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£55,000 Compensation For A Fractured Kneecap

By Daniel Archer. Last Updated 28th January 2025. Have you suffered a fractured kneecap, broken kneecap, or a knee injury that wasn’t your fault? Whether this was an accident at work, a road traffic accident, or an accident that happened in a public establishment, such as a shop or a restaurant, the specialist legal solicitors at Legal Expert can help you claim for knee injury compensation awards. If you can prove that the accident was not your fault but was due to the negligence of another party, then you could claim compensation.

What is the average compensation payout for a knee injury? It varies from accident to accident but you could be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation. We have more information about knee injury compensation amounts that you could be awarded for you to consult.

If you have suffered a knee injury then call us, Legal Expert on our free phone number for your free legal consultation. We are a trusted legal advisory service who work with expert personal injury solicitors, some of which have over 30 years of experience helping victims like you claim the compensation they are entitled to. Call us today to see whether or not you have a valid case and be matched to the right solicitor to handle your case, at no extra cost to you.

If you have any questions, you can reach our advisors by:

In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mr B, whose name we have obscured for reasons of privacy. Mr B works in construction and suffered an accident at work, when he was working on the 11th floor of a building site in Paddington. Mr B slipped on a piece of aluminium that was on the floor, while he was carrying a large piece of plywood, suffering a trip injury. Unable to get up, Mr B was taken to the nearby St Mary’s Hospital for treatment by ambulance. The graph here shows the causes of accidents and injuries in the UK’s construction sector. Information is taken from the Health and Safety Executive.

Selection A Section

  1. What Injuries Were Sustained In This Knee Injury Compensation Case?
  2. The Allegation And The Fractured Kneecap Settlement
  3. How Is Compensation For A Broken Kneecap Calculated?
  4. When Am I Eligible To Claim Compensation For A Fractured Kneecap?
  5. No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors
  6. Contact The Specialists At Legal Expert About Claiming Compensation For A Fractured Kneecap
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Useful Links

What Injuries Were Sustained In This Knee Injury Compensation Case?

At the hospital, Mr B displayed fractured kneecap symptoms and was diagnosed with a fractured kneecap. His knee was operated on and he was kept in hospital for three days.

Following his operation, Mr B was eager not to let his broken knee go untreated Mr B sought compensation to cover the costs of private medical treatment. His legal team negotiated interim payments for Mr B, the Claimant, from his employer, the defendant, to pay for medical treatment in a private hospital, to remove metalwork from his knee.

The Allegation And The Fractured Kneecap Settlement

This claim for a fractured kneecap injury was complicated because the defendant disputed their liability in the case, throughout the process. Mr B’s employer always alleged that he was at fault for the accident. The first offer of liability put forward by the defendant’s legal team was a 50/50 split in liability, 18 months after the accident took place. Mr B’s personal injury solicitor managed to negotiate this down to a split where the defendant accepted 90% of liability for Mr B’s accident.

The defendant’s team put forward an initial offer of £25,000 in compensation, which was less than what the Claimant’s legal team felt a knee injury compensation award such as this was worth. Mr B’s legal team managed to collect medical and legal evidence that Mr B was entitled to a higher offer. 3 days before the case was due to go out of trial, Mr B was awarded £55,000 out of court in broken knee injury compensation for his case.

How Is Compensation For A Broken Kneecap Calculated?

If your personal injury claim is successful, your compensation for a fractured kneecap could be divided into two heads of claim – special and general damages. 

General damages are awarded in all successful broken kneecap claims. This compensates you for the physical and psychological effects of your injury. As such, some factors that are looked at under this head of claim include:

  • Pain severity. 
  • Loss of amenity. 
  • The length of the recovery period. 

You could be asked to attend an independent medical assessment at some point during the claims process. The reports made from this assessment can be used alongside the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help legal professionals calculate your general damages. 

The JCG is a document that publishes guideline compensation brackets for a variety of injuries and illnesses.

Guideline Compensation Table

In the table below, you will find some guideline compensation brackets for different knee injuries. These have all been taken from the JCG. 

However, because there is no average payout for a fractured kneecap, none of the figures in the table below can be guaranteed. Additionally, the top figure is not from the JCG. 

Multiple serious injuries with special damagesSeriousUp to £250,000+
Knee(a) Severe - (i) £85,100 to £117,410
(a) Severe - (ii) £63,610 to £85,100
(a) Severe - (iii) £31,960 to £53,030
(b) Moderate - (i)£18,110 to £31,960
(b) Moderate - (ii) Up to £16,770

Special Damages

Special damages are awarded in only some successful broken kneecap claims. This compensates you for the financial losses you have suffered due to your injury. 

Some examples of financial losses you could be reimbursed for include:

  • Loss of earnings. 
  • Medical bills. 
  • Professional and domestic care costs. 

Since special damages are not always awarded, keeping evidence of your financial losses is essential. Such evidence includes receipts, payslips, bank statements, and invoices. 

To learn more about how much compensation for a broken kneecap could be awarded in a successful claim, please contact us today.

When Am I Eligible To Claim Compensation For A Fractured Kneecap?

You are eligible to claim compensation for a fractured kneecap if negligence has occurred. Negligence is when you suffer an injury as a result of a breach of duty of care. 

You could be owed a duty of care in numerous places. These include:

  • At work. Your employer owes you a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 when you are working. This means that your employer must take reasonable steps to ensure your safety. 
  • In public. Occupiers (those in control) of a public space owe you a duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 when you are visiting their premises. This means that occupiers must take steps to ensure your reasonable safety. 
  • On the road. All road users owe one another a duty of care when they are on the road. This means that all road users must follow the rules in The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988 to keep one another safe. 

As such, here are the broken kneecap claims eligibility criteria:

  1. Your employer, an occupier, or a road user owed you a duty of care. 
  2. They breached their duty of care by acting negligently. 
  3. You were injured as a result of this breached duty of care.

To find out more about the personal injury claims eligibility criteria and how much compensation for a broken kneecap could be awarded in a successful claim, please contact us today.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors

If you have an eligible personal injury claim, you will be able to claim compensation for a fractured kneecap on a No Win No Fee basis with us.

Our No Win No Fee solicitors can offer many services for their clients, including:

  • Gathering evidence. 
  • Corresponding with the defendant. 
  • Ensuring the compensation is daily and accurately valued. 
  • Explaining legal jargon.  
  • Ensuring the limitation period is adhered to. 

What’s more, our solicitors provide the above services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a specific type of No Win No Fee agreement. 

If you work with one of our solicitors under a CFA, you will not have to pay for your solicitor’s services:

  • Before the broken kneecap claims process begins. 
  • During the entire claims process. 
  • If the claim fails. 

Instead, if the claim is successful, your solicitor will just keep a success fee from your compensation. Success fees are a legally-capped percentage, which ensures that the client still receives the majority of the compensation no matter what.

Contact The Specialists At Legal Expert About Claiming Compensation For A Fractured Kneecap

If you have been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault where you suffered a fractured kneecap, then you could be entitled to broken kneecap compensation. Whether you suffered a broken kneecap, untreated fractured or broken kneecap due to medical negligence, and your accident was caused by the negligent behaviour of someone else then you could have a valid claim. Our friendly advisors are waiting for you to call to talk to you about your claim, the knee injury compensation amount you could be awarded and match you to the right expert solicitor to handle your case. You can also read the reviews of previous claimants.

Contact us here at Legal Expert today to begin your fractured kneecap compensation claim. You can do so by:

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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