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£249,000 Compensation For A Broken Pelvis

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 4th March 2025. At Legal Expert, we work with a panel of specialised No Win No Fee solicitors across the country who work hard to deliver high-quality legal services to claimants in personal injury cases, such as securing compensation for a broken pelvis. No matter the nature or severity of your injury, if you have been injured, contracted an illness or had a condition made worse as a result of an accident that was not your fault, talk to our specialist team today and start making your personal injury compensation claim.

In this case study, we are looking at an example of compensation for a broken pelvis. The claimant was a female passenger in a car accident. The claim was made against the driver of the car she was a passenger in. Solicitors alleged that the defendant was responsible for the high-speed car accident, and thus the claimants’ broken pelvis injury. The case was settled at London’s High Court and the claimant was awarded a total of £249,000 in compensation.

At Legal Expert the specialist legal solicitors who make up our panel of experts have helped people across the country to recover the damages they are owed in cases such as this broken pelvis car accident compensation claim. To learn more about how this case progressed, read below.

broken pelvis on an x-ray with the break highlighted in red.

Select a Section

  1. Case Study: £249,000 Compensation For A Broken Pelvis
  2. What Is The Eligibility To Make A Broken Pelvis Injury Claim?
  3. How To Prove Your Broken Pelvis Injury Claim
  4. Average Compensation For Hip Injury UK
  5. Incidents Leading To Pelvis Injury Claims
  6. Making A Claim For A Broken Bone In Your Pelvis With A No Win No Fee Solicitor
  7. Useful Links

Case Study: £249,000 Compensation For A Broken Pelvis

The claimant, in this case, suffered what is called a ‘comminuted fracture’ of the pelvis. A comminuted fracture is a type of bone break or splintering of the bone. They are considered to be more serious than hairline pelvic fracture or other similar breaks. The broken bone (a pelvis fracture in this case) is fractured into several fragments. Typically comminuted fractures are caused by high-speed impacts, such as those caused by car accidents.

The pelvis is made up of several separate bones which form a ring at hip level. When a person has a fractured or broken pelvis, the injury could be to any one of these bones. Some pelvis fracture injuries can involve breaks or fractures in several of the pelvic bones at once. These can be very serious and could result in the bones slipping out of line with each other. The severity of a broken pelvis injury depends on how many and which bones were broken. In the most serious of cases, a pelvis fracture can even be life-threatening.

As well as the broken pelvis, the claimant also suffered a fracture to the upper part of her thigh bone and part of the pubic bone. At the time of the accident, the claimant ran a pharmacy and her day-to-day activities involved long periods of standing which she was not able to do after the accident. In addition to the pelvic fracture and other injuries indicated, the claimant also sustained a knee injury which prevented her from standing for long periods of time.

After sustaining the pelvis fracture, the claimant took the decision to sell her business as it would not have been financially worthwhile to employ additional staff to cover the duties that she had performed. Subsequently, the claimant was not able to find work that paid as well as her pharmacy.

The Settlement

Initially, the two parties did enter into negotiation to try and reach a settlement out of court. However, these negotiations broke down and in order to recover the broken pelvis car accident compensation the claimant ordered her solicitors to take the case to court. The claim eventually reaches the court four years after the car accident.

As well as claiming general damages for the injury, including pain and suffering as well as loss of amenity, the compensation claim also included special damages. These were for income the claimant had lost, claiming for the difference between the claimant’s previous and new income. The case reached the High Court and the judge awarded the claimant a total of £30,000 in general damages for the injuries sustained and their results. The rest of the award, raising it to a total of £249,000 was awarded in special damages, partly covering lost income.

What Is The Eligibility To Make A Broken Pelvis Injury Claim?

You could suffer a broken pelvis in various daily situations. In some of these, an individual or organisation may be expected to maintain certain standards. These standards, known as a duty of care, are usually set under legislation. You are owed a duty of care while:

  • At work. The duty of care while you are carrying out work-related duties is set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA). It states that every employer must ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees as far as reasonably practicable.
  • In public places. The duty of care while you are in public spaces is set under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. It states that the organisation or individual responsible for that space should see that visitors are reasonably safe while using the premises for the permitted purposes.
  • Using the roads. All road users, including pedestrians, vehicle drivers, cyclists and motorbike riders, owe each other a duty of care to navigate in a way that prevents damage and injury to themselves and others. To help uphold this duty, they should comply with the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

If you want to claim compensation for pelvis injuries suffered in any of the situations discussed above, you must be able to show the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care by a liable party.
  • The liable party breached this duty either through their actions or lack of.
  • This breach was responsible for your injuries.

Direct any questions you have about eligibility to make a personal injury claim or the average compensation for a broken pelvis to our advisors.

