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Hernia Injury Claims And Settlement Amounts In The UK

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 16th January 2025. A hernia is when you tear a muscle or other tissue wall and the body part underneath pokes through the hole. This can range from minor to much more serious and painful injuries, requiring significant surgery. We have made this guide to making a hernia injury claim to help you decide if you are eligible to seek compensation.

We’ll cover important topics such as the eligibility criteria to claim compensation, the laws under which different third parties owe a duty of care and how a potential hernia settlement amount can be calculated under the two relevant heads of loss.

You will also see information about the types of evidence you can use to prove third-party liability. Our final section looks at the No Win No Fee contract offered by our highly experienced personal injury solicitors, with particular reference to how such a contract greatly benefits claimants.

To ask any questions you may have or for a free zero-obligation assessment of your eligibility to claim a hernia compensation payout, get in touch with our advisors today using the contact information provided here:

  • Call the team on 0800 073 8804.
  • You may also contact us through our website by completing our call back form.
  • Or, you can open the live chat window on your screen now.

Patient with a hernia injury undergoing a medical scan

Browse Our Guide

  1. Could I Claim Compensation For A Hernia Injury?
  2. Evidence For A Hernia Injury Claim
  3. Hernia Settlement Amounts In The UK
  4. Make A No Win No Fee Hernia Injury Claim
  5. Learn More About Claiming Hernia Compensation

Could I Claim Compensation For A Hernia Injury?

You’ll come across many situations in life where certain people would be responsible for your safety and well-being to a reasonable extent. This responsibility is known as a duty of care.

In order to claim hernia compensation payouts, you need to determine whether you have a valid claim. Therefore, the following needs to be proved for eligible hernia injury claims:

  • A third party owed you a duty of care.
  • They committed a breach of this duty.
  • You suffered a hernia injury due to this breach.

Some common situations where a duty of care would exist include:

  • Accidents at Work: Employers have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees to a reasonable and practicable extent. This comes from the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA), and this could include employers carrying out risk assessments and providing their employees with safety training. If your employer breached this duty and you suffered a hernia injury, you may be able to claim against them.

For Example: While working in a factory, you may be required to lift equipment that is too heavy for you, and you may not have been trained for this. You suffer a hernia injury and require surgery for the same. In such a case, you may be eligible to receive hernia injury compensation.

  • Public Place Accidents: According to the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, the occupier of a public place is responsible for ensuring the safety of all visitors to a reasonable extent. An occupier is a person or authority who owns or controls a particular public place. You may have a public liability claim against the occupier if you suffer an injury due to a breach of this duty.

For Example: The floor of a shop is very wet and slippery since it has been mopped. However, there is no warning sign, and you slip on the floor. You suffer a serious hernia injury, which requires hospitalisation. There may be a valid claim against the occupier of the shop.

For Example: A drunk driver collides with your vehicle from behind, which causes a sudden impact. Since you were wearing your seatbelt, you suffered internal injuries to your abdomen and hernia. You may be able to claim hernia injury compensation from the other driver.

We offer a free case assessment, so why not contact us to see if you are eligible to claim today? There is no obligation to go further, and you have nothing to lose.

Hernia Settlement Amounts In The UK – How Long Do I Have To Claim?

The time limit for starting a personal injury claim is usually three years, starting on the date of your injuries, as outlined by the Limitation Act 1980. This applies to all injuries, whether you suffered a hernia injury at work, a hernia after a car accident, or a hernia as a result of a public place injury.

However, there are some exceptions to this time limit.  To discuss these or find out if you are within the limitation period to claim for a hernia, contact our advisors today. Or, read on to learn about hernia settlement amounts in UK claims.

Evidence For A Hernia Injury Claim

Gathering evidence is a crucial part of claiming for a hernia injury. The evidence for your case will need to confirm that your injury has occurred and it happened because another party breached a duty of care they owed you.

