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Chemical Burn Injury Claims And Compensation Amounts

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 8th November 2024. Suffering a burn injury could cause significant damage not just physically but psychologically too. If this happened through no fault of your own, you may wish to seek compensation. Below, we provide a lot of useful information on making chemical burn injury claims.

However, if you’d like to proceed right away with a claim, then get in touch. Our helpline is open 24 hours a day to give you legal support when you need it most. You can take advantage of our free case check and get a clearer picture of your legal options.

Feel free to contact one of our solicitors, either using the webchat on our website, filling out an online contact form, or by calling 0800 073 8804.

A doctor putting a bandage on an arm affected by a chemical burn injury.

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What Are The Criteria For Making Chemical Burn Injury Claims?

To be eligible to make a personal injury claim for a chemical burn, you will need to prove that a relevant third party breached their duty of care and, due to this, you were injured. Together, this is known as negligence.

There are various instances where you are owed a duty of care. For example, your employer owes a duty of care towards you under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. They must take reasonable steps to protect your safety whilst in the workplace and performing work duties. Furthermore, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) states that employers are required to control substances that are hazardous to health, such as chemicals. Should your employer fail to adhere to this duty of care, this could result in you suffering a chemical burn in an accident at work.

How Long Do I Have To Claim Chemical Burn Compensation?

If you meet the above criteria to make a personal injury claim, you will also need to ensure that you start proceedings within the time limit stated within the Limitation Act 1980. Generally, you will have three years from the date of the accident to start your claim. There are some exceptions to this time limit, however.

Should you wish to find out how long you might have to begin your chemical burn injury compensation claim, or you want to check your eligibility, please call our advisors.

How Legal Expert Could Help You Claim Chemical Burn Compensation

If you are seeking chemical burn compensation, one of the advisors from the Legal Expert team could help you. They are very knowledgeable about personal injury claims. Additionally, they can help value your claim for free as well as provide you with a case assessment.

If you have valid grounds for a chemical burn injury compensation claim and would like to move forward with our services, an advisor can connect you to one of our No Win No Fee solicitors. Our solicitors provide specialist support for personal injury claims. They have years of experience.

There are a variety of ways a solicitor can help you. This can include, but isn’t limited to:

  • Ensuring your claim is accurately valued.
  • Helping you understand complex legal jargon.
  • Guiding you through the claims process.
  • Sending important documents on your behalf.
  • Filing your claim before the time limit expires.
  • Presenting your case in full.
  • Advising on when to settle.

For your free advice about chemical burn injury claims, contact an advisor.

Chemical Burn At Work Compensation Claims

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why people may make a chemical burn at work compensation claim.

Chemical Burns Caused By Spillages

It is not uncommon for chemical burns to happen as a result of spillage. Chemical burns that are caused by spillages occur for several reasons, which can include:

  • People making mistakes or simply being careless.
  • Equipment that might have malfunctioned.
  • Incremental weather or natural disasters.

In these scenarios, the person who will be deemed responsible for the chemical burn you may have sustained will be the employer, as they must comply with certain regulations. If the employer fails to comply with these regulations, their failure to comply may be seen as a breach of the law and they may be held liable for any injury an employee has sustained.

Chemical Burns Caused By Unsafe Chemical Storage Containers

When placing chemicals in storage containers, there are a number of steps that should be taken. These steps include:

  • Chemical compatibility – Chemicals must be placed in containers that will be able to hold the material.
  • Caps and closure – Containers should use leak-proof, screw-on caps.
  • Size – Use appropriately sized containers for chemical substances.

Failure to comply with any of these steps may result in a chemical burn accident. In such a scenario, the employer may be held responsible. However, the employee may also hold some level of responsibility. Deciding the balance of responsibility will be a key concern in chemical burn claims.

There is a multitude of ways in which you may sustain a chemical burn. As long as the chemical burns have occurred through no fault of your own, you may be owed compensation for your injury.

Contact a member of our advisory team today to find out more and chemical burn injury claims and check your eligibility to seek compensation.

Claiming For A Chemical Burn As A Member Of The Public

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 requires that the person occupying (renting or owning) premises is held responsible for the safety of their visitors. The occupier’s duty is to maintain the welfare of their guests, including those who have not been invited or those who are not authorised.

The premises may include retail stores, supermarkets, car parks, and libraries. It can also include places managed by the local authority such as pavements, playgrounds, canal footpaths, and pedestrian bridges. For example, if you were shopping at your local supermarket and – for whatever reason – you received a chemical burn from bleach, the person who may be liable could be the owner (or another occupier) of the supermarket.

Claiming compensation in a public environment can be a difficult task. It is recommended that you seek legal advice when considering chemical burn claims.

Chemical Burns Caused by Faulty Products

Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, the law protects the populace from any injury they may have sustained due to faulty products. This law also protects the individual’s home and their possessions if they have been damaged as a result of the defective product. Manufacturers are required to inform the populace of the risk involved with using the product and – if the manufacturer has knowledge that a person may be injured as a result of using the product – they must recall the product(s).

Failure to comply with the law may mean that the manufacturer will be held responsible for any injuries that have been sustained. This could be grounds for chemical burn claims for any injured parties.

