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£40,000 Compensation For A Broken Hip

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 20th January 2025. Legal Expert are specialist personal injury claims experts offering free advice as well as connecting claimants with expert solicitors from across the country. Many of the solicitors we work with have decades of experience in helping people make personal injury claims, such as recovering compensation for a broken hip injury. No matter how serious your injury is, if you have been injured,been exposed to an illness, injured at work or had an existing condition made worse as a result of an accident caused by third-party negligence, the no win no fee specialists at Legal Expert can help.

In this case study, we are looking at an example of a common type of personal injury claim, a broken hip. Hip fractures can be serious injuries. In this case, the claimant was a woman in her fifties. She suffered a broken hip as a result of a trip on the pavement, receiving an out of court settlement of £40,000. Solicitors acting on her behalf alleged that the council was responsible for the accident as they had not maintained the pavement. Not maintaining the pavement within the necessary guidelines was deemed to be a breach of their duty of care. After negotiation, the case was settled out of court by solicitors acting on behalf of the two parties.

To learn more about receiving compensation for a broken hip, you can contact us for free legal advice at a time that suits you. You can call us on 0800 073 8804, write to us through our website or send us your query using the live chat bubble. A broken hip compensation amount can vary depending on the extent of the injury. We can provide you with a free compensation estimate if we feel you have a valid claim.

Legal Expert work with specialist legal solicitors from across the country and have helped people recover compensation for their injury, such as a broken hip, on a no win no fee basis. To learn more about this case study, read below.

Someone sitting on the bathroom floor, one of their slippers has fallen of their foot.

Select a Section

  1. Case Study: £40,000 Compensation For A Broken Hip 
  2. Who Is Eligible To Claim For A Hip Injury?
  3. How Much Could I Claim In Compensation For A Broken Hip In The UK?
  4. No Win No Fee Broken Hip Claims
  5. Read More About Making Personal Injury Claims

Case Study: £40,000 Compensation For A Broken Hip

In this case the woman tripped and fell over on a grate in the pavement. Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common causes of accidents and injuries in the UK and one of the most common types of personal injury claims cases. They can cause injuries such as a broken hip or hip fracture. The claimant in this case suffered a broken hip as a result of the impact when she fell on the pavement outside a shop.

The claimant immediately knew that they had suffered a serious injury to their hip, due to her being unable to stand up. She was taken to her local A&E department. The hip fractures were not immediately apparent and whilst the claimant did have an initial x-ray, she was sent home without further treatment. Three days later the x-rays taken showed that she did have a broken hip as a result of the fall.

Prior to the injury the claimant had been fit and healthy and had to undergo a broken hip operation to place screws in the hip. Broken hip recovery can be difficult and in this case the claimant had to use crutches for six weeks after the operation. It took four months from the accident for the claimant to be able to stand and move on the hip unassisted. The woman permanently lost some rotation in her hip as well as a degree of flexibility. She was also left with lasting stiffness in the hip as well as soreness in the joint.

How Did The Case Proceed?

The council responsible for the pavement and grate were contacted about the accident, claim and injuries, as well as being notified of the damaged drainage grate. Within six weeks of notification, the drainage grate was repaired. The council admitted liability for the claimant’s injuries shortly after this. The council very quickly admitted liability for the accident and injury. The case did not need to go to court and a settlement was made between the council and the claimant’s solicitors.

It’s important to note that when pursuing compensation for a broken hip, you need to be able to prove that third-party negligence was at least partially responsible for your injury. This is the basis for any personal injury claim. In this case, they were able to prove that the council did not act quickly enough to fix the grate. This inaction was enough to show that the council breached their duty of care, causing the claimant’s injury. This is why the claimant received compensation.

Who Is Eligible To Claim For A Hip Injury?

Compensation for a broken hip can be claimed in many different circumstances. The general eligibility requirements are that a third party owed you a duty of care and breached it, causing you to become injured.

