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How Much Compensation For Cyclist Accident Claims?

Last Updated 4th February 2025. Have you been injured in a road traffic accident while riding your bike? If so, this comprehensive guide to cyclist accident claims will answer your questions.

We’ll explain what is required to be eligible to claim for a cycling accident. We’ll also discuss how cycle accident solicitors could assist and how to go about hiring one for your case.

If you’d like to make a claim today, our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors can help you. With decades of experience handling personal injury claims, they can support you through the process to get you the compensation you deserve.

You can speak with us for free now by:

A bike on its side in the middle of a zebra crossing with an upside helmet next to the bike.

Select a Section

  1. How Much Could I Receive In Cycle Accident Compensation?
  2. The Criteria For Cyclist Accident Claims
  3. How Are Cycling Accidents Caused?
  4. How Long Do I Have To Make A Cyclist Accident Claim?
  5. Can I Claim If Injured By An Uninsured Or Untraced Driver?
  6. Make A No Win No Fee Cyclist Accident Claim Today

How Much Could I Receive In Cycle Accident Compensation?

If you make a successful cycling compensation claim, your settlement will include general damages.

General damages compensate for the physical pain and mental suffering that you experienced as a result of the injuries you suffered in the cycle accident. To help assign value to your injuries, legal professionals may refer to the compensation guidelines brackets found in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This text provides guideline compensation figures for different types of injuries.

In our table below, we look at a few figures from the 17th edition of the JCG. As all personal injury claims are different, we’ve only provided it for your guidance. Furthermore, we should note that the top entry of this table has not been taken from the JCG.

Injury TypeSeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple Severe Injuries And Financial LossesSeriousUp to £1,000,000+
Brain damageVery severe (a)£344,150 to £493,000
Moderately severe (b)£267,340 to £344,150
Back Severe (a) (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Moderate (b) (ii)£15,260 to £33,880
Chest Traumatic (b)£80,240 to £122,850
Foot Severe (d)£51,220 to £85,460
Leg Severe (b) (iii)£47,840 to £66,920
Pelvis and HipModerate (b) (i)£32,450 to £47.810

If you have any questions about bicycle accident compensation claims, speak to one of the advisors from our team.

Special Damages In Bicycle Accident Claims

If you receive general damages in your cycling compensation claim payout, you may also be able to receive special damages. Special damages can compensate any financial losses or expenses that can be directly linked to your bicycle accident in which you sustained an injury.

Potential financial losses and expenses that could be covered may include:

  • Loss of earnings, if, for instance, your cycling accident and subsequent injury has caused you to take unpaid time off work.
  • Travel costs you’ve had to accumulate while recovering from your cycling accident injuries.
  • The cost of home adaptations or personal care to assist you with everyday activities.

You will need evidence to receive compensation for special damages. Evidence could include invoices, receipts, bank statements and payslips.

For more advice on cycling accident compensation amounts, contact our advisors for free today.

The Criteria For Cyclist Accident Claims

To be eligible to claim compensation for a bicycle accident, you must show that negligence has occurred. Negligence can be defined as when a third party breaches their duty of care and in return causes someone to suffer an injury.

All road users owe a duty of care on the roads to one another. This includes all cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians. In order to uphold this duty, road users have to comply with the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Highway Code in order to prevent harm or damage to themselves and others.

So, here is the cyclist accident claims eligibility criteria:

  1. As a cyclist, you were owed a duty of care from another road user.
  2. This road user breached their duty of care. For example, they crashed into the side of you because they were driving under the influence of alcohol.
  3. As a result of this breach, you sustained an injury, such as broken bones.

If you can show that the above criteria are applicable to your case, please contact us today. Our team can tell you more about bike accident compensation claims and confirm whether you might be eligible for a payout.

How Are Cycling Accidents Caused?

After suffering a cycling injury, if you can prove that any harm you experienced was caused by a negligent road user, you may be eligible to claim personal injury compensation.

