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£150,000 Compensation For A Broken Jaw

By Cat Way. Last Updated 21st January 2025. Have you suffered a broken jaw in an accident that was not your fault? If you can prove that the accident was caused by the negligence of another party, then you could make a broken jaw claim for compensation.

We are Legal Expert, we are a trusted Legal Advisor, who work with some of the top personal injury solicitors in the country, some of which have over 30 years experience of helping victims of broken jaw accidents claim compensation. Call us today to speak to one of our friendly advisors about your case. We can determine whether or not you have a legitimate case to claim broken jaw compensation, how much money your broken jaw settlement could be worth and we can match you to the right solicitor to win your case, at no extra cost to you.

Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to begin your broken jaw claim.

In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Miss J, whose name we have abbreviated to protect her privacy. At the time that she was awarded compensation, she was 20 years old and was studying at university. Miss J’s broken jaw accident happened nearly a decade earlier when she was just 11 years old. The accident happened when Miss J was a passenger in the backseat of a car, which collided with another car whilst travelling at speed. Although Miss J was wearing a seat belt, her head, neck, and shoulder were jolted forward, and her jaw was damaged upon impact, causing her severe pain.A woman presses broken jaw that is radiating red pain.

Select A Section:

  1. What Injuries Did The Claimant Sustain?
  2. When Can I Make My Own Broken Jaw Claim?
  3. How Long Do I Have To Claim Broken Jaw Compensation?
  4. What Evidence Can Support A Broken Jaw Claim?
  5. How Much Could I Claim For A Broken Jaw
  6. No Win No Fee Solicitors For Broken Jaw Compensation
  7. Useful Links

What Injuries Did The Claimant Sustain?

At the time of impact, Miss J badly dislocated her jaw. These symptoms worsened after the accident, leaving her unable to fully open her mouth, chew solid food, or in time the ability brush her teeth and wash herself. In time the condition deteriorated further, locking and swelling, causing Miss J considerable pain and disrupting everyday activities such as talking, sleeping and eating.

As well as physical injuries Miss J also suffered psychological damage, falling into deep depression when her symptoms worsened, which impacted her quality of life. What’s more, her secondary school education as she constantly missed, or had to leave school when her symptoms caused her too much pain.

What broken jaw treatment did Miss J have to undergo for her injuries? At first Miss J received treatment that would only provide temporary relief, which was regular and intrusive. After multiple scans, her doctors decided the best option Miss J would be joint replacement surgery. This broken jaw treatment, unfortunately, is not a permanent cure for a broken jaw. Consultants advised that Miss J would need a replacement procedure within 20 years of the initial procedure and then another replacement procedure every 25 years after that. Unfortunately, with every operation, her condition would worsen and she still requires the same regular broken jaw treatment that she was currently undergoing.

The Allegation And The Compensation Award

Miss J’s legal team came to a broken jaw settlement with the defendant out of court. The figure Miss J received in broken jaw compensation was £150,000 in damages. This included £28,000 awarded for general damages and a further £62,000 awarded in special damages to cover future medical expenses.

Two lawyers discuss how a Broken Jaw was Diagnosed.

When Can I Make My Own Broken Jaw Claim?

To be eligible to make a broken jaw compensation claim, you will need to meet the personal injury claims eligibility criteria. This is:

  1. Someone owed you a duty of care.
  2. They breached their duty of care.
  3. Due to this breach, you suffered an injury to your jaw.

You are owed a duty of care in various places. Some examples include:

  • Any individual or organisation in control of a public place (the occupier) must ensure that visitors will be reasonably safe while on the premises. This is the duty of care that occupiers owe members of the public. It is set under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
  • Everyone using the roads owes a duty of care to other road users to navigate in a way that prevents damage and injury to themselves as well as to other road users. Part of this duty entails adhering to the rules and regulations set in the Highway Code as well as adhering to the Road Traffic Act 1988.
  • Your employer must ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees. This is the duty of care you are owed while at work as set under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA).

In order to seek compensation for a broken jaw, you must have evidence that proves your broken bones occurred as a result of a breach of a duty of care that was owed to you.

If you need any further advice, or if you would like to discuss the incident that caused your facial fractures, reach out to a member of our advisory team.

A car crash involving two cars.

How Long Do I Have To Claim Broken Jaw Compensation?

Generally, you will have three years to start a broken jaw compensation claim. This begins on the date of your injury, as set out by the Limitation Act 1980. However, there are some exceptions.

If you are under eighteen when you are injured, the time limit is suspended until your eighteenth birthday. It then begins and runs until you turn twenty-one. A litigation friend can make your claim on your behalf at any time while the limit is suspended.

The time limit is frozen indefinitely for those who lack the mental capacity to make a claim for themselves. It will only reinstate if they regain the correct capacity. Otherwise, a litigation friend can make the claim on their behalf.

