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Case Study | £3,900 Compensation For A Soft Tissue Shoulder Injury

By Danielle Jordan. Last updated 2nd January 2025. Did you know that you could potentially receive thousands of pounds in compensation for a soft tissue shoulder injury? By using an illustrative case study, we show how expert solicitors can help you claim against a third party that was responsible for an accident.

The guide also answers key questions about claiming, including:

  • What is the average payout for a soft tissue injury?
  • Can I claim back losses if the injury meant I missed work?
  • What factors affect the soft tissue injury claim value?

You can also find out about how working with No Win No Fee solicitors can get you the best legal representation with the least financial risk.

It’s easy to contact us as we provide multiple options, all of which are totally free. Reach out at any time you like, and you’ll get answers to your questions. Furthermore, you can quickly find out whether a solicitor can take on your claim with a case assessment. After reading our soft tissue shoulder injury case study, why not try contacting us via:

  • Phone: Call the free helpline on 0800 073 8804.
  • Live chat: Click the button at the bottom of your screen and send a message.
  • Web form: Contact us online.

A woman talking to a doctor holding her shoulder

The Soft Tissue Injury Claim

The claimant sustained their soft tissue injury in the shoulder whilst flying back from a holiday outside the UK. The claimant had difficulty embarking and disembarking the aircraft and had requested assistance in doing so in advance. When the aircraft landed she was not provided the necessary assistance when disembarking from the plane. As such the claimant found it difficult to do so and stumbled part-way down the mobile stairway. This caused the claimant to jar and strain her shoulder, as well as muscles in her back and leg. The claimant sustained a soft tissue injury in the shoulder, back and leg.

A soft tissue injury is one in which the soft tissues of the body are in some way injured. Soft tissues include the tendons and ligaments, muscles as well as the tissues which support the joints. A soft tissue shoulder injury involves any of the muscles or connective tissues around the shoulder. They can often happen due to a person falling or slipping with an outstretched arm or whilst holding onto something. The symptoms of a shoulder soft tissue injury may include general pain, heat and bruising or tenderness in the affected area, as well as some loss of function and stiffness.

Your soft tissue injury shoulder healing time will depend upon the severity of soft tissue injury, and how much of your shoulder is affected. By following soft tissue injury shoulder exercises and NHS recommendations then a basic level of recovery could take around a month and a half. However, it should be noted that different people will recovery at different rates.

Can soft tissue damage be permanent?

Your soft tissue injury shoulder healing time will depend on how serious your initial injury was and whether or not you have any pre-existing injuries or other symptoms. The question of how long does it take for a soft tissue injury to heal varies considerably and could range from weeks to months.

You can find information on soft tissue injury shoulder exercises to help your recovery, as well as other types of soft tissue injuries with this soft tissue shoulder injury NHS guide.

The Case And Establishing Liability

The first step solicitors took in the soft tissue injury claim was to write a letter to the company the claimant had booked their holiday through. They were identifies as the defendant. In the letter, solicitors highlighted the circumstances which led to the claimants accident. It also notified the defendant that they intended to make a compensation claim. At this time the defendant requested further information about the circumstances of the accident, injury and compensation claim.

The solicitors made sure that they had clear and specific evidence that the claimant had booked and requested assistance when she disembarked the plane. As well as talking to the claimant, the solicitors requested that the defendant supply evidence of any assistance that they had provided to the claimant, as the solicitors were still waiting for this information. They also requested any information on the levels of assistance which could be on offer.

Next the solicitors organised a comprehensive medical examination of the claimant from an orthopaedic surgeon. This was to establish the full extent of the claimant’s soft tissue shoulder injury. This also helped to estimate how much pain she may expect in the future, as well as how long it would take to recover.

Solicitors also collected evidence of financial losses and costs that the claimant had incurred because of the injury. The claimant provided a comprehensive statement as to how the soft tissue injury had affected her. This included information on the medication that she had to take on a daily basis to relieve her soft tissue injury symptoms. This medication was needed for over a year. Finally, the solicitors also collected witness statements which showed the deterioration in the claimants health as a result of the injuries.

