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A Guide To Claiming Arson Injury Compensation

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 27th June 2024. This guide examines when you could be eligible to make an arson injury claim. We provide information on who is eligible to make a criminal injury claim, what evidence you’ll need to provide and a brief explanation of the injuries that could be sustained as a result of arson.

Criminal injury claims are made through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). As well as explaining who the CICA are, we look at how arson injury compensation is calculated using a fixed tariff of injury.

Towards the end of the guide, you’ll see information on the No Win No Fee contract offered by our expert solicitors.

To begin your claim, please get in touch with us today:

  • You can call our helpline on 0800 073 8804 to speak to an advisor about arson criminal injury claims
  • Use our Live Support widget to ask us a question
  • Or start your claim online via our website

A paramedic pouring water onto a burn injury on someone's arm.

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What Is An Arson Injury Compensation Claim?

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) allow people injured by a violent crime to claim compensation. You may be eligible to claim arson injury compensation after suffering physical or psychological injuries because of an arson attack.

People who commit arson put other people at risk of injury. There are many ways an arson attack can injure a person:

  • Firstly, you may have been trapped in a building that was targeted in an arson attack and suffered smoke inhalation that damaged your lungs, or
  • The fire caused you to suffer burns
  • A car could have been set on fire and blew up with you being injured in the impact
  • Outdoor areas such as forests could have been set on fire and you were cut in the middle of it suffering multiple burns to different areas of the body.
  • Finally, the traumatic experience may have caused psychiatric injuries.

What Injuries Could Victims Of Arson Suffer?

Arson attacks can cause severe or life-changing injuries. Sadly, arson attacks can result in otherwise avoidable deaths. We will now look at the injuries you could claim compensation for.

Burn Injuries

The NHS offers advice on burn injuries – fires give out dry heat. Burns range in severity, from superficial epidermal burns, that damage the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). To full-thickness burns, which burn through all three layers of the skin.

Burns can cause severe pain and hurt the person’s overall quality of life. Furthermore, a severely burned person may become scarred or disfigured. Consequently, the person may need plastic surgery or a skin graft. Burns can be very traumatic, and a burns victim may suffer psychological injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Smoke Inhalation And Lung Damage

Smoke inhalation is a cause of injury and death when a fire occurs. The following medical emergencies can cause death from smoke inhalation:

  • A person can suffer simple asphyxiation because there is no oxygen left to breathe.
  • The burning of substances causes chemical irritants that damage the lungs when breathed in.

Smoke inhalation can cause permanent lung damage. What’s more, smoke inhalation can result in a fatal accident. So if someone is showing signs of smoke inhalation, please call an ambulance immediately.

Evidence Which Could Support An Arson Injury Compensation Claim

If you wish to make an arson injury compensation claim, you can collect evidence to support your case:

  • If you have not done so, have your injuries diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Therefore your medical records can be used as evidence to support your claim.
  • Collect evidence such as bank statements and receipts to show loss of earnings and expenses incurred.
  • Moreover, collect additional evidence. Contact details of any witnesses that are prepared to give a statement. Or CCTV footage of the incident.
  • And collect police reports about the incident to support your claim.

Who Can Apply To The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

If an arson attack has injured you, you may be eligible to claim arson injury compensation. You may be eligible to claim for a criminal injury through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. The CICA is a government agency which compensates victims of crimes. Your criminal injury claim can include compensation for physical or psychiatric injuries. Moreover, the compensation payout can include damage to property and other financial losses.

You may be able to claim compensation through the CICA even if the police have not identified or prosecuted the perpetrator. However, there is normally a time limit of two years for claiming compensation through the CICA. So please contact us as soon as possible to enquire about claiming arson victim compensation today.

If we can see you are eligible to claim criminal injury compensation, a knowledgeable lawyer can handle negotiations with the CICA to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Much Are Arson Criminal Injury Claims Worth?

When looking to make a criminal injury claim, there are different approaches you could consider. You may possibly be able to make a claim directly against the defendant if they have the financial means to compensate you for your injuries.

In this guide, however, we have focused on claiming through the CICA, since they can award compensation when there is no other way to achieve it. It is important to note that the CICA have their own set tariffs which are different to if you were making a civil claim.

Please note that the compensation table below does not include other criminal damages you could claim—for example, compensation for arson criminal damage to your property.

Type Of InjuryDescription Of The InjuryStandard Damages
Multiple Severe Injuries With Financial LossesSevereUp to £500,000
Burn InjuriesBurn injuries to multiple areas of the body covering more than 25% of the body. May include significant scarring.£33,000
Burns To The HeadSevere burn injuries.£16,500
Moderate burn injuries£2,400
Burns To The FaceA severe burn injury.£27,000
A moderate burn injury.£3,500
Burns To The NeckSevere burns affecting the neck.£16,500
Moderate burns to the neck area.£2,400
Burns To The Upper LimbsSevere burn injury.£11,000
Moderate (excluding minor) burn injuries.£2,400
Burns To The TorsoSevere burns to the torso.£11,000

The compensation amounts in the table are based on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 tariffs. Criminal injury lawyers use these figures to help them value your compensation payout. But your lawyer will also consider other evidence, so the final amount of compensation you receive may differ. Please call our claims helpline today to discuss how much compensation you could claim.

Get Help With An Arson Injury Compensation Claim

Legal Expert can help you if you wish to make an arson injury compensation claim. Firstly, we can provide you with an experienced solicitor to negotiate with the CICA and manage your claim. What’s more, we can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

When you make a No Win No Fee claim, you will not be required to pay a solicitors fee upfront. Therefore No Win No Fee solicitors are more affordable for many people. Instead, you will pay a success fee if you win your claim. So, you are not risking having to pay if you don’t win your claim.

To begin your claim for injuries caused by an arson attack, please use the details below to contact us. We understand that surviving an arson attack can be a terrifying ordeal, so we will handle all communications sensitively and professionally.

Criminal Injury Claim Resources

You may find these guides helpful if you would like to know more about arson criminal injury claims.

Information for survivors of an arson attack from the charity Victim Support

A government guide to getting support as a victim of a crime

Information from the UK Government about your rights after being a victim of a crime.

We hope this guide on claiming arson injury compensation has helped answer whatever questions you may have. If you would like to speak to an advisor about arson criminal injury claims, then please contact Legal Expert today.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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