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A Guide To Hairdressing Compensation Claims

By Cat Way. Last Updated 30th January 2025.  Welcome to our guide about hairdresser compensation claims. A trip to the hairdresser is usually a routine process. A regular feature of many people’s lives, a haircut in a salon, barber’s, or another venue might seem inconsequential.

However, accidents can potentially happen while receiving a haircut in one of these venues. If you have been injured or harmed during an appointment, then enquiring with a legal professional about making a hairdresser injury claim could prove beneficial.

In many situations, a compensation claim can be the best way to repair the damage stemming from an accident. This could be financial, medical, personal, or psychological. In this guide, we will examine the various hairdressing compensation claims that have resulted from cases of hair salon negligence and more.

All you need to do to get in touch today is the following:

  • Call our 24/7 advice line on 0800 073 8804
  • Chat with an advisor using our free online chat service
  • Or claim online and request a callback

A woman in a hair salon holding her hair in distress

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The Criteria For Hairdressing Compensation Claims

As part of the hairdressing compensation claims process, you’ll need to make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements before suing a hair salon.

Typically, when making a personal injury claim, you’ll need to prove the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care by your hairdresser,
  • Your hairdresser breached this duty of care,
  • You were injured as a result.

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, any party in charge of a premises has a duty of care to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe during their visit. This duty may be extended to hairdressers. Therefore, if you are injured as a result of the hairdresser’s negligence, you may have grounds for a valid claim.

It’s worth noting that you’ll need to make your claim within the limitation period, otherwise your claim might be statute-barred. You usually have three years from the date of the accident to take action, however, there are exceptions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our advisors. They can confirm if you meet the eligibility criteria and can also discuss the personal injury claim time limits and what exceptions might apply to your case.

How Long Do I Have To Sue A Hairdresser?

When making a civil claim against a hairdresser, it’s important to keep the time limit in mind. The personal injury claims time limit is three years as set out by the Limitation Act 1980. This means that you must begin your claim within three years of sustaining your injuries.

However, there are some exceptions to this time limit. For example, you cannot sue a hairdresser yourself if you are a minor. Because of this, the time limit is suspended until you turn 18, when it begins and runs until you turn 21. However, a litigation friend can start a claim on your behalf while the time limit is frozen.

Similarly, the time limit is indefinitely suspended for those who lack the mental capacity to claim for themselves. In this case, their claim can be made by a litigation friend. If they regain the capacity needed to make a claim and one has not already been made for them, then the time limit begins on the date of their recovery.

If you would like to find out if you can sue a hairdresser, contact our team of advisors today.

Long Dark Hair Receiving Hair Dye With A Brush In A Salon.

Suing A Hair Salon – What Evidence Do I Need?

If you make a hairdresser compensation claim, you will be asked to provide evidence. Evidence can benefit your claim in a number of ways, as it can help prove that your hairdresser is liable for your injuries, and can also showcase the extent of the harm suffered and demonstrate how this harm has affected your life.

Some examples of evidence that you could use to support a claim against a hairdresser could include:

  • Photographs: Pictures of your injuries can help demonstrate their severity.
  • Medical records: Your medical records may be able to provide insight on the treatment your injuries require and how it will affect your life.
  • Witness contact details: Taking the contact details of witnesses allows their statements to be taken at a later date.

If you choose to work with a solicitor, they can help you gather evidence to further strengthen your hairdresser compensation claim. To find out if you could be eligible to work with one of our solicitors, or to learn more about collecting evidence, contact our team today.

Examples Of Hairdressing Injuries You Can Claim For

Having explained the duty of care owed by hairdressers to their clients and the eligibility criteria to claim compensation, this section looks at the types of injuries that could be sustained in a hairdresser or beauty salon.

We have given a few examples of injuries you could potentially sue a hairdresser for here:

  • Allergic reactions from using hair products you specified an allergy to.
  • Being cut by a new staff member who has not received adequate training.
  • No warning sign was placed for a spillage on the barbershop floor. You slipped on the wet floor and hit your head, causing a serious concussion.
  • You suffered a chemical burn due to hair bleach being left on too long.

There are many other scenarios where hairdressing compensation claims could be made. For more information or to get a free eligibility assessment of your particular circumstances, please call our advisors at the number given below.

Payouts In Hairdressing Compensation Claims

If you make a successful claim for a hairdressing injury, your payout could consist of two parts. These are general damages for the physical pain and mental suffering caused by the harm you suffered and special damages for the financial losses this injury has caused you.

To help calculate general damages, those responsible for assigning value to your hairdressing compensation claim may refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG lists various types of injuries, including hair damage, alongside guideline compensation amounts for each.

Below, we have set out some of the compensation guidelines listed within the JCG that could apply to hairdressing claims. Please note however, that the first entry does not come from the JCG.

  • Multiple Very Serious Injuries in addition to Significant Special Damages could receive up to £250,000 and above.
  • Very Severe Facial Scarring in younger claimants could receive between £36,340 to £118,79.
  • Less Severe Facial Scarring that causes a substantial disfigurement could receive between.£21,920 to £59,090
  • Significant Facial Scarring where plastic surgery has reduced the worst effects could receive between £11,120 to £36,720
  • Less Significant Facial Scarring that does not markedly affect appearance could receive between £4,820 to £16,770
  • Damage to Hair a), caused by defective permanent waving, tinting resulting in hair loss and causing psychological harm could receive between £8,960 to £13,450
  • Damage to hair b), less serious than the above bracket where compensation will be assessed based on how long it takes to regrow hair. Could receive between £4,820 to £8,960

As stated above, if your claim is successful, you could be reimbursed for the financial losses caused by the hairdressing injury. Your settlement could include compensation for:

  • Wigs or hair transplant surgery.
  • Specialist oils and creams for scars.
  • Cosmetic surgery.
  • Loss of earnings.
  • Therapy.
  • Specialist makeup.

To recover your financial losses, you should save proof of your costs. For example, you could save receipts and invoices.

If you have any questions about hairdressing compensation claims, please speak with one of our team members. In addition to free advice, one of our advisors can potentially connect you with one of our expert solicitors.

Make A Hairdresser Compensation Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

If you are seeking representation for suing a hair salon, you may wish to consider working with one of our solicitors. If eligible, they could offer you a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) that functions on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you would not pay fees for your solicitor’s work:

  • Before the claim process starts.
  • While the claim is ongoing.
  • If you are not awarded compensation.

In the event that you do receive compensation, you would then need to pay a success fee. This refers to a percentage of the compensation you owe your solicitor. It is legally capped, so you can rest assured that you will receive most of the amount awarded. 

If you have any queries about how hairdresser compensation claims work or want to know more about our services, please contact our advisors. They could refer your case to an experienced No Win No Fee solicitor who could help you make a claim for compensation:

A solicitor who is an expert in hairdresser compensation claims sits at a desk

Learn More About Hairdressing Compensation Claims

You’re welcome to contact our advisors online or by phone if you still have any questions about hairdresser compensation claims.

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  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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