Research And Statistics On Domestic Violence During Euro 2024

Domestic violence and abuse is a growing concern in our society. Concerns have been raised by charities, police forces and industry professionals about an increase in domestic violence during Euro 2024.

We set out to research whether this could be an issue.

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How We Conducted Our Research

Domestic Abuse

The 2024 Euros is underway as England fans gear up for a summer of support for the team. But sadly, a rise in domestic abuse is expected to come along with it. 

Police forces across England have vowed to ‘Give Domestic Abuse the red card’ as the National Police Chief’s Councils warns of an anticipated rise in instances during this year’s European Football Championships.

Data from the National Centre for Domestic Violence revealed that incidents involving domestic abuse increased by 26% when England play and 38% when England lose.

The data also shows that domestic abuse increases by 11% the day after England have played dependent on the result.

Legal Expert has investigated levels of domestic violence in the past year in every policing area of the UK – including during the Qatar World Cup in November/December 2022 – and will evaluate further figures when then the Euro’s reaches completion. 

“It is an incredibly sad reality that football tournaments mean an increased risk of domestic abuse for many victims across the UK.

“Football doesn’t cause abuse but we’ve seen, over many years, offending associated with alcohol consumption, violence and other destructive behaviours exhibited by a small number of fans and the intense emotional highs and lows of a tournament, all of which can act as a catalyst for pre-existing abuse,” says Louisa Rolfe, National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Domestic Abuse.

Legal Expert UK submitted Freedom of Information Requests to every UK police force to find out how many domestic abuse crimes had been reported each month between Nov 2022-Oct 2023.

We also asked for the gender of the victims, finding that the majority were female but male victim figures rose in some police force areas.

Women’s Aid Chief Executive, Farah Nazeer says: “In many ways, high-profile football competitions are a unique opportunity for us to come together and feel real unity and camaraderie as we root for our team to win. However, for those women and children living with domestic abuse, major championships can leave them vulnerable to existing abuse becoming more severe and frequent.

“It is a sad reality that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime and it is vital that we, across society, are aware of when these dangers might increase and be on hand to help survivors escape and hold perpetrators accountable.”

Results below are for those police figures where Domestic Abuse Crimes where at their heighest during the Qatar World Cup compared with the rest of the year.

The Results Of Our Research


Cambridgeshire Domestic Abuse

Cambridgeshire Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse crimes recorded by Cambridgeshire Police last year peaked during the Qatar World Cup.

According to Cambridgeshire Constabulary, 28 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by the force every day on average last year. 

Some 10,309 cases were logged in total – which accounted for 16% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crimes in Cambridgeshire last year were in December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

A total of 970 domestic abuse crimes were reported to Cambridgeshire Constabulary during that month, the highest figures between Nov 2022-Nov 2023.

Of the 10,309 domestic abuse crimes in Cambridgeshire last year, 68% of victims were female and 25% were males, the remaining 7% of victims had a different gender definition or the gender was unknown, according to Cambridgeshire Police. 

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 864

Dec 22 – 970

Jan 23 – 904

Feb 23 – 819

Mar 23 – 807

Apr 23 – 829

May 23 – 929

Jun 23 – 783

Jul 23 – 894

Aug 23 – 852

Sep 23 – 773

Oct 23 – 875


Merseyside Domestic Abuse

Merseyside Domestic Abuse

84 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by Merseyside Police every day on average last year. 

Some 30,494 cases were logged in total – which accounted for 19% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crimes in Merseyside last year were in November and December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

The months during the Qatar World Cup saw a surge in domestic abuse crimes in Merseyside with November and December 2022 recording the highest figures of the year.

November 2022 saw an eye-watering 2,732 domestic abuse crimes reported to Merseyside Police as well as a further 2,789 in December.

Of the 30,494 domestic abuse crimes in Merseyside last year, 73% of victims were female and 25% were male, while 2% of victims had a different gender definition or the gender was unknown, according to Merseyside Police.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 2,732

Dec 22 – 2,789

Jan 23 – 2,721

Feb 23 – 2,410

Mar 23 – 2,668

Apr 23 – 2,577

May 23 – 2,612

Jun 23 – 2,630

Jul 23 – 2,481

Aug 23 – 2,545

Sep 23 – 2,303

Oct 23 – 2,026

North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire Domestic Abuse

North Yorkshire Domestic Abuse

An average of 21 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by West Yorkshire Police every day last year, with a total of 7,738 cases logged in total.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crime figures in West Yorkshire between 2022/23 were in December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

During the Qatar World Cup there was a surge in domestic abuse crimes in North Yorkshire, with December 2022 recording the highest figures of the year.

