from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG).

The JCG includes figures that are influenced by awards given in previous personal injury claims. It features compensation amounts relating to psychological injuries and physical harm. For example, after a fat transfer to the face has gone wrong, you might seek compensation for a cheekbone injury.

Please note that the table below should be used as guidance only. The final figure you might be awarded could be different depending on your specific circumstances.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple Severe Injuries And Special DamagesSevereUp to £250,000+
Psychiatric DamageSevere£66,920 to £141,240
Psychiatric DamageModerately Severe£23,270 to £66,920
Psychiatric DamageModerate£7,150 to £23,270
Facial DisfigurementVery Severe Scarring£36,340 to £118,790
Facial DisfigurementLess Severe Scarring£21,920 to £59,090
Severe Leg InjuryModerate £33,880 to £47,840
Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderModerate£9,980 to £28,250
Cheekbone InjuryFracture (i)£12,450 to £19,260
Cheekbone InjuryFracture (ii)£5,310 to £7,880

Our expert personal injury solicitors have years of experience, which they can utilise to give you an insight into your potential compensation award after suffering from medical negligence. Contact our advisors at any time and we can put you in touch. Additionally, our advisors can answer any questions you may have about when you can claim for surgical fat removal procedures gone wrong.

No Win No Fee Botched Plastic Surgery Claims

When making a surgical fat transfer negligence claim, you could seek the support of a solicitor. One of our No Win No Fee solicitors could support you if you have valid grounds to claim compensation for surgical fat transfer negligence.

When one of our solicitors supports a medical negligence claim, they’ll do so under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Under such an agreement:

  • You won’t be charged anything upfront for your solicitor’s services. You won’t be expected to pay any ongoing fees either.
  • If you are successful with your claim, then your solicitor will take a success fee by subtracting a small percentage from the compensation that has been awarded to you. The percentage that they can take is legally capped to ensure that you get to keep most of your compensation.
  • If, alternatively, your claim fails, you normally won’t have to pay your solicitor for their work.

Get in touch with one of our advisors for free to learn more about working with a No Win No Fee solicitor when claiming surgical fat transfer negligence compensation. Our team can answer other questions you may have on the claiming process. To speak to an advisor:

Useful Links

NHS advice on fat transfers

An NHS published resource that describes exactly what the fat transfer process is. It explains how the process is carried out, and some of the most common side effects a person might suffer after the procedure. It also lists more serious conditions that could result from a badly carried out fat transfer procedure.

NHS advice on cosmetic surgery

Another NHS published resource, this time giving an overview of cosmetic surgery in general. This is a good starting point if you are trying to educate yourself about cosmetic surgery, its benefits and its potential risks.

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission helps people needing care, including those who have been the victim of botched cosmetic surgery, to find the local care they need to help them through their plight.

Further Helpful Medical Negligence Claims Guides

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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