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Housing Disrepair – How To Claim Compensation For Damaged Belongings Guide – Housing Disrepair Compensation For Damage To Belongings

By Olivia Brunswick. Last updated 7th March 2024. Welcome to our housing disrepair guide, where we’ll look at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings.

Are you living in a rented property? Have some of your personal belongings been damaged because your landlord has failed to act upon their duty of care to you? If your landlord – be it a private landlord, housing association or tenant – has failed to repair or replace the property and as a consequence, your belongings have been damaged, you could be able to make a claim.

By making a claim, you could be compensated for the likes of furniture, bedding and damaged clothing that has been destroyed due to a water leak or mould, for instance. In short, if your landlord should have carried out repair work on the property you’re residing in, yet he or she failed to and your belongings have been destroyed as a result, they are usually required to cover the cost.

Welcome to our housing disrepair guide, where we'll look at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings.

Welcome to our housing disrepair guide, where we’ll look at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings.

Here at Legal Expert, we have many years of experience in the personal injury claims industry, and we have helped many people to secure compensation. This includes those that have had their belongings damaged due to housing disrepair.

If you would like more information or free advice from our experienced team, all you need to do is give us a call on 0800 073 8804. However, before you do this, please make sure you continue reading this housing disrepair guide to discover everything you need to know about how to claim compensation for damaged belongings. This is an easy-to-navigate page; you simply need to click on the section you wish to read, or you can, of course, take a look at the guide in full.

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A Guide To Claiming Compensation For Damaged Belongings

Welcome to our housing disrepair guide, where we’ll look at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings.

If you are looking to secure compensation for damaged belongings because of housing disrepair, this guide will be of great use to you. We will reveal everything you need to know about disrepair housing law and what this means for you. We will answer all of the key questions, including:

  • Can you withhold rent for repairs?
  • How much compensation will you receive if you make a claim?
  • Can you claim compensation for mould?
  • How do you go about making such a case?

If you still have any queries by the time you finish reading this housing disrepair guide, please do not hesitate to give our friendly team a call. We will be more than happy to assist you further. Don’t forget that all of the legal advice we provide is 100 per cent free of charge and there is no obligation to continue with our service, so you have nothing to lose by getting in touch.

What Damaged Belongings Could You Claim Compensation For?

Before we look at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, let’s begin our housing disrepair guide by looking at what you could be able to claim for.

What are landlords’ legal responsibilities? Your landlord is required to ensure that the property is maintained and that all repairs are carried out so that you have somewhere safe to live at all times. Your landlord does not need to improve the property, though.

So, if you were to ask: do landlords have to replace carpet? If the carpet is damp or mouldy and, therefore, a risk to health, yes they do. If the carpet is simply dated and you don’t like the look of it, no they don’t.

If you want to make a claim for compensation, you will be able to successfully secure a payout if the repair problems have resulted in one of the following scenarios:

  • Damaged your belongings.
  • Caused you inconvenience.
  • Stopped you from using all or part of the property.

If any or all of the three scenarios that have been mentioned occurred, you will be able to claim housing disrepair damages for this.

For more information on how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, please read on.

Claiming Compensation Belongings Which Have Been Damaged Or Lost

If you are a leaseholder or a tenant, and you have informed your landlord about repairs that were needed, yet your landlord failed to carry them out, you are going to be able to ask the court for three different things. These are as follows: your legal costs, compensation, and to complete the repairs.

Of course, you will be able to claim for any injuries or illnesses you have suffered because of the disrepair. In addition to this, you can claim for belongings that have been damaged too. It is unlikely you will be able to get the full amount. You will typically receive the secondhand value unless you can give a valid reason as to why you should be awarded more.

Can I Claim A Reduction In My Rent Because Of Damage To My Belongings?

At this point in our housing disrepair guide, we’ll look at claiming a reduction in rent.

If you’re considering how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, the idea of reducing your rent may have crossed your mind. Before we go into the specifics regarding how much money you may receive, it is vital to stress that you should not withhold your rent. A lot of tenants are tempted to withhold their rent until their landlord takes the necessary action in terms of fixing the issue. However, if you do this, you will then be in breach of your tenancy agreement, and two wrongs most certainly do not make a right.

By withholding your rent, you then put your landlord in a position whereby he or she could apply to the courts to evict you from the property. Therefore, it is important to keep paying your rent and then you can be reimbursed for a portion of it instead.

