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£6,100 Compensation For A Broken Collarbone

Have you recently suffered a broken collarbone (also sometimes referred to as the clavicle bone) in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Then you could be entitled to a broken collarbone compensation payout. Under what circumstances could you be entitled to claim compensation for a broken collarbone injury?

Under UK Law, if you are involved in an accident caused by the negligent behaviour of another party, then you have a right to make a compensation broken collarboneclaim for an injury, such as a broken clavicle. How much can a broken clavicle settlement be worth? Depending on the circumstances you could be owed a large amount in compensation for your pain, suffering, and loss of amenity.

When making a broken collarbone compensation claim, you could also claim for financial losses suffered due to the injury. This includes any loss of income and medical expenses. Furthermore, if you’ve suffered a broken collarbone from a car accident, for example, you may have suffered other injuries from the same incident. If this is the case, you can claim for all injuries that resulted from the accident as part of the same claim.

Make sure you use the best personal injury solicitor to make your accident claim. Choose Legal Expert to help you. We are a trusted Legal Advisor, who will match you with the solicitor who has the best expertise to handle your case. Call Legal Expert now for your free consultation with one of our advisors. We will determine whether or not your claim is legitimate and how much money you could claim in your broken clavicle settlement. Additionally, we can match you to a solicitor who can get you the maximum amount of money for your claim. Call Legal Expert now on 0800 073 8804 to start your compensation claim today.

If you have further questions, such as “what is the average settlement for a broken collarbone?”, you can also contact us through other means. You can use our website or write to us using the Live Chat bubble onscreen.

In this case study, we are going to look at the personal injury accident claim made by Miss B, a member of British Cycling and as you can imagine, is a keen cyclist. In 2008, she was cycling down Queensbury High Street, in Bradford, when a driver who was travelling in the opposite direction, turned their car across her path. Miss B lost control of her bicycle and hit the pavement.

Please read on to learn how you could receive broken collarbone compensation.

Select a Section

  1. How Common Are Cycling Accidents?
  2. Average Settlement For Fractured Collarbone Injury – Case Study Injury
  3. The Allegation And Establishing Liability
  4. Broken Collarbone Compensation Payout
  5. How Much Compensation Will I Get For A Broken Collarbone?
  6. No Win No Fee Solicitors Services
  7. Do you want to Claim for a Broken Clavicle? Call Legal Expert Today
  8. Useful Links

How Common are Cycling Accidents?

Cyclists are relatively vulnerable road users. Unlike people on cars and buses, their vehicle doesn’t have an outer casing to protect them. The Department for Transport provides road traffic accident statistics for Great Britain. Their latest information specifically relating to cyclist casualties shows that, in 2019, there were 16,884 pedal cyclist casualties. Furthermore, in 2020, there were 16,294 pedal cyclist casualties. Within this two-year period, there were 33,178 reported cyclist casualties.

Average Settlement For Fractured Collarbone Injury – Case Study Injury

Miss B was found to have suffered a broken collarbone following her accident. She was also diagnosed with soft tissue injuries. A collarbone injury can cause significant pain, particularly as it can affect the shoulder and result in you needing surgery.

When working out the settlement for a broken or fractured collarbone, there are two types of damages you might receive:

  • General damages compensate for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries, as well as a loss of amenity they may cause. Our solicitors could help arrange for a medical assessment in order to get credible evidence from a medical professional regarding your injuries.
  • Special damages aim to put you in the same financial position that you were in before your injury. As such, this type of damage focuses on any losses or financial damage caused by your injuries. For example, Miss B may have needed to pay for prescription fees if she needed specific medicine to alleviate the symptoms of her injuries. Keep hold of any receipts as proof of special damages.

If you have suffered a hairline fractured collarbone due to negligence, we could potentially help you. Connect to our advisors using the live chat feature on your screen. Additionally, read on to find out what damages Miss B received following her claim.

The Allegation and Establishing Liability

Upon examining the relevant evidence, the driver’s insurers admitted liability. Miss B legal team were able to negotiate a broken clavicle settlement. The case was also further supported by British cycling.

Broken Collarbone Compensation Payout

In 2010 Miss B was awarded £6,100 compensation in her broken clavicle settlement. The compensation was paid on account of her injuries.

This included £5,100 for general damages and £1,000 for special damages. Special damages are for financial losses you’ve had to incur because of the injury. This can include, for instance, private medical bills, travel costs and loss of earnings due to being unable to work. 

