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I Was Attacked When Trying To Stop A Fight, Can I Claim Compensation?

By Lewis Cobain. Last Updated 6th March 2024. If you were attacked when trying to stop a fight, you might be entitled to claim compensation. Victims of violent crime can sometimes claim compensation for their injuries.

Attacked when trying to stop a fight claims guide

You can make a criminal injury claim for an assault through the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA). The CICA is a government agency which compensates victims of violent crimes in England, Scotland and Wales. The CICA can compensate you for your injuries and financial losses related to your injuries.

In this guide, we’ll address popular questions such as ‘how much compensation will I get for an assault in the UK?’ and ‘when can you claim if you’re attacked?’ This guide includes compensation amounts that may be awarded when making a criminal injury claim for assault.

Contact Legal Expert today to enquire about claiming compensation for an attack. If you’re entitled to claim through the CICA, we can provide you with a criminal injury solicitor to handle your compensation claim. Your lawyer will value your claim to ensure you receive the correct compensation. Furthermore, your lawyer can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

Please reach out to us today to see if you can claim:

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Could You Claim If Attacked When Trying To Stop A Fight?

If you’ve witnessed a fight, and have tried to intervene to stop it, then you could be injured. As a result, you might be entitled to claim through the CICA.

Here are some examples of physical injuries you could sustain:

In the UK, victims of a crime of violence can claim compensation. You can claim compensation for physical or mental health injuries. You may be eligible to claim compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Alternatively, you could make a claim directly against your attacker.

If you wish to make a criminal injury compensation claim for being assaulted when trying to stop a fight, please get in touch with us today. One of our advisors can assess your potential case, and if we believe you are eligible to claim, we could potentially connect you with our solicitors who can provide additional support.

When Could You Make A Civil Compensation Claim?

If you were attacked and injured when trying to stop a fight, you can make a civil claim against your attacker. To make a civil claim, you will need to know who your attacker is. Furthermore, they will need to have the funds available to pay you the compensation you’re entitled to.

In some cases, if you go through the process of pressing charges against your attacker, then the judge in the case might order them to pay you compensation as part of their punishment. This is not something you can request and the judge will decide when it’s appropriate.

In some cases, you might be able to make a civil claim against someone who was vicariously liable for the incident. For example, if you were a bouncer and you were told it’s part of your duty to attempt to break up altercations but weren’t given any training on this, then you could be injured as you attempt to do this. As a result, you might be entitled to make a civil claim against your employer for a breach of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

When Could You Make A Criminal Injuries Compensation Claim?

If the person who harmed you has not been identified or does not have the funds available to pay you, then you can still make a claim for compensation. You can do this by claiming through the CICA.

However, in order for you to do so, the incident must have been reported to the police. You should usually do this straight away, but if exceptional circumstances stop you from reporting it, then the time limit for claiming runs from the date you reported the incident.

There is normally a 2-year time limit to begin your criminal injury claim. However, the CICA can extend the claims time limit if exceptional circumstances prevent you from making a claim.

Speak with a member of our team today for free legal advice about claiming. You could be connected with a lawyer to work on your case.

What Evidence Can Support A Criminal Injury Claim?

During the criminal injury compensation claims process, it’s important to gather supporting evidence. For example:

  • A police reference number. Notifying the police is a strict criteria for making a Criminal Injury Compensation Authority claim.
  • Proof that you live in England, Scotland or Wales.
  • Medical evidence, such as your medical records, which can show that you suffered an injury covered by the scheme.
  • Proof of any financial losses incurred as a result of the assault. For example, if you suffered a loss of earnings, retain your wage slips.

One of our expert solicitors could help you gather evidence in order to claim for a criminal injury. You can speak to our advisors at any time for a free consultation, following which, you could be connected to an experienced criminal injury solicitor.

How Much Compensation Will I Get For Assault In The UK?

Claimants can use the table below as a criminal injuries compensation calculator. We’ve included figures from the CICA tariff of injuries. This relates to the part of your compensation that relates to the pain and suffering that your injuries have caused you.

Injury Level Possible Compensation About
Very Serious Brain Injury A19 £175,000 Severe physical limitations and little insight or significantly reduced life expectancy.
Moderately Severe Brain Damage A18 £110,000 Serious physical or mental disability which requires substantial professional care and dependence on others.
Moderate Brain Damage A17 £82,000 Significant effects include dependence on others, a reduced ability to work, personality changes and intellectual deficit.
Minor Brain Damage A12 £22,000 Can make a good recovery and return to work and their social life. Will still have problems with memory, concentration and effects on their lifestyle as well as other aspects of life.
Minor Head Injury A7 £6,200 An injury leading to a permanent minor brain injury.
Face – Multiple Fractures A8 £11,000 Multiple bone fractures, such as a type 2 & 3 Le Fort fracture.
Face – Fractured Jaw Bone A5 £3,500 A jaw bone fracture which did not require surgery. Causes significant and continuing disability.
Face – Fractured Jaw Bone A2 £1,500 As above but with substantial recovery.
Skull Fracture A6 £4,600 A depressed skull fracture which requires an operation/ surgery.
Skull Fracture A4 £2,400 A depressed skull fracture which does not need surgery.

You could also experience special expenses as part of your claim. This head of your claim relates to the financial losses you’ve experienced. For example, you can claim back the cost of any physical aids that were damaged in the attack.

In order to claim special expenses, you need to show that you lost earning capacity and were off work for at least 28 weeks following the incident. This will be backdated to the date of the incident.

You may also be able to claim loss of earnings. However, unlike special expenses, this will not be backdated and you will only be compensated for week 29 onwards.

Please contact us today to discuss your compensation payout for being attacked whilst breaking up a fight.

Speak To A Criminal Injury Claim Expert

If there is adequate evidence to support your claim for being attacked when trying to stop a fight, one of our lawyers can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis. Traditionally, claimants pay an upfront solicitors fee. But if you fund the work of a lawyer on a No Win No Fee basis, you will not pay a solicitors fee upfront or as the claim is ongoing.

Instead, your solicitor will proceed with your claim, and you will pay a success fee if your claim is successful. However, this fee won’t be due if you’re not awarded compensation.

Please contact us today to see if you can begin your criminal injury claim or civil claim. You can:

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804 to speak with an advisor.
  • Contact us in writing to begin your claim online.
  • Ask us using the Live Support widget on your screen.

Assault And Related Criminal Injury Claims

A government guide to getting support as a victim of a crime.

How to claim criminal injury compensation for a violent crime.

A guide from the charity Victim Support, about how a crime can affect you.

Below, you can learn more about CICA claims via our other guides:

We hope this guide on what to do if you were attacked when trying to stop a fight has been helpful. If you would like more advice or support for a potential claim, you’re welcome to contact Legal Expert today.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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