When it comes to renting abatement UK rates, it does really depend on how much of the property you were not able to use because of the problem. You will be able to ask for a reduction if the work is disruptive when it comes to fixing the problem, and if you were unable to use part of your home or all of it due to the repair problem. The best thing to do is write to your landlord and tell him or her why you think the rent should be reduced and by how much. As mentioned, often this will be calculated based on how much of the property you could and could not use. For example, if you couldn’t use half of the property, you would likely be eligible for a 50 per cent reduction or reimbursement. It would also be a good idea to keep records of any correspondence you have with them.

You should be prepared to negotiate with your landlord. Per law, your landlord is not legally required to lower your rent during the repair work. However, if your landlord has not acted quickly, you are well within your rights to pursue this further.

You should also factor in whether or not the workers need to use your gas and electricity while they are doing the repair work. If so, and you believe they have used a large amount of this, you should consider asking your landlord to pay something towards the bills. This is something you can also be reimbursed for as part of your payout if you’re a tenant asking for compensation. Later in this guide, you will be able to find more information regarding the damages you can claim, as well as how much compensation you may receive.

For more information on how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, please read on.

What Belongings Can You Claim Compensation For?

When it comes to claiming compensation and the amount that you will receive, there are many different variables that need to be taken into account. The first thing you need to be aware of is the fact that compensation is split into two parts. Firstly, you have general damages, which is the money you will receive to compensate you for your injuries. This amount will be determined using the medical report that is provided by your doctor. It is calculated based on your injuries, the severity of them and the impact they are going to have on your life.

The second part is special damages, which are designed to compensate you for any expenses you have encountered because of your injuries. Here are some examples of special damages:

  • Loss of income
  • Travel expenses
  • Hospital visits
  • Medication
  • The cost of repairing your home
  • The cost of your damaged belongings
  • Care or assistance for domestic chores
  • Counselling costs

If you’re wondering how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, one thing you do need to be mindful of is that you will need proof if you are to claim for any special damages, so make sure you keep receipts and any other relevant documentation.

At this point in our housing disrepair guide, may we note that you only have three years to claim for all of the above. This is the personal injury claims time limit. You will have three years from the date that your personal injury was suffered. There are very few exceptions to this rule. However, if you were a child when the incident happened, you will have three years from the date of your 18thbirthday to claim. This is the case if your parents have not claimed for you, which usually tends to happen in these disrepair court cases. Plus, the sooner you claim, the easier it is. This is because all of the details are fresh and gathering compensation is a lot more straightforward too.

Calculating The Value Of Damaged Belongings

At this point in our housing disrepair claims guide on how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, let’s look at compensation amounts.

As touched upon in the former paragraph, it is very difficult to give you a precise figure regarding the amount of compensation that you will receive. This is because all cases are handled on an individual basis. There is not a set payout list. Instead, all of the circumstances surrounding your case will be considered. This includes any illnesses or injuries you have sustained, which incorporates the severity of them, the treatment required, and the long-term prognosis. It is also important to note that this includes psychological injuries as well as physical. In addition to this, other factors are taken into account too, for example, whether you had to miss any work, the value of your belongings that were damaged, whether or not you were unable to use some of the property, and such like.

You may be thinking: “Well, how come I used a disrepair calculator online and it told me that I would receive X amount? This may well be the case. But these gadgets are more of a marketing tool than anything. A personal injury claims calculator will only ever give you a rough estimate regarding the payout that you could receive. Because of this, you should only ever take the figure with a pinch of salt. Please do not pin all of your hopes on this – it could be that you receive less, or you could receive more.

While all of this means that we cannot give you an accurate figure regarding your payout amount, we can still help you to get a better understanding. In the table below, you can see the average payout granted for certain injuries that can commonly be suffered because of disrepair issues in the home.

Updated June 2021.

What sort of injury have you suffered? Extra details about the injury: Typical payout amount for this sort of injury:
Asthma Chest problems, colds, bronchitis, and mild asthma, which has been resolved within a matter of a few months. Up to £4,830
Asthma Relatively mild asthma-like symptoms that tend to happen because the person has been exposed to an irritating and harmful vapour. £9,990 to £18,020
Asthma Wheezing and bronchitis, which has had an impact on social or working life. It is likely the person will recover within a few years of being exposed to the cause. £18,020 to £24,680
Asthma Chronic asthma that has led to breathing difficulties. The prognosis will be uncertain. Moreover, employment prospects may be restricted and the person may need to use an inhaler sometimes. £24,680 to £40,370
Asthma Permanent and severe disabling asthma, which has caused restricted employment prospects, severe impairment of physical activity, sleep disturbance, and regular and prolonged coughing. £40,410 to £61,710
Trivial facial scarring The impact is only minor. £1,600 to £3,310
Less significant facial scarring In these incidents, there will be very small scars or there will only be one scar that can be camouflaged. £3,710 to £12,900
Significant facial scarring Plastic surgery will have lowered the worst effects, leaving some cosmetic disability. However, there psychological reaction will be bad. £8,550 to £28,240
Less severe facial scarring This is where there is a significant psychological reaction and disfigurement is still substantial. £16,860 to £45,440

So there you have it: an insight into the average payout for different injuries relating to home disrepair cases. However, if you have not found the injury or illness you have sustained in the table above, please do not fret. This does not mean you cannot claim – you can most certainly still go ahead with your case. All you need to do is give us a call and we can provide you with further information regarding the sort of payout you could be looking at.