How To Prove Your Broken Pelvis Injury Claim

Proving your injuries were the fault of a third party will form a key part of your broken pelvis compensation claim. The evidence you gather will not only show who was responsible for the accident but also help solicitors determine a potential compensation figure.

Possible examples include:

  • Medical records, such as scans, test results or examination notes.
  • CCTV or dashcam footage
  • Photographs of the scene of the accident, your injuries and what caused it.
  • The incident report from the workplace accident book.
  • Other workplace materials such as training, maintenance or inspection records.
  • Contact information of any witnesses so they can provide a statement during the claims process.

To find out more about the evidence you could collect or to get help from one of our dedicated personal injury solicitors, contact our advisory team today.

Average Compensation For Hip Injury UK

When working out the average compensation for a hip injury in the UK, solicitors will take into account general damages and special damages – if you are eligible to claim the latter. As we discussed earlier, general damages account for the injury itself that has caused you pain, suffering or loss of amenity. Special damages, however, cover financial harm or losses you have endured as a result of your injuries.

In this section, we want to focus on compensation that you could be awarded for any injuries sustained from your accident. To do this, we have taken figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG features a wide range of injuries alongside compensation amounts which are influenced by previous personal injury claims.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple serious injuries and expensesVery SeriousUp to £1,000,000
Pelvis/HipSevere (i)£95,680 to £159,770
Pelvis/HipSevere (ii)£75,550 to £95,680
Pelvis/HipSevere (iii)£47,810 to £64,070
Pelvis/HipModerate (i)£32,450 to £47.810
Pelvis/HipModerate (ii)£15,370 to £32,450
Pelvis/HipLesser (i)£4,820 to £15,370
Pelvis/HipLesser (ii)Up to £4,820

Please note that the figures above only apply to cases in England and Wales. Additionally, the top figure is not from the JCG. Furthermore, your final hip injury compensation award will be influenced by various factors. Speak to our advisors at any time and they can potentially put you in contact with our expert personal injury solicitors. They’ll give you a better idea of the settlement you may be awarded in your hip injury claim.

Incidents Leading To Pelvis Injury Claims

Now we’ve looked at the average compensation for a broken pelvis, you may be wondering what scenarios could possibly lead to an eligible pelvis injury claim.

We’ve listed some examples of scenarios below for you. But, please don’t worry if any of these examples aren’t similar to your own – you could still be entitled to a fractured pelvis settlement amount.

These examples include:

  • You were run over as a pedestrian on a zebra crossing, which resulted in you breaking your pelvis, because the driver was on their phone and not looking at the road ahead.
  • Your child injured their pelvis after falling from damaged playground equipment in a public park. The occupier of the park had received numerous reports about the damaged equipment, but failed to take any action to resolve these faults.
  • You fractured your pelvis after slipping and falling on a spillage in a supermarket because no wet floor signs were displayed.
  • At work, your colleague was not given any training on how to use a forklift truck by your employer before being told to operate one. The colleague runs into you with the forklift truck, breaking multiple bones, as they don’t know how to brake.
  • You fell off scaffolding at work because your employer didn’t provide you with a safety harness. You thus damage your pelvis.
  • A drunk driver swerves in front of you as you’re driving. The head-on collision leads to a broken pelvis. 

As mentioned, no matter the type of accident that led to your pelvis injury, you might be eligible to claim compensation if you can show that negligence occurred. So, please contact us today to find out how much compensation for a broken pelvis you could potentially be entitled to.

Making A Claim For A Broken Bone In Your Pelvis With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

One of our solicitors could help you make a pelvis injury claim on a No Win No Fee basis. Working with a solicitor can come with many benefits; for example, they could offer more information on the average compensation for a broken pelvis, and could help you gather evidence to help support your claim.

Our solicitors work under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a type of No Win No Fee arrangement. This means that you gain access to their services without having to pay an upfront fee or a fee for their continued work. You also don’t pay for their services if your claim is unsuccessful.

If your claim for a broken bone in your pelvis succeeds, then your solicitor will take a success fee from your compensation. This is a small percentage which comes with a legal cap, ensuring that the majority of your compensation stays with you.

To find out if one of our solicitors could help you on a No Win No Fee basis, contact our team of advisors today. They can offer more information on the claims process and can answer any questions you might have when you get in touch by:

Useful Links

Passenger Car Accident Claims
View our guide to car accident passenger compensation claims and find out how to get the damages you deserve in cases such as broken pelvis car accident compensation claims.

Broken Bone Claims
If you have had a fractured or broken bone, read our guide about how to make a successful broken bone compensation claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Broken pelvis NHS Guide
View this guide by the NHS to pain and problems with the pelvis and pelvic area.

Thank you for reading our guide on claiming compensation for a broken pelvis.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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