The Admission of Responsibility

The defendant and their representatives were initially reticent to speak to the claimants solicitors and it took repeated effort before the defendants solicitors were able to discuss the case. After some effort by the claimants solicitors, the defendant did admit their responsibility for the injuries suffered. At the same time, the claimants solicitors also received the supporting medical evidence showing that the injuries had aggravated an existing medical condition, accelerating it.

Soft Tissue Compensation Amounts

After collecting all of the evidence needed to support the claimants case, solicitors acting on behalf of the claimant contacted the defendant to discuss the options for a settlement. The average compensation for a soft tissue injury in the shoulder can range up to £6,600. However, soft tissue injury compensation amounts will vary depending on their nature and severity.

Solicitors for the claimant made a settlement offer to the defendant which they felt would be adequate to settle the case. This offer encouraged the defendants solicitors to contact the claimants and discuss the settlement. An offer of £3,900 was made to settle the case. Based on their previous experience in these types of settlements and cases, the claimants solicitors and claimant accepted the offer. The claimant was satisfied with this compensation amount.

Is There An Average Payout For A Soft Tissue Injury In The UK?

If you are reading this case study, you may like to know if there is an average payout for a soft tissue injury in the UK. Knowing the average settlement for a soft tissue injury may not be beneficial for you.

All claims are different. Compensation payouts are determined on the individual merits of each claim with various factors going into the settlement. For example, claims may have up to heads of loss (or parts). These are general and special damages.

Compensation for the pain and suffering caused by the accident is awarded under general damages if your claim is successful. To help determine the value of your injury, those responsible for doing so, such as a personal injury solicitor or other legal professional, may refer to the guidelines from the Judicial College. This text provides a list of guideline compensation amounts for different types of injuries. The guideline amounts consider severity, along with the overall impact on your life and future prognosis.

Additionally, under general damages, you could be compensated for multiple injuries, some of which could be of a severe nature. This would affect the overall value of your settlement.

Can I Also Claim For Financial Loss?

Furthermore, you may be entitled to claim special damages as well. This second head of a claim compensates for the financial losses caused by the soft tissue injury. For example, your loss of earnings for time spent off work recovering. It can also include compensation for:

  • Medical costs, such as physical therapy and painkillers.
  • Home help while you recover, such as a cleaner or childminder.
  • Transport costs to attend appointments.

In order to recover these expenses, you will need to submit evidence as part of the personal injury claims process. For example, you might need to present your payslips, invoices for services, such as from a cleaner and receipts for items purchased to help manage your injury, such as a sling.

If you would like a free valuation of your soft tissue injury claim, please speak to a member of our advisory team.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

At Legal Expert we are able to offer clients a comprehensive no win, no fee legal service. No win no fee contracts, known as contingency or conditional fee agreements are a special type of contract between the client and solicitor. The contract will detail what services the claimant will receive from the solicitor and what they should expect to pay in return.

No Win No Fee contracts mean that a specialist solicitor will take your case on without asking the claimant for any up-front fees or any other charges whilst they work on your case. The main benefit to the claimant of working with a no win no fee solicitor is that the CFA removes any financial risks.

If the solicitor is not able to recover any compensation for the client, the client will not have to pay anything for their work.

If you have had an accident which was not your fault as part of your holiday, you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim. Just call us or use our online contact options, which you can see below.

A determined lawyer calculates compensation for a soft tissue shoulder injury.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Contact the the specialist team of personal injury solicitors at Legal Expert today and find out how our comprehensive no win, no fee services can help you in claiming the compensation that you could be entitled to.

No matter whether you were injured as a result of an accident on holiday, in the workplace or anywhere else, our specialist team are ready to help you. You can speak to us today by calling us on 0800 073 8804 or using our live chat feature. You can also start your claim by using our online claim form. Contact our team to begin your personal injury claim today.

Useful Links

Holiday Accidents Abroad
Find out how to make a successful compensation claim if you have been injured whilst on holiday outside of the UK with our comprehensive guide.

How Much Compensation For A Shoulder Injury
Find out how much compensation you could be entitled to for a shoulder injury, as well as information on soft tissue compensation amounts.

Acute Soft Tissue Injury Advice
Advice on the immediate treatment for soft tissues injuries, such as in this case, from the UK’s NHS.

Thank you for reading our guide about claiming compensation for a soft tissue shoulder injury.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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