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Gym Accident Claims Specialists

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 30th September 2024. In this guide, we discuss accidents in the gym and how you could make a personal injury claim for gym accident compensation.

As the popularity of gyms and leisure centres has risen, more people are at risk of accidents resulting in injury. An accident at the gym can be harrowing and incredibly costly. Gym injuries can potentially vary from small afflictions to life-changing health issues. If you have suffered any form of injury, then you might be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim.

Finding the right legal recourse following an injury can be difficult ahead of filing gym injury compensation claims. If you believe that the accident was preventable, was not your fault, or was particularly costly, it can be difficult to know what you should do. This guide will lay out your available options and steer you through the claim process for your gym injury.

If you have any queries while reading our guide to gym injury claims, you can reach our team of advisers by using any of the following contact methods:

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804
  • Write to us about your personal injury case using our online claim form
  • Or chat with us now using our live chat servicePeople working out in a gym

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How To Make Gym Accident Claims?

If you suffered a gym injury, you may be interested to know about what eligibility criteria must be met in order to claim compensation. In this section, we look at what you must be able to prove to make a gym accident claim.

Firstly, you must show that you were owed a duty of care. In a gym, this is set by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 as the controller of the space must ensure your reasonable safety. We look at examples of how you could suffer an accident in the gym later in this guide.

In addition, a breach in the duty of care, which is known as negligence, must have resulted in your injuries.  Further into this guide, we look at what evidence you could submit to demonstrate negligence caused your injuries.

Time Limits


You must also start your personal injury claim within the limitation period. The Limitation Act 1980 sets this as being typically three years from the date of your accident.

However, if the injured party cannot start their own claim the time limit is suspended. These circumstances include:

  • Children under 18 years old. The time limit is paused until their 18th A litigation friend could be appointed to act on their behalf at any point during the pause.
  • Those who lack the mental capacity to claim also cannot start proceedings. The limitation period is suspended indefinitely in these cases. However, like with children, a litigation friend can start proceedings at any time. Should the injured party regain their capacity, they will have three years from that date to begin a claim.

Call our advisors for free legal advice. They can answer your queries about the claims process, or what evidence could be helpful. The free initial consultation could also check to see if you are still within the time limit to start a gym injury claim.

Who Is Responsible For Customer Safety In A Gym?

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, the occupier of the premises is responsible for maintaining visitors’ care. In this instance, the occupier could be the gym operator (whether leasing or owning the building). They have a duty of care to ensure a reasonably safe environment for invited or permitted visitors. Even within the gym itself, several people might be relevant to the case. These can include (but are not limited to):

  • The occupier – it might be the centre’s management team, responsible for the well-being and security of their visitors. This could be a private business or even the local council.
  • The gym instructors – staff can instruct the gym visitors how certain equipment works and the correct methods for use. It is a position for which they must be qualified and receive the right training. If this is not the case, then they might be considered at fault. However, it is considered the management team’s responsibility to ensure that their instructors are trained properly and qualified for the position. If any of these individuals (either the gym owners, management or instructors) showed negligence and, as a result, you sustained an injury, you may have a legitimate gym accident compensation claim to be made.

If you’d like to know more about gym injury claims, continue reading or get in touch with our team today, who will be happy to help.

Is the Gym Always at Fault in an Accident Claim?

Sustaining an injury while exercising in the gym can be a very complicated issue. Many questions arise as to who is really responsible for your injury. There are certain incidents where the occupier might not be considered to be at fault for your injury. Such situations are usually dependent on whether the occupier has done their utmost to provide a safe environment for patrons. If not, then you may be able to claim gym accident compensation.

What Should I Do If I Have An Accident At The Gym?

If you’ve been harmed in an accident at a gym due to another party’s negligence, there are several steps you can take if you choose to start a gym injury compensation claim. Your immediate priority after the accident should be to seek whatever medical attention you require to treat your injuries. After you’ve received medical treatment for any gym injuries, then you may want to keep the following tips in mind:

  • It can be important not to admit fault when describing the accident. However, if you think of making a claim, accidentally admitting to having acted negligently can undermine your case.
  • Gather evidence of the immediate surroundings. This can be in the form of photographs of the accident scene, which can be used as evidence when making your case.
  • As well as the accident scene, taking photographs of any faulty equipment can be very useful. The more photographs you have, the better.
  • Gather testimonies from witnesses who saw the accident. Wherever possible, get their contact information before you file any gym injury compensation claim.
  • Get a detailed medical report of the injuries you have sustained. This can include notes from a GP, X-rays, ambulance reports, and so on. Either way, it’s vital to seek medical attention.
  • Make detailed notes about the accident as you remember it. This is best done as soon as possible after the accident occurs when the memory is still fresh in your mind. Remember dates, times, and details. Be as exact as you can.
  • If you believe that you have a legitimate gym injury claim, the best advice is to reach a solicitor. They will be able to apply their legal knowledge and guide you through the gym accident compensation claims process.

Though by no means a definitive guide, the above steps can prove especially useful when you sit down and talk with a legal expert. Having as much information and evidence as possible can ensure that the claim proceeds quickly and efficiently.

To learn more about gym injury claims, please read on.

What About Disclaimers And Waivers?

As an important aside, one of the most frequent questions we encounter when dealing with gym injury claims relates to the potential existence of waivers and disclaimers. Some require gym users to sign a range of paperwork when applying. These waivers, some believe, absolve the gym from responsibility relating to accidents that cause personal injury and protect them from gym injury claims being made. However, this is not the case. If the gym has breached their duty of care owed to you, leading to an injury, then the waiver is void.

