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£25,000 Compensation For a Broken Foot Bone Injury

Have you suffered a broken foot bone in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Then trust Legal Expert to help you claim compensation for a broken foot. As long as you can prove that your accident wasn’t your fault, you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in broken foot compensation.

We are Legal Expert, a trusted legal advisor who works with some of the UK’s most experienced personal injury solicitors. Call us now for your free consultation; we can advise you whether or not you have a valid claim, estimate the broken foot compensation amount you could be awarded and match you with the solicitor that has the right expertise to handle your case. Call us now to inquire about claiming compensation for a broken foot.

broken foot boneIn this case study, we are going to look at the case of Miss T, whose name we have abbreviated for reasons of privacy. Miss T was involved in a road traffic accident. She was riding on her motorcycle, when a third party driver, the Defendant drove out of a car park without looking. The car pulled out directly into Miss T’s path and knocked her off her bike.

How Common are Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents?

The Department of Transport published a report, which stated that motorcyclists are amongst the most vulnerable group of road users. On average in 2015, there were in 6 deaths and 94 serious injuries per week, involving motorcyclists, whilst using their vehicle.

What Injuries were Sustained in this Case?

After the accident, Miss T was diagnosed with a broken foot and heel, which required surgery to fix. After her accident, Miss T sought medical advice about claiming broken bone in foot compensation. Miss T’s insurance provider put her in touch with a medical expert who examined her injuries and she was offered £15,500 for her injuries. Unsure whether the initial offer was accurate she sought the help of a personal injury solicitors to assess what her broken bone in foot compensation claim was actually worth. Advised that it had been undervalued, she instructed the solicitor to handle the claim for her, acting on her behalf.

The Allegation and Settlement

The Defendant’s insurers increased their initial offer of broken foot compensation to £18,500, once they realised that Miss T’s case was being represented by an expert personal injury solicitor. Miss T’s legal team went on to obtain further specialist medical evidence about the extent of Miss T’s injuries and highlighted the medical and other expenses she endured as a result of her broken foot bone accident. Miss T was offered and accepted £25,000 as a broken foot compensation amount, which she accepted graciously. A dramatic increase from her initial offer. As this case shows, if you have an accident claim case, the insurers or legal team may make an offer of compensation to you which is purposeful to low, to encourage you to drop the case. Like Miss T, you should make sure that you involve personal injury solicitor to represent you and ensure that you receive the correct amount of compensation you are legally entitled to.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

Do you want to claim compensation for a broken foot? If you have suffered a foot in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may want to use a no win no fee solicitor to help you claim your broken foot compensation. A no win no fee service means that you will only have to pay your legal fees if you win your case. So there are no upfront fees for you to pay and there is no financial risk to you.

If you are interested in using a no win no fee solicitor to claim your broken bone in foot compensation, call Legal Expert today to be matched with an expert solicitor and begin your case.

Contact Legal Expert Today, we can win your Broken Foot Bone Case

If you were involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault that resulted in you suffering a broken foot bone, contact Legal Expert today. Whether you suffered a broken foot bone in a road traffic accident like Miss T, an accident at work, or an accident in a public establishment, if it was caused by negligence on the part of someone else, you can claim compensation for your injuries. Call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 to see if you have a valid claim, get an estimate on the sort of broken foot compensation amount you could be awarded and be matched to an expert solicitor, at no extra cost to you. Begin your claim for broken foot compensation today. Our advisors are looking forward to hearing from you.

Useful Links

How Much Can I Claim For A Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Help and advice for claimants involved in a motorcycle accident which left them with injuries. Advice for claiming compensation for road traffic and motorcycle accidents.

How Much Compensation For A Fractured Or Broken Bone?
Help and advice for claimants involved in an accident which left them with a fractured or broken bone. Advice for claiming compensation for fractured bone injuries, or broken bone injuries.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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