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Whiplash With Physiotherapy Compensation Claim

By Lewis Cobain. Last Updated On 4th February 2025. The specialist solicitors we have at Legal Expert have been able to successfully claim for whiplash with physiotherapy compensation for clients across the country. In this whiplash compensation guide, we will look at a particular whiplash claim with physio.

The claimant, in this case, was waiting to enter a roundabout when a car approaching from behind failed to sufficiently break and stop in time. The car collided with the rear of the claimants’ car. This caused soft tissue injuries to the claimant’s back and neck. This resulted in a whiplash with physio compensation settlement.

whiplash with physiotherapy

If you have any queries about claiming physio for whiplash or want to know how much you could receive for whiplash symptoms, you could contact us completely for free at a time that works for you. You can call us on 0800 073 8804, contact us through our website or by using the Live Chat feature now onscreen.

Please read on to learn more about claiming whiplash compensation.

Select A Section

  1. Could I Claim Compensation For Whiplash In The UK?
  2. How To Claim For Whiplash
  3. Claim For Whiplash Case Study – What Injuries Can Be Sustained?
  4. How Much Compensation For Whiplash With Physiotherapy?
  5. Whiplash Injuries Payout Scale UK
  6. No Win No Fee Whiplash Claims
  7. Call Us Today To Start Your Whiplash With Physio Compensation Claim
  8. Useful Links

Could I Claim Compensation For Whiplash In The UK?

A duty of care is placed on road users to prevent harm or damage to themselves and others while they are using the roads. To uphold this duty, they must follow the rules and regulations set out in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Highway Code. A failure to do so could mean you sustain harm, such as whiplash, in a car accident. A claim could potentially be made if you can meet the relevant criteria.

As such, in order to begin a personal injury claim for whiplash after a car accident, you must prove the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • The duty of care owed to you was breached.
  • As a result of the breach, you experienced a physical injury, mental harm, or both.

The three points above form the basis of negligence in claims for a personal injury. If you can prove negligence occurred, it may be possible for you to pursue compensation for whiplash in the UK.

For further guidance on the eligibility for road traffic accident claims, contact an advisor on the number above. They can also answer other questions you might have, such as ‘What is the average payout for whiplash injuries?’.

A woman holds her neck following a car accident.

How To Claim For Whiplash

As part of the personal injury claim process, you will need supporting evidence. How you claim for your whiplash injuries could impact what evidence you could submit. For example, if your whiplash compensation claim is made through the Whiplash Reform Programme, then as part of the process a medical exam will be arranged for you.

If the value of your injuries is higher than £5,000, you will not be able to make your whiplash compensation claim in this manner. Instead, you’ll make a personal injury claim in the traditional way. To support this, your evidence could include:

  • Medical records.
  • CCTV, dashcam or mobile phone footage.
  • Photographs of any visible injuries.
  • Photos of the accident scene.
  • Witness contact details.

To ensure that your injuries are valued correctly, you may wish to hire a solicitor to support you through the personal injury claim process. Once your whiplash claim is settled, it cannot be reopened for any reason, even if further injuries become apparent. Additionally, a solicitor could help you with gathering evidence.

Call our advisors for free advice about how you could claim for your whiplash injury.

How Long Do I Have To Claim For A Neck Injury Caused By Whiplash?

The personal injury claims time limit is generally three years, which means you will need to start your claim within three years of sustaining your neck injury. This time limit is set out by the Limitation Act 1980, which also sets out the exceptions to this time limit.

For example, the time limit does not come into force until you turn eighteen. Because of this, if you are injured while under eighteen, you cannot make a claim for yourself. Instead, a litigation friend can make the claim on your behalf. Otherwise, the time limit will begin on your eighteenth birthday and run until you turn twenty-one.

Similarly, the time limit is suspended indefinitely for those who lack the mental capacity to claim for themselves. In these cases, a litigation friend can make a claim on their behalf. If the claimant regains the appropriate capacity and a claim has not already been made, the time limit will reinstate on the date of their recovery.

To learn more about claiming if you have suffered whiplash, car accident compensation, and time limits in road traffic accident claims, contact our team today.

Claim For Whiplash Case Study – What Injuries Can Be Sustained?

Before getting into our case study, we need to examine what whiplash injuries are. Whiplash is injury caused by the sudden movement of the head with a jolting of the neck. We have set out a few examples here:

  • Neck injuries: whiplash is primarily a neck injury, you could experience injury to various soft tissues in your neck.
  • Back injuries: As well as damaging your neck, you could also experience injury to your back.
  • Psychological effects: The Whiplash Regulations 2021 make provision for minor psychological injury. Being in a car crash can be very distressing, so you could potentially seek compensation for the psychiatric harm caused.

Case Study Of A Whiplash Injury

Mrs B was waiting at a red light before a roundabout. A driver failed to stop in time and collided with the back of her vehicle. Mrs B suffered soft tissue injuries to her neck and back, as well as considerable anxiety from the car accident. Medical diagnosis enabled Mrs B to prove the fault of the other driver.

You can learn more about when you could be eligible to claim whiplash compensation by talking to our advisors today.

average uk whiplash payout scale

How Much Compensation For Whiplash With Physiotherapy?

