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£13,500 Compensation For A Crushed / Smashed Finger Injury

Finger Crush injury wrapped in gauze with blood. By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 29th January 2025. Have you been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Was it an avoidable accident that happened due to someone else’s negligence? Then you may be able to claim for compensation. We are Legal Expert, a trusted legal advisor who works with some of the top personal injury solicitors in the UK. If you have suffered from a finger or hand crush injury, lost the tip of your finger, or a finger injury at work then you might be eligible to claim compensation. Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to speak to one of our friendly advisors. See if you have a valid case and out how much you hand injury compensation amounts, cut finger compensation or finger crush injury compensation you could be entitled to claim.

In this case study, we are going to look at the incident of a 55-year-old man suffering from a crush injury on his fingers. This finger injury happened at work, where he was operating machinery. Whilst working, the man, who for privacy purposes will be called Mr F struck an operating switch with his elbow, which caused a press to come down on his fingers. The most severe finger injury was his ring finger. The incident was reported to the man’s employer, who recorded it in their incident report book.

If you have any queries while reading this case study, perhaps because you’ve suffered a similar injury and would like to start a claim, please get in touch with an advisor. We can be contacted in the following ways:

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What Injuries Were Sustained in this Case?

Once admitted to a hospital, the man, unfortunately, had to have the tip of his ring finger where the main crush injury had occurred, amputated. His other fingers were left scarred and a tingling sensation remained, which doctors believe will be permanent. As a result, Mr F had to permanently give up some of his favourite spare time pursuits including calligraphy and playing the guitar. He was also left with less manual dexterity in his damaged hand, which he felt reduced his employment prospects in the future.

What did the Compensation Settlement Include?

Under the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, employers must identify risks and hazards in the workplace and take measures to mitigate them.

Mr. F maintained that his workstation was too small, and he wasn’t provided personal protective equipment. He also mentioned that the machinery he was operating wasn’t fitted with a guard.

Therefore, Mr. F’s compensation for a crushed finger injury incorporated the physical injury as well as financial losses.

Read on to learn about the smashed finger injury compensation amounts.

How was the Case Concluded?

Rather than go to court, Mr F’s employer (the Defendant) agreed to pay him compensation in an out of court settlement. As an amount for lost fingertip compensation, he was paid £13,500. As a breakdown £2,700 was awarded for the difficulty he may experience in the future finding work, £900 for post-care costs and £9,900 of his claim was awarded for “pain suffering and loss of amenity”.

Loss Of Finger Compensation – If You Lose A Finger How Is Compensation Calculated?

As you can see from Mr F’s case, he was awarded compensation without the need to go to court. If you suffered injuries due to a liable party’s negligence, such as your employer, you might be interested to learn more about how loss of finger compensation is calculated. In this section, we look at how a personal injury settlement could be awarded.

Each claim is different. Therefore, Mr F’s case is only to be used as guide to how the claiming and settlement process works. Additionally, your actual settlement will be different from the payout Mr F received.

As you can read above, Mr F received a payment for his injuries as well as for difficulty finding future work. Personal injury settlements could be made up of two heads of claim.

The compensation he received for the pain and suffering caused by his injuries is called general damages. To help assign value to the injuries you suffered, such as an amputated finger, legal professionals use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a document that provides guideline compensation brackets for various injuries.

We’ve provided a table that includes a few figures from the JCG to give you an idea of how compensation could be awarded for pain and suffering. Additionally, we’ve provided a figure in the top row, not taken from this document, to show you how you can be awarded compensation for pain and suffering as well as financial losses. Please only use this table as a guide.

InjuryNotesCompensation Guidelines
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special DamagesThe individual has suffered many injuries and needs constant care along with loss of income.Up to £200,000+
Amputation of Index and Middle and/or Ring FingersThere is hardly any use remaining and a weak grip.£75,550 to £110,750
Serious Hand InjuriesMultiple fingers have been amputated and the hand is deformed or has limited grip.£35,390 to £75,550
Loss of ThumbThe thumb has been amputated.£43,350 to £66,920
Severe Fractures to FingersThere could be partial amputations and some resulting disability.Up to £44,840
Amputation of the Terminal Phalanges of the Index and Middle FingersThere is scarring, impaired grip or restricted movement.In the region of £30,500
Amputation of Ring and Little FingersThe ring and the little fingers have been amputated.In the region of £26,620
Total and Partial Loss of Index FingerIf there is a total loss, the top figure of the bracket would be considered.£14,850 to £22,870
Amputation of Little FingerThere is a loss of the little finger.£10,550 to £14,940
Loss of the Terminal Phalanx of the Ring or Middle FingersThere could be a loss of the terminal phalnx of the ring or middle fingers.£4,820 to £9,610

In addition to general damages, some claims may also include special damages. As you can see above, Mr F was able to recover money for difficulty in finding future work and an award for post-care costs. These are known as special damages.

Special damages could include loss of earnings for time away from work to recover from your injuries. However, you may be able to return to the same position, even with a severed finger. Therefore, your loss of earnings payment will only consider time away from work as well as any lost pension contributions.

To learn more about what could be included in your claim, please call our advisors.

No Win No Fee Workplace Compensation Claims

If you would like to claim compensation for a finger injury at work, then don’t let financial worries put you off. Our solicitors generally offer their services under a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA). This is more commonly called a no win, no fee service. What this means is that you will not have to pay for the service the solicitor provides you, until you win your case. This means there is no financial risk to you, making no win no fee a more stress-free option.

If you were involved in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence that left you with a finger crush injury or a finger injury at work, call Legal Expert on our free number for advice on making a no win no fee compensation claim.

Claim Compensation for a Finger Crush Injury, Contact Legal Expert Today

Are you interested in making an accident claim for a hand injury that you have experienced? We can provide you with information on hand injury compensation amounts that victims claim, cut finger compensation, lost fingertip compensation and how much compensation you can claim for a finger crush injury, or a hand injury at work. Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to speak to one of our understanding advisors, who will assess whether or not you can make a legitimate claim and will be able to estimate how much compensation you can claim for your hand injury.

Why should you trust us to help you? At Legal Expert, we work with some of the UK’s top personal injury solicitors. Whatever your circumstances, we can match you to the solicitor with the right expertise to handle your case. Some of our solicitors have over 30 years experience. What’s more, they will fight aggressively to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are entitled to claim. You could be awarded tens of thousands of pounds in compensation, so call Legal Expert today to see what your claim could be worth.

You can learn more about finger injury claims by consulting our guide.

Useful links:

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Accident At Work?

Information for parties injured in an accident at work.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Finger Injury?

Guidance on claiming for a finger injury.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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