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£5,750 Compensation For Hair Salon Bleach Burn Claim

By Marianne Herondale. This is a case study guide to hair salon bleach burn claims. If you’ve been harmed by bleach burns at a salon due to the negligence of another, you could potentially claim compensation.

In this guide, we explore a successful case of someone receiving compensation for bleach burn damage at a salon. For more information about a potential claim, get in touch with our advisors at any time using the methods below.

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Hair Salon Bleach Burn Accident Case Study

At Legal Expert, we have worked to help numerous people get the compensation they deserve after a hair salon bleach burn by connecting them with expert solicitors across the UK.

This accident and resulting injuries happened to a woman identified as ‘Miss M’. The hairdressing compensation claim was awarded after the claimant suffered a variety of hair salon bleach burn symptoms. The accident was alleged to have been caused by negligence on the part of the hairdresser. They had not tested the new bleach on the claimant before applying it in full treatments. The claimant was awarded a total of £5,750 in damages.

How Common Are Hair Salon Bleach Burn Injuries?

With 40,000 hair salons across the UK, and most of us using a hairdresser at some time every year, the number of people who have a hair salon bleach burn each year can be surprising. Exact statistics are not available for the number of people injured in a hairdresser accident.

Establishing Liability In A Hairdresser Bleach Burn Lawsuit

Hair Salon Bleach Burn

Hair Salon Bleach Burn

In this case, the claimant alleged that the hairdresser bleach burn had been caused by negligence and a failure to follow best practice on the part of the defendant and hair salon. It was alleged that the failure to test the new bleaching agent on the claimants’ hair before starting a course of regular treatments resulted in damage to the claimant’s hair and scalp.

The claim demonstrated that the claimant’s hair had been seriously damaged as a direct result of the bleach which was applied by the hairdresser. In this hairdressing bleach burn accident, there were several injuries such as scabs on scalp from bleaching. Suing hairdresser negligence cases means that you will need the help and advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer.

What Injuries Were Included In The Hairdresser Bleach Burn Lawsuit?

The woman identified as ‘Miss M’ (the claimant in this case) suffered a variety of injuries to both her hair and her scalp. These included broken and severely damaged hair which continued to break and fall out as well as damage to her scalp. Whilst damage to the hair could be seen as mainly cosmetic, these injuries can very often lead to psychological injuries. This is because our hair can be an integral part of how we see our appearance.

The injuries started to manifest after the claimant had her fourth treatment with the bleach. Initial symptoms included her hair breaking and snapping off when showering. After reassurance from the salon and subsequent bleaching, she found it was starting to fall out in clumps. Her fringe eventually broke off. These injuries to her hair resulted in having to totally restyle her hair and comb part of it over to cover up the broken parts. Initially, the salon reassured the claimant that they would treat her hair for free until it was fixed. This was eventually rescinded and they tried to start charging her. At this point, the claimant changed over to a new salon and was advised by them to seek legal advice.

The medical report obtained by the claimant and solicitors acting on her behalf also noted that she had suffered from a crusty scalp after bleaching and scabs on her scalp from the bleach. The new salon and medical practitioners advised her on how to heal her scalp after bleaching. Other symptoms of this injury included a weeping scalp after bleaching hair injury and some scabbing on the scalp which wept when irritated. Psychological injuries included low self-esteem, low mood, as well as social anxiety and avoidance.

Hairdresser Burnt My Scalp With Bleach Compensation

This section includes a compensation table showing potential compensation amounts for burn, scalp and hair damage. The figures shown in this table are from the Judicial College Guidelines; however each case is assessed individually so these amounts are not a guarantee. When you claim compensation, you could receive up to two heads of claim: general and special damages. General damages is demonstrated below, in the compensation you receive for your suffering.

Injury Severity Amount Notes
Hair/Scalp (A) £6,890 to £10,340 Hair damage caused by defective tinting or permanent waving where the effects could include dermatitis, burning of the scalp or eczema that causes brittle, dry hair. The hair will fall out or break off, causing depression, embarrassment and loss of confidence.
Hair/Scalp (B) £3,710 to £6,890 Similar to the above though symptoms are more minor.
Burns Likely to exceed £98,380 Significant burns that cause a great degree of pain and lead to both psychological and physical injury.
Scarring Less Severe £16,860 to £45,440 The disfigurement is substantial. Psychological reaction will be great.
Scarring Trivial £1,600 to £3,310 Minor issues.
Psychiatric Moderate £5,500 to £17,900 There may be issues with social life, work and education though the claimant will have improved by the trial date and the prognosis for recovery will be positive.

Special damages aims to compensate you for specific financial costs you have incurred as a result of your accident or injuries. This could include:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Travel costs
  • Medical expenses

For more information on what you could claim after a hair salon bleach burn, get in touch with us at any time. Alternatively, you could use our online compensation calculator.

Case Study Example

In our case study, the salon admitted liability and offered several settlement options. However, both the solicitors and the claimant herself felt these were not sufficient and didn’t reflect the full severity of the scalp damage, as well as the embarrassment of suffering from these injuries. The case proceeded to court and once proceedings were issued an offer of £5,750 was made. This was accepted by the claimant’s solicitors. As such, the case was concluded.

Common Causes Of A Hair Salon Accident

Is it normal for the scalp to burn when bleaching hair? If tested and subsequently applied correctly, bleaching should not damage the hair or scalp and it should not cause blisters or burning. If you’ve suffered from blisters after bleaching hair, or scabs on your scalp from bleach, you could potentially claim.

Common causes of accidents at a hair salon can include burns caused by equipment such as hairdryers, straighteners and other equipment. Hair salon injuries can also be caused by the inappropriate use of chemical products and hair dyes. These can cause a variety of different types of injuries and accidents, such as chemical burns.

No Win No Fee Compensation For Hair Damage

If you have suffered a salon accident which has been caused by the negligence of the salon employees or owners, you could be entitled to claim compensation for any injuries which you have suffered. You will also be able to claim compensation for expenses such as medical treatment, including psychiatric therapy or for any loss of earnings or other financial losses. If you have been injured as a result of a salon accident, you need to seek legal advice to help get you the compensation for hair damage you deserve. Whether your claim is successful or not, you won’t be left out of pocket.

Our No Win No Fee service means you don’t pay us for our work if you don’t receive compensation. If your claim succeeds, our payment is deducted from your compensation amount as a set success fee. This success fee is legally capped, meaning you cannot be overcharged.

Talk To Legal Expert Today

At Legal Expert, we will work with you to secure you the compensation you deserve. Our team are available to talk to you over the phone at 0800 073 8804. You can also use our online chat feature or send us an email. We will then contact you back.

Useful Links

Hairdresser Compensation Claims
Find out more about hairdresser compensation and hair salon accident claims with Legal Expert.

Hairdresser Burnt Scalp Injury Claims
Find out more about hairdresser burnt scalp injury claims and how to claim for injuries caused by bleaching with Legal Expert.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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