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£27,000 Compensation For A Broken Coccyx

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 11th November 2024. Welcome to our £27,000 compensation for a broken coccyx case study guide. We’ll examine the story of Mr P, who suffered a fractured coccyx in the UK and received a large compensation sum by winning his personal injury claim.

You will also see information on the eligibility criteria to claim personalised injury compensation and some examples of the evidence that could be used to support this. 

Our final section looks at the No Win No Fee contract offered by our solicitors, paying particular attention to how potential claimants, just like Mr P, can benefit when claiming under such an agreement.

For a free assessment of your eligibility to claim or to ask any questions you have about claiming for a damaged coccyx, contact our advisors today via:

broken coccyx

Select A Section

  1. What Is The Coccyx?
  2. More Details On The Broken Coccyx Injuries Suffered By The Claimant
  3. Steps To Making A Broken Coccyx Claim
  4. No Win No Fee Solicitors For Broken Coccyx Claims
  5. Contact Legal Expert Today

What Is The Coccyx?

The coccyx is the last bone at the bottom of your spine, also known as the tailbone. A broken tailbone can be very debilitating. Injuring the tail bone can cause coccydynia, which means constant pain in the area around your coccyx.

In this case study we are going to look at the case of Mr P – as we have called him here to protect his privacy, a self-employed man in his 40s who suffered a serious coccyx injury in a road traffic accident. Mr P was cycling to work when a car collided with him, as he tried to exit a mini roundabout. Mr P was thrown from his bike and landed on his left shoulder and arm. He also hit his head on the tarmac but was, fortunately, wearing a helmet, preventing him from getting a serious head injury.

More Details On The Broken Coccyx Injuries Suffered By The Claimant

What injuries did Mr P suffer? Mr P was taken to hospital by ambulance, where he was diagnosed with a hairline fracture to his ankle, and extensive bruising to his coccyx, left shoulder, and arm. After being discharged his wife has cared for him at home. As an immediate result of his injuries Mr P had to miss several days off work and use crutches, due to the physical pain he suffered.

Although after several months Mr P’s fractured ankle healed and he was able to resume daily activities, including working and cycling, he was also diagnosed with a condition called coccydynia, which was caused as a result of his injuries. This condition left him with severe pain around his lower back, especially if he sat down for too long, or stood up after standing. Although Mr P has undergone several tailbone pain treatments under anaesthetic and physiotherapy, the results of the treatment were only temporary. At the time of the compensation claim, Mr P was awaiting surgery to have part of his coccyx removed, which is an invasive form of tailbone pain treatment, which he would understandably rather avoid.

The Allegation, Establishing Liability And Compensation Award

The driver that hit Mr P did not contest the accident claims and admitted liability through their solicitors. Mr P’s legal team negotiated a broken coccyx compensation settlement of £27,000.

Steps To Making A Broken Coccyx Claim

If you would like to make a personal injury claim for your broken tailbone, you will need to meet the eligibility criteria. You must be able to prove that:

  • A third party owed you a duty of care.
  • This duty was breached.
  • You suffered an injury due to this breach.

There are various situations in which you are owed a duty of care. These include while you are at work, navigating the roads and in a public place. You can claim for a broken coccyx in any of these situations as long as your evidence proves that the third party who owed you a duty of care breached this duty and caused your injury.

Examples of evidence that could help your case include:

  • A copy of your medical records that include details on the nature of your injury and the required treatment.
  • The contact information of anyone who saw what happened so witnesses can provide a statement later into the claiming process.
  • Videos of the accident, such as from CCTV, dashcam footage or a mobile phone.

A personal injury solicitor could help you with the claiming process, including gathering evidence. You can instruct one at any point during this process.

In addition to having sufficient evidence that you meet the eligibility criteria, you must initiate legal proceedings within the personal injury claims time limit. Generally, this is three years from the date of the accident. However, there are some exceptions to this. Call our advisors to learn more about the limitation period, gathering evidence or any other aspect of the claiming process.

No Win No Fee Solicitors For Broken Coccyx Claims

If you’ve suffered a broken coccyx and are eligible to make a personal injury claim, we could help. Our solicitors have experience with various types of personal injury claims. They can help ensure that all areas of your case are covered, giving consideration to the long-term effects of your fractured coccyx, the severity of your coccyx injury, and the time off work you need to recover.

If one of our solicitors agrees to take on your claim, they may offer to represent you under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a kind of No Win No Fee arrangement that allows you to access their services without paying any upfront or ongoing fees.

If your claim succeeds, then your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your compensation award. This fee is taken as a small percentage with a legal cap, which means you keep the most of your settlement award. If your claim fails, then you will not pay a fee for your solicitor’s services.

Contact our advisors today to learn more about claiming for a broken tailbone. They can offer a free evaluation of your claim, and if they find it to be valid, they could connect you with one of our solicitors. Follow the information below to get started.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Have you suffered from a coccyx injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault. Whether it was a road traffic accident like Mr P’s, an accident at work or an accident in a public place like a shop or cafe, if the accident was caused by negligence on the part of someone else, you could be entitled to broken coccyx compensation. You could claim compensation for the broken coccyx long-term effects and the pain and suffering that has been caused, expenses for medical treatment you have had to undergo, loss of income and general damages. If your injury caused you coccydynia, a coccyx fracture or a dislocated coccyx then you could claim compensation from the person or party responsible for your injuries.

We are Legal Expert. We work with some of the UK’s best personal injury solicitors, including solicitors with over 30 years experience of helping Claimants like you. Call us now on 0800 073 8804 or email at info@legalexpert.co.uk for your free legal consultation. We will advise you whether or not you have a valid case, tell you how much money you could claim in compensation and match you to a solicitor with the right expertise to handle your broken coccyx claim, at no extra cost to you.

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    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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