In this case, liability was not contested by the defendant or their insurance provider. The settlement was made out of court and consisted of general damages for the injury, as well as special damages covering other financial losses which they have suffered. The general damages awarded were £4,250. Special damages awarded consisted of £1,265.70 which was paid towards financial losses, such as credit hire charges. They were also awarded £900 to pay for the costs of physiotherapy. Finally, £25 was awarded for various miscellaneous expenses.

Most whiplash injuries are mild and the associated claims are for relatively small amounts of compensation. As well as claiming for the actual injuries suffered, victims can also claim for special damages. These are costs that are incurred by the claimant as a direct result of the accident and injuries.

Special damages can be made up of travel expenses, costs of hospital visits and parking, loss of earnings or losses of bonuses, and costs of any medical treatment, such as the cost of a prescription. You can also claim for special damages for any costs for modifications to your home or car as well as the costs of any care you have had to pay for whilst you are recovering from your treatment.

Whiplash Injuries Payout Scale UK

Claiming whiplash with physiotherapy compensation can work a little differently than other personal injury claims, depending on how serious your injuries are. Changes brought in by The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 mean that if the total value of your injuries is £5,000 or less, you claim through a different avenue.

If however, you have suffered whiplash injuries, but additional injuries take your total claim value over the £5,000 threshold, then you will claim in the usual way. You can speak to our advisors for more information.

Duration of Injury Amount of compensation for only pain and suffering Total amount of compensation (for pain and suffering and any psychological issues caused)
More than 18 months but less than 24 months £4,215 £4,345
More than 15 months but less than 18 months £3,005 £3,100
More than 12 months but less than 15 months £2,040 £2,125
More than 9 months but less than 12 months £1,320 £1,390
More than 6 months but less than 9 months £840 £895
More than 3 months but less than 6 months £495 £520
3 months or less £240 £260


Claiming For Physiotherapy In A Whiplash Claim

As we said above, you can also claim for special damages. As a medical expense, the cost of whiplash physiotherapy sessions could make up part of your special damages payout. You will need to provide some proof of any special damages you claim, you make sure you hold onto to any documents that show how much the physiotherapy was and how many sessions you had.

For a free consultation regarding your eligibility to claim, contact our team today using the information given below.

How Much Compensation For Whiplash With Physiotherapy

The rules relating to soft tissue whiplash claims changed in May 2021. As such, the process of claiming compensation for whiplash injuries has also changed.

All of these changes can be seen in the whiplash reform programme document. They mean that you would make your claim through the Whiplash Reforms if you’re a passenger and driver over the 18 with injuries are valued at less than £5,000.

It is not easy to estimate your compensation award immediately after your injury because you will not know the severity of it or if you will need treatment such as physiotherapy for a whiplash injury.

For more information on compensation for whiplash with physiotherapy, please get in touch with our team.

Main Changes Affecting Whiplash Claims

Here’s a summary of the main changes to whiplash claims.

  • Increased the small claims limit: Previously, the small claims limit was £1,000 but this has now been increased to £5,000. This means that while you could recover legal costs for claims of at least £1,000, now your injury claim needs to be worth £5,000 or more (or a total claim of £10,000 including damage to property) for you to be able to recover your legal fees.
  • The government has introduced a fixed tariff for compensation: There are set amounts that can be awarded for different severities of injury for claims made through the Whiplash Reform Programme. For example, an injury that lasts between 3 to 6 months has a fixed award of £495. Previously, an injury that lasts between 6 to 12 months could receive a compensation award of between £2,300 and £4,080. These tariffs are set out in the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021.

These changes may not apply to all car accident claims. For example, they will only apply to your claims if you were injured while either driving or travelling as a passenger in a motor vehicle.

An example of a claim that may not be affected by the reforms is child accident claims. The changes also do not apply to:

  • Cyclists
  • Pedestrians
  • Motorcyclists
  • If the offending driver cannot be traced
  • Scooter riders
  • Horse riders
  • If the offending vehicle is registered outside of the UK.

No Win No Fee Whiplash Claims

If you have had a whiplash injury as a result of another driver’s negligence or reckless driving you could be entitled to make a whiplash with physiotherapy compensation claim. At Legal Expert, we can help you make a No Win No Fee whiplash claim. With no win no fee you won’t have to pay a penny upfront or during your claim. Our costs are recovered as part of the settlement. If you are not successful, you won’t owe a penny.

average uk whiplash payout scale

Call Us Today To Start Your Whiplash With Physio Compensation Claim

Talk to Legal Expert today to start your whiplash with physiotherapy compensation claim. You can call us at 0800 073 8804 to discuss your case. Alternatively, detail your case in an email or use our online chat. We can answer important questions like “how much compensation for my whiplash with physiotherapy?”

While we won’t be able to provide medical advice, meaning we’ll be unable to answer questions like, “how long does physiotherapy take for whiplash?”, we can provide you with a compensation estimate for what you could receive. Contact us at a time that suits you to see if you’re eligible to claim.

Useful Links

How Much Compensation Can You Get For Whiplash?
If you have had to take 3 weeks off work with whiplash symptoms, find out more about making a whiplash compensation claim.

A Guide To Whiplash Symptoms
Do you need physio for whiplash, find out with our guide to whiplash symptoms with Legal Expert.

Whiplash Compensation Calculator
Find out how much compensation for whiplash with physiotherapy 2017 payouts average using our whiplash compensation calculator.

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    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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