Examples Of Gym Accident Claims

An accident at the gym can happen in any number of ways. For first time visitors to a gym, the range of equipment on offer can seem daunting. Many of the machines are large, imposing, and seemingly complicated. For beginners, especially, this can be intimidating. However, given the weight, complexity, and myriad other factors relating to the machines and equipment, it should come as no surprise that accidents can occur and can lead to gym accident compensation being pursued.

This is one of the main reasons why gyms might require new members to embark on an orientation tour. And this tour will include an introduction to equipment such as:

  • Treadmills
  • Exercise Bikes
  • Rowing Machines
  • Stair Climbers
  • Weights (Kettlebells, weight plates, bars)
  • Weight Machines (For all parts of the body)
  • Chin-up bars
  • Ropes

Often, the orientation will teach members how to use this equipment. However, one of the main reasons for accidents in the gym relates to misuse, mistakes, and breakages relating to this equipment. As a result, there are a huge number of ways in which you can injure yourself while at the gym due to limited knowledge of the equipment. And any of these scenarios could lead to you claiming gym accident compensation. So, scenarios resulting in gym injury claims can include:

  • Incorrect use of weights.
  • Staff members or instructions being either misunderstood or inaccurate, relating to both the gym equipment and exercises suggested by instructors.
  • Defective gym equipment.
  • Loose gym crash mats or slippery floors.
  • Falling from exercise equipment.
  • Overheating in a sauna.
  • Objects that fall and strike you.

By their very design, many of the objects in the gym are heavy, cumbersome, or to move quickly. Unfortunately, this means that – should an accident happen – they can do serious damage.

If you’ve been harmed in any of the ways described above and want advice on making a gym accident claim, please contact our personal injury advisers today for a free initial consultation. We can offer advice on how to claim compensation under personal injury law and offer guidance on your rights.

Can I Sue A Gym For Faulty Equipment?

The occupier of the building will need to have ensured that the equipment and machines available to the public are in full working order and comply with health and safety standards under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. In addition, the manufacturer of the equipment is responsible for ensuring that accidents do not result from errors in the manufacture or poor build quality. In either of these situations, you could have a very viable claim for gym accident compensation. As long as negligence can be proved, a gym injury claim can be pursued.

How Much Compensation For Gym Accident Claims?

Successful gym accident claims can be awarded both general and special damages. General damages compensate the pain and suffering caused by the gym injury. To help calculate general damages, solicitors use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG features compensation brackets relating to both physical and psychological injuries. The figures included are influenced by settlements awarded in previous personal injury compensation claims.

Using the JCG, we have taken figures that could relate to a gym injury to create the table below. We’ve also added a figure to the top row to help illustrate how much compensation you could receive for multiple serious injuries and your incurred expenses. The top figure does not come from the JCG. However, when using the figures, please only do so as guidance. A solicitor will also assess any potential special damages relating to your leisure centre or gym injury when working out your potential settlement amount.

Multiple serious injuries and expensesVery SeriousUp to £250,000+
Back InjurySevere (a)(i)£111,150 to £196,450
Moderate (b)(i)£33,880 to £47,320
Neck InjurySevere (a)(i)In the region of
Moderate (b)(i)£30,500 to £46,970
Severe leg InjuriesSevere (b)(i)£117,460 to £165,860
Severe (b)(iii)£47,840 to £66,920
Less Serious Leg InjuriesLess Serious (c)(i)£21,920 to £33,880
Hand InjuriesModerate (h)£6,910 to £16,200

Special Damages

Special damages are awarded to compensate for any financial losses or expenses incurred as a result of your gym injuries. For example, after a leg press accident, you could experience a loss of earnings if you need time off work to recover.

Other financial harm you might experience includes:

  • Any future loss of income that might be anticipated following your accident
  • Specialist equipment or home adaptations you require to accommodate any injuries
  • If you have paid for medication to alleviate symptoms of any injuries

It’s important to provide evidence of any financial losses, such as:

  • Wage slips
  • Invoices
  • Bank statements
  • Receipts

Get in touch for 24/7 free legal advice. Our advisors can offer more insight into what gym injury compensation you might expect to be awarded when making a successful claim.

Make A No Win No Fee Claim Today

Now that you know more about gym accident claims, let’s talk about why you should work with one of our expert solicitors. You aren’t obligated to make your claim with a professional, but it can make the process feel much less stressful.

Our solicitors have years of experience in helping people make successful personal injury claims, and could help you:

  • Negotiate a settlement
  • Communicate with the defendant and the Courts
  • Prepare your case for trial if negotiations fail
  • Support your claim with compelling evidence
  • Arrange an independent medical assessment for your gym injury

Our team of solicitors can do all this and more without taking any upfront or ongoing fees for their services. This is because they work on a No Win No Fee basis, taking on clients under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This means that if the claim fails, you don’t pay for your solicitor’s work.

If your gym accident claim succeeds, then your solicitor will take a small success fee. This is deducted from your compensation but is taken as a small percentage that is limited by law.

Contact Us

Our advisors are on hand to help you in any way they can, from answering your questions to connecting you with one of our specialist personal injury solicitors. Get in touch today to start your free consultation by:

Learn More About Personal Injury Claims Against Gyms

If you’ve been injured at a gym and want to learn as much as possible before taking the next step in claiming gym accident compensation. Below, we have some more guides you may find useful, as well as answers to some common questions.

If you still have any questions about gym accident compensation, you are welcome to contact Legal Expert for help using the contact details within this guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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