To learn more about how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, please get in touch with us today after you’ve read our housing disrepair guide.

No Win No Fee Compensation For Damaged Belongings

At Legal Expert, our panel always works on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that your personal injury solicitor agrees that you will only need to pay legal fees if your case is successful. This payment structure leads to many benefits, such as:

  • Risk of financial loss is lowered– If you were to go for the services of a personal injury lawyer that charges by the hour, there is always the risk that you are going to spend an extortionate sum on legal fees only for your case to be unsuccessful.
  • No huge upfront payment– You also do not need to make a large upfront payment to begin the personal injury claim
  • Better quality service– You will benefit from a service that is of a much higher standard, and this is because the amount of money the solicitor earns is based on their performance.
  • No time wasting– When a solicitor charges by the hour, there is always the chance that they could simply take on your case in order to take your money, irrespective of whether you have a good shot at securing compensation. You can be sure this will not happen when you go down the No Win, No Fee way.

Why Claim Compensation For Damaged Belongings With Our Team?

Whether you’re still wondering how to claim compensation for damaged belongings at the end of our housing disrepair guide or you’d like to learn more about our services, please get in touch with us at Legal Expert today.

We are one of the most experienced firms in this industry in the UK. Over the years, we have helped thousands of personal injury victims to get the maximum compensation payout that they deserve to help them get on with their lives following an accident. You can rest assured that we will have handled many cases similar to yours in the past.

One of the key features of our service is the fact that all of the panel of lawyers we have work on a No Win, No Fee basis. If for some reason we do not manage to secure compensation for you, you will not have to pay any legal fees. This offers you a significant degree of monetary protection. However, with our track record concerning disrepair court cases, this should not be something you need to worry about.

Speak To Our Expert Team And Start Your Claim Now

You’ve now reached the end of our housing disrepair guide. Do you feel you know enough about how to claim compensation for damaged belongings? Are you interested in getting legal help to do so?

If so, all you need to do is give the team at Legal Expert a call and we will assist. We will also answer any queries you have about the housing disrepair claims procedure, housing association compensation policy, or anything else you are concerned about. Don’t forget that all of our legal advice is provided free of charge, so you have nothing to lose by giving us a call.

Our personal injury claims line is 0800 073 8804. This is open from 9.00 a.m. until 9.00 p.m., seven days per week. You can also get in touch with us via the live chat function on our website or through email. We also have a free call-back option too. If you head to our contact page, you will find plenty of information regarding the different ways to make contact with us. Please rest assured that every piece of communication is handled with 100 per cent confidentiality.

‘How to claim compensation for damaged belongings’ and other FAQs

How do I make a disrepair claim?

If you’re interested in learning more about how to claim compensation for damaged belongings, you can get in touch with us today for a free consultation about your case. If you have grounds to make a claim, we have a panel of personal injury lawyers on hand that could help you get the payout you deserve.

Can you claim compensation for emotional distress?

Personal injury claims have two heads of damages that can be compensated; general damages and special damages. Under general damages, you could claim for physical and psychiatric harm, which includes emotional distress.

Can an ombudsman award compensation?

If you make a claim through the Housing Ombudsman, they could award you with compensation that they believe is proportionate to the amount of suffering you experienced as a result of your landlord, housing association or another third party.

Links, Resources, And Further Information

Are you still in need of more information? If so, please use the resources below to get the extra details you need.

Faulty heating claims

Our guide on how to claim compensation for a faulty boiler or heater.

Housing disrepair claims

This is our complete guide on housing disrepair claims. You will find information on claiming fo dampness and mould, as well as what you can claim for and advice on what to do if your landlord is not carrying out repairs.

Claiming against the local authority

This takes you to our guide on making a claim for disrepair if you live in a council house. You will find information on what to do if the council is not maintaining your home, as well as information on claims for inconvenience, sickness, and personal belongings.

Housing law

GOV’s legislation on Landlords and Tenants can be found above.

Thanks for reading ur housing disrepair guide, where we’ve looked at how to claim compensation for damaged belongings.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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