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How Much Compensation For Arm Injury Claims?

Last Updated 21st January 2025. This is our updated guide to arm injury claims. Accidents causing arm injuries are surprisingly common for individuals to suffer from, especially due to how fragile the connections between the wrist and arm are. Arm injuries can be among the most debilitating, and accidents of this nature can be caused in various locations, such as your place of work or while dining out at a restaurant.

If you have suffered from an accident causing an arm injury, you could be entitled to claim compensation for your accident. Our personal injury solicitors can help you determine whether or not your claim is worth pursuing and how much compensation you may be able to claim:

Alternatively, read on to learn more about claiming for an arm injury.

A person with an injured arm wearing a cast and a sling

Select a section:

  1. How Much Compensation Could I Get For An Arm Injury?
  2. Could I Make An Arm Injury Claim?
  3. What Types Of Arm Injuries Can I Claim Compensation For?
  4. How Do I Prove An Arm Injury Claim?
  5. Make A No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claim
  6. Helpful Learn More About Arm Injury Claims

How Much Compensation Could I Get For An Arm Injury?

If your arm injury claim is successful, your settlement could consist of two heads of claim: general and special damages.

General damages compensate for the physical pain and mental suffering caused by your injury. When valuing personal injury claims, legal professionals can refer to the guideline compensation brackets found in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This text lists different injuries alongside guideline compensation figures.

The table below examines a few figures provided for different arm injuries in the 16th edition of the JCG. As each claim is different, these figures are only provided for guidance.

InjurySeverityGuideline Compensation Bracket
Multiple Very Serious Arm Injuries And Associated CostsSevereUp to £250,000+
Amputation of Arms (i)Amputated At The ShoulderNot less than £167,380
Other Arm InjuriesSevere£117,360 to £159,770
Permanent and Substantial Disablement£47,810 to £73,050
Less Severe£23,430 to £47,810
Simple Forearm Fractures£8,060 to £23,430
Wrist InjuriesLoss of Function£58,110 to £73,050
Significant Permanent Disability£29,900 to £47,810
Less Severe£15,370 to £29,900
Elbow InjuriesLess Severe£19,100 to £39,070

Could I Make An Arm Injury Claim?

A duty of care is a legal responsibility for other people’s well-being. It places an obligation on certain groups or individuals to uphold a particular standard of care. If they fall below that standard, they breach their duty. Duties of care exist in many areas of everyday life:

  • Your employer owes you a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. They must take every reasonable step they can to provide you with a safe working environment.
  • Those in charge of public spaces owe you a duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. They must take every reasonable step they can to keep you safe for as long as you are using the space for its intended purpose.
  • All road users must follow road traffic rules and laws to ensure they don’t put other road users at risk. These include those found in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

If someone with a duty breaches it and causes you to injure your arm, you could be eligible to make an arm injury compensation claim.

In the following sections, we will go into more detail about the process of making arm injury claims. We primarily look at how arm injury compensation is calculated, and we provide information on how a No Win No Fee solicitor could help.

You can contact one of our advisers for a free evaluation of whether you are eligible to make an arm injury claim or to make any other enquiry.

How Long Do I Have To Make An Arm Injury Claim?

The general time limit for personal injury claims is set out in the Limitations Act 1980. It is three years from the date of the injury.

Exceptions to this time limit apply to minors or people who lack the mental capacity to claim. They are not able to start a claim for themselves.

A litigation friend can be appointed to start a claim on their behalf. Alternatively, the 3-year time limit to start a claim will only begin to apply when:

  • The minor in question turns 18.
  • The person who is thought to lack the mental capacity proves otherwise.

If so, they will be expected to claim within three years if one has not already been started on their behalf. You can reach out to an adviser to make any enquiry about a compensation claim, whether for yourself or on behalf of another.

What Types Of Arm Injuries Can I Claim Compensation For?

Depending on the circumstances of the incident, your arm injury claim could be for one or several types of injury. For example, you may have suffered:

An arm injury can have wide-ranging effects, both physical and mental. They may impact your quality of life and long-term employment prospects as well.

Whatever your arm injuries are, you may be eligible to claim compensation if they were caused by a third party breaching a duty of care to you. You can contact our advisors today to discuss your potential case and to learn how much compensation for a broken arm may be awarded.

How Do I Prove An Arm Injury Claim?

The first step you need to take is to gather the necessary evidence to support your broken arm injury claim. This could include almost anything that you believe to be relevant and support your account of the accident and injury. Typical evidence includes:

  • Contact details of witnesses.
  • Medical reports.
  • Photographic evidence of the accident or your recovery.

The process of beginning your compensation claim for an arm injury is likely simpler and more comfortable than you expect. With the professional support that our company provides, it could not be easier to make a personal injury claim for a broken arm and seek the compensation you deserve.

Make A No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claim

Legal Expert take every step to remove stress from the claims process.

Under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), we can guarantee that we won’t charge for our services if we don’t succeed. Not from the start to the end of your claim.

While we take a small success fee from any compensation, this is capped by law and stated in writing when you sign any agreement with us. That means there are no nasty surprises – just professional personal injury lawyers who can use their expertise to seek the maximum possible compensation for your injury.

Contact Our Team

Do you have a legitimate claim for an arm injury accident? Or for any incident for which you weren’t to blame? In either scenario, we recommend contacting us as soon as you can. There’s no obligation when you call. Just a free initial consultation from our advisors.

You can contact us by:

A solicitor who is an expert in arm injury claims sits at a desk.

Learn more About Arm Injury Claims

Below, you can learn more about arm injury claims and personal injury law more generally.

Do you still have any questions you would like to be answered about arm injury claims? If so, then you are more than welcome to contact our advisors here at Legal Expert either online or on the phone.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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