A total of 755 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by North Yorkshire that month – that’s 17% above the average for that year.

Of the 7,738 domestic abuse crimes in North Yorkshire last year, 72% of victims were female and 28% were male.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 637

Dec 22 – 755

Jan 23 – 667

Feb 23 – 585

Mar 23 – 702

Apr 23 – 614

May 23 – 673

Jun 23 – 603

Jul 23 – 698

Aug 23 – 616

Sep 23 – 594

Oct 23 – 594


Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse

Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse

An average of 32 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by Hertfordshire Police every day last year. 

Some 11,549 incidents were logged in total – which accounted for 15% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crime figures in Hertfordshire between 2022/23 were in December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

During the Qatar World Cup there was a surge in domestic abuse crimes in Hertfordshire, with December 2022 recording the highest figures of the year of 1,081.

Of the 11,549 domestic abuse crimes in Hertfordshire last year, 71% of victims were female and 26% were male.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 899

Dec 22 – 1,081

Jan 23 – 1,020

Feb 23 – 948

Mar 23 – 996

Apr 23 – 947

May 23 – 1,005

Jun 23 – 1,011

Jul 23 – 957

Aug 23 – 896

Sep 23 – 895

Oct 23 – 894


Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse

Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse

An average of 28 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by Northamptonshire Police every day last year. 

Some 10,253 cases were logged in total – which accounted for 17% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crimes in Northamptonshire last year were in November 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

The month during the Qatar World Cup saw a surge in domestic abuse crimes in Northamptonshire with November 2022 recording the highest figures of the year, 945.

Of the 10,253 domestic abuse crimes in Northamptonshire last year, 70% of victims were female and 23% were male, while 7% of victims had a different gender definition or the gender was unknown, according to Northamptonshire Police.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 945

Dec 22 – 887

Jan 23 – 925

Feb 23 – 861

Mar 23 – 895

Apr 23 – 872

May 23 – 816

Jun 23 – 845

Jul 23 – 876

Aug 23 – 797

Sep 23 – 754

Oct 23 – 780


Suffolk Domestic Abuse

Suffolk Domestic Abuse

An average of 22 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by Suffolk Police every day last year. 

Some 7,931 cases were logged in total – which accounted for 16% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crimes in Suffolk last year were in December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

The month during the Qatar World Cup saw a surge in domestic abuse crimes in Suffolk with December 2022 recording the highest figures of the year, 726.

Of the 7,931 domestic abuse crimes in Suffolk last year, 70% of victims were female and 26% were male, while 3% of victims had a different gender definition or the gender was unknown, according to Suffolk Police.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 690

Dec 22 – 726

Jan 23 – 699

Feb 23 – 635

Mar 23 – 701

Apr 23 – 664

May 23 – 625

Jun 23 – 646

Jul 23 – 651

Aug 23 – 617

Sep 23 – 654

Oct 23 – 623


Warwickshire Domestic Abuse

Warwickshire Domestic Abuse

An average of18 domestic abuse crimes were recorded by Suffolk Police every day last year. 

Some 6,706 cases were logged in total – which accounted for 17% of all crimes recorded across the county.

The highest recorded domestic abuse crimes in Warwickshire last year were in December 2022 – which is when the Qatar World Cup was underway.

The month during the Qatar World Cup saw a surge in domestic abuse crimes in Warwickshire with December 2022 recording the highest figures of the year, 604.

Of the 6,706 domestic abuse crimes in Warwickshire last year, 70% of victims were female and 25% were male, while 3% of victims had a different gender definition or the gender was unknown, according to Warwickshire Police.

Figures broken down by month

Nov 22 – 558

Dec 22 – 604

Jan 23 – 499

Feb 23 – 555

Mar 23 – 587

Apr 23 – 579

May 23 – 571

Jun 23 – 551

Jul 23 – 586

Aug 23 – 558

Sep 23 – 520

Oct 23 – 538

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