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£100,000 Compensation For Crushed Hand

Have you suffered a severe crushing of a hand injury, due to an accident that wasn’t your fault? If your accident was caused by the negligent behaviour of someone else then you could be liable to claim a crushed hand injury settlement. Whether you have suffered a hand injury, crushed finger injury, or a crushed wrist injury, we can help you claim the compensation that you are due.

We are Legal Expert, a trusted legal advisory service that matches people making an accident claim with a top personal injury solicitor, at no extra cost to them. Call us today for your free consultation, we will assess whether or not you have a legitimate case for compensation, estimate how much your crushed hand injury settlement could be worth and match you to the solicitor with the right expertise to handle your case. Call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 to see how much compensation you could claim.

In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mr H, who suffered a severe crushing of the hand injury when he was working as a ground worker in the construction industry. He was working under poor lighting and the ground beneath him was uneven. Under these conditions, Mr H was asked to help move a piece 3m piece of tramline. The tramline piece weighed 150 kilograms, so he was surprised that there wasn’t any mechanical equipment available to move it. As he was helping to move the item, he fell on a patch of uneven ground, causing him to drop the tramline piece and crush his right hand.

What Injuries Were Sustained in this Case?

crushed hand After his accident Mr H suffered a severe crushing of his hand. He was taken to hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with three broken fingers. After dressing his fingers, he was asked to return the next day for surgery. Upon returning the next day he underwent surgery for his crushed finger injury to set his broken bones. Afterwards being discharged from hospital he was cared for by his parents.

The severe crushing of a hand injury had a major impact on Mr H’s quality of life. For several months he was unable to take care of his own personal care at home, which had a serious impact on his quality of life. What’s more, on returning to work after four months he found himself to be suffering from pain in his hand, lack of grip and dexterity and lack of strength in his right arm at the end of each working week. He sought advice on treatment for these crushed hand injury symptoms but was told that surgery might make his injuries worse. In addition to this Mr H now suffers from tingling in his crushed fingers and has lost his sense of touch in his fingertips.

Although Mr H has fortunately been able to return to full-time work he struggles with ongoing pain, loss of movement in his hand and loss of feeling. What’s more, his quality of life has also been impacted as he is no longer able to take part in some of his favourite sporting activities including boxing, golf, and fishing. He is currently undergoing physiotherapy, whilst he will never make a full crushed hand recovery he is hoping to regain some of his lost dexterity and strength.

The Crushed Hand Injury Settlement

The Defendant, Mr H’s employer admitted liability and the severe crushing of a hand compensation case was settled out of court. Mr H was awarded £100,000 compensation in his crushed hand injury settlement.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

If you have suffered from a severe crushing of a hand, crushed wrist injury, crushed finger injury or another crushed hand-related injury, you may be entitled to claim compensation. If you don’t want to pay an upfront fee, you could hire a no win no fee solicitor. They will only charge you a fee if you win your crushed hand injury settlement, so there is no financial risk and for many it is the more affordable option. Call Legal Expert today to be matched with a no win no fee solicitor. You will receive the same excellent service as a Claimant paying an upfront fee, but you will benefit from a no win no fee service. Call Legal Expert now about making a no win no fee compensation claim, to be matched with an expert no win no fee solicitor today.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Legal Expert is a trusted legal advisory service who specialise in matching Claimants who have been caused injuries through no fault of their own with personal injury solicitors. These personal injury solicitors have the right expertise and experience to handle their case and some of them have over 30 years of experience.

Whether you experienced a severe crushing of a hand or any other type of injury, if another party is at fault then we want to hear from you. To receive your free legal consultation today, call Legal Expert, or use our online claims form. We will listen to your story, let you know whether or not you have a legitimate case to claim compensation then we will assess how much compensation you could be awarded for your crushed hand injury. Last, of all, we will match you to the personal injury solicitor with the right expertise to win your case for you, at no extra cost to you. Don’t delay, call us today to claim your severe crushing of a hand compensation. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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