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£8,300 Compensation For Damage To Hair

In this hair damage case study we look at a case where a woman sought a compensation claim against a hairdresser. The claimant suffered several injuries to her scalp and damage to hair after visiting her usual hairdresser. The injuries included alopecia and contact dermatitis. Solicitors acting on her behalf were able to demonstrate that her injuries were the result of the hairdresser using the wrong hair dye products several years prior. Solicitors were able to secure a total of £8,300 in compensation for hair damage.

Damage To HairAt Legal Expert, we work with a panel of specialist legal solicitors from across the country. The solicitors we work with have helped claimants with cases of damage to hair and hairdressing compensation claims to recover the damages that they are owed. Can you sue a hairdresser for ruining your hair? Read the hair damage case study below to find out more about the circumstances around this case, and how solicitors working on their case was able to secure damages for the claimant.

The Circumstances Of The Hair Damage And Loss

In this case study, we are looking at a claim made against a hairdresser by a former client. The claimant had visited the hair salon (who will be referred to as the defendant) to have her hair lightened. The client had a history of skin and hair irritation with certain products, and so requested that all natural products with no harsh chemicals were used on her scalp. As a precautionary step (and one which should always be performed) a patch test was carried out. This applies a small amount of the product to be used on a small section of the hair and scalp. The purpose of the patch test is to test for any adverse reaction to the product. The test was carried out and there was no adverse reaction to the claimants skin or hair. Several days later the claimant visited the hair salon for the full treatment as booked. However, the hairdresser did not use the same products which had been tested on the claimants hair and scalp. Initially, the claimant noticed that their new hair colour was not as expected. It was alleged that the damaged hair and scalp were then caused by the hair salon trying to rectify this by reapplying the hair products to achieve the desired ‘look’ for the claimant. The salon were alleged to have used an excessive amount of hair products, which had not been patch tested on the claimant.

Very soon after the treatments were applied, the claimant began to notice their damaged hair as well as some scalp damage. The claimant’s damaged hair was very noticeable. She also suffered skin symptoms over her ears (where the products had come into contact with the skin) and her cheeks. As a first step, the claimant went to her local A&E department where she was prescribed a course of skin treatment as well as painkillers.

Details Of The Injury

The damage to hair and skin became apparent very soon after the hair treatments were applied to the claimant. The claimant noticed that there was significant damage to hair across her scalp which was caused by the excessive use of hair care and treatment products which had not been tested on her. The claimant did not know how to repair severely chemically damaged hair, and over time developed further symptoms including alopecia areata. She also developed several bald patches where the damage to hair was so severe it was falling out.

In addition to the immediate treatment she sought at her local A&E department, the claimant also visited a dermatologist over the longer-term. She was diagnosed with a severe case of dermatitis caused by chemicals in the hair treatment products. The alopecia was also caused by the dermatitis. The hair loss and overall damage to hair the claimant suffered forced her to wear a wig to hide the damage and bald patches.

As well as the physical injuries, the claimant also suffered psychological symptoms. The claimant developed symptoms of anxiety as well as depression and became short-tempered at times as a result of the damage to hair. The claimant saw a mental health practitioner and was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder. She was prescribed treatment for this concurrently with her physical injuries. The claims against hairdresser included both sets of injuries, physical and psychological.

The claimants hair did start to grow back after about a year of treatment and within three years the hair had returned to its previous condition. There are a variety of ways to repair severely chemically damaged hair. The best treatment for you will depend on the condition of your hair and the way the damage was caused. Talking to your GP or chemist about scalp damage is a good way to find out how to repair damaged hair fast.

The Damage To Hair Compensation Allegation

The main allegation of the hair damage claims was negligent treatment and hair salon negligence on the part of the hairdresser who had applied the wrong product in the wrong quantity for the claimants hair. It was also alleged that the claimant had suffered the conditions of alopecia and dermatitis as a direct result of the treatment applied. It was also alleged that the damage to the claimants mental health was also directly caused by the damage to her hair.

The Compensation Award

Hairdressing compensation claims, as any other can sometimes be quicker and easier to resolve than others. In this case there was no need to take small claims court hairdresser action as the hairdresser did admit their liability for the negligent actions of the hairdresser. The two parties were able to come to a settlement out of court and a total of £8,300 compensation was agreed upon. Of this, £1,500 was awarded for future medical costs. £300 was awarded for miscellaneous costs and interest. The bulk of the award (£6,500) was awarded for the claimants pain and suffering, as well as her loss of amenity.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

At Legal Expert, we are able to offer claimants who work with us a comprehensive, no win no fee service. No win no fee solicitors work through what is called a ‘contingency or conditional fee agreement’. These are also known as a CFA. They are a type of legal contract used by solicitors. It will set out what work the solicitors are expected to do for the claimant. The CFA contract also sets out when and how the solicitors will be paid, and under what circumstances. They allow a claimant to hire a solicitor to start working with a claimant, without asking for, or charging, upfront fees or costs. They are highly beneficial for claimants as they don’t take on any financial risk. If the solicitor you hire is unable to secure you damages, you won’t have to pay anything.

Conditional Fee Agreements and no win no fee solicitors were created to ensure that no matter what a claimants current financial situation is, they would still have the same access to using solicitors services and the legal representation they need. CFA’s help people across the country to claim any compensation or damages that they are owed. If the solicitors you hire are not successful (if they don’t win the case) no fee is charged. By using our comprehensive, no win no fee solicitors, services, there is no threat of small print. Your CFA agreement will set out the conditions under which your solicitors will be paid and what you can expect from them.

How Legal Expert Can Help You

With a wide range of guides, articles and case study examples, Legal Expert is the UK’s number one website for finding resources, advice and guides on making successful personal injury compensation claims. We have a range of resources which can help you to make a successful compensation claim after an accident which was not your fault. Our case study resources, such as this damage to hair in a salon case, help to illustrate the role an expert legal solicitor can play in helping to recover compensation owed.

To start your case, speak to the specialist team at Legal Expert today and find out how our dedicated, no win no fee, legal solicitors can help you to claim damages and compensation after an accident which was not your fault. Whether you have been injured in a hairdresser accident or beauty salon accident and have damage to hair as a result, our comprehensive legal services can help you. Get in contact with Legal Expert today by calling our team on 0800 073 8804 or by emailing us at info@legalexpert.co.uk. You can start your claims process by using our online form.

Useful Links

Hairdresser Injury Compensation Claims
Find out how to make a successful hairdresser or hair salon compensation claim with our comprehensive guide.

NHS Hair Dye Reactions
Find out information and advice on hair dye reactions and how to treat your scalp or hair after these with this helpful guide from the NHS.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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