To learn more about time limits, personal injury claims, and the average settlement for a broken jaw, contact our team today.

What Evidence Can Support A Broken Jaw Claim?

When making a broken jaw claim, it is important to gather as much evidence as possible. Proof plays an important role in the personal injury claims process because it highlights the link between someone else’s negligence and an accident, as well as the connection between the accident and injuries sustained.

Examples of useful evidence include:

  • A copy of your medical records. You can request a copy of your medical history by speaking to your GP or healthcare provider.
  • An accident report. This might be an accident log book entry if you had an accident at work or a police report if they attended a road traffic accident. It’s worth noting that there being no record left in the accident book or no police attendance does not affect your ability to claim.
  • Witness contact information. This will allow anyone who saw the accident to provide testimony later on. 
  • Photos of the accident scene and noticeable injuries.
  • Video or CCTV footage of the incident.
  • A diary of jaw injury symptoms and treatment.

If you seek compensation for a broken jaw with an expert solicitor’s help, you can instruct them to help you gather evidence.

Find out more about how our solicitors help throughout the process of claiming broken jaw compensation by calling our helpline on the free number at the top of this page.

An X-ray scan of a jaw.

How Much Could I Claim For A Broken Jaw

You may like to know more about the average settlement for a broken jaw. However, there are a lot of different factors that determine how much a personal injury claim is worth. These make settlements different from each other. For example, more severe fractures will generally be awarded a higher figure than a minor fracture.  Therefore, knowing the average settlement for a dislocated jaw may not be helpful for you. Instead, we look at how compensation could be awarded in a successful claim.

If your personal injury claim is successful, your award may consist of two parts: general and special damages.

General damages compensate for the physical and mental pain and suffering your broken jaw has caused you. To help decide a figure for this part of your dislocated jaw claim, those responsible for valuing claims may refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This document lists various guideline compensation brackets next to different injuries. 

Our table below looks at a few figures that could be relevant to a dislocated jaw. They are taken from the JCG. We’ve also included an extra row at the top that shows how your compensation could be awarded when considering multiple injuries and special damages, which isn’t from the JCG.

Compensation Table

As every claim is different, the table below does not represent the value of your potential settlement.

InjurySeverityPossible Compensation
Multiple severe fractures and other injuries plus expensesVery SeriousUp to £150,000+
Facial DisfigurementVery Severe Scarring£36,340 to £118,790
Facial DisfigurementLess Severe Scarring£21,920 to £59,090
Facial Disfigurement Significant Scarring£11,120 to £36,720
Jaw FracturesVery Serious (i)£37,210 to £55,570
Jaw FracturesSerious (ii)£21,920 to £37,210
Jaw FracturesSimple (iii)£7,880 to £10,660
Tooth DamageSignificant Up to £46,540
Tooth DamageSerious (i)£10,660 to £13,930
Skeletal InjuriesMultiple Fractures of Facial Bones£18,180 to £29,220

Special Damages For A Dislocated Jaw

Some settlements may include special damages. This part of your compensation reimburses you for any financial losses that have been caused by your dislocated jaw. This can include compensation for:

  • Your medical care, such as therapy, physical therapy, and prescriptions.
  • Loss of earnings for time spent off work in recovery.
  • Meal replacements. For example, your treatment may require your jaw to be wired shut to return it to the correct position. During this time, you may need a liquid diet.

You should submit any evidence you have of your expenses, such as receipts and payslips.

If you have any questions about how your compensation could be awarded in a claim for a dislocated jaw, contact a member of our advisory team. They can also provide you with an accurate valuation and advise you on what you could claim for under special damages.

No Win No Fee Solicitors For Broken Jaw Compensation

If you’re eligible to claim compensation for a broken jaw, you can be connected with one of our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors. Our solicitors offer many services to help their clients, such as:

  • Gathering evidence.
  • Corresponding with the defendant on the client’s behalf. 
  • Sending regular claim updates. 
  • Ensuring the compensation amount is accurately valued. 
  • Ensuring the claim time limits are adhered to. 
  • Finding legal representation if the claim goes to court. 
  • Explaining legal jargon.

Additionally, our solicitors offer their services under a specific No Win No Fee agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). 

If you’re offered a CFA, you won’t have to pay for your solicitor’s fees:

  • Before the claims process begins.
  • Throughout the entire claims process.
  • If your claim ends up unsuccessful. 

Instead, if your claim is successful, your solicitor will just take a success fee from your broken jaw compensation amount. A success fee is a small, legally-capped percentage. 

So, if you have any more claim queries, such as “What is the average settlement for a broken jaw?”, please contact us today. Our advisors can confirm whether you can receive the above services from one of our No Win No Fee solicitors today:

A solicitor contemplates compensation for a broken jaw at his desk.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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