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£53,000 Compensation For Loss Of Sight In One Eye

Last Updated 26th February 2025. Compensation for a loss of sight in one eye can be a substantial sum. Our vision is one of the most important senses, and the partial loss of it can have significant impacts on day to day life. 

In this guide, we’ll examine the case of Mr G (name shortened to ensure confidentiality) and the instances of medical negligence that resulted in a complete loss of sight in one eye. As well as looking at how this happened, we will also examine how much compensation for a loss of sight in one eye in the UK may be awarded.

At the end of this case study, we’ve included a brief overview of the No Win No Fee contract offered by our dedicated solicitors and how claiming under such an agreement benefitted Mr G greatly. 

To find out if you are eligible to begin a claim, or inquire further about how a loss of vision in one eye settlement in the UK is calculated, contact an advisor today via:

  • Phone on 0800 073 8804.
  • Opening the live chat window in the bottom left hand corner.
  • Completing our “Contact Us” form online.

A close up image of a woman's eye


How did Mr G become Partially Sighted?

Mr G’s ordeal started when he started to experience pain in the jaw and temple and intermittent blindness in one eye. This carried on for 2 weeks, over which time he had also lost a lot of weight. Mr G visited his GP, and was told to tie a scarf around his face while he ate. A few days later, he telephoned NHS Direct complaining of pain in his temple. He was advised to see his GP two days later. On returning to his GP two days later, he complained that his symptoms had worsened and now he was experiencing a loss of sight and a loss of hearing. He was prescribed ear drops by his GP.

Unfortunately, things only worsened for Mr G beyond that point. Two weeks later, his symptoms worsened to the point that Mr G was unable to leave his home. Mr G was visited by his doctor, who agreed to write him a letter of referral to St Thomas’s Hospital. The GP told Mr G that he had to collect the letter from the surgery, despite Mr G making it clear that he was not well enough to collect the letter. He was not able to visit the surgery to collect the letter until nearly 10 days later when he found to his dismay that the letter had not been written. On returning the next day, Mr G demanded a letter of referral and was immediate. At that point, an urgent referral was made to St Thomas’s Hospital.

Mr G was hospitalised as an inpatient for 6 days and was diagnosed with temporal arteritis. He underwent a temporal artery biopsy and was treated with steroids. Although Mr G’s other symptoms disappeared with treatment, his loss of sight in one eye has never recovered and he is now partially sighted. As you can imagine, this injury has greatly affected his quality of life.

What is Temporal Arteritis?

Temporal Arteritis is a form of blood vessel inflammation, a form of vasculitis. What happened is that the temporal arteries, arteries located on each side of the head near the temple, become inflamed causing a headache. The most serious consequence of temporal arteritis that can occur is the loss of sight. However, if the patient receives the correct treatment for the illness in enough time, they have less than a 1% chance of becoming blind or partially sighted. Sadly then, if Mr G’s treatment hadn’t been delayed by medical misdiagnosis and medical negligence, it is unlikely that he would have suffered a complete loss of sight in one eye.

The Allegation and Compensation Award

Mr G (the Claimant) did not only suffer a sudden loss of vision, from which he never recovered, but also suffered multiple counts of medical negligence from his doctor, who failed to spot the indicators of sight loss and hearing loss he suffered. The case for medical negligence compensation was settled out of court and the local NHS Trust (the Defendant) agreed to a medical negligence compensation settlement of [£53,000/placeholder], following negotiations.

Mr G’s compensation was won using a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA), also known as no win no fee. This means that the solicitor will only charge you a fee if your case is successful. For many claimants, using a no win no fee solicitor is the most affordable and least stressful way to claim medical negligence compensation. If you are interested in hiring a no win no fee solicitor, contact Legal Expert today. At no extra charge to you, we can match you with a solicitor who has expertise in winning cases for loss of sight and partial sightedness compensation.

Contact Legal Expert Today

Suffering from a loss of sight in one eye may have a detrimental effect on your physical health, mental health and lifestyle. We understand that you may be experiencing a lot of stress as you try to adjust to your unforeseen lifestyle changes. However, our team at Legal Expert is here to help you claim compensation for your suffering. 

If you were involved in an accident that was not your fault and this resulted in you suffering from lost vision in one of your eyes, you may be eligible to make a personal injury claim. 

To do this, you should get in touch with our friendly advisors, who will determine whether you have sufficient grounds to make a claim. If you are eligible to claim, you may begin the claims process with the support of our experienced personal injury solicitors. They may help you claim compensation for loss of sight in one eye by:

  • Walking you through the claims process
  • Helping you obtain evidence and using this to build your case 
  • Explaining how much compensation for loss of sight in one eye you may be awarded 
  • Negotiating compensation settlements with third parties 

With over 30 years of experience helping claimants, our solicitors can use their skills and expertise to help you claim compensation, too. Get in contact with our advisors to start your claim today. 

Useful Links

Temporal Arteritis: NHS Guide
An NHS Guide to the causes, symptoms, and treatments of temporal arteritis.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Eye Injury?
Help and advice for Claimants wishing to claim compensation for an eye injury.

Medical Negligence Claims, How Much Compensation Can I Claim?
Help and advice for medical negligence claims, including estimated amounts of money you could claim.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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