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£10,000 Compensation for a Pulled Muscle Injury At Work

Have you recently been involved in an accident where you suffered a pulled muscle in your back, or elsewhere? It could have been a workplace accident, an accident in a public place like a shop or a road traffic accident. Wherever the place and whatever the cause, if the accident was not your fault, you could be entitled to make a muscle damage compensation claim. We are Legal Expert, a trusted legal advisory service that works with some of the UK’s top personal injury solicitors to help Claimants like you win the compensation they are entitled to. You could be owed thousands of pounds in back injury compensation, or for your muscle damage compensation claim. So don’t delay, call Legal Expert today to start your pulled muscle claim today.

pulled muscle backIn this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mr V (whose name we have abbreviated to protect his privacy), who suffered a slip, trip, and fall accident at work which led to a pulled muscle in his back. Mr V worked as a member of the bar team at a local bar, his daily duties included taking deliveries and stocking the fridges as well as stock areas. Towards his end of a shift, he noticed that some of the displays needed restocking. The claimant had been tasked with maintaining the stock in these fridges. Mr V went downstairs to the cellar to collect more stock to replenish the displays. The stock area was downstairs in the cellar and is accessed by a flight of stairs. Unfortunately one of the stairs had some uneven floorboards which had not been maintained. This caused a trip hazard. Unfortunately, when Mr V walked down the stairs to collect more stock items (as he had done before) he caught his foot between the floorboards, causing him to trip and fall onto his back. The claimant also suffered minor injuries to his knee, arms, and head. The claimant immediately filed an accident report with his employer to log the accident occurring and his initial injury symptoms.

How Common are Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

According to slip, trip and fall statistics, slip, trip, and fall accidents are more common than you might think. Sadly there were 609,000 non-fatal workplace injuries that were self-reported in 2016/7. Of these injuries, slip, trip and fall injuries were the most common category, totaling at 29% of all reported accidents at work. Many of these types of accidents are avoidable, such as the accident that Mr V suffered, so employers must take slip, trip, and fall safety into account, taking regular slip, trip and fall risk assessments to find hazards which put employees at risk and implementing control measures to ensure slip, trip, and fall prevention.

What Injuries were Sustained in this Case?

Mr V’s slip, trip, and fall accident caused him to suffer significant pain in several parts of the body, specifically the twisted knee and the pulled muscles in his back. The next day he went to his GP and was prescribed pain relief for a pulled muscle in his back, a common soft tissue injury. Not long after this, Mr V’s pulled muscle in back symptoms worsened and he visited his local hospital’s the A&E department seeking further pulled muscle in back treatment. At this time, the claimant found it difficult to walk and sought advice from an osteoarthritis expert.

Fortunately, Mr V’s pain from his soft tissue injury eventually subsided, but it was not without its consequences. Mr V had to take time off work (using his sick leave to do so), fortunately, he didn’t lose any income in doing this, but it was still an unfortunate situation. During the recovery time, the claimants’ injuries also affected his quality of life outside of work.As he was unable to walk around as much as he was unable to perform household tasks or enjoy activities such as sports which he participated in. Advised and supported by his union, Mr V (the Claimant) sought a muscle damage compensation claim against the Defendant

The Settlement and the Award

Because slip, trip, and fall accidents are sadly common, a good personal injury solicitor will have plenty of experience handling a claim for this type of compensation. In Mr V’s case, it wasn’t hard to prove that the employer had been negligent and his accident would have been avoidable if the stairs had been repaired. It was already reported it was known that the stairs were damaged and needed to be maintained, but they had ignored these complaints, thus being liable for Mr V’s accident.

Mr V’s solicitor’s helped his to establish how much his claim was worth. The average compensation for soft tissue injury is in the thousands of pounds, but to make sure they didn’t underestimate the value of Mr V’s claim, they sought the advice of an orthopedic surgeon who had seen to Mr V’s injuries. The insurance company offered Mr V a lower payout amount. However, his legal team stated that it was too low and rejected it. After further negotiations, Mr V was awarded a total of £10,000 back injury payout, which he accepted. It is common practice for a Defendant’s insurers to purposefully offer a claimant a compensation amount which is too low, to encourage them to drop their case. This is why it is important to hire a qualified personal injury solicitor to represent you, who will value your claim correctly and fight on relentlessly if the Defendant tries to lowball you.

If you are interested in suing for compensation for a pulled muscle injury, and you are wondering how much a soft tissue injury compensation amount is, you can consult our back injury compensation calculator, which will estimate how much compensation you could receive. For a more accurate estimate, call Legal Expert and one of our advisors will be happy to consult you on how large a back injury compensation payout you could receive.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

If you have suffered a pulled muscle in your back, in an avoidable accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you can claim compensation for your injuries. If you would like to avoid the expense and financial risk of paying an upfront fee to your solicitor, you can make a no win no fee claim. No win no fee solicitors are personal injury solicitors who will only charge you a fee if your case is successful. To many Claimants, this is a more affordable and less stressful option to claim compensation for a pulled muscle To make a no win no fee claim, call Legal Expert now to be matched with the right no win no fee solicitor to handle your case.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Have you suffered a pulled muscle in an accident at work? You could be entitled to a back injury compensation pay out. Legal Expert can match you to a solicitor with up to 30 years of experience helping claimants claim compensation for slip, trip and fall accidents. Call us today for your free consultation, we will advise you how to proceed and match you to the right personal injury solicitor to handle your case, at no extra cost to you. So call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 now and begin your pulled muscle claim today.

Useful Links:

How Much Compensation For A Back Injury?
Help and advice for Claimants wishing to claim compensation for a pulled muscle in their back, or another back injury.

NHS Guide: Sprains and Strains
An NHS guide to the cause, symptoms and treatment of sprains and strains in muscles and other soft tissue.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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