Evidence that could be used to support hernia injury claims includes the following:

  • Any available CCTV footage that shows the accident that caused your injury.
  • Photographs showing visible symptoms of the injury or the accident scene.
  • Medical reports which show your injury has been recorded and how it has been treated.
  • A statement from any witnesses who saw the accident that caused your injury.
  • If your injury occurred in an accident at work, then a copy of the report on the incident from the work accident book could also serve as evidence.

If a personal injury solicitor agrees to support your case, then they can assist with gathering evidence. Contact our advisors for free today to learn more about gathering evidence or other steps of the claiming process.

Hernia Settlement Amounts In The UK

If you make a successful hernia injury claim, then your compensation settlement could include general and special damages.

General damages are awarded to compensate for the physical pain and any mental suffering caused by the injury. Those who value a hernia settlement amount for general damages may refer to the Guidelines published by Judiciary UK (sometimes referred to as the ‘JCG’). The JCG lists various types of injuries in different severities alongside guideline compensation amounts.

In the table below are some of the figures included in the JCG. Please only use this table as guidance. The first entry within the table is not based on the JCG.

Type of InjurySeverityCompensation Guideline Amount
Multiple Serious Injuries And Special DamagesSettlements could include compensation for multiple injuries as well as related expenses such as lost wages and therapy. Up to £500,000+
Reproductive System – Female(a) Infertility caused by disease or injury£140,210 to £207,260
General Psychological DamageSevere£66,920 to £141,240
Chronic Pain - Complex Regional Pain SyndromeSevere£64,070 to £102,520
Chronic Pain - Complex Regional Pain SyndromeModerate£34,200 to £64,070
Hernia(a) Pain is constant and physical activities are limited£18,180 to £29,490
Hernia(b) A risk exists that it may reoccur£8,560 to £11,120
Hernia(c) An uncomplicated hernia£4,140 to £8,830
ScarringVery noticeable and unsightly scars somewhere on the body£9,560 to £27,740

Your hernia compensation payout could potentially also include special damages. This may be added to compensate for any financial losses or expenses caused by your hernia injury. To claim special damages, you will need to provide certain evidence, such as bank statements, invoices or receipts.

Some examples of costs you could be compensated for include:

  • Loss of earnings if you’ve needed to take unpaid time off work while recovering.
  • The costs of medical treatments, such as physical thearpy.
  • Transport expenses for attending medical appointments, such as taxi costs.

Speak with our advisors for free today to discuss how much compensation may be awarded if you have a valid hernia injury claim.

Make A No Win No Fee Hernia Injury Claim

If you are eligible to make a hernia compensation claim, you may wish to do so with legal representation. If so, one of our personal injury solicitors could help with your case. Our solicitors generally offer to work on their client’s cases under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a type of No Win No Fee agreement.

If your solicitor offers their services under a CFA, they won’t ask for ongoing or upfront payments for their work on your personal injury claim. Furthermore, you won’t pay anything for their services following an unsuccessful case.

However, solicitors take a small success fee from the awarded compensation when a claim is successful. This amount is a percentage that is limited by a legal cap.

If you would like to further discuss hernia compensation payouts in the UK, contact our advisors. They’re here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, if you satisfy the eligibility requirements, you could be connected to one of our solicitors.

To speak with an advisor:

A hernia injury claims solicitor sitting at a desk

Learn More About Claiming Hernia Compensation

Below, you can find more useful resources about claiming hernia compensation.

  • NHS on Hernia Injuries – The NHS website lists the different kinds of hernias that you may face, and the impact of any such injuries.
  • HSE Hernia Case Study – The Government’s official Health and Safety website offers a case study of a workplace injury hernia, and the steps that were taken to compensate the individual that suffered the injury.
  • Accidents At Work Claims – Find out Compensation Amounts – Have you had a hernia injury due to an accident at work? find out if you can claim compensation by contacting our team today for free advice.
  • Manual Handling Accident At Work Claims – Have you had a hernia injury due to a manual handling accident at work? This guide explains your legal rights and the types of hernia settlement amounts (UK) you could receive.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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