In this section, we want to focus on the potential causes of a bike accident where a road user acted negligently and was at fault. For example:

  • You might be hit by a car and suffer a traumatic head injury if a motorist fails to check their mirrors before pulling out of a driveway.
  • A motorcyclist could collide with you when you turn at a junction, but they were unable to stop in time because they were driving above the speed limit.
  • If someone is driving under the influence, they may not be able to concentrate on the road and do not notice you. As a result, they may crash into you.
  • A lorry or HGV driver might be using their phone whilst driving, meaning they aren’t paying attention. Subsequently, they may knock you off the road.

Not all potential causes of a bike accident are listed above. If your situation isn’t shown in the list above, you may still be able to claim. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and our cycle accident claims advisors can let you know what to do if you have a cycle accident.

How Long Do I Have To Make A Cyclist Accident Claim?

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, compensation could be owed to you if you could prove it was caused by the negligence of another. However, it’s important to know the time limits involved when making a claim. Following an injury caused by a cyclist accident, compensation claims must generally begin within 3 years of the accident. You can find this time limit in the Limitation Act 1980.

The time limit can differ for certain groups of claimants. If the injured party is a child, then the time limit does not begin until they turn 18. They cannot make their own claim before this date; but a claim could potentially be started on their behalf by an appointed litigation friend.

A time limit also usually doesn’t apply to victims who have reduced mental capacity. In such cases, a litigation friend could potentially be appointed to claim on the injured party’s behalf. Get in touch if you have any questions about bicycle accident claim payouts and whether you could still be able to claim.

Can I Claim If Injured By An Uninsured Or Untraced Driver?

You may be wondering if you can claim bike accident compensation if the driver involved was uninsured. Or perhaps the driver left the scene without you being able to take their details, meaning they are untraceable. The answer is yes; a claim can still potentially be made.

An organisation called the Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB) deals with claims involving uninsured or untraced drivers. To recover bike accident compensation, you will still need to prove that the driver was at fault and caused your injuries. Successful bicycle claims made through the MIB can recover compensation.

Cycle accident claims of this nature are investigated by the MIB. They will require evidence and supporting documents. This can include contacting eyewitnesses and obtaining police reports. It is a good idea to report a road traffic accident to the police if the driver who hit you does not have insurance or left the scene without providing details.

To discuss any aspect of a cycling accident claim involving an uninsured or untraceable driver, you can contact our helpful team.

Make A No Win No Fee Cyclist Accident Claim Today

You get a free assessment of your eligibility to claim cycling injury compensation by talking to our advisors. Our dedicated personal injury solicitors have years of expereince in handling cyclist accident claims and can offer their services on a strictly No Win No Fee basis.

The type of contract offered by our solicitors is called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). A CFA brings a number of key benefits including:

  • No fees to pay for the solicitor to commence work on the case.
  • There will also be no fees for that work during the claims process.
  • Lastly, if the claim fails, there will be no fees.

Should you win your claim however, you will receive personal injury compensation. A percentage of this will make up the solicitor’s success fee. Since these fees are subject to a legal cap, you will keep most of any compensation that is awarded.

To learn more about bicycle accident settlement amounts, or for a free eligibility assessment, contact our team today using the details given here:

A solicitor who is an expert in cyclist accident claims advises a client.

Remember, if you have any questions or would like any advice on cyclist accident claims just get in touch today for free.

Helpful Bicycle Accident Resources and Guides

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide to cycle accident compensation claims. Below, you can find more information and guides you may find useful.

The Highway Code

All road users must abide by the Highway Code, and here you can read the guidelines in full.

An NHS Guide To Broken Bones

If you’ve suffered a broken bone in an accident, this NHS guide will tell you more about treatments, symptoms and recovery time. This information could help to build strong cycle accident claims for you.

Whiplash Compensation Calculator

If you’ve suffered a neck injury in a road traffic accident, you can find out how to claim and what amount of compensation you could receive by heading here.

Further Helpful Guides

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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