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£50,000 Compensation For Burns From Fireworks

Legal Expert is the UK’s premier resource for information on personal injury compensation claims with guides, articles and case study resources as well as information on what people can expect to receive for their compensation claim. Across the UK we work with a panel of specialist no win no fee solicitors who help people to claim the compensation that they are owed after suffering injuries such as burns from fire and burns from fireworks. Our personal injury compensation specialists have many years of experience in helping clients who have suffered injuries similar to those described in the case study below.

In this case study, we are looking at a claimant who suffered burns from fire whilst at a public fireworks display. She was injured due to a defective firework not going off correctly and causing serious burns across her body, including to her face and neck, chest and her fingers as well. The 2nd-degree burn from fireworks were caused by the defective firework setting the woman alight.

The solicitors who make up our specialist panel have helped people across the country who have suffered injuries resulting from firework burns accidents. You can find out more information about the circumstances around this case study below, as well as how the solicitors were able to help her recover compensation for her injuries.

How Common Are Firework Burns Accidents?

Recent statistics from the NHS as well as media investigations have shown that there has been a sharp increase in the number of people across the UK who are suffering from burn injuries as a result of firework burn burn from fireaccidents. Statistics from the NHS show that in 2014-2015 a total of 4,506 people were treated at A&E departments across the country for burns from fire caused by fireworks and sparklers. This statistic represented an increase of 111% over the same period in 2009-2010. This marked increase in the number of injuries, such as a cracker burn treatment, highlights the need for people organising and even those attending to know basic first aid techniques. This could help to provide immediate burns treatment in the event of burns from fire.

The most common injuries seen at fireworks displays, whether public or private, are burns (such as a burnt finger on sparkler) and debris in the eyes. Debris can come from falling fireworks parts, or be blown off a bonfire.

If you or anyone you are with is injured by a firework or suffers burns from fire it is important to immediately seek urgent medical attention. Many large-scale displays will have emergency first aiders or ambulance staff provided by the St Johns Ambulance or the NHS Ambulance Service. Quick burns treatment can be the difference between the severity of burns the person will be left with.

What Injuries Were Sustained In This Case?

In our case study, the claimant suffered a burn from fire injury. The types of burns suffered was a 2nd-degree burn from a firework which injured the claimant across parts of her face, neck, and chest as well as her fingers.

The claimant was attending a local fireworks display when a defective firework failed to properly explode. The claimant was set on fire. Other members of the public around the claimant immediately rolled her on the floor to put the fire out as fast as possible. Paramedics which were providing services to the display provided immediate burns treatment at the scene of the accident, before taking her to the local Accident & Emergency department. The claimant was admitted to the local hospital where she had surgery. This was to debride the burn injuries, this is a common way of healing firework burns.

The claimant was left with deep burns from fire and scarring to her chest and neck. These scars were estimated to be permanent. The other burns to the claimants’ fingers and face healed better and were not left with permanent scarring.

As well as the physical injuries and scarring, the claimant was left with post-traumatic stress disorder. This persisted for two months following the accident. Overall her future burn treatment included scar management as well as some physiotherapy on the affected areas.

As a result of the severity of the burns from fire suffered, the claimant was left with a considerable amount of pain for twelve weeks after the accident. The claimant was also unable to work for around sixteen weeks after the accident. When she did return to work, she initially did so part-time, before working back up to her normal hours.

The Burns From Fire Allegation

Whilst the burns from fire were suffered at a fireworks display, the allegation and case were not brought against the organisers of the fireworks display or other parties involved in organising or providing the display.

In this case, the allegation centered around the firework in question having been defective. The allegation was brought against the manufacturer of the fireworks which did not explode correctly. It was alleged that the manufacturer was negligent in the production of the defective fireworks and that they had breached their duty of care under the 1987 Consumer Protection Act.

The allegation included details of the physical and psychological injuries which the claimant had suffered as a result of the alleged defendant’s negligence. Supporting medical evidence showed that the burn injuries suffered were directly caused by the accident and the firework. Evidence was supplied by a skin camouflage consultant and a senior plastic surgeon. The allegation and medical evidence did also show that the psychological effects of the accident would be short-term, whilst the physical scarring identified was, unfortunately, permanent.

The defendant (the manufacturer of the firework) admitted their liability under the Consumer Protection Act and that the causes of burns suffered were their firework.

The Settlement And Compensation Award

The defendant admitted their liability and the case was concluded and settled out of court. The defendant made a compensation offer of £50,000 for the burns from fire which was accepted by the claimant. The settlement was made up of two parts, one to cover the suffering, pain, and loss of amenity the claimant suffered. The second part of the compensation was awarded to cover medical costs, sundry expenses and the claimants’ loss of earnings whilst off work.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors

Making a personal injury claim, or indeed taking any legal action can be costly in both time and money. No matter whether you were in the right, or are trying to claim compensation that you are owed, hiring a solicitor can be expensive. This is where the idea behind no win no fee services comes in.

No win no fee contracts were designed to ensure that people who wanted to make a personal injury claim, and who had a good case, would be able to do so without having to worry about how they would finance their claim. No win no fee agreements (also known as Conditional Fee Agreements, or CFA’s) allow people to hire a solicitor to work on their claims case without having to face the financial implications of this.

No win no fee contracts are designed to help those who may otherwise not be able to access legal representation. A no win no fee contract means that the claimant won’t have to pay anything upfront and if their claim is not successful, they won’t have to pay anything towards the costs of their legal fees. However, if they do win their case, they will be able to pay for the services from the compensation award.

Legal Expert is able to offer our clients a comprehensive no win no fee legal service. Your CFA agreement will set out when and how your solicitor will or won’t be paid and under what circumstances this happens.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Speak to the team at Legal Expert today experts (including our specialist, legal solicitors) will be able to start helping you to claim the damages and compensation that you deserve. Our highly dedicated and professional team will be able to start processing your claim for physical burn injuries as well as for psychological injuries caused by burn injuries.

If you need to make a personal injury compensation claim, or require further information, contact Legal Expert by calling 0800 073 8804. You can also send the initial details of your case via email to info@legalexpert.co.uk or you can use our online contact form.

Useful Links

Burn Injury Claims
Burn injuries can range from the relatively mild through to severe and life-changing. Find out more about burn injuries and how you can make a claim for a burn you have suffered in our compensation guide.

NHS Fireworks Safety Advice
Safety advice for how to enjoy bonfire night in a safe and responsible way.

How Do You Treat A Sparkler Burn?
Find out how to treat sparkler burns and other similar injuries with this guide from the St Johns Ambulance.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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