How Much Compensation Will I Get For A Broken Collarbone?

It’s difficult to provide insight into an average settlement for a broken collarbone. This is because every claim is unique and compensation is ultimately decided on many different factors, including the severity of your injury and to what degree your life has been negatively impacted. However, we can still provide insight to help answer questions like, “how much compensation will I get for a broken collarbone?”

The Judicial College analyses previous general damages compensation payouts relating to specific injuries. By doing this, they’ve created brackets showing compensation amounts for particular injuries, which you can see below. Please remember – this only provides you with an idea of what you could receive. 

Injury Type Severity Bracket of Compensation Symptoms of Injury
Shoulder Moderate £7,410 to £11,980 Limitation of movement as a result of frozen shoulder. Other potential injuries include soft tissue injuries where more than minimal symptoms are presented for over two years. However, these injuries would not be permanent.
Shoulder Minor (i) £4,080 to £7,410 Shoulder soft tissue injury with considerable pain. However, almost complete recovery will be made in less than two years.
Shoulder Severe £18,020 to £45,070 Usually involves brachial plexus damage. An injury of this nature is usually associated with neck injuries.
Shoulder Fracture of Clavicle £4,830 to £11,490 Compensation awarded will depend on factors including the extent of the injury and the level of disability created.
Shoulder Minor (iii) Up to £2,300 Same as above – however, almost complete recovery will be made within three months.
Shoulder Minor (ii) £2,300 to £4,080 Same as above – however, almost complete recovery will be made within a year.
Shoulder Serious £11,980 to £18,020 Lower brachial plexus damage and shoulder dislocation leading to neck and shoulder pain.

Regardless of whether you’ve suffered a broken collarbone from a car accident or from a slip, trip or fall, the most important aspect when receiving compensation is that you can prove the injury was caused by third-party negligence. If you have further queries regarding the average settlement for a broken collarbone or if you would like a compensation estimate, please contact us for free legal advice using the above details. 

No Win No Fee Solicitors Services

Many of the personal injury solicitors that we work with offer a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA). This is also known as a No Win No Fee service. This means that you only have to pay the solicitor’s fees if you win your case. For many people no win no fee solicitors services are a less stressful option as you don’t have to take the financial risk of paying an upfront fee.

We also understand that if you are taking out a broken collarbone accident claim, you may have had to take time off work – which could have temporarily reduced your income, and may have incurred medical expenses. Therefore, you may be reluctant to put up more money, if you are not guaranteed to get a broken collarbone compensation payout. Choose a no win no fee solicitor, to reduce the financial risk.

If you agree to a claim on a No Win No Fee basis, your solicitor may deduct a success fee. This is a small, legally capped percentage of your compensation amount that is taken if your claim is successful.

Begin your no win no fee broken collarbone accident claim today. Call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 for your free legal consultation. If you prefer, in just a few minutes, you can get an estimate online using our compensation calculator.

Do you want to Claim for a Broken Clavicle? Call Legal Expert Today

Make a claim for a broken clavicle and get the broken collarbone compensation payout you are owed, today. If you were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you could be owed personal injury compensation. Whether the accident happened in a public place like a shop or restaurant, it was an accident at work, or a road traffic accident, you could make a legitimate compensation claim.

You must be able to prove that the accident was made more likely to happen, or caused by the negligent actions of another party. This could include anything from ignoring a hazard on the shop floor, failing to provide you with a safe working environment, or dangerous driving.

If you think you could be entitled to claim for a broken clavicle, then call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804. Our friendly advisors will give you a free consultation, where we will determine whether or not you can legitimately claim for a broken collarbone payout, advise you on how much your broken clavicle settlement may be worth and match you to the best solicitor to handle your broken collarbone accident claim. So call us today, to begin your accident claim.

Useful Links:

Broken Collarbone
The NHS guide to the symptoms of treating a broken collarbone and how to treat it.

How Much Compensation For A Fractured Or Broken Bone?
Help and advice for claimants involved in an accident which left them with a fractured or broken bone. Advice for claiming compensation for fractured bone injuries, or broken bone injuries.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Cycling Accident Claims?
Help and advice for claimants involved in a cycling accident. Legal Expert will advise you on how to claim compensation for a cycling accident that wasn’t your fault.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

If you have further queries about “how much compensation will I get for a broken collarbone?”, please contact us at a time that works for you. Whether you’ve suffered a broken collarbone from a car accident or a fall in a public place, if you can prove it was caused by negligence, you may be able to receive compensation.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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