Other Common Causes of Chemical Burns

As outlined in the previous sections, chemical burns can be caused because of spillage, unsafe chemical storage containers, and faulty products. However, there are other causes of chemical burns. These causes include (but are not limited to):

  • Coming into contact with car battery acid.
  • Coming into contact with pool chlorination products.
  • Chemical burns from bleach.
  • Acid attacks

What To Do If You Suffer A Chemical Burn Injury

If you have sustained a chemical burn as a result of an accident, there are several steps you should take in pursuing your compensation. The most important course of action is to seek medical assistance for your injury. Once this is done, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • Collecting evidence – If possible, take photos of the place where you sustained your injury. It is also important to take photos of the injury itself. Take photos of the item(s) that caused your injury. And lastly if possible, get testimonies from witnesses.
  • Arrange for a medical examination – After you have acquired all the evidence you could gather – the next step requires that you seek a medical professional. If you haven’t seen a medical professional, we can arrange for you to meet one.
  • Document financial losses – Your treatments, most likely your chemical burn treatment or your acid burn treatment, may take several visits to a doctor. You will be able to claim for all the visits you have made, including your travel expenses, as long as receipts, invoices, and other proofs of purchase are kept.

Following these steps will prove to be very valuable to you during the chemical burn injury claims process.

Chemical Burn Compensation Amounts

If you have a successful claim, you will receive compensation. At least a portion of the payout will address your physical damage and any associated mental harm resulting from the accident. This is covered by what is known as general damages compensation.

How much you receive depends on many factors, like the severity and how long you take to recover, if at all. For example, say you claim for chemical burns on your hands. If you suffer caustic burns that cause permanent disability or disfigurement, you are likely to receive a higher award than someone who gets minor burns that will heal over time.

However, there are other factors to consider, like loss of amenity. This means your ability to do everyday things you did before the accident. Those people making chemical burn injury claims for minor burns might receive a higher payout if their hobbies are entirely reliant on them using their hands.

The good news is that you don’t have to calculate chemical burn compensation yourself. Those who do will call on any resources they can use to help inform a valuation. That may include the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), a document that has guideline compensation figures for different injuries that are arranged in brackets.

As the JCG is useful for some insight into personal injury compensation, we’ve created a table using its brackets. Only the top line doesn’t come from the JCG. Nevertheless, it is only for general guidance, so it would be better to call our helpline for a more detailed claim valuation.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Serious chemical burn injuries and associated financial lossMultiple injuries and significant lossesUp to £500,000+
Eye injuriesLoss of Sight in One Eye with Reduced Vision in the Remaining Eye (i)£117,150 to £219,400
Eye injuriesComplete Loss of Sight in One Eye£60,130 to £66,920
Eye injuriesMinor But Permanent Impairment£11,120 to £25,600
Scarring to other parts of the bodyBurns Covering 40% or More of the BodyLikely to exceed £127,930
Scarring to other parts of the bodyNoticeable Laceration Scars or One Disfiguring Scar£9,560 to £27,740
Facial disfigurementVery Severe Scarring£36,340 to £118,790
Facial disfigurementLess Severe Scarring£21,920 to £59,090
Chest injuriesToxic.chemical fume/smoke inhalation£6,500 to £15,370

What Else Could I Receive As Part Of a Chemical Burn Claim?

If your chemical burn claim is successful, your settlement may also include special damages. This head of your chemical burn injury compensation claim recovers any financial losses caused by your injury. To claim for special damages, you should submit evidence of your expenses, such as receipts and pay slips.

Examples of special damages that you could claim include:

  • The costs of specialist scar creams and oils.
  • Cosmetic procedures required to reduce the effects of the burns.
  • Therapy costs if this is required to cope with your injuries.
  • Loss of earnings for any time spent off work recovering from your injuries.

Get in touch with one of the advisors from our team to discuss what special damages could be included in your burn injury compensation.

No Win No Fee Chemical Burn Injury Claims

We understand how filing a claim can be very trying for people whose income and financial security has been affected by their injury. That is why we offer a ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement, or a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), that can help to ease the worries of individuals who are concerned about the process.

When filing for chemical burn injury claims, you can rest assured that you will not have to worry about any financial complications. If we are able to help you get your compensation, the amount we get will be taken from the settlement amount. However, if we are not able to get you your compensation, you will not have to pay us anything. With the ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement, your financial security is protected.

Make A Personal Injury Claim Today

Feel free to contact one of our solicitors, either using the webchat on our website, filling out an online contact form, or by calling 0800 073 8804. We’re ready and waiting to hear from you today.

Learn More About Personal Injury Claims

Below, you can find more information about personal injury claims:

Burn Injury Claims – How Much Compensation – Find out how much compensation you can claim for a burn injury.

Accident At Work Claims and Compensation Amounts – Have you suffered a chemical burn injury at work? Find out how much compensation you can claim.

Scar Injury Compensation Claims Guide – Our detailed guide to claiming scar injury compensation.

Medical Negligence Compensation Claims Guide – A guide to claiming compensation for medical negligence that results in death.

Other personal injury claim guides

If you need any more help or advice on chemical burn injury claims, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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