Different third parties owe different duties depending on the contact. We have set out these duties here:

  • Your employer owes a duty of care to all of their employees under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The law requires that reasonable steps be taken to ensure the safety of those employees while at work.
  • Those in control of public places, known as occupiers, are required to take steps to ensure the reasonable safety of all visitors to the premises. This duty is contained within the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
  • Every road user is required to navigate the roads in a way that minimises the risk of causing harm. This means abiding by both the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

The eligibility criteria to seek a payout for a broken hip can therefore be summarised as follows:

  1. You were owed a duty of care by a third party.
  2. That third party breached this duty in some way.
  3. This breach resulted in an accident in which you were injured.

To get your free eligibility check or to find out more about how broken hip compensation amounts are calculated, get in touch with our advisory team today.

How Much Could I Claim For A Broken Hip In The UK?

The average compensation for a hip injury in the UK can be hard to pinpoint because all claims are unique. The amount that you could receive for a successful claim can depend on the individual circumstances surrounding your case.

Usually, hip injury compensation amounts can contain up to two heads. The first heading is called general damages, and this provides compensation for the pain and suffering your hip injury has caused. It also covers psychological injuries and loss of amenity, which means loss of enjoyment in your hobbies.

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) are often used to help calculate general damages, because they provide guideline compensation amounts for professionals to reference. You can take a look at some of these in the list below, but note that the first entry isn’t taken from the JCG.

  • Severe multiple injuries plus financial losses could result in up to £200,000+
  • Severe hip and pelvis injuries including extensive fractures, could result in up to £95,680 to £159,770
  • Severe hip injuries that are similar to those above but slightly less severe, like a serious fracture, could result in £75,550 to £95,680
  • Severe hip injuries like a fractured acetabulum could result in £47,810 to £64,070
  • Moderate hip injuries with no major permanent disability could result in £32,450 to £47,810
  • Moderate hip injuries resulting in a hip replacement could result in £15,370 to £32,450
  • Lesser hip injuries that leave no permanent disability could result in £4,820 to £15,370
  • Minor soft tissue injuries to the hip could result in Up to £4,820

Can I Claim Special Damages?

Special damages cover the financial losses you experience as a result of your hip injury. For example, a severe hip injury can mean you’re unable to work, and may remove your employability altogether. In this case, special damages could help you claim back the cost of your lost wages.

This heading could also potentially help you claim back the cost of:

  • Childcare
  • Mobility aids
  • Private healthcare
  • Home adjustments
  • Counselling

Our team of advisors are here to help. Get in touch today to learn more about hip injury compensation amounts.

No Win No Fee Broken Hip Claims

If you contact our advisors about your potential hip injury claim, we could review your case and help determine if it is valid. If you do have a strong claim, they could connect you with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors who has previous experience handling hip injury claims.

Our No Win No Fee solicitors can support a claim for a hip injury under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). With a CFA in place, you won’t be required to pay anything upfront or while your claim is being processed for your solicitor’s services. You also won’t have to pay for the work they have provided if your claim fails.

Following successful claims, No Win No Fee solicitors usually take a small percentage from the hip injury compensation amounts awarded to their clients. This payment is known as a success fee, and the percentage it can be is legally capped.

To learn more about No Win No Fee solicitors or the average compensation for a hip injury in the UK, contact our advisors today.

Contact Our Team

Our panel of solicitors have years of experience in helping clients recover the compensation they are owed, such as in broken or fractured hip compensation cases. Find out more about making a successful broken hip compensation claim by calling 0800 073 8804 or by emailing us with the details of your case at info@legalexpert.co.uk. You can also reach our team using the online chat feature.

Read More About Making Personal Injury Claims

  • Hip Injury Claim
    Hip injury claims can include a broken hip, hip fractures and other injuries to this area. Find out more about making a successful hip injury claim in our guide.
  • Fractured And Broken Bone Claims
    If you need to seek fractured hip compensation, view our guide to making fractured and broken bone injury claims.
  • Making Claims Against A Local Authority
    Making a claim against your local authority can seem daunting. View our guide to making a successful no win no fee claim against a local authority, such as your council.
  • Broken Hip NHS Guide
    Information on broken hip injuries from the NHS.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

If you have further questions about seeking compensation for a broken hip, please contact us at a time that works for you. We offer free legal advice and can tell you if you’re eligible to claim in just one quick, easy phone call.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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